World Of Warcraft Classic Beta Players Are Reporting Bugs That Are Actually Just Features From The Past
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>a game released decades ago is in a beta
how is this even possible?
hmm i just checked and World of Warcraft Classic (2019) was not released previously.
>playing a Blizzard game in the current year
You deserve everything bad that will happen to you.
clown world
>streamer beta testers
who would have though
You think you remember /know but you don't
Star citizen will be, mark my words.
yea i think hes bugged
Just like Old School Runescape, which ended up copying most of RS3's good updates, especially the quality of life updates and common sense tweaks. WoW Classic will do the same, and just like OSRS it will eventually begin to add its own new content to retain player interest and the game will become unrecognizable as true WoW classic, once again exactly like what happened with OSRS.
How would Blizzard even know that they are just features when they have literally no one left that worked on the game back then?
And That's A Good Thing, Here's 5 Reasons Why!
Because that's not true
>literally no one left that worked on the game back then?
Not very surprising considering most of the beta testers seem to be larping wrathbabbies
I've had a number of good laughs over this. There are some obviously stupid complaints (some undoubtedly posted as a joke, but I have a hunch there are people unironically filing them as bugs) that anyone with any vanilla experience in retail or otherwise would identify as bullshit, like quests not being tracked in the world map, but also nostbabbies saying the silliest things because they're literally clueless. Like the tauren hitbox thing mentioned in OPs screepcap (retail footage from TBC:
That's what you get for making """people""" like assmongol or sellsout your beta testers lmao
>said this shit would happen over a year ago
>people just denied me and called me a retail baby
>now its actually happening
>suddenly the vanilla posers are dead silent
just fucking imagine playing WoW in 2019, just picture yourself sitting there playing the same fucking game over and over again for years, and doing it all over again
Half the classic team is literally people from the original development team. And they have an unmodified, in-house 1.12 server running.
>said this shit would happen
You specifically predicted that players/streamers would report game features as bugs?
>Just picture people enjoying something again they used to enjoy.
The eternal Yea Forums.
>AFK skilling
>Good update
No MMO stays entirely the same, that's the whole fucking point. They evolve and change to keep interesting.
I don't get why people think they will recapture some vague feeling they might have had (or heard about) by going back to when the game was new.
Give it a year and people will be demanding that vanilla gets TBC and then WotLK. And then you have a second version retail just trailing a few years behind the official game. And what is the fucking point of that?
>b-but people enjoy it!
nice retort, addict.
More specifically I said people wouldn't remember what vanilla was like and think that everything was a bug when in fact that's how it was in vanilla.
classic is just too hard bros...
>Enjoying something is completely irrelevant to hobbies like video games.
Jesus fucking christ dude why are you so laser focused on everyone being a miserable pessimistic cunt all the time?
How do you divide a person?
>its wrong to enjoy hobbies
I dont understand
must be bugged lol...
It changed for the worse is the point. Vanilla is simply a better game.
They're backporting the Legion engine to run Classic.
It's not.
In every single technical aspect it is beyond superior to vanilla.
Better graphics don't make a better game.
Well that's your opinion, and it's wrong.
The game is perfectly fine. The people playing it today aren't.
And those are the exact same people who will be playing classic.
Enjoy your total and utter shitshow.
any examples?
Imagine being this delusional.
>"Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate"
>this kills the allytranny """dps""" pal*din
Boss does to much damage.
Enjoy, my friend.
Tons. Most of ´em are from streamers who jumped the oldfag-wagon while being nu-wow players.
>Many players might have forgotten
implying those many players were even playing true classic
Idiot streamers trying to be the face of classic like tipsout who had like 3 broken pieces of gear and the healer dpsing instead of healing reporting that a boss in WC does too much damage when they had a full 5 secs between swings to get him topped up or another soiboi reporting that the generic starting gear "had no stats" while feeling good about himself reporting his first "bug"
I don't play WoW, why would you be sitting in combat?
>people actually watch tipsout for guides
The guy can't even make the jump in WC, because he joined in Cata after shit changed
Decade, singular.
"What do you mean I have to walk to a flightmaster before I can use it?"
"How am I meant to fight all these defias bandits when a mage can kill me on his own?"
"Why do I have so little bag space? Where can I get some 30-slots?"
"How do I unlock the toy menu? I don't want to keep these things in my bags"
"What do you mean I have to use mail until level 40? I'm a warrior"
"How am I supposed to get my warlock mount? Nobody wants to do all this shit for me"
I'd be interested to try it, only have played WoW for a couple hours
But I distinctly remember the game peaked after BC was launched. Is there a good reason they don't include BC content?
Getting crit on purpose gives more rage
Twitch influencers are clueless but so would be most other people. Only those equipped with truly outstanding memory would have a good grasp on how vanilla used to function without having jogged it a bit in the interim, and private server experience is as confusing as it is helpful (for that matter, the same kinda goes for post-vanilla retail experience).
Of course, an average high-end player from retail vanilla era or contemporary private servers would on average be more knowledgeable to your average streamer that doesn't have the benefit of past OR current experience, but since you can't exactly track down the memory giants who'd have accurate recollection of wide range of details (I guess you could invite people who have built up a reputation noticing and knowing these things researching legacy-WoW for private servers, but that's only a few dozen top contributors at most and reaching them through Github or something doesn't sound like a corporate thing to do), you're inevitably going to get clueless buffoons.
>blizzard, for 12 years: we lost the code we can never re-release vanilla
>blizzard now: we have a perfect in-house authentic version of 1.12 running that we compare everything 2 so the project should turn out flawless
I will bet every user that replies to me 10,000 fucking dollars that they're just using the nost core
guarantees a crit on you, there are certain talents that only activate when you get crit
reckoning is a paladin talent that gives you an extra weapon swing on your next attack after getting crit and it stacks, on private servers its bugged so people spam /sit macro to build up 5 stacks fast and reckbomb someone, this led delusional palashitters to think they will be good in pvp when classic goes live
>I will bet every user that replies to me 10,000 fucking dollars
Gimme gimme
also fury tanks
Is the fucking Nostbabs. I'll bet that clickbait shit doesn't even address it.
You'd also get a swing timer addon and just a /sit macro between swings on mobs, and every attack would be a double hit, it made paladin levelling actually decent. Not in classic though.
