Other urls found in this thread:
a postmortem rpg
>no archive link so we can actually read the article
Fuck off, trog.
So what was the text?
>caring enough to want to read it
Must be a pretty sad life when you use your time to scour resetera to find things to post here.
"Hello, how are you? " and" Watch out!"
I don't believe this. I know, monkeys and shakese and everything, but damn.
>Nobody understood my writing genius and that's why my game did bad!!
>Also, I've stolen at least one excerpt from an accomplished author, who knows what else!
Indie developers really are something else.
>plagiarizing verbatim
>from a fucking english translation
That is extremely yikes if true.
I see a lawsuit in his future.
What a weird thing to rip-off. He must of thought ironic plagiarism is protected.
Don't think so. Excerpt is too short.
>cant even be original on its garbage text spewing
Now thats just fucking embarassing.
I mean, who doesn't plagiarize Murakami?
If it was Kojima, he would get away with that.
You don't get it. Plagiarism is like a postmodernist thing. Its deep
Didn't this guy name drop Murakami as an inspiration before? I imagine he probably lifted some lines not knowing the difference between homage and actual plagiarism. Either way he fucked up.
>"The young man smiles"
>actually screaming the whole time
there really isn't a line
LOL, it's fucking copy-paste?
Where do you draw the line between plagiarism and a homage?
Huh, so that's why the writing was bad. The guy was trying to imitate Jap->Eng novels of all things.
But who IS proto woman? Maybe she's a plagarism character.
Why do hacks think they can get away with this?
It's not 1999. You can't just copypaste an essay from Sparknotes and shuffle a few sentences to convince your teacher you didn't steal it.
Isn't this like dropping "I have a bad feeling about this" or "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" in your text that has happend possibly billions of times now?
What makes this different that categorizes this plagiarism but not the above?
when someone cared enough to sue
Lol, this.
And potentially this . How would he have been able to cite this to prevent it from being considered plagiarism?
When you cut and paste.
>yfw there are multiple reviews/write-ups on the game with THIS EXACT QUOTE featured as a screenshot
>it still took this long to call the motherfucker out on his shit
Whether or not I like it.
In reality, most "'"homages""" are just laziness.
Not a good look, this ain't it
That's probably what he was banking on, that it was so obscure he'd never get called out on it
>“I was trying to make the video game version of a Chuck Palahniuk novel, or a Haruki Murakami novel. To try and do something a little different y’know? But it turns out, everyone just wants Ayn Rand-ian written characters, where the main villain is like Wesley Mouch. You immediately know what to feel about each character.” […] When you make an unlikable character, people expect Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House.
>They want flawed heroes, but only to the extent that they’re beautiful and intelligent and slightly Asperger-y. But they manage to be dicks to everyone and they get away with it because they bring some sort of savant-ism that saves the world. So if you make a character who’s just some hipster obsessed with the paranormal who hasn’t grown up yet and treats his friends like shit, people immediately feel- they don’t know how to process this.
>But if you put it in a novel, people get it in a novel. But gamers are, y’know. I’m just gonna say though, this is not to say my game is above any criticism, like I know my game has problems, it’s not perfect, it’s my first 3D game I ever made.”
Haha, how embarrassing
When you like copy it word for word
See And tell me this is usual text.
>best selling author he mentioned was an inspiration
Probably not. What was actually probably the case was him just not understanding what a homage is
Thinly veiled copy and paste.
Guest NPC or easter egg referencing events from another game
What do you mean? My star wars quotes that are quoted to death in various different media are not usual either yet nobody even thinks about plagiarism and sueing, so what makes this not ok?
So can anyone, without being ironic and sarcastic, actually tell me happens in this game? I’d be lying if I didn’t say ever since the first trailer I was interested in the plot. Yeah I know, main character is a huge fucking douche who doesn’t change and we’re meant to like that (having unlikable protagonist who doesn’t improve is petty post modern, too bad he’s a self insert and the author unironically thinks we should like him) and people talk in circles, but I’m sure a cliff notes version would at least me semi interesting.
>it still took this long to call the motherfucker out on his shit
Look how long it took Kojima to get called out on his shit.
Gamers don't read.
I definitely think it's deliberate, maybe more of her lines are ripped off from somewhere
Star Wars gets quoted with the intention of referencing Star Wars.
This is stealing a passage so you don't have to write your own.
>star wars quote
Try reading more.
>Look how long it took Kojima to get called out on his shit.
Good thing, because main MGS theme was stolen from russian composer.
FUCK ALL OF YOU PEOPLE I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF "GAMERS" Like HOLY SHIT you are fucking simpletons that want one dimensional characters and stereotypes and any deep exploration of the characters or situation is bad.
My mistake was thinking that video games are art. I wanted to make a game about a guy who’s a piece of shit unlikable character, who by the end of the game has to transform. But too many gamers, when they look at this, when they play a game, they’re so used to having to identify with the character, that if they play a game where the main character is unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it.
So, the thing is, games aren’t art. They’re toys for children and it’s considered in bad form to talk about anything meaningful, or impactful or thought provoking.
i remember seeing some youtuber trashing it by doing a thorough playthrough
i think it was about some guy meeting a runaway girl and they go visit a haunted warehouse where the kid stays in or something
Literally nothing happens, it's a load of non-stop "lol so randum" bullshit like the final boss has a portal open and then you fight a golden alpaca with no explanation which is supposed to be a jab at JRPGs which the creator constantly says are shit in interviews, except when asked about which ones he's actually played he says he's never bothered to play any because they suck.
How do you know he didn't want to just reference Murakami?
Something something hyperdimensional omnipotent but not really amalgamation of souls in a robotic body lies to the MC so that it can ultimately kill a ultimate form, a chill druggie version of the MC, so that robotbitch can get power, but you cant fight the final bosss since its actually invincible and impossible to beat in combat so you all die instead by essentialy KYSing everyone with some vague shit of living on in the spirit realm or whatever.
I dont even know.
I understand 'flawed' characters completely, when I play persona 3 I can accept that I am dealing with shitty teenagers who do not have a proper grasp on how to not be a piece of shit. If Japan, a country not particularly known for its narratives and character development, can handle this concept and /you/ cannot, /you/ are at fault. But I guess he's another Phil Fish-tier indie dev that huffs his own farts.
>1 to 1 long quote from the book.
One could argue that the Star Wars quotes are explicitly meant to be recognized, since they're from an exceptionally widely known piece of media. Meanwhile the Yiikes quote isn't iconic enough to merit such assumptions, so it's just blatant plagiarism.
Because you verbatim copypasted a whole page
what we talking about?
How do I do an homage without being called a copycat, I just want to reference things I like in a not-in-your-face way. Aside from literally copy-pasting.
Flawed characters are perfectly fine so long as they either grow or everything around them is significantly better. Dying Light, for instance, has an insufferable dickface protag, but the game is fucking fantastic. The problem is literally everything works against YIIK.
