Only half the specs are viable

>only half the specs are viable
>people want this back

Well anyways, this got me thinking, what was the most balanced expansion that still had unique classes and specs?
What I mean by that is, that I don't think you can call it good balance if your "balancing" is giving every class the same skills with no strengths that stand out.

Attached: WoW.jpg (576x356, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you are your class in vanilla, not your spec. I'd much rather have niches that each class fills than everyone 'being equal', which is what made the same suck fat dick and lose all fun in every class to begin with.

Going Shaman, and I'll have to heal. That's life. Better than being a homogeneous generic 'melee dps'.

You don’t ”pick” a spec in vanilla. You can choose how to put your talent points in any of the three. That being said, some classes still saw little play and some were simply overpowered like warrior


Druid & Paladin out DPS pure dps Classes since like Wrathh, while they can heal & tank on top of that, it's bullshit

Warrior was only OP in PVE & maybe PVP, with a healer, without it, lol

TBC was the xpac classes received tjeir missing signature spells while keeping their identity, bloodlust being the biggest.
Can't do both at the same time, and war were conveniently great dps during vanilla and BC, while pallies sucked even with an instant attack via talent. I wonder who coumd be behind those design choices...

Oh it was like that huh? Interesting, I didn't know that.

I don't want that actually, in fact I'm absolutely disgusted by how modern WoW gave hunters and rogues OP as fuck heals for no fucking reason and hybrids that can heal out dmg pure dps.

TBC balanced the classes the best, but still kept them unique.


I'm sure that after 15 years, I really hope that even the most brickheaded casual has realized that "Viable" just means min-max. Removing all customization and rpg options just to favor min-maxers is what helped ruin the game in the first place. If you love it so much, play the current content and leave Classic alone.

>needing a healer

Just get engineering and FAPs

Wrong mentality and exactly what led to the shitfest that is current retail.
Not every class has to be a top-tier raider or pvp star.

*blocks your lfg request*

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t. rogue mage warrior

>every classic stream hits 70-100k
>even the biggest BFA influencer shills admit they are having way more fun playing beta than retail
>shills still push the classic is bad meme

I wouldn't mind being a little weaker than other classes if I still have fun.
Not being allowed in any raid is not fun though.

>Can't do both at the same time
i want what you are smoking

>Beta comes out
>Blizzard bombarded with bug reports of people complaining about things that are working as intended, to the point where they had to put out a list of things that aren't actually bugs
I'm convinced at this point that Classic is a social experiment to see how dumb gamers have become.

>Have the game simplified to the point where you decide the skill rotation for all specs
>Still can't balance it for shit

I don't know how Blizzard does it.

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They want the community and atmosphere of vanilla more than they want the combat.
The atmosphere is already being tarnished by sharding and streamer bullshit. The community won’t stick around if it’s not corrected

The community was a product of it's time and the fact that early/mid-2000s internet was fantastic compared to the shitheap it's become where 99% of the internet is 4 websites taking pictures of each other

*walks into your server*

>hurr durr i won't get invited to Naxx cause i don't want to heal as Pally

Some Classes don't get invited to Mythic BFA raids, full stop, BFA is worse balanced at the top level raiding, the Class uniqueness was gutted for no fucking reason

Fuck bros it took the zoomers only 4 days to realize classic was just tedious instead of dark souls the mmo

Alright bros. What should I play? Orc warrior or undead warrior?

If you're 'not allowed' in raids then your guild is fucking shit.
A good guild has rotating try-hard raids and 'casual' raids exactly so that the 'less viable' members can have a romp, and it gives some of the try-hards who missed the first due to irl reasons to have another attempt at things.
Especially in vanilla where half the raid can usually get carried and still succeed.

>The atmosphere is already being tarnished by sharding and streamer bullshit

Watching Horde gang up on Asmongold yesterday and kill Alliance over and over again in Arathi was fucking fun.

Classic will have much more open world PvP which is great for server communities



Show me one video from an official server from 2005-2007 where a paladin tanks heals and dps in a single encounter.

They think they want it back, but they don't want it back. It'll be dead in the water after the first three months.

I dont even know how you could design something like that, that would be fucking wild.

*tink tink tink*

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>it'll be dead in the water after the first three months

absolute nonsense especially since blizzard isnt rolling out all content in 3 months

Proving funserver players wrong with footage and data from 2006 feels so great, especially when they try to deny it. Thas like showing a LARPER Romans didn't do X with archeological proofs and texts.

Here is your factual list. You're welcome.

Attached: real list.jpg (1303x532, 91K)

>you are your class in vanilla, not your spec
Unfortunately this. You will be expected to play your classes like everyone else with the same generic build that everyone uses for that class. If you progress to end game you will be expected to follow a very specific "optimized" build and rotation or be kicked. Ignoring that off builds often performed better then the generics and many gimmick builds let classes out shined other classes at at their primary roles that they weren't intended to play.
Builds like
>DPS Shadow priest
>Heal Tank Priest
>Heal Tank Pally
>Discount Warrior Rouge
>Hunter as every role
>No fucks the Shaman King
>God Druids that have so much fucking stamina that they'll never die, but you'll never heal them

I agree but legacy servers have limited novelty. It’s never a perfect recreation, especially since it’s not new.
The idea that they could possibly reboot the game is fucking great tho. I would love for them to undo many of the mistakes they made and see how the game could have played out.

>show clips of rogue with double BS maces to my people
>user wtf that guy just couldn't play at all

Jesus, how do people this retarded exist? Are you 15?

>especially since it’s not new
Most people have already forgotten half the quests. This can be seen by the amount of people sperging out over how amazing it is to have actual class quests

Cata ruined the world like 9 years ago, people forget there was proper quest chains & not just meme quests

Holy Priest were the weakest healers raid wise but more trusted for dungeons.

Hol up son lemme fix that for you.
S: -
A: BC, Classic
B: -
C: -
D: -
E: -
F: Wrath of the Lich King

Didn't play any other expos after WotLK

>all specs play the same
why do people play retail again?

If Cata hadnt happened there wouldnt be a need for classic but the fact that they ruined the old world is why people are hyped for it.

I could easily seen them do TBC/Wrath Servers over the next five years on top of it

>with the same generic build
way to miss the point

>Going Shaman, and I'll have to heal
But if you wanted to heal, why not play a class that heals better than shaman?

>you are your class in vanilla, not your spec
hell no

Define "viable". If by "viable" you mean "able to carry your weight in the toughest content" (where "carry your weight"=="be able to complete the content if you were the highest peforming player", and best play is assumed within the constraint of having such a meme raid), I'm pretty sure you could down Naxx with 0/0/0 specs. Ie. every possible spec would be viable.

If by "viable" you mean "optimal" then most other expansions tend not to fare so well either. In TBC you'd ideally take most specs to the raid pretty much regardless of bosses, but with the removal of class interdependency in Wrath and beyond, you only need to fill in required utility and raid buff checkboxes and then take the highest performing specs for the given encounter and ignore the rest. Now, this is very much complicated by scaling (for example, with 3.3.3 talents warriors deal half of lock DPS at T7 gear levels, while in ICC BiS locks sans the token demo are beginning to be of highly questionable value - how should you evaluate this?) and encounters (some encounters might encourage if not demand extreme class stacking that would make a vanilla raid look balanced), but even in a broad "looking at current as a whole, ignoring boss-specific details or balance at previous tiers" sense, it may not be good at all. Say, Nightfall enha shaman in vanilla is about as far from as being justifiable in a min/maxed setup as enhancement would be in 3.3 (you no longer offer unique buffs besides effectively meaningless Enhancing Totems, so you're basically being compared to frost DKs for the first slot - you don't compare favorably, then to #1 personal DPS spec and you're ways off), and a spec like feral is MORE justifiable in vanilla than prot warrior would be in Wrath (there's a serious argument to ferals being optimal as #2/#3 tank slot while warriors in Wrath are strictly inferior to pallies in all aspects of tanking ability with strictly inferior utility).

>F: Wrath of the Lich King
Why the fuckl was wotlk bad? Death knight was nice.

I would love to relive wrath early days, raids were terrible but it felt great anyway because world was amazing. Then LFG happened and worlds didn't matter anymore.

every premade is built around juicing up a warrior or two.

All TBC (except ZA) & Wrath content is in the game & some of it with timewalking, i really see their additions pointless

Especially if TBC is 2.4.3, which is super ez mode

Maybe he likes shaman?
See, everything doesn't have to be about minmaxing.

>all druid healers

at least classic had 4 healing classes

That bloody matchmaking tool for finding dungeons.
It's rare when you can point to one exact thing as being the downhill tumble, but in Wrath? That thing.

Shamans have the highest HPS along with Paladins in vanilla. The only difference is Shaman efficiency sucks.

imagine typing all this gibberish and expecting anyone to read it lmao

i mean i see adding classic servers for them pointless
TBC launch patch was amazing though, even Kara with good gear was a bit hard, but Blizzard likely lost that data

>highest HPS
Yeah for two minutes

>playing a Blizzard game
>current year

Wrath is also where subs flatlined and Cata is where it dropped

>I'm pretty sure you could down Naxx with 0/0/0 specs
I'm curious about trying this now.

so it's not wrath fault wow got ruined, it's cata's fault for not fixing wrath problems.

>said the b-team when they ruined classes when tigole & the boys moved to Titan

I keep telling people that lack of growth is an indication of mistakes made. WotLK was riding on the coattails of the previous expansions, even if people claim Ulduar was the peak of WoW.