Your one-handed skill has increased to 1
Your one-handed skill has increased to 2
Your one-handed skill has increased to 3
Your one-handed skill has increased to 4
Your one-handed skill has increased to 5
>max level warrior in vanilla
>arcanite reaper
>after months of farming I get the unstoppable force
>realise I have next to 0 2h mace skill
>mfw remembering the pain of leveling it up
yeah imagine people playing videogames lol
>I have never wrote a line if code the post
Remember when mining nodes weren't individual, took 20-40 minutes to respawn and you had to mine each ore piece from it individually?
The only fun thing was following people around as a cloaked rogue and mining the second before they got to it.
Weapon skills increase with misses and the chance of level-up is 100% until you're reasonably close to the current cap (ie. you can hit enemies semi-reliably).
>Retail version which is infinitely more enjoyable and balanced = SOULLESS
>Vanilla version which is infinitely more shitty and unbalanced as fuck = SOUL
>only those equipped with truly oustanding memory
I have the original atlas and can tell you that some rare mobs are scuffed as fuck, the book has the correct formulas for their spawns and it is not the proper way in classic currently
but I'm not an "influencer" so I can't get in and report it with my day 1 CE account :)
there are a couple other things I want to test that I've not seen anyone do(especially with hunter pets) but good luck convincing an "influencer" to make sure something works right
>you might just be remembering wrong dude I'm sure its fine lol
I am a little upset tbqhwy
Balanced doesn't mean fun
>KIDS THESE DAYS = soulless
>didn't level with the ghosts in DM North
Why the fuck would you keep error speech on.
yeah this shit has seemed really shady to me
I think they're going to just say
>That's how it always was player! #nochanges
so they don't have to actually fix things that would require effort
Companies generally keep old code dude
They were more likely full of shit when they said they didn't have it
Are we just gonna ignore the capitalization of every single world in the title?
You can never truly regain that classic WoW experience without EQ-era players bullying you for playing what was widely understood to be a casual baby MMO since before the game even made it out of beta in 2004. Allow me to assist you in achieving that complete sense of nostalgia by reminding you that your game is and has always been disappointing trash and is responsible for both the long death of the MMO and the obscene casualization of the video game industry as a whole.
They definitely had old paperwork and theory shit about Vanilla within the company. Yes the game is different, but the work that lead up to what Vanilla became back then still existed. It was just a matter of going through it and learning.
>Starting a Troll off in the Orc bro starting area again
Vanilla was both unbalanced and not fun lmao
>and the obscene casualization of the video game industry as a whole.
That was smartphones and AAA games
Okay anons. Let's play little game. What are some non gameplay changes you would like to see in the future? For me it would be
>TBC character tab so I don't have to install addon to see my total spell damage, crit and healing
>TBC models for High Elves that are in the game in Azshara and Hinterlands
>new haircuts from Wotlk
>condensed UI option from BFA
>WoW not a AAA game
barber shop
Nothing because vanilla was good as it was. Don't need retailcucks and wrathbabbies and their shitty opinions.
It was popular, and maybe it became that after it took off, but it really wasn't an AAA game at launch
They expected 100k players at launch or some shit
Shame that every classic subscription goes towards extending retail's lifespan
If Vanilla was good, it wouldn't have received half the QoL addons it did
vanillafags then
>blizz is literally just bullshitting when they say they dont have the original code. they can but refuse to do it because they know its better than retail!
vanillafags now
>theres no way this is the original code, they probably dont have it. The REAL vanilla code is much better and not this heaping fucking trashfire we have now
you do know thst SJWays hate real gamers?
shut up
>he thinks I am a retail cuck because I would prefer to not install Theorycraft to see my spell damage
Kill yourself my man.
Hit me with your email address user, I am willing to take the bet.
that vid was from 2006, like he knew better
Can't wait to see how Classic will flop , I give it a month tops before everyone quits it with the minor exception of some no life boomers.
No you fucking kill yourself retailbitch
The fucking game is good as is. You are the reason WoW is ruined.
We are going home, lads!
>resubbed yesterday
>still no beta
why the fuck does blizz betatest their game with bunch of retailcels that dont do anything but flood the bugtracker with inane garbage like i died boss does too much damage
Is warrior regen higher or lower than people think?
The idea of Blizzard not having source code for the server software is straight-up ridiculous. You simply don't do software development without version control systems. It's inconceivable, anything to the contrary is with almost utter certainty a lie.
Now, the bulk of the game's functionality is actually implemented in databases and they don't go to VCS quite that nicely. It would be conceivable if Blizzard didn't have databases in VCS or backed up for every single patch of vanilla for example. Then again, even DBs from Wrath era would be good to get you started given that overwhelming supermajority of content would be as-is. You might have to reintroduce elite status to a hundred or so world mobs, remove various quests or do things like taking out NPCs from House of Edune (although at this point you're already grasping at straws, I would imagine most people don't even know this RP event even exists, never mind that it was added in 2.3.0 instead of having always been there), but every detail from Barrens Gazelle packs moving in group formation to gathering node spawns would be Correct.
Nostalrius would have absolutely nothing to offer them. Indeed, there is pretty much nothing noteworthy about Nostalrius to begin with. Aside from details like anti-cheat or optimizations allowing it to run high population (and perhaps in how the server was run, but that has nothing to do with their technical implementation), it's pretty much open source emulation level. Hell, open source emulation for Wrath would probably be a better starting point if you truly had to start from zero, since it has better implementation of many core functionalities of the game as well as vanilla world content (quest RP, mob patrol paths and values, etc).
To get an accurate representation of what the general population playing the final product will look like.
>On level up, the message: "Your skill in Protection increased to15" was added in 1.12.1, and we're intending to keep that.
What does it mean? I know that your Protection skill levels the same way as your weapon skills. I cant recall that message at all after a level up. Can someone explain that to me please?
>lest nostfags paly beta
>"wtf is this servercap 15k online or ded server"
>"wheres my goldselling spammers"
>"no worldchat wtf"
>"what do you mean no F R E S H every year?"
Fuck, it was like that up until Cataclysm wasn't it? I still remember you assholes.
Lower. They boosted everyone's regen at low levels in later updates but in vanilla it was either make bandages or stack spirit like a retard
It isn't the original game you dingdong, it's the modern engine tweaked to function like the original game.
>balding faggot just jumps around and keep saying "kill em kill em"
is this the power of alliance?
>They expected 100k players at launch or some shit
Which is why the servers were constantly overcapacity during the first three years, right?