>too bad he’s a self insert
actually no, dev looks way worse
the photo that's going around is someone else unrelated to the game
>the author unironically thinks we should like him
the author thought that making unlikable protagonist makes his game instant masterpiece, but forgot to compensate for this with literally anything else
>which is supposed to be a jab at JRPGs which the creator constantly says are shit in interviews, except when asked about which ones he's actually played he says he's never bothered to play any because they suck.
sounds like that faggot that made DDLC, too bad that he didn't know that there are tons of VNs that push the fourth wall much harder than his ironic garbage
also he didn't know that dating sims and VNs aren't the same thing
Because the lava girl or whoever would've put quotation marks around the lines.
It seems to be a rather arbitrary decision whether it's iconic enough to merit anything.
If it's not iconic enough, then it can't be used in a save way the star wars quotes were?
In the first place, how did those quotes become iconic? Were the first instances of quoting facing persectuiton of plagiarism as well?
the "unlikable protag" was done on purpose just so the story could evolve into him becoming a better person
but given the bad writing
he probably ends up being likable but you wont end giving a shit about him
Specifically in games, I mean. I can't discuss the quality of Japanese literature. and I know Araki genuinely does some subtle things with his characters, such as Tiziano.
This also reinforces my thought that he's just another retarded "I rip off the japanese but their suck sucks and I do it good" Phil Fish indie dev
Woah, so this is art
It was a few sentences, not a whole page.
I thought this game would do great desu. Surprised it flopped so hard. not because i thought it looked so special but it seemed unique and indie enough to be the next big thing.
He would need to attribute it to the author if it's a direct quote e.g.
>"A great man once said "[x]".
>Let me quote [x]
>That's my favorite line from [x]
>>it still took this long to call the motherfucker out on his shit
Gamers don't read books, user
Jesus christ this game is just one giant fucking mess.
Every day I hear something new about it that's so bad it needs a news article.
>rip off persona but make it even more pretentious
>when gamers have been getting persona for years now
You wouldn't.
Lifting text is only okay, if you make it clear that it is hommage.
You do this by going out of your way to make sure that it cannot be seen as anything else. You need to steal more, you need to make it clear that that thing you want to pay homage to exists and you need to change enough that it is is yours. Consider something like the Jim Jarmush film Ghost Dog. Which is more or less a mashup of Suzuki Seijun's Koroshi no Rakuin and Melville's Le Samourai. It is extremely derivative of those two films, but at the same time Jarmush makes it his own.
An homage needs to be both transparent and transformative, even if it is something as small as "you know that thing that exists" or as big as remaking a film in your own image.
This is not that. This is just the guy stealing fragments he liked.
After Dark is not popular enough to just steal shit from and call it an homage.
Just watch this one video (final boss fight) and you canget an idea of how pretentious this hipster dipshit is and how bad his shit game is.
He claims to be an expert on how bad JRPGs are but never played any, do you think he really read any Murakami books? He's a white supremacist fucker that thinks he's better than Murakami.
>man I haven’t read Hardcore Gaming 101 in ages, I know they were kinda faggy but it wasn’t that bad
>*looks up Yiik*
>”enemies like earthbound”
>”poo who say poo LOL”
>”daily struggle of being a minority*
>”white protagonist commits microagressions”
There’s a reason I stopped reading this shit
At least it wasn’t Brain Crimmins, fucking PHD in self wankery
There's tons of ways to reference a work of fiction without taking uncredited verbatim passages from it
There is and lifting entire passages of text word for word is over it.
his intent was probably for it to be a reference. maybe even a glaringly obvious one. but you just don't get to copy entire blocks of someone else's work and then try to sell it off in your own shit. this shit wouldn't even fly in a community college writing class.
Minimal, make it either very blatant, or with copious lampshade-hanging. The less serious and blatant it is, the better.
Easy example, in Guild Wars 2 there is a mission where you have to find magic artifacts in basically Magic Artifact Storage and Research Facility. If you poke around everywhere, just before one of the artifacts, you can find an open crate and the flavor text references some kind of terrible power lying inside. Considering where it is, it's a fairly obvious nod towards the ending of Raiders of the Lost Ark, but that's it. It doesn't do anything, you can't interact with it any more, it's just there for you to realize what it is.
This isn't how references work, dumbass
>In essence, the former honors, while the latter dishonors.
>In the context of writing, a homage is an brand-new work that is a “shout out” to another writer through referencing the latter’s work in some way. There are many ways to do this, including:
writing something “in the style of” the other, or
reusing a famous character to tell a different story, or
re-imagining a work in a different genre or universe.
>Whatever the method, this new work recalls the putative genius of the original author, without actually copying the original words. A formal homage also usually involves asking the original author for permission to reuse a character, or imitate a style, or even rework an entire story.
>Properly done, an homage is itself a work of art.
Wait, that fucking thing is the final boss?
The only chance this game ever had to be successful was to come out before Undertale, honestly.
Just always admit it’s a homage and never pretend like your as good as the people you’re rippin-homage-ing
For me, it's Osamu Dazai
just say you did it rather than wait for someone to point it out and call you on it
The fact that someone out there read and remembered that clumsy as fuck passage and then also played Yiikes AND paid enough attention to the writing to notice it is a straight up miracle.
Does it serve the story in any way? If not then dont bother.
It's not even a particularly good part he ripped off either.
>Wait, that fucking thing is the final boss?
Yes it's supposed to be a "LOL retarded JRPGs have random final bosses that show up out of nowhere!!!!!!!" ""joke""
>In the first place, how did those quotes become iconic?
Simply by virtue of getting stuck in pop culture.
>Were the first instances of quoting facing persectuiton of plagiarism as well?
Not really, look at how many movies played around with the Matrix dodge for years.
A lot of this has more to do with execution, rather than theory. How much is recycled and whether it's done unflinchingly or as an obvious joke/reference that gets glossed over immediately afterwards. Quotes are actually easier in that regard too, especially if you do a story set in our world. It wouldn't be too out of place for an IRL person to reference whatever badass line they prefer, but the more you remove it from context, the more problems it can present.
This is the best they could do after shilling the fuck out of their game as "earthbound inspired jrpg" right here on Yea Forums for fucking years?
>a rather arbitrary decision
Indeed, welcome to the world of intellectual property law. Even if the rules are seemingly clear-cut, ultimately it always comes down to personal assessment and judgement of a judge or similat authority figure.
Americunts has ripped off many japanese things nowadays. their trashy cartoons are full of shitty anime rip offs
>Dying Light
>has an insufferable dickface protag
Yeah, but he's Redfield so he can be forgiven.
>An entire character makes a cameo appearance in VA-11 HALL-A, a vastly more successful indie game in comparison
>Get Toby Fox of Undertale fame to do a track for you
>Release this
Not even a delay managed to salvage it, with both the gameplay and the writing being inherently flawed
>Toby deleted a tweet stating his involvement because of how much of a letdown YIIKes turned out to be
but anime were inspired by Disney cartoons in the first place... so technically, anime is a rip off from cartoons.
