tfw been playing this for two hours and can already tell what the twist is

> tfw been playing this for two hours and can already tell what the twist is
why can't indie western developers make a decent story for once?

Attached: 406494-yuppiepsycho.jpg (1168x950, 312K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No, you can't. The game makes you think that you can, but all of that is just to deceive you

The fucking spider boss and the underwater shit at the end where so fucking bullshit

What is this, yiik but good?

No she isn't the witch you dumbass, it's a red herring

sike nigga you thought

Anyone else felt that the ending sequence started way too early and ended way too fast?

It's more like an RPG Maker horror game but a little more effort and polish put in.

Yeah. The game had a lot of interesting details and lore that was just kinda...there and never really used or resolved in the end. Which in some regard can be a good thing, but there's almost too much of it here.

It was pretty good.
The way surrealists things are "accepted" just feels a bit jarring at times though.

Some things I didn't understand though
Why was the coworker the witch? was she made the witch by the white snake?

Who are you talking about? Hugo? As far as I can tell no one was turned into a witch

It's better than The Count Lucanor?

I enjoyed that one

The phrase you're looking for is:
IS IT better than...
Your current phrase is a statement, not a question.

The girl who turns into the witch during the birthday party

not really.

Yuppie Psycho is more like Resident Evil than YIIK (which btw, YIIK is being called out for plagiarism,

wait, that's a horror game? That pic is deceiving as fuck. I'm not mad at that though. You got my attention on it though.

Why isn’t that shitty game getting sued for stealing a character from liveman

Attached: 4BD935AA-7011-4BB7-B300-DA7F9E590880.jpg (640x480, 31K)

>wait, that's a horror game?


Unfuckingbelievable, this must be the first time I've seen someone do this to link a thread in my decade on this site

Attached: 1390805452172.jpg (282x341, 44K)

Wait, so the op image isn't Colon?

I didn't know anything about the game and the pic made me think it might be some kind of mystery game or some kinda of trippy RPG game.

Wait, is it just rendered like that because of the parentheses? That doesn't seem right either.

>(which btw, YIIK is being called out for plagiarism,

I don't know what happened.

Every time when I post a link to a different thread, the site automatically changes it to that

Yeah, I could've sworn I quoted the whole address, but then it just rendered it as a proper quote link anyway.


(which btw, YIIK is being called out for plagiarism, )

>YIIK is being called out for plagiarism
Meanwhile Yuppie Psycho is literally stealing sentai character designs.

Indie devs should be shot.

Like Toei never ripped off something in their shows.


Nah, she just got possessed.

I wonder if these guys will ever move beyond the indie rectangle stick figure thing. They seem to have really good sense judging by everything else, but I'm not a fan of that design choice.