It is really telling that alliancecucks think he is a very important person in the WoW community
woah.. epic.. arcane explosion... arcane explosion... woah.. so this is the power of vanilla world pvp? woah
>nuwow fags and retarded streamers getting rekt by vanilla
I can't wait for the salt when they met pic related (who was nerfed as fuck in every private server I have played, btw)
Yeah, they got like triple their estimates in 2 weeks and it ballooned from there
>You simply don't do software development without version control systems. It's inconceivable, anything to the contrary is with almost utter certainty a lie.
Nigger, software development for the vast majority of its history was done without VCS. It wasn't until the mid-2000s that version control became de rigeur in the industry. Before then, it was cowboy coding.
It still makes me laugh that there was a ranking of enemy mins by how many players they killed and Defias Pillager was in the top 5. Those fireballs were fucking brutal.
You can just release an old game for modern OS systems and expect everything to go off without a hitch.
Some games turned out to be amazingly future proof and can run on future hardware and software without any trouble at all, while others completely shit themselves and won't even start.
>And they have an unmodified, in-house 1.12 server running.
>we don't have classic files anymore
>but we have a 1.12 version running :)
I should clarify that this is the video game industry I'm referring to. Actual software that makes money and runs the world was in VCS since the 80s. It just took a long time to catch on for vidya dev.
>who was nerfed as fuck in every private server I have played
How hard hordecucks would cry when they realise that they need magic dispeller which wouldnt die instantly to any geared phys dps to win in pvp?
The server and client are separate things
>>we don't have classic files anymore
Who are you quoting?
you're stupid if you don't know why they didn't use 2006 code
>"During the era of WoW's development, you simply didn't do software development without version control systems"
It's not. It's the same garbage.
Verdan was a right of passage. You knew you had a good group if you took him down - given how SHIT itemisation was at low levels and how fucking hard he hit.
I don't think anyone would agree with that.
pretty sure murloc boss hits harder
>taking the town idiot seriously
>vanillacucks can't handle any boss fight that isn't tank and spank and then they claim they are the hardcore ones
pic related
You're quite wrong.
Verdan is a chump but I do remember he hit like a fucking truck. The fucking escort was some bullshit. Way too long event at the end, think I beat it like once or something.
Cause the endboss of WC is several levels higher than the rest of the place
>you get 5 skill points in weapon skills and abilities each level, up to 300 at 60
>weapon skills have to be levelled individually, ability skill caps out at each level up
>ability skill, like Arms, Fury and Protection for warriors, governs your chance to hit with your ABILITIES, like Mortal Strike
>melee skills still take weapon skill into calculation, but for example magic spells like Frostbolt are always "maxed out" for your respective level
>however, magic skills have higher baseline miss chance (18% vs 8% for melee) to compensate
>lastly, both types have a reduction mechanic (spell resistance and armor) that vary from mob to mob
Anyone know if DM lasher runs will be possible on classic? I think being able to reset them so quickly was some private server gimmick
Warlocks with 15 second long Fear...
That's gonna be interesting to hear people whining about
>tfw I wanna play wow but just for quest and story
>tfw no money and should do stuff for college
Help me bros.
oh they are adding shit from when they started ruining the game
>start ruining the game
Beta wow fucking when?
What a massive faggot. Trying to do tactics in open world pvp where people just spam shit. Meanwhile he does nothing at all but jump around. Can’t wait for this faggot to fade into nothing
DR was in the game since release, you doofus.
>Private servers have had nearly perfect if not perfect server emulation
>People will still pay Blizzard to play their games
I don't understand it but you know how fools get with their money.
Not a Wow player, but how will they go about content expansions? wouldn't they eventually catch up to wrath/mist etc eventually? or will it branch off into it's own thing?
All I do is watch asmong sorry guys
Pre-WoW MMO shit is in vogue right now. They might try to spin it in a different direction entirely.
Holy shit, you're serious? Do people unironically think BfA is in an acceptable state? Sure, memes aside it does have some decent content, but the expansion as a whole is just not fun. It is designed to keep you playing, but not to enjoy the time you play. Look at Vanilla in comparison. There was a shit ton of grinding in it too, but for tangible rewards. In BfA there is literally zero satisfaction.
If the private servers feel "near perfect" to you then you just have low standards
It's okay Chang, some Ivan will buy some gold from you after not buying his vodka for that week.
The existence of private servers kinda proves you pick your favourite version of WoW and play that. Progression doesn't matter so much when you already know where its progressing.
Ion has said he likes the idea of a OSRS approach but they're not even considering plans for anything like that until Naxx and all that is out
>standing on top of players while faceing other way allows attacks and spells to be used.
Sure if you are directly on top maybe but 5 yards away is ridiculous.
>Private servers have had nearly perfect if not perfect server emulation
Lets see all the quests work, all the raids work, all the zones work, yup this is looking like a pretty good emulation to me
I can't wait for the classicfags tears threads on september
>all the quests work
Good one
Son its been well over 15 years they've been at it, I havent played a BC, WotLK or MoP server in the past five years that was missing content.
BC introduced a lot of features that negatively influenced the direction of the game and took the first steps away from what WoW started as. While it is still good content, it's just not in the original vein of WoW. The interest rising in WoW was something that came from WoW. It would've kept rising regardless as to whether they released BC or just more patches.
Mob pathing and skills like charge and blink have been fucked on every pserver I've tried
>Hit charge
>Warrior charges
Yeah I'm not seeing the same problems you are.
>literally have no way to knowing how things worked back then and had to guess
>near perfect
P servers are an emulation of what Vladimir THINKS vanilla was like.
>hit charge
>falls through the map
AFK skills were always peak comfy. Nowadays Catherby, Seer's village and Draynor are dead because the only decent money makers anymore are flipping and slayer/bossing.
Well, maybe if you have really low standards for content qualifying as "working". If you were nitpicky enough, there are multiple under-the-hood ways every single NPC (and by extension, almost every quest) would be bugged, like mobs not having str/agi/int/sta/spi attributes (
Vladimir (supposing that means a guy running the server) barely did anything. Aside from the few most ambitious projects (not including production vanilla servers, and they too would have most of the credit going for open source development), 99%+ of all combined details are the way they are in open source emulation.
>Hit charge
>"Target is not on the line of sight."
>Hit charge
>Charges throught texture, dies and respawn somewhere in Stonetalon
>>Hit charge
>Charges trough texture, stuck inside
>Hit charge
>Charges into mob, got kicked for speedhack
>Hit charge
>character just run to the mob with regular speed
Since I am a vanillacuck, I find this to be comfy and full of soul.
>streamer tries to get his whirlwind axe
>entire faction shows up to stop him
Why do people here hate streamers so much?