Orc warrior for cool looks and PVE dps. Undead warrior for shitting on warlocks and spriests in pvp.

wrath had glaring flaws and progression which is why subs flatlined

would be a cool world first

I have never heard a more incorrect opinion, the entire draw of classic is that it’s harder and takes considerably more patience and dedication to play, people don’t go back to classic for the lore or “””atmosphere””” they want to go back because black rock depths is actually a riveting dungeon to play or the first time and you can’t just turn your brain off and hit your rotation button ad nauseum in order to get somewhere

Go fuck your self retard.
As someone that actually earned Ten Storms back in Vanilla I hated how the stats on the sets were geared only for Resto.
The fact that elemental and enhance actually get sets now is a huge upgrade to the shallow past.
You fucking zoomers will get bored eventually and see not everything is so black and white.
Even Asmongold himself always says Vanilla wasn’t perfect, when it came to spec viability we can do way better.

Obviously that means you'd have to use those 0/0/0 specs sensibly. Using full consumables, stacking whatever class happens to deal the highest DPS without talents, that sort of thing. But if you go about it sensibly, I'm quite certain it would be doable.

Nah, the dungeon finder was already checking role/spec in that patch.
I did hear that Ulduar was decent but I never got to that point because I was busy being disgusted at people in heroic gundrak for being too fucking retarded to look off a ledge and hold W or people in heroic oculus somehow failing a 3 button rotation.
Before that, you had the bastardization of Naxxramas and the the piss easy facerolls of most of Wrath, though I'll agree that Malygos was nice.

As for where WoW's peak was? Hard to say. AQ40 patch was amazing, Tempest Keep patch was amazing, Black Temple patch was pretty good. Sunwell isle was cancerous shit and can go fuck itself though so fuck that.

>all tryhards will role horde because all big guilds are horde these days
>mfw they don't know blessings were superior to totems
Can't wait to read complaints on the forums

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so why do hybrids have sub tank dps? Arent they supposed to be average in everything according to your silly belief

I can just imagine trying to hit all the stat caps without the talents. Def and hit alone would be absolute AIDS.

I don't know if it can't be done, I just assume it'd be a massive hitter in the shitter.

>That bloody matchmaking tool for finding dungeons.
This, completely ruined the game for me. Up until that point it was a decent expansion. I kept playing up to and including Ulduar, but dropped it when I was done with that.

One of your biggest problems is that nobody's going to be running their threat talents, and also nobody's going to be running their mana return talents either, putting you between a rock and a hard place.

I'm seeing a hard painful road on Thaddius, to say nothing of 4H/Saph/KT.

>only half the specs are viable
>He followed cookiecutters
>He doesn't know cookiecutters are just made for bad players to stay bad

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You are going to roll horde right?

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windfury totem is pretty fun in pvp

You'd eat crits and crushes in the face like a chump.
You most likely wouldn't try. Be prepared to be sad when Gluth resists something.

>zoomers now dont even know what reference it is anymore

>half the specs are viable
goddamn why are people so mentally deficient now a days they dont even know the meaning of the words they use

because WoW-players dont play mmos, they also dont enjoy playing mmos.
for them being an mmo player is a mean to feel special, they usually just want to show off their knoweledge, rank etc.
with modern WoW being accessable to everyone theres nothing to seperate you from the masses anymore, since everyone can have the things you have,
in vanilla you had to put a certain effort to get things, also its the same reason theres such a ridiculous amount of people "pretending" to play since vanilla, and people telling that "certain people" didnt play vanilla.
did you ever see any other mmo people insist on playing since vanilla? like did you ever hear a gw1 player telling storys about prophecy whenever you mention nightfall?

isn't it only rogue and mage who have +hit? mages would suffer, but getting to yellow hit cap is np
dps would be aids though, no shadow weaving, imp scorch, imp shadowbolt, flurry, spell crit damage, ignite, aimed shot/improved hawk

>want to play Dwarf
>Human spirit/rep gain racial is super good for leveling
What the fuck do I do boys?

Attached: dwarf_king_and_some_beer_by_artdeepmind-dbcmp22.jpg (1027x778, 172K)

>posts literal proof that hordes are babies that need special loot to not suck
You are going to roll Alliance, right?

Totally agree here. I never understood the logic behind druids being the best at anything (and they were best at every fucking role).
If a class has an ability to be tank, healer or dd, it should be worse at that than focused classes.
Druids being better dds than rogues that can only be dds is stupid. Versatility should come at the expense of max potential.

>did you ever see any other mmo people insist on playing since vanilla?
Star Wars Galaxy pre-jedi being easily available.

I don't think even half of the vanilla population back then even knew about blizzards other games.

Play a dwarf and don't worry about it.

Also, treasure finding is pretty cool if you aren't playing a hunter. Not BiS good, but it's cool.

And the PvPfags assure me stoneform is OG.

Why do zoomer like the terms
So much? Its that kind of thinking that turns games into soulless husks. Just relax and have fun bro.

Step 1: Wash your back
Step 2: Keep your feet underground


Thanks asshole now my bnet client is making mustard gas.

I don't think there's a single class that can be both human and dwarf where human is the better choice besides Warrior (for PvE)

Hell, almost everyone who CAN be a dwarf, SHOULD be a dwarf. Stoneform is godlike

Jokes on you, motherfucker, I live in the EU and will never get a beta invite because Blizz is racist against people with a healthy BMI

That shield had almost zero drop chance so I'm passing. Gotta be a dwarf warrior or paladin haven't decided if i wanna be able to farm or raid first

>spams chain heal rank 1 on melee
heh nothing personal heal meters

diplomacy > stoneform

Dwarf Paladin kind of doesn't feel right to be honest. Do I do it?

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warriors have precision in fury too

Sword Spec for Rogues.

Bruh you go human for ove because of mace and sword racial because it boosts your threat and dps

>horde streamers are camping the arena chest for hours at a time because Alliance have gotten it 6 times in a row
>people are telling the horde streamers the trinket is level 35 and cannot be used
>they don't believe them and keep camping the chest doing nothing for 6 hours
Horde babies can't win ONE(1) Gurabashi arena skirmish.

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You can make up for a lot of the lost damage potential by using all possible consumables and world buffs. Retail guilds didn't use them to maximum effect and they still managed to clear the content so obviously there's room to grow there. Similar room for growth can be found in running good raid comps (if you look at video of world first Kel'Thuzad for example, they have melee players staying well clear of the boss in fear of Frost Blast, so a 0/0/0 caster or hunter would even be an obvious raid DPS improvement!) or just better individual play.

no they dont. that came in tbc. warriors have 0 hit from talents in vanilla


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It doesn't feel right because it isn't right.
No Dwarf Pallies in classic.

fuck weapon skill, give me that mount and ez raid rep

I am a huge proponent of "play what you want, optimal doesn't matter."

I say that and plan to play a dwarf priest, which I think everyone agrees is optimal, but I settled on dwarf long before I chose the class. Been playing a human for 15 years, the time has come.

RDruids are on par with hpallies in pvp and pve
Druids tanks underrepresented during progression
Druids never top damage meters
Druids are retard strong everywhere, but so were rogues
Lol didn't play that shit

>tfw my favorite class is Monk
>tfw my favorite individual spec is the new version of Discipline Priest
Glad I can just go ahead and skip all this.

>(((influences))) your game

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You're right in that chasing the numbers deprives you of your soul.
But relaxing doesn't give you soul either. If you stop giving a shit about your own progress, then you'll stop giving a shit about your own skill, and being comfortable with being a scrub makes you just as much of a husk as the no-lifers.

You need to find pride and enjoyment in being the best you can be, without losing sight of WHY you enjoy these things - so that you can build good memories and face ALL of your life (both spare time and regular time) with strength and confidence.

You are going to grind the rep for the set right?

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Fuck ambi talent is damage or OH hit ?

>RDruids are on par with hpallies in pvp and pve
dudu please, why does every guild then take max two druids and shit ton of paladins?

dwarf rogue is the chad choice because you get prio on daggers over h*mans who are chained to sword spec thanks to their racial

Diplomacy is not why you would go human but you do you my man. I go for humans all the time because i just like them the most

yeah I know world buffs do a ton, but it doesn't replace talents, they boost each other for the most part
like you're not going to get nearly as much out of crit when you don't have flurry, impale, or even your main attack bloodthirst
hunters lose aimed shot, for christ sake
it would be pretty nasty

OH damage

Fuck that, my guild's paladin class leader was a dwarf back in the day, keeping our retarded human paladins in line. He was a boss.

So if I make a warrior on horde side on Northdale to tank you guys through dungeons would anyone like to get some practice in, do some leveling, questing, and ultimately gank as many Chinese people as possible before retail hits, since we're obviously not getting beta invites?

Anyone interested?

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Vanilla is deeply flawed. But for all its flaws its still a good game and much better than retail. And theres not really anything around thats better than Classic too.

Thats pretty much everyones reason for playing classic user.

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>waaaaaah why are the hybrid classes viable at dps tanking and healing we should kneecap them in two of the three for "balance"
>jesus christ why does it take so long to find a tank, why aren't there more people playing the tank classes (that can't tank past 5 mans and can't dps when you don't need a tank)
hybrid tax was always a retarded solution to a non problem.


What are the must haves for a 15protection hybrid warrior?
I know defiance is a must have but I'm not so sure about last stand (whooping 10min cd) and imp shield block

>staysafe has been stacking stam on his gear ever since he hit 30 cause hes a lock and he thinks it will give an edge in duels
>tips comes on stream the next day after staysafe reveals his secret and claims hes stacking stam to get an edge in pvp and he made up the tactic
Why is Tips suchs a liar?

guild wars 2 is better
burning crusade privat server
and also not to forget, the absout best and most thoughtfull designed mmo is still around (gw1)

get them

>spec viability
only matters to tryhard-progress-raiding faggots that were the downfall of this game you massive faggot

1 point in imp block required moreso than the 5th in defiance if you must go 15prot.
Shield spec req as a prereq to Imp block
Other 5 can go into either +armor or +defense


What else is there to even do in themepark mmos except the endgame content? That's the entire point of the genre is you do the developer created content so if you just choose not too what's left? Strictly PvP?

