Games for this feel

Games for this feel

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That's what they want you to think since it's where the jew gold is most likely hidden.

*save state slot 1*

games for this feel?

Attached: DwkEREFUUAEieWO.jpg (698x969, 85K)

Disregard that Frank, its a bunch of liberal bullshit.

Attached: preview.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

Games with top treasure?

>There's nothing in this cave worth dying for
I'd say most Bethesda games fit the bill.

The misadventures of Mr. Shekelberg

republicans vs a democrat

Resident Evil 4

>based tackin on mass mac




Needs an edit with a Leviathan reaper instead of normal reaper.

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you aint foolin me

reaper >>>>> ghost


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Ecco the Dolphin

Games with this feel?

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>this hole was made for me

The Forest obviously

Post the friendly reaper edit

What's dat

Ship sunk, divers were exploring the wreck and found the chef still alive, survived by drinking cans of Soda for days in pitch black darkness. They eventually rescue him.

>i'm the cook

He's the cook.

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Fuck that

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john madden?

I'm sad that none of diving games out there feature a scenario where you're just diving in a wreck and encounter a random alive black guy.

Attached: Halitrephes.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Attached: sea worm.webm (640x424, 248K)

can i stick my dick into that?

Attached: sensor fish.webm (1298x720, 2.89M)

Wonder if they like pets.

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you can, wouldn't recommend it unless you're a masochist though

That sounds like something a cave with something to hide might say ...

Attached: You're in the wrong biome human.webm (960x540, 2.03M)

Sharks are cute! CUTE!

Attached: Sleepybois.webm (736x414, 2.6M)

Based and fish pilled.

Attached: Puffy boy.gif (400x225, 2.33M)

Games with this feel but with fat people?

Attached: airzone-singapore-3-e1518191968935-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 224K)

Even worse I think that's a pyrosome. It's basically a featureless tube sock of tiny living organisms.


Attached: bluewhale.jpg (976x549, 122K)

Attached: sea_fren.webm (718x404, 2.74M)

Attached: Squid vs squid.webm (1268x720, 588K)

>Calling sharks cute.

Attached: Shark Chan.webm (600x338, 2.78M)

mr. Driller

Alright well I guess this is now the cute seaboys thread.
Because they ARE cute!

Attached: doublepet.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

any Xenoblade

Attached: deep sea light.webm (960x540, 333K)

Don't where it's wetter it's always better.

Attached: Petting Sharks.gif (652x364, 3.8M)


Attached: Cuteboye.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

That's epic



Attached: Dolphin crash.webm (480x480, 1.04M)

stop petting sharks


Attached: what the fuck is this shit.png (1660x870, 177K)


Attached: 1532730710720.webm (720x404, 1.94M)

Attached: Lemon Sharks and Tiger Sharks.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

It ain't that scary, one of monster from subnautica appear from the shadows, but it's not exactly a jump scare

Attached: Great White and Kayak.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)

Fun fact about lemon sharks; They get jealous of other sharks that are pet by divers, and will try to nudge away them from the diver to get their own pets. That's probably why the tiger in the webm there isn't moving.

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>that last paragraph

Attached: I APPROVE OF THIS.jpg (953x344, 159K)

>taking a nice walk to the beach
>see a guy jerking off a dolphin

Well it's not like there's much evidence of that, here's the vid about it

Attached: 1526456084344.jpg (746x613, 44K)

>meanwhile, in the Yea Forums pyrosome

Made me chuckle.

Attached: 1542813334180.jpg (250x250, 13K)

I want my tankards and spoons bro

Attached: Tomopteris.webm (1280x720, 1006K)

League of legends

>pay taxes
>taxes go toward SPACE program
>some reason they do some shit with dolphins
>some broad gets involved
>she starts having sex with the dolphin
>people find out and she gets shitcanned
>dolphin gets depressed and commits suicide
>I basically paid someone to have a dumb broad screw a dolphin and kill it out of the name of SCIENCE
Games for this feel?

Don't forget the part where they did LSD together.

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