Do you ever regret all that time spent playing video games when you could have been learning a skill?
Do you ever regret all that time spent playing video games when you could have been learning a skill?
>left: soul
>right: soulless
Nah as I'm still doing stuff outside of playing vidya.
Currently I've been enrolled in Concert Band for at least 2 years and have been having a blast with that. Before that I spent a good 2-3 years playing piano and having fun with that too.
Every single day.
And yet I just go back to playing video games.
Faggot. Should’ve got an aug
Yes because I'm not even good at video games despite spending all my time playing them.
>keep wanting to draw
>never start because I'm scared
>That fucking lower jaw
Don't know if it's deliberate but it looks jarring as fuck
Faggot. Should've got a p90
Not really. Art is annoying, Programming is annoying, Modeling is annoying.
If I ever find something I enjoy doing and also want to get better at, I'll do it.
I play video games to pass time and have fun.
the truth is, the game was rigged from the start. theres no reason to regret something thats out of your control.
I play a few instruments and even if I played any games more or less all these years I still would have had plenty of time to practice more as well that I didn't use
i dont play games that much. if you only play single player games its not so timewasting
Not really because there's nothing I like enough to feel like spending time improving will make me more happy except vidya.
>Do you ever regret
>that time spent playing video games when you could have been learning a skill?
no i am many skilled.
No, because I mostly play games that require you to be skilled.
I'd have to think up a skill i'd actually want to learn first and I got nothin
not really
i'm gonna die in the end anyway so i just do what's fun
>think it'd be cool to learn how to draw
>realize I can't even draw a straight fucking line
This guy not only learn to draw but also learn Japanese as well.
How hard is the jump between Vietnamese and Japanese compared to English and Japanese.
Video games is a skill
Took me 2 years to get pretty much as good as the stuff on the right.
Even professional artist have trouble drawing perfectly straight lines, user.
If what you're trying to say is that you don't have talent, you should just try it.
Drawing is a skill that can be learned, whether you have talent or not just means it might take you a bit longer to get good at it.
I regret all the time I spent not playing video games when I could have stayed good at video games.
No because art is legit one of the most rigid "hobbies". Most artists are unimventibe jack asses who cannot comprehend making an image without an overpriced program. They also really seem to feel only one specific method of art and learning it exists.Which is very strange since most of the essential stuff they tout was made in the past 100 years. Guess art sucked until then.
the only thing i regret is not wearing a condom when i fucked your mom
>That level of realism on the gun but still can't be fucked to draw a nose or mouth.
Good lord you could chop a tree down with that chin on the right.
have you ever learned with pencil and paper?
the fuck u scared of? someones gonna see ur shitty drawnings? no one cares about you that much
just get some printer paper and start doodling pansy
Nope. You're just going to die and everything you've done will eventually be forgotten so what's the point of wasting your life on things you don't enjoy? Unless you fall for the muh fufilment meme you should be fine.
is your only experience with artists the online ones?
It's called artstyle.
>not doing both
I'm currently the writer for a videogame.
I can't play video games without reason, I can however browse the web mindlessly on a daily basis which is what I regret.
I've learned plenty due to gaming
>english & bit broken russian/chinese (RMT)
>webdesign for guild which later brought me into doing it as a job during high school
>blender for vrchat & second life
> excel advanced alchemy for eve online
>programming to write bots
>ui design & lua for writing wow addons
i wouldn't have cruised to an easy ML degree if not for gaming leading me to learn more ahead of others. It's no different to other crap. You can either utilize the opportunities given or waste your time completely in entertainment.
I'm not mentally disabled so I've managed to do both, do you think people with skills just power off like robots when they're not practicing or working?
Then you either practiced 5+ hours a day almost every day or you are a prodigy and will probably end up rich as fuck if you continue.
Or you're a liar
>I'm not mentally disabled so I've managed to do both
brainlet detected.
You could've probably learned the skill you were trying to learn in 1/4th the time it took you to learn it if you had actually focused on it.