Casuals will drink the kool aid without understanding why and will repeat memes thus damaging the community

There definitely is a middle ground to be found, my friend.
It comes down to what you're looking for in that game too. Cheers.

Shield Wall and Last Stand

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>If you stop giving a shit about your own progress
see thats where you need to shut the fuck up, because you have absolutely no clue why people like to play this game
progress for me is exploring the map and meeting people, ocassionally helping them through quests for a few potions or something.

I'm literally the best at having fun however the fuck I want

that's a shame, Ulduar was pretty great. almost all the bosses having hard modes that weren't "a separate difficulty" and instead were triggered by doing mechanics a specific way was amazing.

whats wrong with gw2?
(actually i know many things wrong with it since i play it myself, but its a really fun game)

>exploring the map
exploring for what exactly because it's already all known.

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imp shield block 1/3 is ridiculously powerful. also last stand is a great self heal and oh shit button for mitigation.

We can all agree that troll and night elf are the only based races in the game right?
>orcs only played by racial tryhards or gay men
>undead only played by people who watched vurtne videos at 12 years old
>tauren exclusively played by furries
>human only played by boomers and girls
>dwarves played by /pol/ people
>gnomes played by adhd zoomers

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WoW since it was released always had cookie cutter builds, it's nothing new. Anyone who think they had choice is dumb.

Sorry but you won't get invited to raid to larp as a boomkin, they simply can't perform in a raid enviroment.
Enhancement at least can proc nightfall and can totem switch to keep WF and agi up.
Retribution can proc nightfall too, brings another blessing to the raid and keep light/mana judgement up.
Balance druids only bring a 30min cd battle rez, 3% spell crit for 4 guys and an innervate they'll need on themselves

GW2 and XIV are probably the best MMOs on the market at the moment for their respective niches.If only they weren't completely ruined by their communities.

in BFA, Druid & Pally pull more DPS than a couple of DPS only classes, hybrid tax was great

I mean, I assume by 15prot you're talking about something like this?

Imp Sw is not a hardreq and neither is LS.

Attached: hypothetical 15prot.png (629x491, 384K)

They're the same race

>be conman
>pretend to be a classic vet when you're a pserver goon
>play your cards well and leech exposure off of other influencers
>people fall for it
/r/ing the failed WC jump clip.

Based on looks, boys, which one?
I kind of want to roll Dwarf just because I'm short IRL(5'6") gotta be immersed, right?
And aren't Dwarves drunks? I can be a drunk Paladin, right?

Attached: Dwarf or Human.png (1536x1060, 1.83M)

I hate home fags, but there's something that's pleasant is that people are actually enjoying vanilla way more than retail and realizing how WoW expac were so shit.
It means that the devs of Blizzard didn't achieve anything during those past 15 years but made the game worst.
Imagine working on retail.

Well, then you have something that you want to be good at (helping people through quests). See if you can get better at that.

Hopefully you're not the type of person who is a total slacker who doesn't pay attention to the mobs at the side and never uses half your abilities because "At least I'm helping".
I know that's very unlikely you're like that and you're probably offended at the baseless accusation, but there were people in classic who honestly believed that helping others meant they were somehow immune to the idea of "at least try to do it properly".

>g-guys theres no dungeon finder is this a bug?

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a dwarf without a huge beard on full display is cringe

>GW2 has never had a dungeon finder
>People don't ever talk about that though
I know dungeons themselves were mostly dropped content but Fractals/Raids/Everything Else is done through a LFG window and not an automated queue system.

you'll regret opening male dwarf, trust me. everyone does. every fucking male dwarf ends up using savory deviate delights and noggenfogger elixirs out the ass since they hate how much their character looks. don't let it happen to you.
Here's what I came up with, please no bully for imp hamstring, respec is expensive as fuck so this will have to double as a pvp spec and missing enrage is already painful enough

not really, all hybrid tax does is cut down the number of people playing tank and healer classes. Ultimately most players want the option to do dps, if you can convince them to off tank/heal occasionally you're just improving the role distribution in the game.
Why shouldn't a druid who's a better player do more dps than a rogue when he's fully kitted to doing dps? especially since feral is usually 10x as much work as most other specs for that damage anyway.

Human. A Human Warrior doing a giant leap in the air every time you do a FAT CRIT is literally kino.

To be perfectly honest I don't know the current state of the game but I tried it at launch and the best word to describe it back then was soulless. Not to mention not having roles made all dungeons retarded zerg fest and wvwvw pvp wasn't any better.
Level cap was like 80(?) but you stopped getting anything new after about 20 or so making leveling feel pointlessly boring and long drag that had no real reason to be there just like current retail wow.
Race selection was just bad and and classes that I tried didn't feel good and story and lore was absolute garbage too. At least it was sorta pretty.

Dorfs fighting and casting animations are cancer, look them up if you don't believe me. Thank god hunter dwarfs look fine.
On the other hand female dwarfs are kinda cute and were pretty rare in vanilla

Why does hybrid tax exist in a state of the game where gear isn't easily shared across roles meaning yes you can swap but you still need new gear and talents to do so ultimately being just about the same as a different character?
It's not like someone is doing the same DPS as a DPS while also Tanking like a Tank.

You can't give the xpac that had the BEST pvp (up to ICC gearflood), comfiest questing zones and Ulduar an F.

You just can't. (but I agree that everything else was shit)

>no bully for imp hamstring, respec is expensive as fuck so this will have to double as a pvp spec
no shit, that's the point
everything's in order. might need to swap a point from imp OP to charge though if your gear sucks.

I'm 6'1 and I've always rolled dwarf

I had to make it fair, humans are beardlets.
Here he is. Not sure about which beard to go with, I like this one because I have the same moustache IRL

Attached: dwarf paladin.png (798x1068, 1.02M)

What did you expect from people who started with Cata ir MoP mostly


The people who made Vanilla WoW knew what they were doing, there was really no reason to change it so drastically

The content is still good though, but the systems designed around it get weaker & weaker

Don't try to make a mix Tank + PvP spec. It does not work.

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Having played a UD warrior in vanilla I think UD are bit stronger in pvp since berserker rage requires berserker stance and it also helps vs succubus. 25% stun resist will also win you fights but it's a chance based racial.
For leveling UD is a lot better, cannibalize will save you a lot of bandages
Raiding wise orcs are plain better though, the axe skill is amazing and their racial AP cd is pretty good too when you're not taking damage

>You can't give the xpac that had the BEST pvp (up to ICC gearflood), comfiest questing zones and Ulduar an F.
If it weren't for the Dungeon Finder I'd have given it a C, mostly because of those things, and also Lake Wintergrasp which was top tier.
Dungeon Finder takes it straight to F tier.

Paladins are super cool in vanilla.

Why did they open up shaman and pala to both factions? Worst decision ever.
They are only fun when exclusive.

>They are only fun when exclusive.
Not acceptable to Blizzard

TBC started the streamlining to appeal to the mainstream
TBC was like RE4, a good game on it's own, but it started the series down a dark path

This is my lvl60 build maybe earlier if I finish my leveling in BRD, LBRS and stratholme left quarter, I'll level Arms > Fury and yell at the DPS if they pull aggro or the healer if I die in dungeons

>Worst decision ever.
Stop trying to fit in with retards. Everyone welcomed having the classes on both factions during TBC. You will never fit in.

Yeah in raids. Who cares? Raids are puggable in ALL specs until like AQ.
No spec is bad in PvP, and PvP is 50% of the game.
>b-but pvp sucks!
>b-b-BUT i play pve realm!!
Your loss, loser cuck. Good job spending $15 a month for half of a game, and the worse half of it at that.

The worst decision ever was letting Knaak the Hack write TBC's story.

TBC was good gameplay and absolute garbage story.

Same reason there was only two factions.

>group invites
Nobody specs for tanking dungeons, hell not even healers need to before lvl60

dude, you don't need 15 points for fucking dungeons
I wouldn't go further than that to MT BWL. Just go 31/20.

a Bald dwarf looks kinda cool, reminds me of stone cold for some reason

Attached: dwarf bald.png (1084x1074, 725K)

You must not remember the dozens of horde videos calling blood elves gay and paladins on horde retarded

Because one faction having more tanks than the other was a stupid decision to begin with. It's nuts to me that after all these years blizzard still hasn't given shaman's the earth elemental themed tank spec they had the tools for all the way back in Vanilla.

>all this autistic minmaxing
>pvp is bursty 1HKO shitfest
>pve is easy as fuck
Troll Warrior is the way to go.

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>Everyone welcomed having the classes on both factions during TBC.

I sure as hell don't remember every little detail about the world after all these years, and even if I did it's nice to revisit all the old locations.

To be fair, the blood knight quest line was actually pretty cool if you actually played it. The real faggotry was making "heroism" for the alliance carebears who couldn't have an icky spell like "bloodlust". they could've at least called it something like "zealotry" or something.

Pretty cool

Can't blame ya. What class are you running? Mages are good for exploration with blink and slowfall. Druids can get some decent stuff going too, with stealth, dash, and charge.

Attached: lorelol.gif (800x406, 1.11M)

Probably warrior, so I'm gonna have to bring friends or potions for some of the harder locations.

Never watched wow pvp videos and enjoy undead aesthetics a lot.