Their legion of fans are useless, they're just idiots with a huge target on their backs.
It'll be fun to mess with them when the game goes live.
Yes, imbalance gives flavor and makes things you do that no one else can feel good. When everyone can do everything in the exact same way, you lose that sense of "self". Like from a gameplay standpoint, what's even the difference between a fire mage and an elemental shaman now?
>He doesn't know
It had nothing to do with diminishing returns, it won't break on damage. Have fun being in fear until you die.
Like I said, I don't really see these problems you all assume must be happening because its a private server. I know the ones you're talking about but I don't stick around on amateur work for long and in the past five years we've gotten some phenomenal servers.
Now question two, is paying blizzard well rewarded with seeing RP in goldshire? The game is functional, its got a small but dedicated community like playing on a lower pop server, and I didnt have to feed a cent to modern Blizzard. You'll have a hard time convincing me to do otherwise
>playing on pvp realms
>Yes, imbalance gives flavor and makes things you do that no one else can feel good.
So all these prot paladins, prot druids and arcane mages in vanilla should feel good because no one else is as useless as them?
>it won't break on damage
It should tho.
Its not hard to tell if a server has an active developer presence or if its just been resurrected with a framework. You've got a point on the former but the latter is very wrong. Your shitty server =/= every other server
He was very much planning on it until last night, which broke him.
*takes fat rip from peace pipe*
*Blows it into your face*
"Hail friend"
One does 1% more dps so you bring 10 of them into raid since raid beneficial buffs/debuffs do not exsist. 10 of same class in a raid means balance btw.
Based pillagers. Me and some guildies are going to camp the defias traitor escort NPC on our rogues/druids. Nobody will be completing the defias questline.
It should, but it won't.
Welcome to vanilla WoW
Mainlander, huh?
Filming yourself playing a videogame is less impressive than filming yourself making one of those rubber band balls and its fun to hear about somebody getting punished for adding another couple hours of creatively senile filler to the pile.
Uh, no? It definitely was not. It was by 1.12, though.
I don't see how I can publicly humiliate someone who's playing with a rubber ball though.
The only reason the other streamers attacked Asmongold is because they are jealous of his success. They went in there hoping to leech viewers.
If you look at the other streamers like Tips, it took him over an hour to find two people to help him with the whirlwind quest. Where as people were lining up to help Asmongold before he even thought about it.
You can't, thats another phenomenal example of why people dont like streamers.
>The only reason the other streamers attacked Asmongold is because they are jealous of his success.
Well that explains how Tips was able to get his axe with literally zero hassle.
See, you don't even get it. Intentional or not, in vanilla you are your classb not your spec and it's so mich better that way. Retail isn't going anywhere if you want to have a shallow experience man.
>prot paladin
Good for farming, tanking 5 mans and 1v1 pvp.
>prot druid
>arcane mage
Actually a good tree that is used to complement fire/frost. POM Pyro mages are completely broken in pvp.
You have never played vanilla.
Can tell you're a little young to be using this website!
>People don't like streamers because other people can have fun ganking them
Am I reading you right here?
>Patch 1.1.0 (2004-11-07): Increased the chance of breaking early. Removed facing requirement.
>Patch 1.2.0 (2004-12-18): Players now have an increasing chance to break free of the effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than 15 seconds.
> Patch 1.4.0 (2005-05-05): A handful of spells WERE ADDED to the list of spells subject to diminishing returns in PvP.
Means there were already spells affected by DR.
>Why do people here hate streamers so much?
>Act like an exaggerated faggot to attract zoomers views, to the point that zoomers start thinking that's how normal people act
>Job is to shill games and tell your zoomer army to be annoying fucks for more publicity
>Inflated sense of importance from having so many ten year olds obsess over you, worst ones end up influencing the devs when they shouldn't
>Accidentally wrong a twitch faggot and suddenly their zoomer horde will dox you
>worst ones spam their twitch channels in games
Different user but I think it might be about stream sniping and developers enforcing bans on a streamers behalf
>He's okay with it lasting 15 seconds
>He still doesn't see the problem
You're so clueless I'm impressed.
Normal vanilla diffuclty = mythic retail diffculty. Now look at mythic retail comps and tell me that they are balanced.
I fucking hate streamer culture. I really do. I hate modern gaming in general. streamfaggots, datamining games pre launch, microtransactions etc. its a big pile of cancer.
Is this meant to trigger me because it did.
>developers enforcing bans on a streamers behalf
When has this ever happened?
Asmongold clearly does not influence Blizzard, he hates the current game, he hates LFR, he wants Titanforging removed, he thinks there should be less store mounts. Blizzard is clearly not listening to him.
Would've agreed in Legion, but I'll play fucking anything over BFA. I don't even want to play WoW at all because of BFA.
>See, you don't even get it. Intentional or not, in vanilla you are your classb not your spec and it's so mich better that way.
>you are a liability as an arcane-focused mage, but you are a mage so it's much better because you play as a mage!
Are you a retard? Oh wait, you are a vanillacuck so...
>Good for farming, tanking 5 mans and 1v1 pvp.
Thank you for proving my point
>Actually a good tree that is used to complement fire/frost. POM Pyro mages are completely broken in pvp.
Thanks AGAIN for proving my point.
>You have never played vanilla.
Stop projecting lol. I played WoW longer than you were alive.
>Normal vanilla diffuclty = mythic retail diffculty
>this is what vanillacucks believe
Raid vanilla was a 40 man tank and spank lol
Remember how mobs that were running away from you would change their running direction everytime a snare was applied to them back in vanilla? Don't worry, neither does anyone else.
>Raid vanilla was a 40 man tank and spank lol
You wouldnt be able to get past lvl20, so your opinion completely irrelevant
What exactly did bfa do wrong compared to legion? Didn't hop in when i heard classic was coming
Remember how many end-game mobs like elementals and undead were immune to basic class mechanics like elemental damage and bleedings/poison so entire builds and classes were useless?
Vanillacucks don't! lol!
Ah... realm 17-D, layer VA-43, shard 11, Asmongold group 3... home...
The only appeal I see to playing retail classic is that it won't get shut down.
Yeah man, the 5 man tank and spank dungeons were so hard...
Take your head out of your ass and stop eating shit, vanillacuck.
ye get my intention
It's almost like they expected you to group up with other people to accomplish things that would be difficult for your character to do alone
And every caster class has at least two damage types available
t.cant get past lvl20
beware, our enemies are bound
>Private servers have had nearly perfect if not perfect server emulation
Yeah pretty much all of the raids damage/stat numbers were guessed and there are broken mechanics like /sit crits proccing reckoning. All of those BASED PALADIN ONE SHOTTING ROGUE webms never fucking happened in real vanilla because getting 4 reckoning stacks was a huge pain in the ass.