This is what really makes this whole fiasco so fucking hilarious. The dipshit is getting BTFO for a third-rate translation of uninteresting imagery.
Goddamn, YIIK has really been the finest indie dumpster fire in ages.
Never even heard of him but I enjoy looking up such authors and their works so thanks for bringing my attention to him.
TWEWY does this pretty well, I feel. Neku starts off an insufferable dickhead but he gradually grows and becomes a better person. Plus, the aesthetic and gameplay style still kept me wanting to play through TWEWY whereas YIIK is just shit.
A Fistful of Dollars is a ripoff of Yojimbo, and Sergio Leone paid money when he was found out.
>I changed night bird to dawn bird it's fair use bro
Indie devs should be hanged. Get a real job you talentless losers.
It does, Neku is a very good example of how to do that well. Honestly, even if a character is a dick and remains a dick throughout, that can also be achieved, so long as the character has massive amounts of charisma and manages to keep going by virtue of how entertaining he is in all the wonderful dickery.
>couple lines from an author every hipster loves that clearly barely even fits whats happening on screen and meant as epic postmodern mishmash or whatever the fuck
This is just a shitty way to get giggles from the target audience. Game is still shit but this is crying over nothing.
>To try and do something a little different y’know?
I'm impressed that people had enough faith in this guy to help him out. I guess he really knew who to rub shoulders with.
Too bad he's a fucking hack.
>how did those quotes become iconic?
For one reason or another, those lines stood out. If I make a joke that references "These are not the droids you are looking for", that's a callback to Star Wars, not something I'm trying to pass off as my own original work.
>Were the first instances of quoting facing persectuiton of plagiarism as well?
Unlikely. Early on, they likely got permission from Lucas to the point where it just entered the collective pop culture consciousness. If you try to do the same thing with Disney, for example, it's much more likely they'll come after you.
Considering the quality of the text in the rest of the game, it might as well be gold.
When you admit you did it instead of hidding it.
>it's supposed to be a "LOL retarded JRPGs have random final bosses that show up out of nowhere!!!!!!!" ""joke""
Who in the absolute FUCK would have ever gotten that as the joke?? How fucking dense do you have to be to think anyone would get this.
Murakami isn't that great anyway.
But it's like pseudointellectuals don't know any other Japanese authors
Even Nisioisin is better, and he dedicated his career to YA literature
Has that cunt ever even played a JRPG? Because that's not the case at all.
What about other Samurai -> Western examples, like Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars?
The game is supposed to be a postmodern art piece, he purposely made the final boss a random pile of shit to critique Japanese games (that he's never played).
He probably only played ffix
kek, ofc he would be attracted to that sentence because that's what soibois believe they're doing when they open their gapemouth
No he hasn't, that's the point
It's the kind of stupid bullshit you get on forums where people circlejerk over wrpgs and cite necron from FF9 (and nothing else, just the same example over and over again) as proof that all JRPG final bosses are random shit
Like with the Murakami passages lifted from the first ten pages he just gets surface level second hand knowledge and claims to be an expert
Reminder that even fucking hentai RPGmaker games is better than YIIK.
It's retards who don't understand how to do parody. They think that making a parody of something is just doing the exact same thing you're complaining about, just while having a smirk on your face.
I tried reading Haruki Murakami.
Kafka on The Shore was great if you ignored Kafka's chapters. Every time I was reading Kafka I was just counting the pages until we got back to Nakata. The only saving grace of Kafka was how often Murakami talked about his underage penis. I finished the book, though.
Then I tried reading Dance Dance Dance and gave up half way through, at the point the guy is going on a holiday to Hawaii with a little girl he's known for two days. It was just so fucking boring, and the """idiosynchratic prose""" was incredibly irritating and on the nose.
name a game that managed to go with plagiarism and didnt get roasted for it
alternatively, name a game with plagiarism in it
isn't this the final boss?
The guy doesn't even know what he's complaining about because he's admitted to never playing a JRPG before
Is PN2 out yet?
I feel like this is a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of how postmodernism works on his part. How the fuck can you critique something you've never.... alright, you know what? Fuck this. Fuck this game and fuck this guy.
I'm glad his game failed. Fucking hack.
Metal Gear. Although I'm pretty sure they did get roasted over it
Pretty sure it's the golden alpaca.
Also, what the fuck is that grating music.
Easter eggs might have copyright infringements, but these are either coordinated with the original creators or, since it's meant to be an easter egg which is in itself just a reference or a joke separate from the main story/game, it's seen as acceptable.
Here's Witcher 2 referencing AssCreed.
that's not the final boss it's just a lolsorandumb boss fight
Or to summarize, don't pass off someone else's work as your own. Many works, especially "postmodern" ones borrow heavily from other works. But in those contexts it's understood to be intertextuality.
it's a homage if japanese does it
>that OST
Christ, just when I thought it couldn't get any fucking worse.
You’re joking. Source?
It makes no SENSE to say "Why-Two-Kay-Ees"!!
God damn, gamers are so fucking dumb!
>Pretty sure it's the golden alpaca
It isn't.
This, it’s 100% intentional they aren’t doing it to be deep it’s just a character in game quoting something the author likes for no real reason.
Leone was actually sued over a Fistful of Dollars
The fact that he has to put this on the steam page just shows how stupid the name is.
Jesus what is that noise
Well that resulted in a successful lawsuit. On the other hand the people who made The Magnificent Seven bought the rights to The Seven Samurai before making it, if I recall.
>yick (what i assumed it was)
>yike (for shitposting)
>yeek (there was a thought
i never would have fucking guessed this because it still somehow manages to be such an outlandish name and im pretty sure if anyone got legitimately upset over the pronunciation i would easily have enough ground to tell them to go fuck themselves because its retarded to begin with
That's not narration, the character he's talking to is saying that.
>I will make a game that has better writing than Haruki Murakami!
>Lifts text directly from Murakami's books
>My game is a critique on shitty JRPGs!
>Makes the game shit on purpose to make fun of what he perceives JRPGs are (only he's wrong because he never played one before)
>People hate my self insert MC because he grows up!
>He never grows up and remains an obnoxious dipshit the entire game
Seriously lol. I literally thought the game was pronounced "yik" or "yeek" before I saw here that it's meant to be Y2K.
God, this thing is just such a mess of bad ideas. I hope the dude who made this game is reading the thread.
Isn't there some sort of law against using roman numerals in the middle of words, or as part of an abbreviation?
Y2K was already short for "Year 2000". There doesn't seem to be a single good reason why he would call it YIIK and not just Y2K, which a lot of people would at least recognize as a reference to the digital millennium scare.
He intentionally named it that way.. for that ironic shit he was going for.
Quick, post better final boss themes. I’ll start.
Another example with Borderlands 2 referencing Dark Souls.