Both of those are good with your goal of helping people too - mages can snare mobs for kiting and can provide water, Druids can fulfill a bunch of different roles and can withstand some hits on tough elites.

cant deny that

I played a paladin on horde in bc because i actually liked blood elves and how superior they felt to other horde races. I still have the tabard on retail and the weapons you could get

>classic, 8classes
>bfa, 3 classes(tank healer dps)

>most balanced expansion that still had unique classes and specs?

Enrage isn't even the main issue. You need piercing howl to solo anything.

I would not go Warrior for exploration and helping others, unless that help comes in the form of being a tank for a party that already has a healer.
Warrior moves slowly, can't grind or farm well, and will struggle pretty goddamn hard as your first char without cash. You'd be better off going a different char for your first - something which can get decent farm for cash.

Priest are good at either healing tanks or the raid
Druids are ok raid healers
Shamans are good raid healers and ok tank healers
Paladins are amazing tank healers but only after they gear up

I didn't actually heal in vanilla so I might be wrong

Orc no question if you want to DPS. Most good melee weapons are axes and weapon skill is OP in vanilla
Undead are worth considering for tanking since Wotf is a good backup for fears if you fuck up a stance dance. That's kind of a crutch though and the Tauren HP and Orc axe skill are better benefits
Orc. Stun resist is strong as shit.
Wotf is a help but but redundant on a warrior. Saving yourself the stance dance doesn't matter when you'll be stance dancing like mad in fights anyway. You should be able to hold your own against warlocks without it, especially if you meme as fury PVP, and spriests will fuck you up no matter how immune to fear you make yourself.

Bloodlust and Heroism were created at the same time. Having each faction have a different raid buff is better then them both having the same shit like Timewarp.

My belf pally is still one of my favorite characters even though i don't like wow elves in general (mostly play tauren). I really enjoyed the quest where you learn resurrect by killing another paladin and then mana tapping M'uru against his will for the holy powers.

>only half the specs are viable
Where? You have 40 man raids pretty much everything is viable in 5 man and raids. Every class can be played in pvp. Actually vanilla has better balance than retail and that's coming from somebody who played prot warrior at the start off BFA and had 1100 score.

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You are all retards. The game was already streamlined with Tauren Druids. At this point there was no reason that Horde couldn't have Pala.
Also Knaak wrote vanilla, and the story was garbage as well, even if it was less apparent than TBC.

Bloodlust goes all the way back to Warcraft II. Heroism was some shit they made up just for filthy Dranny's

ah yes TBC where only viable dps were hunters and warlocks and every other class was there just to buff them

problem is finding 39 people to carry your retarded meme specs, when raid boss drops 2-3 pieces of loot for 40 people you better believe people don't look kindly to it going for something like ele shaman

Pretty much true.

You're a bit off.

Best group healers thanks to prayer of healing and good tank healers.

Druids are Druids, you won't top meters but you have some roles. Enjoy spamming healing touch 99.9% of the time.

Best AoE healing since Chain Heal was the only smart AoE heal of the time, all heals are very powerful but they lack mana efficiency. Great buffs for melee.

The kings of healing out of the 4 classes. Not only are they the most mana efficient and have the heaviest heals for tanks, but they WILL heal snipe everyone in the raid making them the best raid healers as well. Also their buffs are god tier, but healers don't have to worry about that because thats what the dedicated ret pally is for.

>TBC hunters/warlocks
>1 macro dps only classes
For what purpose?

If you have someone reliable to play with, Warrior+Healslut is by far the best leveling duo. A lot of warrior's problems just disappear when you have someone to top you off during and after combat, you can be a lot faster than a double dps duo

It would've been funny to see how people would've reacted to lore accurate class lists. No alliance Shadow priests, fury warriors, or warlocks, no horde druids or mages.

gw was never a game about leveling, lvling is only there to give people a basic concept of the skillsystem etc. since 8 different talenttrees, switchable weapong abilitys is a bit much all at once.
gw2 has roles, theres a lot of people playing healer or tank.
story is atleast kind of shit, agreed
>and classes that I tried didn't feel good
thats something i dont understand. alone thief can have about 20 different playstyles up to your own liking. how cant you find something?
vanilla WoW only has 3, which are not even optional

Not him, but ele/resto pvp is fun as balls. Instacast chain lightnings and having like 15% crit just from talents is great.

you have to ask the devs who made it that way

I think orc is stronger but I wouldn't call wotf redundant. There's times where you get caught no matter how good you are and it's a godsend against locks with succ. Also you could think of it as a dmg reduction against priests or locks since you don't have to sit in berserker. And those two are the bane of your existance.

Is there any point to retribution or protection paladins at all?

>problem is finding 39 people to carry your retarded meme specs
I led a ... well, a low tier and not all that successful raiding guild in classic WoW but we did beat Huhuran so that has to count for something I guess

I would take the 100% attendance memespec over the 85% attendance main spec, and I'd take the 85% attendance memespec over the 50% attendance mainspec.
Also if you're consistently potted up and got full consumes you bet your ass I'm taking you over the "real" spec who is a lazy cunt that expects to be carried.
I'll give you that as a memespec you'll be doing only like 50%-80% the throughput of an actual spec, but a consistently average player is better than an inconsistent and good player.

Unless you have deep wounds. If I see deep wounds you go back to the bench. Or if you're a Balance druid. If you're a Balance druid I laugh at you and ignore you. Other than that, reliability and preparation make up for a spec deficiency.

Poor choice of words my dude.

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this, but split cucksick into original and re-release, move the first one to D because its a shit game and the second one to Z because it will be invaded by homefags and boomers on top of being a shit game

TBC barely had a story, it's kinda depressing to red about the massive lore Metzen planned for shit like Tempest Keep, only for it to be missing in the final game, the early 2007 release date for TBC caused some cuts

And what little lore there was was either used to jack off Knaak's characters or to assassinate others like Kael'thas.


BoK and healing



So you are saying that TBC story could have been even worst?

>no new content ever
Will this be /vg/:the game after all the phases are released? Just a bunch of autists beating on a dead horse?

hey bros is it possible to avoid stv completely i dont wanna do that aids during launch

Ret: Blessing of Kings
Prot: Stratholme, Scholomance, and I think Gothik's adds.

healchad here, fuck off with your warrior. im allready given to the based undead rogues and the RETS.
they can atleast kill their targets

>I'll give you that as a memespec you'll be doing only like 50%-80% the throughput of an actual spec, but a consistently average player is better than an inconsistent and good player.
There's also the issue of being a pleasant guy to have around in general.
Nobody will give a fuck if you do slightly sub-par DPS if you've supplied half the raid's potions or helped them gear up for the raid in the first place.

An average friend is infinitely better than a top tier asshat.

it already is that. most wont hit 60 most will quit around the level 30 mark when they world opens up and no one is there to hold their hand while they keep getting ganked in stv

why were dwarves shitting on this guy since Warcraft 3?

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If Blizzard has a triple digit IQ they'll look at what OSRS is doing and do that. But who are we kidding here.

>the only content that matters is raiding
You niggers need to fuck off.

WotLK up to Ulduar is B tier. After that F.

>BoK and healing
That's just off spec prot, you don't need to go deep to get BoK at all.

Metzen wasn't a hack in that era, when he got married though he clearly became too fucking happy & wanted everything to be a comic book story at Blizzard

>>gnomes played by adhd zoomers
I am adhd but fuck you I ain't no zoomer.

>>no new content ever
>Will this be /vg/:the game after all the phases are released? Just a bunch of autists beating on a dead horse?
Blizzard said if people want content for classic we will get that content cope more

No new content ever is a blessing in disguise. What you see is what you get. Your class will never get nerfed and your progress will never get reset.

That said I'm still hoping that once they've released Naxx they start working on restoring cut content like finishing the Hyjal zone to be a level 60 questing/worldpvp area and finishing that Azshara battleground.

Wotlk had specs within specs.
Like the spell power enh shaman.

I don't think this version has retribution with BoK.

>balance so shit that I have to pay in potions for people to let me raid
Do I also have to let them fuck my gf?

Yes, if you're alliance go wetlands and north.
If you're horde just go barrens and south.
STV is just popular because it's so densely packed with shit, from the pvp arena, ZG, booty bay, hemet and all the fucking animals.

Not true. I had to reign in the people being "helpful" because they were encouraging others being lazy.
You can do a lot to help people, but doing things FOR them isn't the same thing, and in the end the only way you can consistently help people is to encourage them to get off their ass and help themselves.
Top tier asshats are also a wonderful motivating factor when you tell someone with a grievance that you'll side with whoever makes the fewest mistakes.
I guess it's a bit meta though, because in the end I do value niceness. It's just that being nice in the short term is harmful in the long term.

Things that ruined WoW:
>blood elves/draenei
>shaman on alliance and pala on horde
>multiple difficulties
>too many non mage portals

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Yes he was. He's entire responsable for the trainwreck that is WoW story since vanilla. He's the one who brought Knaak, despite everyone hating his work.
Wc3 story was just an accident.

Do any of you guys know a good tool to schelude 5man groups guild or server wide?
I want to try and make it so I don't have to waste half an hour every day to find a fucking healer

Plan is to post the dungeon I want to run and when the day before, have people sign up and invite them later on. Does discord have anything like this?
I remember a ingame guild tool for exactly that but I'm not sure when they added it

For what, you BFA baby? Not everything has to be viable in everything. That's why live is garbage.

where my shaman bros @

rets were good tier in pvp and 5 man content, depending on what your raidmembers play even ubrs.
and palatanks are anoying as fuck, but you can allmost do everything with it. not each raid would only take warriors

>shaman on alliance and pala on horde
Why? When shit like druid and priest exist on horde?

