Timesplitters 4
Battlefront 3
starcraft ghosts
Were peephole genuinely excited for this abortion?
Not really
Pull my dragon trigger
Prey 2
Kamiya has a spotless track record so yes.
People had no idea what the fuck W101 was when it was announced but it turned out great.
Why didn't MS ask their dumbass ASSES for Platinum to do an Halo hack an Slash if they knew anything else wouldn't be worth releasing? At least we would have a decent game to play instead of nothing.
>Games was finished
It will never stop hurting
I like Kamiya, he is one of those director's that I share tastes with (to some degree), and it's been awhile now since he directed a game and I would love to see what he would make of an original IP
Fuck Konami forever and always
It was gonna be shit.
Capcom lately has been good, a very good trackrecord compared to years past, but...
The dragons and the MC were costumizable. It had online MP and there were even cities you could walk around.
Yes plenty to be excited for.
you dont know that
kojimbo knows his human drama and suffering, i bet he would've made some tasty ass spooks
had my hopes up for real
This one stings.
Whore of the Orient
That’s great and all, but can you genuinely look at the gameplay demo and say “man, that looks good and fun to play”? Because I think it looked like uninspired and boring shit
Project Nano (CliffyB's last big project)
Project HON (mechs in mechs by NCSoft)
Of both of these, Nano was expected to be big as fuck, both in the market and in-game and from the prototypes known to be floating around, it was living up to its claims but was shit canned after he left. I would have loved to see it come out.
Star Citizen
this game killed crimson skies 3...
>t. gamingbritshow
i dont understand this meme. can i get a tl;dr
>if I call it a meme it shows how not triggered I am about my wasted money
I'm sorry bud, but you need to move on.
Because it was just a demo, I would expect it to be polished and refined at release and controlling a dragon real time sounds cool
That E3 leak shows that Microsoft are looking to acquire Platinum games, so it's coming back.
i have not read a single bit into what the fuck is happening nor thrown money at it. i simply do not understand what the problem is
Mechassault 3
not just scraped the game, devs got bought by Wargaming to boot
>platinum becoming anyones bitch toy
If anyone it'll be back to Capcom or with Nintendo. they certainly won't be acquired by Microshaft that's for sure.
If they can’t even make a demo look good, then what chance is there that the entire game will be good?
Demos are supposed to showcase everything that’s good about a game. Fuck, even anthems demo looked decent
Just play Devotion
Yes. There were big swords, monsters and a dragon that can be customizable, I was hyped for all that.
I imagine it could've been optimized for the X1X and PC later too to not run like ass.
just ignore him.
>TFW Watching Bethesda have every fucking game they release bomb and 76 be such a fucking disaster that they are being sued
>Do not feel even remotely sorry for them thanks to what they did to Prey 2
Terrible main character. He's DmC Dante + KoF Shun Ei + every 'wise ass' char from 2009.
And that's a good thing
You can literally say the same when Nintendo showed off P-100 which would later become W101. Even if it would've ended up legit trash, giving the benefit of the doubt given prior circumstance was acceptable in this instance
>First post
>Most depressing post
I don't get why people got so upset over this.
Sure it could have been interesting but the demo was basically the same as every other popular horror title since Amnesia.
It would be neat to see Kojima working on something other than MGS I guess but the demo we got was hardly worth getting excited over.