Or any game that uses the line "Used to be an adventurer like you until I took an arrow to the knee"
That line has become so well known you'd likely get away with using it, because no one would think it's anything more than a reference to Skyrim.
Games can be art.
But his game can't.
>tfw didn't even know this whole time
can't say I cared to check if it meant anything
Using numerals instead of numbers just another deep aspect of the game that you're clearly not grasping.
This really bothered me as well. What the fuck. Do the character images change at all? It is lazy either way, if they can change, why not here, and if they can't, well that's just lazy.
how is this news? it's a normal practice in usa
Still amazes me that he isn't aware that people get it but it's just not a good game or story. Maybe he would've had somewhat success with it if it didn't come across as so pretentious in the first place
What was plagiarized in Metal Gear?
user these are eastereggs not plagiarism. plagiarism is stealing shit and claiming it as your own.
for example youtu.be
Kojima never plagiarized.
sure is everywhere lately
Dude is just a retard who wanted to separate himself by making it into a roman numeral.
are you saying any assassin who wears a fucking hood is a asscreed reference? It would be absurd.
That example is really reaching.
>not even bothering to change the wording slightly
Not only is he a thief, but a lazy and stupid one. What a piece of shit.
OH NO NO NO NO Yea Forums
Of course, gamers' fault as always. Imagine if the guy was a woman...
That's a real stretch.
>post literally every final boss theme in existence
This is a good example. Clearly a reference but also legally distinct enough to retain plausible deniability
Because I need more for my playlist.
plagiarism is trying to hide the fact that you're copying shit and passing it off as your own work instead. homage can be a direct copy paste, reference, whatever, as long as you aren't trying to take credit for it as your own thought.
i haven't played kiike and I don't plan to, so I don't know the context of this particular copypasted phrase enough to say which one it is. i find it very hard to believe that he'd specifically mention this particular author as one of his favorites then try to purposely pass off something so specific as his own, though.
that specific one is related to the assumption that the leap from a building into a hay stack failed and they died on impact, plus the similar robe to the game in question. in this case its more of a gag about how dumb it is to begin with
when you just copy a paste it if you do a homage just mention it or just say close to it
TWEWY managed to be successful with a horrible main character because the growth was noticeable over time.
It's not just that, it's the fact that the assassin died falling into a pile of hay because that wouldn't actually save you from a fall from an ubisoft tower.
Tales of the Abyss
Note the red and also theyre lying dead in a haystack. Obviously an ass creed ref
even if it's word-for-word copy/paste, just deny it, say that you never heard of it before, and merely came up with the same thing by coincidence
That was said to explicitly be referencing Ass Creed though.
this is now a plagiarism thread
No More Heroes also did a great job with a terrible person of a main character who grew into someone better even though he's still a killer to this day.
TWEWY also had a cool aesthetic, fun gameplay, great music, and an overall sense of style. YIIK doesn’t.
Nobody would believe this in a million years even if it was 100% true.
Worked for pharrell and robin thicke
If Ubi did have an issue they could've easily made a case. AssCreed has the iconic white hood with red details, it's next to a pile of hay after having failed a jump, it's called Assassin.
They didn't because it's just that, a joke. It's clearly a reference.
>Because the growth was unrealistically abrupt and instant and his shittynesd is largely a result of circumstance
Let’s not pretend they are remotely the same, if you could give everyone in the world the ability to become either Neku or Alex I guarantee the vast majority would pick to be Neku.
The Russian fucks just wanted to get money, If you listen to both songs it is only a small portion of a song that sounds similar.
holy fuck he didn't even try to hide it.
Atleast change a couple of words here and there.
Travis was fucking cool, though. Like said, massive charisma is what drives shitty characters home with the audience.
Stop posting shit about a game you've never played and pretending you know everything about it.
Considering the amount of shit Neku goes through, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be him.
He changed "night bird" to "dawn bird", probably thinking that that's enough needed
Metal Gear theme sounds suspiciously like Something Sviridlov composed
How long until they call it a tribute
Solid FPBP
>Reaction video YouTuber.jpg
>i haven't played kiike and I don't plan to, so I don't know the context of this particular copypasted phrase enough to say which one it is. i find it very hard to believe that he'd specifically mention this particular author as one of his favorites then try to purposely pass off something so specific as his own, though.
Honestly, considering the delusional bullshit that guy spouts, I'd believe it no problem.
The best part of this mess is how his game isn't even postmodern. How he comes so, SO close to postmodernism and doesn't even notice before backing down. We expect asshole protagonists to develop into better people; it's hard-wired into us as a narrative rule. If Alex stayed an unlikeable jerk the whole game through and learned nothing, the game would actually be postmodern in challenging our assumptions on storytelling (and maybe some point about how bad people don't just magically stop being bad). Only we know from the creator himself that there's supposed to be a redemption for Alex here, and the fact there isn't is maddening.
>growth was abrupt and instant
You’re joking, right?
nah, you suck at hearing.
You and me both.
If it's an homage it doesn't take people pointing it out for you to acknowledge it.
fucking copy paste holy shit
That doesn't quite work when he specifically pointed at the author in question as the one he's trying to ape.
meh. I'm just parroting shit I read on here anyway
That's because gamers aren't nerds that read books. Gamers are cool guys only
If you're copying a particular body of written art, then you must be aware that all the words have meaning. Changing one changes the meaning, in which case the reason for copying in the first place disappears.
So what the fuck was he thinking?
I can see why he plagiarizes from better writers. He can't get a point across without referencing pop culture. I'm pretty sure that "Randian" and "savantism" are already words, so he doesn't need to use those hyphens to make it look like he coined them.
Imagine plagiarizing nuMurakami, that's like plagiarizing Stephen King. How fucking low can you go?
>Yea Forums in a nutshell really
Twewy takes place over like 10-20 hours dude.
It barely sounds similar though.
SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS is something only truly visionary artists like Ryan Johnson can do properly.
you're just parroting haters of kojima. They've always called him a hack and that's because they're also parroting other haters who never played the game but hate him because his metal gear games were more popular than their favorite splinter cell games.
More like Why-So-Gay amirite?
depends on the context.
I would genuinely be happy if I could even successfully plagiarize genuinely good shit like Misery or Needful Things. For all the dumb shit King has done (and will probably continue to do), among the garbage he has incredibly solid works as well.
Based on what we've learned in this thread, it would seem that thinking is not what he's very good at.
Imagine how old this guy on the picture is by now. Probably close to 30.
This is Bob, he has more soul than anything in YiiK, He's an accountant and once saved an orphan from a exploding gas station.
Say something nice to him and make his day better.
>>“I was trying to make the video game version of a Chuck Palahniuk novel, or a Haruki Murakami novel.
This quote is especially hilarious because it's blatantly apparent from interviews and the game that he didn't come close to comprehending any of their stuff at all.
He comes off as a pretentious wanker who congratulated himself on "reading" difficult books without stopping to consider that he didn't actually understand any of them.
Absolutely pathetic.