Things that ruined WoW:
>the 2 faction system
>the writing
>the lack of rigidly following a RPG base for quests and story
>Blizzard bootlickers

Id like to see old AV introduced as a separate BG to new AV

>Calling someone a zoomer
>"Even asmongold himself always says".
You really destroyed any credibility for your opinion there kiddo.

were hunters really good in the final tiers of TBC? I used to do good in the meters with mediocre gear but I didn't raid much past karazan, gruul and a bit of serpent shrine then I dropped the game for a while and went pvp afterwards

>Things that ruined WoW:
>>blood elves/draenei
>>shaman on alliance and pala on horde
>>multiple difficulties
>>too many non mage portals
>too many graphic effects
>dailys and weeklys
>mogs and store mounts
>streamlining everything
Could be more.

This. Especially the bootlickers. They are the ones who Blizz listened and made shitty decisions like turning so many great characters into loot pinatas during TBC/wotlk.

>He doesnt help his guild out for fun.
Keeping the guildbank stocked was entertaining since i could usually measure how well the raid went without anyone saying a thing.
Probably not viable in large guilds though, this was definitely casual.

That is true i guess, fine line between helping and being a crutch.


>elves have been a major faction since forever
>btw they ruined the game!!

druid shouldve been nelf exclusive and warlock orc/undead

>blood elves = night elves
Based retard.
>night elves
>major faction in wow

Knaak helped create a lot of good lore for Warcraft, but i agree he made a couple of shitty characters that Blizzard retconned

>elves have been a major faction since forever
Night Elves were a major faction, the 2 faction system meant that they and undead were merged with other factions

Because it added soul to the factions.
2 faction system is really shit for the game but what can you do, they are never gonna bother to fix it.
4 factions or no factions would've been better.
>undead on horde
>night elves on alliance

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>that feel when at this rate my Shaman on Live will never get to be an actual Wildhammer
it hurts

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>fine line between helping and being a crutch.
No, that line is quite broad. The question is if you're helping them more over time, or helping them less.
The goal is helping them less because the majority of people who give a shit will make an effort to do things on their own.
Some people just get to be more and more of a burden (and they tend to be the FUCKING HEALERS GODDAMNIT) and need to be let go.

take my hand brother, come home with me

was a good thing, backtracking forth and back was so annoying that half of your partymembers would say something like "can i get ported, my mothers needs help for something"
>b11 and draenei
duno, i dont like b11 in horde either
>paladin for horde
the best thing that could happen, hated vanilla for not getting to play a Ret paladin

>but what can you do
It was broken from the start
>4 factions or no factions would've been better.
Two is literally the worst possible outcome, have 50 factions or 3 or 0/1 or 4 I don't care.
2 doomed wow

Here is how it will go:
>cucksic launches
>people play it for a month and then 2/3 of playerbase drops it
>countless threads where going homo fags are mocked
>Blizz shuts down most of the servers after a year
>remaining servers are overtaken by tranies and erp'ers

And before you go
>m-m-m-mhu private servers
Yeah, it's not that bad when you dont have to acctually pay for this piece of shit.

>>blood elves = night elves
what the FUCK are you even saying? I'm talking about the high/blood elves

>night elves
>major faction in wow
they are, since Warcraft 3

and you dare call someone else a retard? I'm baffled you can even type on a keyboard and click submit

eh, it'd be a mess with 4 factions, they had to narrow it down to 2

The right way to do shaman on alliance and paladin on horde would've been to retool the classes thematically. Dwarves could be shamans, but wouldn't be exactly the same as horde shamans (they could eg. have more focus on earth stuff or something). On the horde side undead would have their paladin equivalent, but like undead priests they would have to twist the light in order to use it and would have more shadow-related stuff.

fuck off wrathbaby

>Knaak helped create a lot of good lore for Warcraft
The "lore stuff" is actually worst than the shitty characters. He raped the night-elves single-handed.
WOTA is the fundation of Warcraft lore, and he retconned it and raped it with time travel bullshit and selfinserts.

Of all the legitimate reasons for hating Vanilla, you chose to hate it for not letting you play the worst spec in the history of WoW.

>eh, it'd be a mess with 4 factions
Are you retarded? How could you possible think that 2 isn't the worst outcome
>expansion 1: Faction 1 v Faction 2
>expansion 2: Faction 1 v Faction 2
>expansion *: Faction 1 v Faction 2
*n+1 for every

Keep dreaming bucko. The only servers Blizz will be shutting down are BfA servers.

>treasure finding is pretty cool
Is this just for chests?

In blizzard defense, m+ after 20 is a huge meme balance wise and they don’t care.
That said
>ever able to balance
Remember in nuwow there is still pure dps because “????”.

I agree but it's never changing considering they are adding allied races now too.
>tfw no wow with 4 factions and everyone being able to talk to each other

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nightelves are a major faction, if n11's wouldnt be so much of a failure there wouldnt be TBC

The blood elves version of TBC ruined WoW, he's 100% right.
>they are, since Warcraft 3
In WoW lore they aren't.

>nightelves are a major faction
They are now the primary elfsluts of the Human Alliance like how the Belfs became the primary elfsluts of the Orc Horde.

there are literally blood elves in WoW pre tbc

>two factions get unbalanced
>the entire game is unplayable for one faction
>three or four factions
>one faction gets massive but the other can gang up on the big one together making it balanced that way

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>Are you retarded?
No I'm not, you are the retard.

>How could you possible think that 2 isn't the worst outcome
what the FUCK are you even going on about? maybe you're talking about the writing? because in terms of servers and gameplay it sure would go to shit fast

can you give any reasons besides "I hate elves! nyeeh!!!"? I'm betting on "no" since you are already being as arbitrary as possible ignoring what came before WoW

High Elves iirc.
And doesn't change the fact that the BEs of TBC were a big mistake.

>people act like some vanilla specs wern't solely geared for PvP/Leveling up

2 handed WF crits say whats up bitch

I actually loved the NEs of Wc3.
But the NEs of WoW have nothing to do with them. They were retconned by vanilla/knaak.
They are just generic elves who serve as wives for the human RPs.

it wasnt the worst though, the only thing rets were bad was raiding due to the dotlimit and mana issues.
i just didnt get the reason i had the option of frostboltkite victim, while the ReT in enemy team erased the whole bg

>They are just generic elves who serve as wives for the human RPs.
You're thinking of high elves

they are blood elves. there is one in stonetalon for the horde

>High Elves iirc.
You don't recall correctly.
I fucking hate zoomers coming in to shit on the Blood Elves and pretend they actually are long time Warcraft fans.

Attached: Warcraft_III_TFT_Blood_Elf_Human_Campaign.jpg (800x600, 77K)

>because in terms of servers
Oh, it is retarded.

You're wrong.

how are shamans in wpvp?

Illidari Elves != Orcsluts

>I'm just going to insult again and call it a day
who do you think you're fooling? what are you going to say next? that gameplay doesn't matter? you absolute retard

I didn't really stick around to witness LFR so I'm biased.

No, Night Elves of WoW. And indeed they just became more or less High Elves.

I want to play my 21/5/25 warlock again. What nublizz did to talent trees is a fucking travesty.

Terrible meme class that was only made popular with windfury 1 shot videos

>I don't like them, so they're not Blood Elves anymore!!!!!!
what the FUCK am I reading

>that gameplay doesn't matter
I never said that. In fact two factions are the worse for gameplay. It means the same two groups of players are always fighting, becoming stagnant and stale.

I played Warcraft 3 TFT, and the blood elf campaign was the best part.
I'm just talking about WoW.

>Illidari Elves can speak human
>Orcsluts can't speak human
>THeY aRE THe SaME!!!!!!
What the fuck am I READING?

>blizzard will keep using classic and further rerelease as low effort filler between content patches and extension
>we'll never get vanilla oc with balance patches and bug fixes
Kill me

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Pretty mediocre. A good ele can hold their own but you don't win much more than you lose. Enhance are useless if they don't get lucky enough with memefury.

I remember too how Blood Elves in wc3 loved the Orcs who slaughtered them 20 years ago and would have annihilated them if not for the humans to save (again) their ass.


Burning Crusade, it still had some questionable decisions but had the best balance while mostly retaining the unique class design.

>druid furries and palacucks whining about how they can’t be LE FURRY KITTY XD or LE EPIC CRUSADER in raids
>Too attached to MUH NATURE and MUH LIGHT to just grow up and pick another class

>soda playing peggle while doing a dungeon
this is your "hard" mmo blizzdrones?


what the fuck does Mazda have to do with WoW

Improved hamstring is boss tier unless you proc it in a dungeon for some reason.

The prot talents are absolutely useless though. Piercing howl alone will help your party survive in a dungeon more than any other prot talent.

no that's some bullshit. the peggle addon didn't exist until TBC.

>3 factions when horde always outnumber alliance
Great way to make 80/10/10.
>muh alliances
Not reliable, and you need a critical mass of players and ressources to reach certain tiers, imagine trying to find a tank for [instance you want to run] when it's even smaller

I just checked to see what he was talking about and it's a separate window.

Ok vanilla boomers, what are some tips and builds for a PvE Rogue ?
also what race is best for it?
i actually want to get into wow classic when it launches.

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Classic uses the modern addon API, which is significantly more restrictive than the vanilla one. There's a bunch of addons already out for the beta.
Things like decursive on the other hand will 100% not work in Classic, because the modern API was specifically designed to prevent stuff like that.

combat sword spec

>warlock orc/undead
Warlock should be a Night Elf and Human exclusive if you wanna use that logic. The first Warlocks in Warcraft lore were the Highborne a.k.a Night Elves. Then that Necromancy was passed down to Humans so that Sargaras could invade.

I'll miss fempandas.

the funny thing is i think the peggle addon was actually an official cross promotion, so they actually would've made it work in the modern framework if it came out today.