>this thread again
Plenty when I was a kid but there's no real difference between pen and paper and full digital, there's way, way more to drawing than line quality and controls
I did, I was desperate when I noticed I had no other choice but to git gud at art to save myself
No matter how long I plug away at creative stuff, it just never clicks...
Scared of what nigga? ive just literally started drawing again and have a few lewds under my belt.
Worst thing that happens is that nobody sees it. You want people to critique your stuff that way you can improve.
If I hadn't wasted it on videogames I would have wasted it on something else, so no.
Maybe it's not supposed to click? It's a slow grind not a magic you've unlocked art mastery levelup.
Is english not a skill?
Why do I have to?
Oh wait, I don't. Go fuck yourself.
Not really i fucking love video games.
I wish i could play even more.
that's one gay fucking hat
Any good tutorials on how to draw digitally?
I played for years the guitar, and after dropping it, it's been 2 years since I started playing the bass.
I just don't always play videogames.
i used too, left vidia, realize why i play vidya in the first place and came back
Start drawing circles and straight lines.
Hardest part is getting used to drawing with a tablet. Past that it's the same as on paper with the benefit of layers and ctl+z
You can also cheat the entire process using assets. Can't draw a person? Use a 3d model pose it for your scene, paint over and you done.
One on the right is much more well drawn but I still like the left more aesthetically
I try drawing from time to time, but i do not really feel like i am improving that much.
Is there a way to kinda have a true canon or method of becoming better 100% or is it just grinding (practicing) over and over without an idea of where are you going?
Anyone who has ever had to use an aug will tell you they’re garbage. The mtar is miles ahead of it in every way.
yes, how many time do you need to ask? stop rubbing it into my face
Let's see
>You could've probably
Begins unsubstantiated supposition with flimsy "Coulda" and "Probably" premise
>if you had actually focused on it.
Continues already empty claim with no knowledge of the skill or practice routine and throws out worthless suggestion about "focusing" without providing any example to support.
The usual pathetically predictable tripe from intellectually stunted reprobates, the real world isn't an RPG where you can reference an all purpose Min/Max strat.
God, practicing is true suffering.
It is way harder that it seems.
>symbol drawing
Perspective&Co have established training methods that work well. If creativity sucks best you can do is just copy as many ideas as you want from others into a new mix.
>without an idea of where are you going?
Obviously not.
I've always wished I knew how to draw, so I finally bought myself a sketchbook and some pens. I'm probably far below even the left image but I'm determined to one day improve.
>he can't learn new things and play vidya in pleasant harmony
Reminder that OP is always a faggot
>soul vs soulless
I'm significantly worse than the left.
>what is abstraction
Dumb, smelly realism poster.
Is trying to draw some cool pictures you see to the best of your ability a good training methods? or just becoming a Yea Forums draw thread drawfag to lose the fear of exposing your art?
What the fuck is the right one supposed to be? Is she fighting for the hypebeast rebellion or something? Also her chin looks retarded. Looks like this one should've spent less time on vidya
you are fucking retarded
I have no idea what that is so an explanation is welcome.
drawing feminine or masculine jaws is hard to distinguish.
No one can. Straight lines are drawn with rulers, and there's no such thing as a perfectly straight line in the real world.
I like the one on the left better. It fits the comedic tone way more.
Has any of you ever used manga screen tones? Is there a way to not cut the entire paper from the page while cutting the shapes? Or a way to make sure they stay stuck to the paper?
You did buy your Loomis books and photoshop right? Remember goy, you can't do art without em! Also, you'll need my 600 dollars drawing tablet. ehehehehe
Feel free to explain why "cal arts" is an insult. It seems to be about sameness but....why would a large group of artists all draw the same? Hmmm...thinking face.
>been trying to learn japanese for 3 years now but instead just been autistically doing anki reps instead of actually reading anything
i probably would've been watching anime without subs by this point if i kept at it, god fucking damn what a waste.
Do you ever regret all that time spent learning skills when you are going to die the same as everyone else?
People with good time management can both play video games AND learn skills!