>copy words exactly without changing them to try to hide the fact you copied them
>copy music and change it slightly so you have plausible deniability but everyone still knows what you did
the music in Earthbound is genius. Saki Yaki Ding Dong is a brilliant composer
Irony and post-modern thought is one of the biggest mistakes of contemporary society.
Except that doesn’t really work when the narrative revolves around Neku’s growth and shows him actually growing the fuck up throughout the game.
Bob is cute. Cute!
i'm never going to play this game purely because everything about it looks so obnoxious.
Didn't he at one point say that the music was meant to be in the style of Jojo?
Post that image whenever some paypig says "THINK ABOUT THE POOR INDIE DEVELOPERS, YOU'RE STEALING FROM THEM"
For me its Kono Taeko.
Is there anything that redeems this game in way?
>Looks like fucking shit
>Leveling system is shit
>Writing is seriously shit
How serious do you burgers take stealing from novels? I think I would care more if the author wasn´t a hack, read Colourless from him, it was bad.
what the fuck is this bullshit and what the hell is this supposed to mean?
So, will this have some actual repercussions for him? Other than the garbage he originally spewed out.
He's absolutely correct, here. Look at Dr. House, look at RDJ's Iron Man, his Sherlock Holmes. Look at Dante. People like looking at attractive people with personality quirks in their video games, their television shows, etc. Only novels get away with utter retards, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
>Tiny little bit of a song as the intro to your rap song.
hello zoomer
>I think I would care more if the author wasn´t a hack, read Colourless from him, it was bad.
If you're going to steal something from someone bad and can't even attempt to make it good, what does that say about you?
>I want to make an unlikable character
>ok you have succeeded and no one likes your character
I honestly want to know what this man's goal is
How the fuck do you not know about the Y2K problem
I haven't played the game, but I'm pretty sure it's about him learning to not be a dick since writing usually goes that way.
just searched it, in my country we just call it the "year 2000 bug"
So when the dev said he's inspired by Murakami, he means lift text verbatim?
The Y2K problem never happened. People born in y2k would never have any reason to know about it. People born in 1995 probably wouldn't know about it.
I honestly don’t get why people have such an issue with this quote, people keep bringing up spergy but cool characters as though they’re comparable every time too.
People are mad because while he learns to not be a dick he never becomes cool.
I know about it.
t. '95 zZomer
Its actually about his dickishness being so powerful it transcends dimensions and destroys worlds
it did happen though, but the event goes far beyond the initial bug.
>The Y2K problem never happened.
It did, but you weren't aware of it.
Most electronics got updated for it.
Some didn't.
If you think games aren't art, you have absolutely no idea what art is and you're just a gigantic pretentious faggot just like this postmodernist insect.
Tip: Art isn't always meant to be something good or beautiful or pretty, it's not always meant to be positive or treated like a non-offensive painting exposed somewhere for money laundering purposes
>Sherlock Holmes
TV was a mistake
user, your hard work has really inspired me. So I'm taking your work and submitting it as my own.
No, this is.
This is true. Games are art.
They're commercial art.
And that's a good thing.
What a pathetic attitude to have towards creating a game. If nothing else, his game is a valuable counterexample as to what an independent game should be.
had to ask, thanks user
art is another word for "easy laundering money from a rare item"
you can't launder money with video games, thus it's not art.
The destruction of civilization didn't happen, which is what the news kept presenting it as. My point is that it isn't something a teenager wouldn't have any reason to be aware of.
It's impossible to quantify art in a chinese cave etching colosseum full of contrarians, don't bother
I can cite at least 2 songs that are ripped off from Western songs but nobody cares (including me)
The concept of doing some warioware styled mini-games for attacks are cool but that's it. Even then they fucked that up because they made them last way longer than they should, so it drags out fights.
but the show was perfect
How does this make you feel?
Y2Kes desu
>people don't want to play as inferior degenerates
Stop the fucking presses.
I like the skybox. That's about it.
fuck off reddit
Wouldn't a truly "post-modern" video game actually focus on the idea of subverting the game's mechanics? But from what I've seen, he never subverted or deconstructed or even played around at all with the mechanics of an RPG. He just made it annoying and unnecessarily tedious.
How high is this guy on his own flatulence?
How can there be a gravestone of a guy who died in 2015 when the game takes place in 1999 and that's the entire point of it?
is there anything to like about this man?
There are also plenty pieces of art, the traditional kind, that are terrible coming from people akin to the dev of this shit game and their sole purpose is monetary value. There's just no "industry" for it where some 15 year old buys it with vbucks.
Greed will always be there to take advantage of anything and find ways to do so. That doesn't mean art is no longer art when that happens
It's postmodernism you ignorant heathen, why do you stupid ignorant people not like this perfect fantastic art piece of a game?
Proper citation and capturing the essence of it.
Like if I made a movie about psychichs in space with laser swords with a monomyth story and a fantastic set piece and music I can say its a 'homage' to Star Wars. I am reciprocating things that inspired me from the movie without actually copying it.
If I however literally recycle footage from the movie then its plagiarism.
People say that as if art and commercial viability are exclusives, though. They also tend to forget that historically artists tended to work on rich people's commissions because they liked their work.
>yfw you learned it's pronounced like "y2k"
Shut the fuck up this is why it's impossible to make true postmodern games for simple minded dipshits like you. Typical gamer.
"haha it was a tribute haha"
It looks better at "night"
the whole game could have done with softer contrasting colors
>Not burying people in the past
Dumb gamer
I just want to shit on him.
Nonetheless the name it deserves is "yiik"
Is this like a shitty Persona ripoff?
Or GAMERS as I like to call them
Hipstered version of Earthbound more like
I know about it. t. 95fag. I started posting on Yea Forums at 11. look at me now.
postmodernism is garbage and so is this abortion of a game
>shitty references and dumb asspulls all over the place
>god awful soundtrack
>shit combat
>hipster shit out the ass
not a hint of originality and thus the perfect game for nu-Yea Forums kids
>Approach tombstone
>Audibly hear Iwata rolling in his grave.
It doesn't play anything like Persona
games arent art and shouldnt be. the art industry was one of the biggest mistakes of the last century and literally absolutely western centric. if games were recognised as art it would be full of pretentious white cunts all over again and only western values would be worshipped and accepted. motherfucking insular hug box/circle jerk for westacucked whites. the whole of the industry should die asap
Because it’s a little reference like Links grave in FF.
Just wait until you learn about the not-Shadows
ive seen the shitty references but none of the dumb asspulls, what are they
In gaming, the closest I can think is Alan Wake. Hell, Stephen King's name is the first thing the game says.
It's impressive how much of a twat Allanson is.
How the fuck is putting a dead persons gravestone in a game a "reference".
Is it in the same way as copying passages from a book is a reference, then?
Not long before they call for a tribune.
looks like she's quoting the book
No that was Midnight Animal
yea... no... You're delusional if you think they sound the same.
except for the detail of it not being a fucking quote
Jesus fuck.