>"these specs are useless"
>post situations in which they aren't useless
>"lmao thanks for proving my point"
>still thinks there's such a thing as "prot druids", and not a highly flexible feral spec instead
Fuck off, retard. I bet you also think that high-end raiding is the only thing that matters in this game, when it really was the least important part of vanilla.
>remember when this RPG had RPG mechanics???
Yes, and it was great.
t. triggered asMONGOld shill
Lmao why the fuck would I group with a fire mage to kill fire elementals? He's not gonna do any damage.
>arcane mages
Spoken like a true retard. I fucking hate fags who think arcane = arcane damage.
Plus no one actually knowing for sure how exactly Windfury and Reckoning are supposed to interact with on-hit effects, especially "chance of extra attack" items
They're not locked out of Frostbolt like retail.
How would you feel about a future patch 1.13 which adds in a bonus raid tier, and it's level 60 Karazhan?
My favourite will always be
>Hit charge
>Mob is stunned
>charge towards mob
>stun runs out before you even reach the mob
>mob moves towards you
>stop moving once your back is too the mob
>mob hits and dazes you
Excuse me, i have screenshots somewhere of my combat log after reckon bombing silly rogues in AV.
>White crit, socom crit, fiery proc, socom crit
I lived for that shit
will Classic have a barber?
it's such a minor thing but i always hated not being able to modify my character's appearance ever since vanilla, it's one of the few things I would add
Wish they would announce what the server names will be, will it be the exact launch server names or completely new ones.
>post situations in which they aren't useless
whoa dude prot paladin is good at some solo content and basic dungeon running dude what a good and deep class
>still thinks there's such a thing as "prot druids", and not a highly flexible feral spec instead
A useless spec lol, everything he did a rogue or a warrior did better
>Fuck off, retard. I bet you also think that high-end raiding is the only thing that matters in this game, when it really was the least important part of vanilla.
That's your end game content, troglodyte. If you prefer to stay in Goldshire and ERP it's your problem.
>remember when this RPG had RPG mechanics???
>remember when this shitty RPG had shitty RPG mechanics???
Fuck man, I will keep a liability in my group because...?
Spoken like a mad cunt, arcane mage = mage who put most of his point in arcance aka useless shitter
Still they deal astronomically less damage lol
It will but it will be a paid feature rather than an in-game one. Blizzard wants to let people customize it but not encourage it as freely as in retail so it will be behind a paywall like server transfers.
So have they announced that classic will have a cash shop with access to character services yet?
>Spoken like a mad cunt, arcane mage = mage who put most of his point in arcance aka useless shitter
31/0/20 deals more damage than 20/0/31, retailbab. You just need one Winter Chill bitch to apply 10% crit.
Furcadia has been in alpha for 23 years. Git gud.
Not at the start, and them making any changes further down the line is still a big "maybe" right now
>Still they deal astronomically less damage
As if that matters for farming normal mobs. If you were talking about Molten Core you would have a point.
damn user I'm sure you'll take that Faggot of the year trophy home
really strong showing there
They just wanted an excuse to pvp.
>larping wrathbabbies
Most of today's popular WoW content creators and "influencers" literally started in MoP.
>31/0/20 deals more damage than 20/0/31
I like how you typed this like it means something lol
I don't care to know how things were in your private server, but in real life being an arcane mage was good only for giving water to people more useful than you lol
>As if that matters for farming normal mobs. If you were talking about Molten Core you would have a point.
Of course I talk about MC, are you one of those Yea Forums retards who spend all day in winterspring farming and claim they have fun?
mad vanillabitch lol
13 spans two decades,
>I like how you typed this like it means something lol
>he doesn't know what talent points are
Retailbab it is.
So Druid is gonna be that class that can do everything but none of it well enough to actually fulfill the role and thus incapable of anything?
I love how you missed my point and then claim you are the winner lol
Take a break from sucking Blizzard's shitchute, vanillafag.
Then why was your earlier example about farming fire elementals? The whole point was only specific content hard blocks out a spec due to resistances and that really only applies to Fire Mages in Ony/MC/BWL
Dance Studio
I remember the serious response to this back in the day was >You can shapeshift! That makes up for it! lol...
Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....
Might be cool if tier 4 was re-purposed into a third dungeon set.
Druids are the best at ganking newbs and not much else. Yes they can put in 200% of the effort to outperform an undergeared real class but anyone who isn't literally asleep on warrior/rogue/mage will outperform a druid without question. Battle rez and innervate are nice but not necessary for a raid group.
You have no point, you don't know mage's talents and have no idea how the game works. Keep replying tho, subhuman.
They are fixing the stock mangos core they are using. You don't think they really had a back up, do you?
Where did I said anything about farming fire elementals? From post one I was talking about raid progression, claimed that fire mages were useless in MC and then you pop up claiming it's ok because you can frostbolt too, even though you would be completely useless at doing so.
was decided on mage but rogue looks so fun in wpvp, but also soda making me want to play druid too it's interesting
Just ask Joana, dude will test anything if you can make him think he'll save a modicum of time to 60 - especially regarding hunter pets
this is one of the things that came up due to WoW being one of the first MMOs that really tried to balance PvP play (I'm not sure how DAoC handled fear but that was the other real PvP game. Everquest was PvE-centric). In the PvE model, having a mob running around is a drawback ranging from mild inconvenience to enormous risk. So fear is balanced in that respect regardless as to whether it breaks on damage.
>influencers outing themselves as wrathbabies pretending to be veterans
Who'd have thought?
Maybe if you didn't reply to 5 people at once things wouldn't have been unclear.
Anyways yeah no shit you can't bring a Fire mage to MC I won't argue with that one, but Frost is hardly weaker until post-BWL anyways.
Play both
>reacting solely to a Kotaku article that's days behind
>Well that explains how Tips was able to get his axe with literally zero hassle.
Of course, because no one fucking cares about a lying con artist.
You think he's gonna make the jump?
100% certain that people who post this are also Nintendo fans, who squeal about the fact that literally the exact same game for only 5 different franchises is just packaged and released every fucking year
>Y-y-yeah you'll never go home to ur old shit game!