Combat sword spec.
Is Slice and dice active?
Y : good
N : fix it
Is it kick time?
Y : do it
N : don't do it
Are you Horde?
Y : don't apply poison to main hand

I want to impregnate a Panda.

Human Rogues will ALWAYS beat every other class. The weapon skill gives them a huge advantage and no other racial can ever compare. This also gives them the edge in PvP since Humans will always have the best gear. Shit like escape artist doesn't matter when you can one shot your target with a 6k eviserate crit.

>Great way to make 80/10/10.
>this is worse than 90/10

Don't forget Perception giving them an edge in rogue vs. rogue duels.

>don't apply poison to main hand
implying i totemtwist for you, its a 5 man group and you are the only one getting a benefit.

Weapon skill doesn't apply in PvP combat retard.

don't forget they were the best in rogue vs rogue thanks to the human increased stealth detection racial.

>we live in a time now where there will be guilds full of people obsessed with streamers who will powerlevel said streamer to 60 and throw all their gear at them

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Balance mostly. Giving each faction an exclusive class is cool at first but it becomes harder to design around the longer the game goes on.

Perception is fucking OP as shit in PvP and people really undervalue it, then over value WotF and Escape Artist.

Any smart horde rogue is going to avoid human players, especially human warriors who are aware. Because they know they will lose their opening.

epic game blizzdrones

Attached: nicegame.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

>will miss the vanity album
>will miss Archaeology
fuck farming orb of deception for the 5th time

>playing a 15 year old mmo that's filled to the brim with zoomers, trannies and e-celebs for 12,99$/month
even if this game wasn't an objective 4/10 with no class balance to speak of, it's mind boggling how much shit double digit iq "people" are willing to eat, as long as Blizzard's logo is on there

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that was forced gameplay shit, elves in Warcraft reach adulthood around 60, they were all alive before the third war, they could communicate with humans at that time
so let me ask you, why are you trying to look smart this hard?

google says there were BEs in vanilla, though their character models were very subpar

shit is already polarized with 2 factions, with servers heavily orbiting towards 1 faction in terms of population, what do you think would happen if there were 4 factions? same shit, population would again gravitate to 1 faction, even harder, too, a second faction would be behind it, and the other 2 would be completely abandoned


Humans did worse to the Elves, but you haven't played TFT I guess

play undead rogue.
gear looks better, you`ll be feared as the guy camping the deadmines entrance.
will of the forsaken is nice, canibalism god tier for leveling, since you dont need mana

>Shit like escape artist doesn't matter when you can one shot your target with a 6k eviserate crit
t. STV ganker, never played any group pvp

I don't know man, that looks like the proper addons for a healer.

>Weapon skill doesn't apply in PvP combat retard.
Holy fucking shit MoP baby detected. Crit chance you absolute fucking RETARD. Also read the post again, it talks about getting better gear first because human rogues are preferred for PvE over others.

>vanilla rogue
>playing anything other than undead rogue
c'mon bro

I love Peggle, I commend your choice in secondary game.

>they could communicate with humans at that time
>they simply forgot how to
Convenient story

>Humans did worse to the Elves, but you haven't played TFT I guess
No they didn't you little liar.

>half the specs are viable

You're gonna WF for Mr Tank and rogue and you'll like it

Enjoy your lower prio for gear in raids because you don't do as much damage as the other equally geared rogues.

PvE gear is is all that matters in Vanilla, and no, you will not get rank 14 gear.

That's 10 years ago bud. Athene got people to help him tag level to 80 and 85.

why would i windfurry for a bear?
for mr rogue. look bro, i told you to get yourself fucking improved sap, do we have a deal?

If this is true why do warriors get to be the best tank and DPS in the game?

But will all the streamers flock to PvP servers or PvE ones?

it was forced gameplay shit, it's not part of the lore

they did, you huge fat liar, orcs were fighting a war with the elves, humans used remnants of the few elves that survived Arthas' genocide as cannon fodder and later on were going to execute them despite them doing everything they could to help them
so, once again, you haven't played TFT

playing nu-classic is the video game equivalent of watching and masturbating as your girlfriend gets gangbanged by blacks.

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>it was ... gameplay
Aka in the game and canon.

That's some severe mental gymnastics my man. You should get off blacked while you can.

So thats how you supposed to play classic wow?

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druids or rets out DPS my fire destruction warlock? thats news to me
also never seen a class deal more dmg than arcane mage in wotlk

You're that excited, huh?

You (the KEK) are giving money (the GIRLFRIEND) to blacks (ACTIVISION-BLIZZARD) and masturbating (GOING HOME! BASED STREAMER ZOOM ZOOM!)

Should a 2 faction serv be 85/15, on the underdog side you have :
>more manpower
>more reliable ressources income
>higher probability of competent guilds forming up and gaining momentum
With 3 factions
>you're praying for alliances actually happening and gaining nothing from being the underdog
>praying for enough people on faction 3 deciding to help out faction 2
>cutting your side's ressource income or have inter faction trading, which would be abused by faction 1 destroying the market/not being different from being in the same faction

they needed a healbot & expensive repair bills

The only person obsessed with blacks and cheating is you

The 2 faction system doomed WoW

You better not be talking shit about peggle with these posts, it's fucking great.

>orcs were fighting a war with the elves
So what?? How is that an excuse you dumb fuck?
The humans were only some group of survivors. How can you make any generalisation based on that?
With your fucked up logic, Orcs and Trolls are way worst.

what are you even getting at? in the game characters from different factions talk to each other despite them supposedly not knowing each other's language, how are you going to explain that?

and I mean, for example:
>horde NPC can talk to alliance player
>alliance NPC can talk to horde player
>alliance NPC can talk to horde NPC
>horde and alliance players can understand everything

the only thing that is blocked is characters from opposing factions talking to each other, and they did that for gameplay reasons, would you care to try to reason that? because it's impossible

can hunter do coffer runs? or is it only rogue druid

Everything doesnt have to be balanced

>never seen a class deal more dmg than arcane mage in wotlk
let me introduce you to HFC speedkills then

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>Humans helps and have good relations with the Helves during thousand years.
>Trolls want to genocide the Helves during thousand years.
>One group of human in a time of chaos want to kill one group of Helf.
>Human are way worst than the Horde.

True because people will flock to the dominant faction cuz no one suffered a victory. The only pro of being an underdog is faster queues to be owned quicker
WoW was doomed from the beginning.

Shamans play differently to priests.

There's more to the game than just raiding.

LFG and multiple sizes/difficulties for raids.

>So what?? How is that an excuse you dumb fuck?
don't call others "dumb fuck" when you're the dumbest fuck of all time
>The humans were only some group of survivors.
...and? they were the humans of the Alliance in Lordaeron, so I ask you, what the fuck do you even mean?

>How can you make any generalisation based on that?
what generaliZation did I make?

>With your fucked up logic, Orcs and Trolls are way worst.
what fucked up logic? what the fuck are you even talking about?

it's one thing to be fighting another faction, it's another thing to be betrayed by your closest allies for no fucking reason at all, if I was the leader of the elves at the time the Garithos crap happened I'd side with the enemy faction before siding with the Humans anytime


People need to decide on their definition of viable. Does it mean doable or optimal?

If that's classic then retail is sitting alone in a room ten years later stilll jerking off about that same event

There is absolutely no reason to still be apart of the Horde after all the shit they pt up with
Most jobbed race in WoW, even moreso than Trolls, the oldest jobbed race

>AQ40 peak
>BT peak

I laid eyes on you and knew you were my nigga

>b-b-but muh retail
>*unironically plays western garbage*
Who cares about retail? It's dead for a reason, cuckold, and Classic will follow 4 weeks after its initial release.

How to do classic hybrid roles:

Let them spec for stuff that other classes simply can't do. Like a druid that specs in to be a tanking healer. Let them even have both bars while tanking. Why not let Shamans be true support? They have so many abilities that buff or debuff/delay enemies and yet few encounters make these abilities useful.

You don't even need to add any new skills (or talents) at all, just slight rebalancing of the existing talent trees more than anything.

You are aware that the Alliance of WoW was never aware of the actions of Garithos nor supported it right?
On the other hand the Horde worship Ogrim. They even named their capital city after him.
lmao you are so stupid.
Jesus fuck, did you even go to school?

Play dwarf bro.

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There's a a limit how much imbalance can be stomached, especially when we're talking about TBC-era Shamans.

Any good app or web I could use to schelude groups with my guild or everyone in the server?
I think wow had a guild calendar to add events and people would sign in and shit but I'm not sure when it got added.
The idea is to schelude groups the day before to skip the LFG spam, I've only played on old servers but finding groups could take a couple hours on a bad day.
Does discord have something like this? I only use it to voice chat

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>muh soul

fucking kill yourself you rose-tinted faggot

>dude is okay to become bff with the race that just raped and killed his family
what a cuck

HUBSHIT will never be better than WoW

Why are we even discussing this? TBC was kino and only needs flying removed to be 11/10.

Because vanilla isn't balanced enough to correctly implement the design, even if the design itself is sound. Luckily we have BetterVanilla, that being TBC.

Okay, granted, in terms of personal DPS SWP BiS fury is up there with mages and locks (hunters and rogues, the other two pure classes, are clearly ahead with their respective legendaries), but that's only really relevant for speedkilling some specific bosses. You can get away with two melee groups for bosses but by and large you don't want to run two melee groups, so I would rather have arms in the first melee group and not a single fury warrior => top 4 personal DPS classes are all pure.

I love my trolls but the horde is ruined and the game would be better off without factions.