A bit more for posterity
Oh right, this was the Hotline Miami mod, right? It started out with some original cool concept and got turned into not-Persona.
Citation and ask permission.
If she was there'd be quotation marks.
Aren't these just recolored Persona portraits?
Wow, yeah.
didnt the devs give them the source code too?
ahahahaahah, Persona 5 is a hack, they ripped off Midnight Animal.
As someone that's fallen into that mindset, don't. 9 times out of 10, the reference only devalues your own work. The more references you add, the further down the drain it goes.
Then it was only "released" to the guys friends and family once Yea Forums found out all because of a break up. At least the threads were fun.
It was a Persona Hotline Miami total conversion mod (yes, someone thought that was a good idea).
You guys really need to know this before flipping your shit in impotent rage.
All similarities were 100% intentional.
One of the quests has you go looking for a record because one of the ghostlike things you've been trying to find out about wants you to play it over the radio, so you go to every record shop in the area looking for it and go through a dungeon to find someone who might know about it, only to find out that the record was made by one of your party members and the reason you couldn't find it was that it wasn't released in your world. You also didn't learn this before going on the quest because you never fucking bothered to read the record sleeve you had.
You've got it spot on user. If the dude wants to claim his game is art then he should be aware that not all art sells. Art is just expression in whatever form of media or activity that you choose. To assume art has to be treated as great just because you said that its art goes against the very idea of it.
Don't know if he had the code but Dennaton gave it their blessing. I remember people getting hyped then the guy suddenly did a 180 and changed everything around. I lost interest after that.
That was it. Guy went through some break up and went full retard.
The original pitch had nothing to do with Persona. It was meant to take place right after the events of HM2. But then he just decided to do something completely different. Which would be fine if it was an original game but it's kinda fucked up when you had the devs blessing only to change it around.
I never liked those "lul character from a competing game died in our game" easter eggs. Like Link in FF, Nathan Drake in the Lara Croft top down game, Doomguy in Duke3d, etc
This guy gives me the same vibes as that psycho dev, to be hones.
Stop talking out of your ass. Midnight Animal was supposed to be a fan made sequel to HM2, it even got support from the original devs. The guy making the game had a break down after his GF left him and he started turning the game into a persona ripoff for "therapy". If it was a "Persona Conversion Mod" like you claim then it wouldn't have used blatantly traced assets and thinly veiled "homages", it would have used the real deal.
It's cause neku has anime qts fawning over him
>but it's kinda fucked up when you had the devs blessing only to change it around.
That's what mental problems does to someone.
Also i think the modder was a hapa who's gf cheated on him, so he had a total meltdown.
>you can't launder money with video games, thus it's not art.
Every game with a real money marketplace has been used for money laundering
seems like a homage to me
>it would have used the real deal.
Do you actually think you can legally copy assets from one game into another just because you're making a mod?
Are you stupid, user?
I think your issue is seeing it as "from a competing game". If anything it's a show of tribute, not meant to be insulting. Duke and Serious Sam both had each other in their games. And it's just easier to show a quick reference than any sort of animation or something.
no-one uses quotation marks anymore and they'd be out of place anyway
>what's the deal with jihadis?
The second one sure that's a stretch but the first one is almost a direct rip
He's saying no one would have cared that a persona mod used persona graphics, but since he was trying to pretend the mod was original people had a problem with it just being traced persona graphics
Tell that to the judge.
>Quotation marks are so ugly so I just didn't use them.
That has to be one of the most retarded arguments I've seen in a while.
To be fair he's more saying that in response to the SJW sorts who dropped the game ten minutes in because Alex was saying things that were totally problematic.
Oh Ive read after dark. Fucking gamedevs
When you say "no-one", you actually mean "your fellow redditors", right?
Too bad Neku dies twice throughout the game.
''no-one uses quotation marks anymore''
you've spent too much of your life greentexting my man
Murakami isn't even that famous in Japan aside from being "that guy whom the Americans like a lot for some reason, like Ken Watanabe". He's not that good a writer. Miyabe Yuki, Higashino Keigo, Ekuni Kaori, Arikawa Hiro and so on are way more reknowned than him and he doesn't even make it to top ten lists by lots of publications.
I get the impression that he's only popular in the west because of pretentious hipsters wanting to wank over stuff that they don't actually understand because of retarded orientalism. The sort of people who talk about Tibetan mysticism and do yoga.
The golden alpaca isn't the final boss you dumb fuck.
you're yet again vastly exaggerating his personality in order to shit on YIIK
Neku doesn't start off bad in the sense he's talking about
and you're exaggerating how bad the P3 cast is
Is it any good? I haven't read a book in a few years
Boo hoo hoo someone got something about your shit game wrong, cry a fucking river
Ahhhhh like the Hunger Games author yes?
Neku starts off the game almost murdering Shiki, dude.
Any books you'd recommend? I also heard Osamu Dazai is good.
Its kinda eh. Murakamis best works still are Norwegian Wood(will make you feel like you wasted your high svhool/uni years), Dance dance dance(older man hanging out with 13yr old if I remember correctly). Rest are a bit more complicated for someone new to him, though wind-up bird chronicle has some amazing war stories in it
>reading le quirky mysterious oriental authors
Try some real literature instead.
They keep using the word plagiarism, but aren't most creative works simply ripping off other creative works? The skill is in disguising your influences to make them seem your own. I mean unless this game really blatantly copied an entire segment word-for-word from another game in which case he's a retard. But truly there is nothing new under heaven and earth -i wrote that, me.
Why is almost every song in yiik so fucking cacophonic
Earthbound's soundtrack is quirky but also soft and easygoing, and its melodies aren't dissonant with one another, Yiik's ost on the other hand unites high energy with off-key parts and grating instruments and it's a pain to listen to
You're confusing it with fair use. All he had to do was cite the book in that section.
Like Ayn Rand?
Hayashi Jouji, Morioka Hiroyuki, Ogawa Issui, and Kanbayashi Chouhei are all far better contemporary writers. If you want more "literature" stuff there's Dazai Osamu, Miyazawa Kenji, Izumi Kyouka and Yoshiya Nobuko.
It's fucking retarded and disgustingly arrogant how Americans frequently go on about how Murakami is Japan's best writer when they've never fucking read anything from Japan besides his garbage to begin with.
Bunch of fucking cunts.
If you like stuff by Murakami read Dazai's Ningen Shikkaku/No Longer Human. It's a million times better than anything Murakami has ever shit out.
>Miyabe Yuki, Higashino Keigo, Ekuni Kaori, Arikawa Hiro
Literally who?
you're not wrong, it's just gratifying for people to catch somebody in their hypocrisy.
Half this board comes from resetera.
People who are better writers and also more famous than Murakami, but ignorant cunts don't know about them because Murakami is the posterchild for obnoxious hipsters.
It's fun when you do it right. Everyone loves Donkey Kong's not so subtly ripped from Indiana Jones minecart sequences.