>Gunna go play Super Smash Brothers Melle XIX, Zelda XVI, and Pokemon VII now!
can't on release, gotta gear up and find a guild and farm gold. speaking of, how is gold farming on rogue? and druid. i'm going horde so i'll be undead rogue or cow druid
Any piece of software that was designed to run on windows XP will run on windows 10 without question.
Because it's fun? At the end of the day they had a giant battle in the world, one of the things people bring up as missing about the game.
this, SAD! low energy!
>can't decide between lock and rogue
I love how versatile locks are, but the allure of being a dick thief and ganking allies from stealth is just too great. I will probably just wait to see which one is less represented - probably warlock.
>n-no dude, you are supposed to rush to 60 and raid all day, it's the only part of the game that matters. T-trust me, I played vanilla too!
Rogue can stealth solo into some instances and loot chests or go pickpocketing, and then sell the garbage and geens you get from that
You won't get any AoE farming done on your own obviously but downtime between kills is still pretty low.
I do
If this doesn't make you want to play rogue I don't know what will.
>People believe Tipscuck played classic
>WoW thread
>low effort wojak edits
>people unironically shilling normalfag streamers
>"e-celebs OMG!"
>Actually supporting and defend activision
So this is the power of the WoW fanbase...
That smirk on sodas face of laughter and second hand embarrassment.
Yes, I want to support a company that's finally decided to listen to its fans and is bringing back a game we love. I am going to give them money and have fun and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
>Finally join WoW after being a blizzard fanboy child since Orcs and Humans
>go blacksmithing and mining
>see that at lvl 58 i can craft the coolest sword in the history of mankind
>spend every day thinking about this sword
>spend months grinding to 60 to craft this sword
>spend further months grinding mats for this sword
>the day has arrived
>over a year of work has come to this moment
>this is the greatest moment of my life
>this flaming epic sword will be used to slay my enemies forever
>craft sword
"you havent learned that skill yet"
>ok no problem I'll go learn it from the local weapons master!
>shamans can't learn swords
Boy was it fun being 13 and retarded
Hmm, I wonder what kind of person would be able to point out such an obscure act.
Don't play games just shitpost on Yea Forums then get excited to shitpost about next popular thing
ruined my class design, gave us 3 quest zones instead of 6
You're the only one reeeing about people enjoying things, sweetie.
>Yes big corp please keep giving me trash!
>No don't make better products i just want shit!!!
>Whine about wojak edits
>Posts tuxedo frog
What is your endgame
I see you're new to Yea Forums and image boards.
These threads are made up of other humans.
Maybe go back to home to reddit where brainlet corp suckers thrive.
Fucking this. KingGoth was streaming it last night, and had self-admittedly said he hadn't really played WoW.
>"Man. Is it weird to feel nostalgic for something you never played? Hahaha"
>dissing on hecute
>buying shitty cloth gear with int to increase the rate you get weapon skill
>bribe a mage with 20 silver for a intellect buff
>kill all the squirrels in dun morogh until 260/300
best memories
>Getting Unarmed to 300 for shits and giggles
>As a Priest
Not sure why I decided to waste my time like that
Because so many faggots screaming "HOME!" and shit.
If people seriously don't believe that Hype can effect the general pop into lying even about playing or seeing something people are out of there mind.
When you have big brother excited about a thing little brother also gets excited even if he himself has no reason to be excited.
>Quest objectives don't track without progress/not on minimap
>Creature respawns are slower
>Available quests do not display a "!" on the minimap
This is why Cata kiddos should be barred from Classic. If you can't remember waiting a whole fucking server day to camp Trigore the Lasher for your [Serpent's Kiss], then why the fuck are you on classic? Go back to BfA.
Imagine having to go back to shitty code that you worked on a decade ago just because some boomers wanted to play a game from their youth. Imagine having to wrnagle that fucking spaghetti just for them to get bored and drop the game after a month.
I would unironically kill myself.
This kind of applies to all 3 hybrid classes. Fun in pvp, can solo stuff others maybe can't, and good luck in raids
What sword was it?
What are some redpilled video games that separate me from reddit and the brainwashed corporate masses
>brainwashed corporate masses
No saving you
>Get gud armor
>Learn to manage aggro
>Keep mage food/potions on you at all times
I don't understand why this was so hard for people, pre-Naxx. I never had to stack spirit to stay alive.
motw thorns and ff is nessessary for a raid group, thus every raid needs 1 drood.
I'd say mirror, but that for kotaku coverage.................. Dwarf fortress?
Druids are handy for keeping HoTs rolling on the MT in many encounters, even with the inevitable overhealing an extra source keeping them topped off can help a lot
>>TBC models for High Elves that are in the game in Azshara and Hinterlands
why? the old model is 100 times better than the belf one
reddit taste
To be fair, if you knew someone who was leveling Enchanting having them slap some of the cheap low level Spirit enchants on your shit wasn't a bad idea
>be warrior
>get those +1stam, +2 spirit LEATHER gloves
>get those +3 spirit CLOTH pants
>don't want to swap them out because food is expensive/scarce
I remember getting those at about level 7, still used them around 20...
Post pic to prove fag!
only ones I can think of are Dark Iron Reaver or Blackguard
Yeah its called taking us into TBC then into Wrath in 6 years
how do i get in the beta?
halo reach is about to enter beta too
What questions should we be asking?
People that have tried the beta loves it though. Classic will probably be just like people wanted it, and a friend of mine is a wow player from the very start and can't wait to play this. Some people might drop it after a month, but those that have played wow for a long time won't.
now this is based
What, Dwarf fortress? I've never played it. Just picked something that only shut-ins would play
>making a male human ret paladin
you're a brainless sheep for asking this.
or Blazing Rapier
Light be with you.
>tfw girl that I'm fucking says that she'll be having a lot more free time since her faggot bf will be playing "that old multiplayer game from 2004"
The exact same bug occurs on Northdale
>you should be asking questions
>alright lemme ask you this
>fuck you!!!
Yea Forums chad larp is always cringe
good post
tragedy 90% of Yea Forums are zoomers and would give their life defending streamers like asmongold
omg guise I just discoverded that hoomans is soshall creetrues
Big news
Male dwarf holy paly > cuck human
What is this, a webm for 2001 monitors?
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
>Think for yourself: The image
>Good, now get under the desk and start sucking while i farm this mageweave
>Jumping on to shit you don't know is now social
hey don't reply to humans if you're going to say really stupid shit. Thanks!
>hey sheep, stop being a sheep
>shut up sheep
I don't understand what you want but you're making me very horny.