TBC killed the game by segregating expac and non-expac players. Why do people suck its dick so much, I saw an instant drop in quality after TBC

The alliance is unironically worse off as a faction right now. they basically don't exist aside from the humans.

it's because the original wow devs were Everquest fags and made warriors absolute chads
but it's pretty balanced,warriors got through a lot of shit to get to that high dps

but my netherdrakes were cool

Lads, which class is stronger for PvP between Druid or Priest (world and BG, healer and dps)

Sure but both factions are ruined beyond repair.
Just remove them and make the game and community a better place.

Shadow Priest is op
Druid is a must for flag carrying in WSG

>for no fucking reason at all
Garithos lost everything because the elves only remembered they were allied to humans when it suited them.

>looking up shit for tanking as I remember being off tank for MC
>apparently defense cap is 440 (+140)
>look up gear I used to have, or at least most of it
>would come no where near close to it
>thinking if i was being bitch slapped back then
was or am i retarded? seems impossible to reach compared to when I actually mained tanked and the cap was only +60 or something it doesn't add up

2.4.3 is casual shit. In fact every patch beyond 2.1 made TBC more casual.

HotW Druid is the best all-around BG healer
>Completely unkillable
>Completely uncatchable
>Best flag running spec bar none
>AND it can stealth

Shadow Priests and Feral Druids are about equally busted in the favored matchups.

Defending TBC from wrathfags and vanitards since 2008

Defense cap is actually almost completely irrelevant if you healers aren't massive shitters, there's a reason Warriors don't use shields for farm content.
It's doubly irrelevant in MC because everything is Fire damage so your resists are vastly more important.

>never got an armored netherdrake because I was too shit at arena play

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Depends on what you prefer. Druids aren't immediately threatening but they're tanky and win through sheer attrition. They're also the flag carrier of choice in WSG. Priests are (probably) squishier but they're a lot scarier in both roles.

Absolutely TBC.

fuck off with your retarded speedrunning memes
it's fine, just sit on shield block for spiky fights and you're good

If you played the dreaded RMP or war druid you'd have it :^)

>10% more mana
>or 43% more shapeshifting
hotw sucks

>do 1-30 on a private server
>get bored and want to reroll class
anyone else? only so much boring quests and "rotations" i can take

>You are aware that the Alliance of WoW was never aware of the actions of Garithos nor supported it right?
one of sound mind wouldn't take their chances right after what Garithos did to them

>On the other hand the Horde worship Ogrim. They even named their capital city after him.
ORgrim, and that comes from after the first and the second war, from Orgrim's interactions with Thrall, I think those are book-only, not sure

>lmao you are so stupid.

you're oversimplifying things, I'm saying that very recently the humans tried to finish Arthas' work, time heals relationships, but it takes long, except for Zul'jin, that anger never went away

>Jesus fuck, did you even go to school?
says the guy who can't spell

even implying that the new Horde has anything to do with the old one is simply retarded

he's butthurt that some orcs burned his home town

should've gone with a real class

Shouldn't burn yourself in a fucking beta for a game you already played

not really. I can get 1-30 in like 25 hours so I dont get bored.

because when he gets sulfuras he can respec ench and start 1 shotting ppl?


>I'm saying that very recently the humans tried to finish Arthas' work
I'm done with you. You are a complet retard who exposed himself as not having played wc3 and a constant little liar.
Probably a WoWbab incel playing BEs because they look pretty unlike him.

>one shotting people once in a blue moon when you catch up
3 shotting people and having massive CC and mobility
wew lad

>all hybrids are healers only
>except warriors, who not only outdps pure dps classes but are also the only real tank class in the game

no. drop WF, bro

its factually correct though

>even implying that the new Horde has anything to do with the old one is simply retarded
>The city was founded by Thrall and named after his friend and mentor, the former Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer
Now shut up.

was shield block really enough?
this was 4/8 valor and 3/8 might with a draconic shield (what I remember using back then) for non-fire resist fights and I have no memory of how poorly my ability to tank actually was back then.

is this pasta?

Wasn't really that bad when it was only your server. Mostly just a teleport to the dungeon. Playing with 24/7 ragnaros and quel'thalas Spanish speakers got really old later though.

Arthas killed like 90%+ of the High Elves, the Humans of Lordaeron almost killed the rest of them, you can keep throwing around random words and NEVER ADRESSING ANY PONITS, but it still will amount to NOTHING, you retarded cuck

they've changed

>The city was founded by Thrall and named after his friend and mentor, the former Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer
>Now shut up.
>knows nothing about Orgrim and Thrall's relationship
>tells others to shut up
I wish I could tell you you're funny, but you're just pathetic

Really wasn't that bad if you used consumables. Dark runes / mana pot / fish / mana oil / tubers go a really long way and most fights just have burst aoe healing, not sustained.

if a boss can spike you, just hold off on using shield block until you get low(ish) and use it to guarantee you won't get crit/crushed when that might fuck your ass sideways
if it can't, just spam it with reckless abandon and make your healers love you

Stupid right? hybrids should be allowed to spec to be as good as other classes at DPS/tanking. its fucking retarded that each one is just a heal bot

i mean shamans only have melee dps, range dps and heals but they can't be actual DPS in raids + totem buffers? and paladins can only be tank or healers but nah the tanking aint good enough bro get the heal buffs out or fuck off. And Shaman only really has tank or heals but nah we only want your heals bruh

picking a variety class should just mean you want the options to, at the major cost of having to hunt down three types of gear, play as whatever role you want by heavily specialising and arguably spending more effort than the specialist classes would

that's game balance, right there

Several of the shaman tier sets have damage and healing. Very elemental viable. Enhancement has always been garbage.

>they've changed
So they don't have ANYTHING to do with the old one?
Why are you even bringing Thrall's/Orgrim relationship here? What's the point? You are telling me that they have NOTHING to do with the old Horde, yet they name their capital city after the dude who ordered to destroy the high elves.
Also the Horde is found of Orgrim, you little fuck. It's not just Thrall adoring him.

It sounds like your spec had to sit outside sunwell during progression. It was a very good raid, class dps balance notwithstanding.

>Wasn't really that bad when it was only your server.
Yes it fucking was because Matchmaking forces you into a group with paint drinking morons. Matchmaking is utter goddamn cancer.
I did try to put up with it for a while but you get the deserter debuff if you get votekicked within 15 minutes for fuck knows why or if you leave within 15 minutes due to complete mongoloids which basically meant that I was spending 3 bloody hours rerolling random groups until I found 4 people who I could stand and who could stand me.
It was too frustrating to even bother trying.
I thought to myself, "Why am I playing an MMO if I'm just going to play it single player?"
I had no answer. I stopped playing.

Never did the sunwell raid. Have no strong opinions on it.
The island's daily grind was cancer tho.

It is clearly a rock and roll racing reference.

I stopped at wrath, but you're mostly wrong about Druids and Paladin being top dps in wrath.
Mage, rogue, warriors would absolutely shit on pally assuming same player skill and same endgame gear.
Palaret was a very decent dps with great utility (which fits the paladin theme imo), but nowhere near classes like Mage.
Feral Druid had indeed very high single target sustained damage but that's about it, bad cleave, bad at target switching etc. Boomkin is subpar DPS but has great raid-help tools, which also fits the theme of a support class.

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>So they don't have ANYTHING to do with the old one?
Oh, please, tell me what the new horde has to do with the old horde. Tell me what the "let's band together and try to survive" horde has to do with the "we drank fel blood and marched through this portal and we're going to kill everyone here" horde

>Why are you even bringing Thrall's/Orgrim relationship here? What's the point?
That Thrall doesn't have Orgrim the bloodthirsty warmonger as his mentor, the horde has changed

>You are telling me that they have NOTHING to do with the old Horde, yet they name their capital city after the dude who ordered to destroy the high elves.
and the context makes more sense if you look at the backstory before Warcraft 3, why else would a peace-loving orc like Thrall name Orgrimmar after Orgrim if he really thought Orgrim was orc Hitler?

>Also the Horde is found of Orgrim
they have found Orgrim? where?

>you little fuck.
no, I am big fuck, I am big fuck in your mother

> It's not just Thrall adoring him.
not all orcs are going to be civilized like Thrall, of course

And if you're wondering why didn't you just form groups normally, everyone was using the fucking retard finder.
At one point I wondered if I should just farm enough saronite to outright buy my way into guild runs with the vaguely competent despite my lack of dungeon gear.
But then I thought ... Is this even sustainable? How long would I have to spend farming to bribe my way into raids?
Looking back on it, maybe I should have at least bloody tried. But farming gold to bribe my way into raids? Honestly I don't think I would've enjoyed it.

priest has mobility?

Spriest. No skill requirement, strong with any gear vs equal gear. Druid isnt as good with higher end gear

>only half the specs are viable
That's already more than BfA can offer.

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Elemental Shamans are fantastic in pvp.

used to refer to a thing, no matter what."

>Exact same Orcs who massacred the High Elves are the part of the Horde in WoW.
>Name their capital city after Orgrim the warchief responsable for the attack on the High Elves.

Is it that bad to have a low IQ?

Spriest? In vanilla? He needs skill in PvE and in PvP aswell.
for PvE:
If you don't follow your proper rotation you will be oom 20 seconds in the fight.
for PvP:
Same but even worse, if you use one wrong skill at wrong time you will run oom faster than you will kill your opponent. You will also run oom after every short battle so you gotta drink after every single kill. Considering the fact that you are not a mage, it may come out pretty damn expensive in the long run.
Spriests are a bait. Play warlock instead, they have almost everything spriests have but aren't sitting ducks.

hybrids can fill a raidspot for damage/tank but it's suboptimal. and that doesnt even matter since only naxx and maybe aq40 is tuned for 40 players. blame the playerbase not the design.

that doesn't matter at all because it's not BLACK AND WHITE
>the horde is not the same anymore
>what they actually allied with was Sylvanas
>they're far, far away from orcs and trolls
>they need help with the Ghostlands
it seems all notions of context and nuance are lost within your peanut brain

>Is it that bad to have a low IQ?
I'd ask you, but your IQ is so low you probably can't even understand the question

That is a design problem though.
The devs should already know that players will min/max so you have to design around it. Introduce different downsides to hybrid classes than just being garbage at everything. Make them optimal when specced but with more effort to gear and play and there you go its fixed. And it's a simple fix, doesn't need much more than a few numbers shifted around and it can still be all classic skills and talents.