You are confusing it with a quote.
Most games, films and shows don't copy each other and outside sources ad verbatim, user.
And if they use passages from books or films they do it as quotes, usually citing the origins.
There's also a huge difference between one piece of medium inspiring another and word for word copying lines from a book into your game, presenting it as if you came up with it.
I also find it kinda annoying how people fawn over Murakami because I always think they mean Ryū Murakami first, but then realize they don't. Stuff like Coin-Locker Babies, Piercing and In the Miso Soup are lovely little stories that I'd always pick over stuff done by THAT Murakami.
We just want you stop pretending you know more than you do.
Your stupidity is literally a plague that infects other Yea Forums users, so knock it off please
and the other half comes from Reddit. People don't even try to hide that they come from Reddit anymore
even extremely flawed characters must have at least one positive trait for the audience to grasp on to
this can be being extremely intelligent, charismatic, strong, entertaining or maybe just generally interesting
I haven't played YIIKES but from what it seems like his main character has not a single likeable or interesting feature (maybe that changes later, but the audience has to grasp something from the start)
nobody wants to hang out with complete assholes without any redeeming qualitites
that said, if his game was good in any other capacity - even storywise (like having an incredibly interesting setting) - this wouldn't be a huge problem
but it doesn't seem to have that either
Will do. I've been meaning to get more into Japanese literature, I'll be sure to buy some of their work.
he simply danced too close to the stars
I'm pretty sure all the songs at the end are purposefully garbage, since they're all renditions of Alex's theme for other versions of himself
Eh I don't like his books all that much, they're kind of morbid
Definitely way better than Haruki's stuff though
what an absolute mongrel this guy is.
>but shit
I can't believe this actually came out and wasn't just a vaporware meme.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But you're right in that it's almost about disguising your influences. Most people I've met only went to a creative field because they looked at some work and thought they wanted to make it. But since it's already been made, they use it as a basis for their own work.
The Earthbound influence in this game is clear, which is acceptable, but copying word for word a passage, specially since the context doesn't somehow indicate that it's a direct quote, that's not acceptable. If the character said something like "I recognize those words,", that would be a subtle indication that it's a reference.
Not that I'm trying to defend the guy but...just a couple lines?
The fuck is the big deal? I thought he literally stole the entire plot of the book or something.
If its just a couple lines then a shitton of games do the same, and they use it right on the intro to the games too.
No Longer Human - Dazai Osamu
Flower Tales - Yoshiya Nobuko
Japanese Gothic Tales - Izumi Kyouka
95 isn't zoomer. The earliest zoomers appeared was 1998. If you were cognizant in 2001, you are not a zoomer.
>literally bills itself as "post-modern"
>makes use of intertextuality and allusion in its visual presentation and narrative themes
>author has namedropped Murakami in every interview
>people are reading this as plagiarism
The game is shit for a whole bunch of reasons but I wish most of Yea Forums would stop showing how retarded they are on such a regular basis.
I understand that. A lot of his stories are pretty dark and morbid. Each in their own way though, which is what I like about it.
>all indie RPG's are Earthbound
The game's closer to Dragons Quest than it is to Earthbound
>this can be being extremely intelligent, charismatic, strong, entertaining or maybe just generally interesting
This. It's one of the reasons why the villains in MGR are great. Sure, they're bad guys, but that enthusiasm is intoxicating. Hell, even Raiden has a good story arc for that.
Still one of my favorite boss fights.
What boggles my mind is that they sort of tried to make Alex have a hook with his obsession with finding Sammy but they completely botch it because they barely touch upon it.
I need to replay it. It's been too long.
I find it funny how desperado are all just Dead Cell but more charismatic (Monsoon being the dead Chinaman character). How you make lardassman entertaining is beyond me.
>eng/phil major tries to make video game
>gets caught plagiarizing
just another day dealing with vapid pseudo-intellectuals I guess
That's just a reference.
Oh yeah it's just a random word-for-word homage right bro haha like how innocent can you get he just lifted it from a book he read and liked LOL like he totally just meant to reference and not steal writing better than anything he could ever dream of shitting out!
>Dude it's post modern, don't look at the fact that I stole a story element, copy+paste, from someone way more talented than I am
Yeah that explains indie games nicely.
Just make my game as retarded as possible every second, surely people will love the quirkiness like Earthbound and Undertale.
>nobody wants to hang out with complete assholes without any redeeming qualitites
Which helps highlight a real flaw with the story in the first place - no one would want to hang out with the MC to begin with. It makes absolutely zero sense that he's this much of a retard and yet everyone around him is so willing to just put up with it.
Nothing intellectual about this pile of shit, pseudo or not.
>get corrected
>Who fucking cares
people here have a major issue with accepting mistakes
but doom did this as an homage with more than just one track. this was intentional and it was fine with everyone involved
oh god it actually hurts and its your fault for making me curious
A homage would've been allusions to Murakami or his texts or to situations in the books. Murakami book titles are homages since he uses song titles. This is plagiarism.
>a postmortem rpg
that's implying that this abortion had life in the ifrst place
>He didn't find Fatman entertaining
Get the fuck out.
Fixed your image.
Man, this game is the gift that keeps on giving.
Since it billed itself as postmodern, maybe the real game was a meta-experiment where people have to embarrass the dev as much as possible in real life.
This is a regular enemy encounter btw, not a boss.
>FF10 special sequence attacks as the default ones
What the fuck were they thinking?
I love Doom and I'll defend it to the death but that was a clear case of them changing just enough to avoid a lawsuit. The composer even was id's lawyer so he knew just how much needed to change.
Why was there an orphanage built right next to a gas station?
>What the fuck were they thinking?
"LMAO this is what shitty JRPGs are like! This is a searing critique of shitty JRPGs! I'm so clever!"
they did nothing wrong
Isn't that Star_?
How easy is the game to pirate? Should I get the switch version? I want to play this train wreck with my brother
>"you've spent too much of your life greentexting my man"
>not using quotation marks so you can greentext even harder
>he wears short sleeves dispite the burn scars
>because he is not ashamed of how he got them
that's bob alright, damn fine hero.
By the way, this is the actual creator and writer of YIIK
People like to post the bearded guy and say the main character is a self insert, but that bearded guy actually has nothing to do with the game and even went on twitter saying "apparently i look like a game character and everyones upset at me", and even the YIIK twitter responded to this by promoting "if you want to see the real creator, come to our panel"
I found a copy by literally searching "yiik crack" and finding a google drive.
>make his character an asshole
>give him ginger hair
fucking racist
The worst thing about this is that you need to do all that just to do the default damage,
>mfw subhuman niggers can't into art
I actually feel sorry for him because this seems like a cool guy with shit dress aesthetics.
An actual SJW hipster would have thrown a shitfit.
Arguably, sure. They weren't sued which is what's important. But there's a difference between an homage, something you'd say proudly, and simply trying to avoid a lawsuit, something you'd avoid speaking too much about just in case lawyers start smelling blood in the water. Nowadays I doubt any of the original musicians would have a case against id, specially considering how influential Doom and its soundtrack has become, but back then it could've easily fucked them over.