This is a lie. Even hordeside where there isn't a pally infinity spamming like holy light rank 4 on the tank - Priests who give a modicum of shit WILL be cast canceling and looking to out snipe each other so the winner can gloat about having top healing and bottom overheal - HoTs literally waste your mana on any target besides warlocks
>log in
>make character remembering the old good days
>starting zone is just like you remembered
>you notice players yelling POG OMEGALUL POGGERS
>confused you start questing trying to ignore them
>a guy called asmongold is with a parade of other players behind him yelling and doing some weird noises
>you try to avoid them and just quest fast as you can to move out of this zone
>every monster is killed by the horde of these players and you take a lot of time to finish
>you just have to kill the one unique NPC to end the area
>you manage to get the kill
>before you head back to complete the quest there's a guy watching you, is the player from before with all the players behind
>"WTF are you doing stupid idiot," he tells you
> "I'm reporting you at this moment enjoy your ban for harassment and stream sniping"
>you beg to him asking what's the reason and why is he mad
>your game disconnects
>you have been banned
I did that a couple of times for different weapons.
It was retardedly easy. Just attack something mid-high level, cast renew on yourself, alt tab for a minute, come back and cast renew.
I think I just wanted every skill to be maxxed. There were only something like four for me, so I might as well top them off.
True. It just wasn't horribly necessary if you understood your class. 90% of "bug fixes" and "balancing" that outright fucked the game in the ass was because of people who didn't understand their class. It's a shame, cause we're 4 days in, and I already see people starting to bitch about balance.
Just suck a .45 or get your handler to help you.
>"you may think you want it..."
Glad we get to see this trainwreck happening in real time. Enjoy going "Home" nostfags; I guess you failed to remember your abusive father and alcoholic mother.
>There are remnants of Lights Hope shit noticable in Darkshire
You can't make this shit up.
You're extremely bad at explaining your thoughts.
Why does classic make some people so angry
Why do zoomers watch retards like this anyway? He's not good at the game, he's not funny, he doesn't have insightful commentary on anything. At least I know I can avoid these idiots by playing on a different server than him.
I hate streamer culture with all of my guts.
>Why is Yea Forums angry about thing?
Also retailfags thinking this will somehow make retail worse
you have no thoughts
>her faggot bf
I'm thinking you're just fucking a guy.
Honestly I don't know. I don't wanna suck a dick, but I don't go out of my way to find cocksuckers and tell them they shouldn't be having fun, my times more important than that
I guess assmads have nothing else going on and their autistic flailing is the only outlet they feel remains available to them
Hopefully twitch streamers get banned when classic is released.
It's a double edged sword. Some people are retail fags who get upset at the idea of Classic further splitting the fanbase. But the other side of the coin are the people who are horribly defensive about Classic and won't hear anyone talk about their precious baby
The people reporting the "bugs" are retailcucks, moron. Most of us are enjoying the experience as we speak.
I had a thought. It was curiosity as to what you were all about. I wanted to know what you were concerned about, I wanted to know what questions you had about this situation. I was curious to know what the problem was and why it bothered you. I was willing to have a conversation about endless consumerism and it's effect on people. I wanted to talk about addiction to media. I wanted to know what you thought we could do to change it, or at least change it's course a little.
And you told me to kill myself.
You think you want it.
its always written the exact same
>>Private servers have had nearly perfect if not perfect server emulation >People will still pay Blizzard to play their gamesI don't understand it but you know how fools get with their money.
Sitting totally did proc crits on original vanilla, if you had played it yourself you'd know this.
That video of kazzak being 1 shot wouldn't exist if that weren't the case.
>taking us into TBC
>and then Wrath
>and the Cata
>and then MoP
>and then WoD
>and the Legion
>and then BfA
Woah, so all we wanted was the Ultimate Fresh WoW experience eh?
He was right. We thought we wanted it but we didn't.
You can't think for yourself be because you have no brain
>Join his guild
>"Alright I need everyone at the arena now, get me this trinket."
>Head to arena
>Conspire with half the group
>Treasure chest spawns
>Leave group with half the team
>Kill Asmongold and take his trinket from him
>He can't do anything about it without looking like an omegacuck
If you hate him, fucking do something about it and mess him up.
Had they ruined Hunter pets yet by 1.12? When did they normalize all the pets to be the same. Loved my broken tooth. Named him MageMasher
>spend 15 years with QQing and screeching about how superior was your original game
>act like smug fags around everybody who wasn't playing back then
>people ignore you for 14 years
>Blizz finally gives in to you
>QQ about your victory
>expect us to thank you for your constant screeching
>Core issues of vanilla isn't addressed, it's the same broken game
>Core issues of retail isn't addressed, because you will keep giving money to Blizz
All the streamers will be in their containment PVE servers. You're not going to play on a PVE server are you?
That was way later. Pets were still unique in Vanilla.
Particularly notable are that lion with 1.0 attack speed, and the UBRS wolves with the highest rank Howl.
You don't want this
In northdale there's literally huge groups of both alliance and horde camping lupos for DAYS. They even increased his spawn rate and just literally there's constantly people sitting in duskwood camping lupos.
Then you have a separate group of people griefing the campers of lupos by killing him or the groups of people camping. It's fucking exactly what hell would be like if it actually existed.
Can't wait to play a warlock again and "forget" to re-enslave the infernal or the doomguard hahaha oh silly me when will I learn
Not since 1.9 there aren't and even then it wasn't that bad. Once they increased the spawn rate I was able to get it first uncontested on my first try.
Reminder that Alliance is the tranny faction
>F. Human
>F. Gnome
>F. Nelf
I've had this bug in retail, it's not private server specific
Haha sorry guys i accidentally divine interventioned the main tank again hehehe
>*Right click reported*
Oops haha. i guess i have done away with that toxic player!
Thank you BASED blizzard chatbot!
>F. Human
Who wants to stare at a man's ass for 100 days played?
That sounds like exactly what I want.
Good job killing this retarded meme at record speed
careful. you're about to get piled on by all the projecting trannies in thread about how only other trannies play females and that you're going to play mental gymnastics for enjoying females makes you gay.
>Control types of spells such as Charm, Fear and Stun will now be subject to diminishing returns. This means that if a second spell of the same type is used against the same player within 15 seconds of the first effect wearing off, the second spell's duration will be reduced by 50%, the third's duration will be reduced by 75% and the player will be immune to the fourth casting.