>learning a skill
>when all of this will go to waste when you die
imagine being this retarded
id rather just enjoy vidya
You're using shapes to make up what you think something looks like instead of just drawing the thing. It's like drawing a nose by drawing a triangle or eyes by drawing circles and ovals; real facial features don't conform to specific shapes.
You lack construction basics. Even with cartoon shit you need to proportion stuff accordingly to make it flow better, right now it's a mess of shapes that lack refinement that double as looking rigid.
>stick it out for transhumanism
>laugh at the people who wasted decades of their life slaving away at learning their skill when I will be able to just download it at the master level matrix style
>Do I regret being a NEET autistic virgin approaching 30 with no friends or goals in life? Not at all.
What kind of brainlet reasoning is this?
>muh memepups
Nogunz detected
>t. wagie
I make music and do gamedev when Im not playing so no. I do wish I had the drive to learn art, but the process of drawing feels so joyless to me that I can never get into it.
This but unironically.
Counterpoint: Some enjoy learning a skill and the fulfillment of doing good work trumps vidya victories.
Also dead is not the end, it happens way earlier. It's use it or lose it. Look at how university professor need help from freshman cause they don't remember the entry course material anymore.
>tfw been stuck doing observational drawing till I finish How to Draw so I can do imaginative drawing
I dont mind observational drawing but I feel its not going to help me in the long term if I want to do concept stuff
why dont you just kill yourself then
>want to learn to write
>want to learn japanese
>want to learn to draw
>want to study books
>want to learn piano
but there's just not enough time, wish i got a headstart in my childhood and didn't spend literally all of it playing videogames.
makes sense I have been winging it with what little I know
>not doing both
drawing peoples waifus being fucked and getting paid for it it's the best shit
Vidya in general taught me English and Stalker taught me how to read Cyrillic, but that's about all I ever got out of games. I really do wish I'd learned how to draw though, seems like a nice way to spend your free time and possibly earn some money on the side
You could have been all those things while also being a wage slave so count your blessings.
>pretty decent at drawing
>can't into tablets at all
I could probably handle it if I could see what I was doing but tablets with screens are fucking expensive.
Stop using Yea Forums and you would have the time.
/ic/ meme, basically, you force yourself to forget symbol drawing when you're a novice and use it later when you've got gud. Always take "criticism" outside threads dedicated for it with a kilo of salt.
It takes a day max to get used to it. You're just giving up to easy.
because life's good when you're not wasting your time at work or "learning a skill"
Of course an idiot who has never learned a skill thinks he could "download it in the matrix with technology" as if life is a fucking video game and skills are a linear bar with xp. Even if it's somehow it's possible to digitally transfer all that information into your fucking pea brain and have it process all of that without frying itself there's no way in hell a machine is going to teach you creativity.
Me on the other hand, have some decent skills but am stuck drawing on my phone because a tablet/stylus is way too expensive for me thanks to living on a shithole country.
Imagine only doing one of exploring your own creativity and enjoying that of others. Imagine limiting yourself this way.
Step one is to stop being a dumb frogposter.
I've had mine for years user. The disconnect is killer.
Yes regardless of how many "git gud in only 1 year" training routines get shilled around /ic/ the only one you need is unironically "just draw". Practice and decent self-evaluation will take you as far as you want them to.
fuck /ic/ I've posted art in the /beg/ thread and Ive gotten no fucking critiques there and now you're telling me that what those two assholes told me actually doesn't mean shit ?
Starting to fucking realize where to avoid going.
This, if you actually want to do something seriously and gitgud step away from Yea Forums and buckle down. Unless its shitposting.
I don't know why or how. I'm using it even left-handed now for ~4-6years because right side mouse has no place for it and i managed to adapt quite well. I can't imagine why anyone willing to learn would have trouble learning it normally with right hand.
Ah right maybe one thing: There are 2 modes. "Mouse Mode" is garbage and i can't deal with it either, other mode maps tablet space directly to screen space. That one is what i can work with well.
Pick up Vilppu. He'll equip you with the tools to draw from imagination while also teaching you to observe and analyze, instead of simply copy.