>didn't censor the word "soifag"
Well I'll be.
>"they didn't understand my genius"
What a grade fucking A moron
>Now i know how Sonic feels
Damn, i would feel bad for anyone if they said this.
I remember reading that the person playing was underleveled for the fight, but my experience with these guys was pretty much the same, so either you NEED to do the optional monster dens or this is just intended gameplay.
metal bands are pretty relaxed about their usage unlike other bands. id say it was this that gave them more flexibility. that and the game didnt suck miles of cock
>I'm not the one who's sister is dead.
God, such good dialogue.
At least he takes it in stride. Good for him.
There's been weird cases on Twitter with stuff like this. Specially obvious after some big sport event. People want to shittalk some player, don't realize there's more than one person on twitter with that name and end up hating on some random dude.
He looks like his name is Mackleless
True lol
Yes, you goon, that's what plagiarism is.
>meeting a male feminist.jog
>1999 RPG
>No one is dressed like Neo or Mr. Smith
This is painful to watch, the fucking music.
>challenging our assumptions on storytelling (and maybe some point about how bad people don't just magically stop being bad)
>Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House
>Unlikable characters
Is this hipsta serious right now? This whole likeable vs unlikable and definition of what unlikable is is all bullshit stupid. Just make a character that's GOOD!
it's like the developers wanted to give the player nausea, boredom, bleeding ears, and epilepsy at the same time
he looks like a bitch
Quads of truth, everyone sees right through you "Chelsea".
literally 11th grade kid who was in accelerated learning classes and think's he really smart because of it take
Was it kino?
It does depend, as seen by Led Zeppelin's countless lawsuits, and the fact that the bands are usually unaware of what their publisher is doing to defend their rights.
There was a story some years ago of Metallica's lawyer suing a Metallica cover band. Then the actual band found out and told the lawyer to fuck off, even agreeing to meet with the cover band and supporting them.
I do agree that more specifically metal band tend to be more lax about this stuff, outside of copying note for note some passage. Specially back in 93.
I see you've never played any one AssCreed game before. Good for you user. You made yourself look stupid though.
Genuine question: where ia the line drawn between making a homage or making a reference and blatant plarism?
That's not what her butthole said
like all the other mongoloids that asked this in the thread: when you copy/paste
Copying word for word multiple lines is plagiarism
Not crediting the author at all in the credits is plagarism.
> Implying most indie developers are like this and it's not just a few idiots that ruin it for everyone
I could just as easily point to a dozen indie devs that never plagarized, never did SJW shit, and have much more original, high quality games than anything western AAA has made in a decade. Not this one though. This is the Anthem of indies
Read the thread, it's been explained in more detail.
About a mile or two behind us at this point.
Most of his short story collections are pretty solid, Year of Spaghetti and Super Frog Saves Tokyo are still some of my favorites.
Jonathan Kaharl is as bad. He only does reviews of indieshit and is a pretentioud faggot. He also did the infamous Gone Home review where he says everyone who doesn't like the game are homophobic trolls.
Crimmings gets points for trying to seriously analyze the plot of fucking Vanquish though
>Haha Pandas are so nerdy!
It's even worse when that character tries to explain that the panda is an analogy of some stupid bullshit.
The comments are the only kino thing about it.
Escape from NY
Can't think of a single thing.
There's something in my eye :(
big oof
To be honest this song also sounds like garbage, though that's possibly on purpose since it's Alex's theme
Murakami is well known, mostly for his earlier works. Norwegian Wood, Windup Bird Chronicles, Hard Boiled Wonderland
I hate this game with ever fiber of my being, but I honestly think the developer was just making a nod to his favorite book. There's not really any point in stealing one paragraph out of a book to put in what's probably a 200,000+ word game.
The line between literary bricolage and plagiarism is blurred and has been a heated topic of discussion in academia for at least 50 years. I think it'd be a lot more productive to shit on this game for all of its glaring mechanical and pacing issues rather than try to solve one of the toughest questions faced in post-modern theory analysis.
thanks for proving how stupid Yea Forums is though
Does anyone know what the actual context of the scene is? Why is she saying that? It's not narration.
Why would you change "buyfag" to "buy"? Buy is not a noun. Is this the power of reseterefugees?
If it was his favorite, why didnt he give it proper credit? Or any credit, doesnt take much from slapping an extra name in the credits and its usually how you would respect someone who created the thing your using for yourself and for money.
Still not excusable. There's a hundred different ways to reference or directly quote someone else's work in your own work without it being plagiarism. This comes across as straight up plagiarism trying to pretend like it's original. I'm sure he'll use that excuse of just being a "tribute" but considering how much the game seems to be sold on this screenshot, that makes it less excusable.
Because the dialogue is all pretentious bullshit. Very little of it has context. Most of it just goes on about multiverse bullshit that a middle schooler would write and the rest is just what a high schooler would write about "self".
excuse me wtf r u doin
If a character quotes Hamlet should they put Shakespeare in the credits?
I'm pretty sure the characters don't talk like third person narration of a book though. Is she deliberately quoting it or what?
If that was the case he would or should've used a more iconic passage. The piece he has used doesnt encapsulate the book it's taken from or even say anything particularly unique. He has simply stolen somebody else's prose
no because Shakespeare's works are all a part of public domain, Murakami's works aren't
there really isn't any context, it just kinda happens when you go deeper into a factory.
I couldn't really tell if there was a deeper meaning to that whole area or what, because all the times that weird shit happens is because of Alex having a breakdown or a dream, but this areas also where Sammy gets taken so it might have something to do with it being a part of Alex.
The characters do talk like that though. It does read like a book. The writer had no idea how to write for a videogame outside of dialogue.
The writing of this game is a giant clusterfuck and I love it.
She shows up, makes vague statements about what's going on in the background, and then blasts off into space. She makes a single reappearance as you're leaving the hotel, and then is never seen again.
>30 second bushido minigame
>two dozen strikes via QTE
>they repeat the animation after you finish
>18 fucking damage
Jesus, that VA quality is terrible. How can you take all that time recording and editing dialogue and never have one person involved say "maybe we shouldn't have bought that mic at Goodwill"?
That's true, I'm proud to say I've never read a book in my life
>Murakami and Palahniuk
>being something different
No, not only because it's public domain but also because his work has reached such an iconic status that just about every line he wrote can be seen as a reference onto itself.
If I make a joke about "To Yea Forums or not to Yea Forums", that's a reference that no one will think it's original.
Also the obvious fact that it's Old English writing, making the juxtaposition with modern writing more obvious that it's a reference.
This also comes down to how much the original creator wants to protect their work. Try directly quoting anything by Disney and see how long it takes for the Mouse to come knocking at your door.
I hope you're just making a joke but I've met people who have said this unironically and I wanted to strangle them.