>big WoW streamers and their zoomers are from NA only
Well, his 11-12k subs and 100k viewers don't agree with you.
yes he reached 100k concurrent viewers the other day
ill be playing dwarf female cause im short and have moobs
Reminder NA are the worst and lowest tier of "gamer" possible.
literal trash can tier players.
more like assmongoloid semen lmao got em
They're called rare for a reason. I didn't just waltz up and grab broken tooth
>his 11-12k subs
Man, he shouldn't of taken a month off. He used to almost be 28k subs before his little panic attack.
Playing a female character in an RPG literally, objectively makes you gay
This is unironically true
Reminder China is the best gamers and best region in all games.
I played this and have fapped to T porn. Checks out
Lol europeans are so cringe
This is why I decided not to play. Giving streamers several months of head start just because people watch them instead of playing. They apparently stuck at the game as it is.
>who even let these people into the beta test
Well most of the people who played since launch have died of obesity related illnesses so they've gotta increase the pool for a proper test.
You don't keep your characters from beta
....... Right?
Of course not
Come on user, of course they have a backup.
It would have been a lot easier to just plug that shit in and open the server right away, instead they want to keep teaking it for a while longer.
12-15 hours to get to level 20 in one go? Are people actually doing this on release day?
Surely all of these "people" have played Classic in the past, just like they claim.
>laughs in gw1
>laughter stops
>mfw i remember a forum argument i had about how spirit is a main warrior attribute that should be prioritized
>my troll warrior was stam-spirit gear when i could, with strength as a third pick
We're going to have to deal with the russians though.
found the classic haters
That isn't even a decade and a half.
How the fuck do you even read this graph?
How was Dark Ages of Camelot?
its one of the early MMOs that intrigued me.
Zoomer cope in this thread
Each Y xis is 100% of the whole market, and the parts each games took in the 100% of the MMO subscription market.
So, in 2007, WoW took about 65% of the subs.
>Be me
>13 years old in 2010
>Manage to convince parents to get a copy of ODST for me, saying it’s “like halo but not violent!”
>Play it, enjoy it but know it’s a crappy spinoff, also enjoy the fuck out of the H3 multiplayer disc
>Much later, learn about Halo Reach Beta access as part of owning ODST
>It’s the last day of the beta tomorrow
>Act like I’m getting on the school bus, then get off at the next stop and go home
>Wait for parents to leave, spare key my way inside
>Install and play Halo Reach Beta for the whole day
>Parents usually get home from jobs after I get home from school so they don’t suspect a thing
I don’t know why but I had so much more fun playing the beta than the real game’s multiplayer. Hope to get this feel back soon.
"quest objectives not being tracked on the map or minimap"
Not really. Large teams used VCS since 80s.
Pajeet my son...
>being critically struck while using /sit does not cause abilities like enrage, blood craze, and reckoning to activate.
>tfw playing with finns, austrians, hungarians etc. now with extra boomer added to it, truly home.
russians most likely have their own realms.
>alt tab
>go to thottbot
LOS'ing your healer, my sides
Asmon is terrible in PvP
That's the exact same whine you hear with every single expansion. OF COURSE the content is there so you have something to do, you dummy. If you don't enjoy it because it isn't fun to you, quit. Simple as that.
>classic white people
>bfa shitskins
you can't make this shit up
and that will be fixed by an addon literally day 1 of classic, if not by the end of beta :^)
>1998 to 2013
>current year is 2019
You forgot to include the commercial decline of WoW in your image where you claim WoW is still king.
It probably is from sheer momentum alone still but at this point being the biggest MMO is like being a gold medalist in the Special Olympics
i have a friend who doesnt talk to me anymore because i said these things and he didnt want to hear it. Classic WoW isnt allowed to be different apparently
Oh shit, I completely forgot about ninjaing nodes from people, and how annoying it was riding around Burning Steppes farming Arcane Crystals for my pally mount
What a dumb statement, the MMORPG market is still one of the biggest when you divide gaming by genre. Its hasn't even declined probably, just grew slower than MOBA or the new MOBA-FPS hybrids.
>being a facebook refugee
Someone give me a quick rundown on Everquest and Lineage.
Everquest is basically what most existing MMOs are based on.
FF11 was Everquest with a Final Fantasy skin and WoW was Everquest for people who didn't have time to no-life the game.
Gonna see if I cant get some Horde bois to sneak into the Wetlands and dab on NE trying to do the run and Alliancebabbies trying to go to SFK
Did they nerf him long before BC? I remember he wasnt that big an issue
What really grinds my gears is that the people who are the most vehement about a no change wow classic experience are usually the same people who excuse things like hd graphics, layering or 1.12 alterac valley because they're "finally getting classic back". They aren't interested in the long term classic, they're addicts who want their quick shot before going back to retail when the new patch hits.
what causes someone to watch someone like asmongloid
godspeed to all my bros, I'll be keeping WoW as a memory, I wouldn't handle my favourite game ruined by normies and zoomers
whys it gotta be like this, man
Being under 15. He makes funny haha :O faces in his thumbnails, which attracts kids with their zoomy zoom zoom 10 second attention spans.
Give them a break user, they waited for so long just to be able to play as the nigger orcs.
>Everquest for people who didn't have time to no-life the game
So truth in the name? Was it really slow?
asmongold doesnt really make videos anymore, you've probably been baited by some of the people uploading clips from his streams
who's the zoomy zoom zoom with 10 sec attention span now?
If you can get the healer to just blow everything on the tank and make sure he's never below 90% then he's not too bad. That's what I did in vanilla as a healer and nost+elysium as a tank.
There's a wave of Ultima clones in development recently. We might get a return to that.
Huh? Why are D3 and Fortnite on there?
>modernize video settings
>Make sure that every feature is working like it did in vanilla
>stress testing
>unironic pleb filtering
wtf? I guess I dont want to play Classic now
As someone who played WoW in 2004 I guarantee you that it's not a thing exclusive to private servers.
there are so many things wrong here i don't even know where to begin
The game should've been called Neverquest since most of your time was spent either grinding or traveling to other places to grind. But yeah it was much slower paced, big pauses between any actions characters or mobs would take.
pointed out in another thread but this guy has the same energy as a psychotic killer
Because at some point, MMOs stopped being massive and just became Multiplayer Online games and pretty much every modern game qualifies.
Stop projecting.
Female gnome with pink pigtails is second only to Male gnome with green windswept and wizard beard + mustache for GOAT
Like what?
I don't care, as far as I know that place doesn't exist
Fuck the homogenized internet and fuck Facebook.
oh shit sorry I misclicked rain of fire on lucy again oh did I target you again how embarrassing hehe
imagine that pajeet rp as white human female