Current Horde have the same rules/culture/flag/people (for the orcs) as the old one.
Thrall changing politics doesn't mean that the new Horde isn't a continuity of the old one. Hence why they kept the name.
So don't use words like "ANYTHING" dumbass.
I don't care about TBC, i just explained to you how it made no sense. Ofc the writers had to find some shitty excuse for the Blood Elves to go in Horde (even them didn't use the GARITHOS excuse like you did btw)
Oh and nice job moving the goalpost again.

spriest is completely braindead and boring as fuck

hell yes

well timed mace stun bro

>resub 8 hours ago
>still not in the beta

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>Current Horde have the same rules/culture/flag/people (for the orcs) as the old one.
>caring about the color of their skin or their flags
you can't be serious

>Thrall changing politics doesn't mean that the new Horde isn't a continuity of the old one. Hence why they kept the name.
>changing politics doesn't mean a faction has changed

>So don't use words like "ANYTHING" dumbass.
do you take every word in its literal sense? if someone says they caught a cold, you think they like, built a trap and managed to catch it?

>I don't care about TBC, i just explained to you how it made no sense. Ofc the writers had to find some shitty excuse for the Blood Elves to go in Horde (even them didn't use the GARITHOS excuse like you did btw)
I don't care about the other excuses, I'm saying that it makes more sense for them to be with the horde than the alliance after the third war

>Oh and nice job moving the goalpost again.
what goalpost? I said that it makes more sense for them to be with the horde than the alliance after the third war

i’m going to play a mage and make all of my own food and water and it’ll be very comfy
if you ask me nicely, i’ll consider making some for you too

>Symbols mean jackshit
lmao, kill yourself uneducated fag.
>a faction has changed
Never said that, but it means that it's still the same one. Just like a country can change its politics.
>do you take every word in its literal sense
Because of your little mental gymnastic, yes i do.
>I'm saying that it makes more sense for them to be with the horde than the alliance after the third war
Again, i'm saying that the whole TBC is bullshit. BEs starting zone should have been in Outland, there's no way the survivors would have claimed back their Kingdom on their own from the scourge, especially with their prince and half of their army in Outland.
And there's no way that Tyrande would order the Night Elves to fucking kill the Blood Elves on sight after helping them in TFT.
>what goalpost?
le "orcs are dindu, it's perfectly fine to be bro with the guy that destroyed my home years ago, to kill the humans who helped my people during thousand of years".

a thousand years*

Imagine caring about lore in an mom

How viable is this? For PvP and PvE.

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>Symbols mean jackshit
>lmao, kill yourself uneducated fag.
they're way less important than politics

>a faction has changed
>Never said that, but it means that it's still the same one. Just like a country can change its politics.
yeah, and the horde has changed

>do you take every word in its literal sense
>Because of your little mental gymnastic, yes i do.
you're the only one doing mental gymnastics, and you also don't know the meaning of the word, you probably think it means to picture someone in your head doing exercises

>I'm saying that it makes more sense for them to be with the horde than the alliance after the third war
>Again, i'm saying that the whole TBC is bullshit. BEs starting zone should have been in Outland, there's no way the survivors would have claimed back their Kingdom on their own from the scourge, especially with their prince and half of their army in Outland.
you mean like, they needed help from the Forsaken and the Horde to get Silvermoon back? what are you even trying to get at?

>And there's no way that Tyrande would order the Night Elves to fucking kill the Blood Elves on sight after helping them in TFT.
ok, and? what are you getting at again? why are you even bringing Tyrande up?

>orcs are dindu,
when did I ever say that

> it's perfectly fine to be bro with the guy that destroyed my home years ago,
not "be bro" with them, just ally themselves because it's the least worst thing they have at the moment

> to kill the humans who helped my people during thousand of years
as if the Blood Elves were actively hunting humans, mand, did you even play WoW?

For you question, arguably late tbc or wotlk as an overall.
Far as most fun overall for all classes that would be Pandaria with timeless isle patch

It's ds/ruin more or less and it's the main pve spec. Performs a little Better than sm/ruin but you won't have an imp to give to tanks. If debuff slots are available for your corruption sm/ruin is more fun, especially outside of raids. Sm/ruin also outperforms on multi target fights where you can spread a lot of corruption to fish for sb procs.

PvP lock spec tier list
>PvE tier
>garbage tier
>Mid tier
>Top tier
>God tier

>t. weeb faggot

>segregating expac and non-expac players
that was the smallest issue the expansion caused, especially since players were separated by level anyway and everyone would eventually go to max level

the real issues were that tbc
destroyed pvp through resilience and arena seasons,
destroyed questing / leveling / exploring by replacing it with a mindless quest grind,
destroyed the lore by making major wc3 characters raid bosses and
destroyed point of factions by giving elves to horde and making pally / shammy available for everyone

however, those actual issues aside, tbc had perfected raiding and class balance, even wotlk still had great class balance, though raid quality dropped hard after uldusomething


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you don't really get to chose

>getting master demonologist and demonic sacrifice

you forgot how TBC destroyed raiding by forcing 25 men through 10 man content

How does ret pally compares to vanilla, ive didnt played the class during the time.

you are part of the faggotry killing mmos

in vanilla you press 1 button every 30 seconds and then afk auto-swing for the rest of the time

>they're way less important than politics
They ARE part of politics (at least you admit that they don't mean JACKSHIT).
>the horde has changed
Where did i say the contrary?
>you're the only one doing mental gymnastics
You are constantly being dishonest here : How you use double standard, exagerating things because you are unsecured about your points...
>what are you even trying to get at?
I meant that the intro of the BEs in TBC is already a big fuck you to the lore : The BEs were apparently able to go back to their kingdom despite having lost 90% of their population, having lost the sunwell, and their prince being in Outland.
>when did I ever say that
Muh "Change".
>just ally themselves because it's the least worst thing they have at the moment
No shit, TBC had the Alliance acting like retards to push the BEs in the arms of the Horde.
>did you even play WoW?
WoW is based on factions who are at war constantly when there's not a generic world threat

>Tauren attack range is fucking ridiculous and was complained about constantly throughout the arenas in TBC
>#NOCHANGES crowd as loud and proud as the spergs in Ms Banks' class so it won't be fixed
This was an opportunity to take a decent game and improve it while staying true to the heart of Vanilla which was social interaction. But no, because LE EPIC SWING RANGE benefits ONE class out of four. It's suddenly okay and a 'hidden racial' and it's something these retards are actually praising about the race.

Try play Hunter, Elemental Shaman (cause lets get real enhance is a fucking joke outside of levelling) or Druid for that matter in PVP and put up with getting attacked from 9 yards away as opposed to 5. Sounds totally fair, right? Well Blizzard have already gone off and confirmed it wasn't a bug -- which really didn't need confirming anyway. And that it won't be changed. Blizzard is trying really hard to seem like they really care and are #nochanges too but there's already been glaring differences spotted like the regen rate being too high, mob attack damage being too low. I could look past most shit but this glaring bullshit balancing flaw has got to go. And if it doesn't, I don't care to play. I'm not play a Orc nigger. I want to play Tauren. It feels like the only likeable race for me and War Stomps fucking fun to use. Ain't putting up with that attack range though and I'd rather take a pass than be forced to play races I don't like.

>smallest issue
It instantly made all original content completely irrelevant. After TBC, any player that wasn't 60 and raiding already would just skip most of the original content to go right for TBC content. And why wouldn't they, Blizzard wanted to make $$$$ so why force players to have to raid and get good gear before progressing?

That's a huge fucking problem in a lot of ways. Now we have all these ex-packs and a new player/alt doesn't have to 90% of the game's content any more since everything is focused on the new ex-pack only. Expansions for online game are fucking mistake

>made all original content completely irrelevant
yes that is a systemic problem, though that is not the thing you wrote before

Fixed it for you

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The swing range is hilarious because half of the #NOCHANGES crowd, like that TipsOut retard, legitimately thought it was bugged when they saw it because their precious private servers haven't replicated it.

It is though. As soon as an ex-pack is released, everything is either ex-pack or nothing. Players without the ex-pack are basically forced to buy the damn thing because suddenly nobody is playing with them and nothing 0-60 matters

That's segregation bro. 0-60 content matters. I liked it more than anything I played in TBC. Fuck that shit

but there are no arenas in classic and all the competition in pvp is about who can nolife the hardest, so it's cool

I remember playing pvp in vanilla for the whole duration until tbc, when resilience gear made it impossible to play with regular gear anymore
I never get past rank 11, because I never played more than 2 or 3 afternoons worth of pvp per week, depending on the raid schedule
but it was always enjoyable, because it was just a place where I can either bash nubs with my raid epix or have a challenging fight against some pvp nolifers or the satisfaction of killing guys with even better epix than me

*creates ele shaman*

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>the regen rate being too high
Working as intended. Every class has a different spirit regen multiplier which wasn't properly implemented on private servers.
>mob attack damage being too low.
Mob damage is correct as is evidenced by comparative video evidence in eg.
There is absolutely no evidence of the contrary. You're just remembering wrong because back when you played vanilla you were new and bad so things seemed harder, and private server values are basically a complete guess and the slavs that dev them arbitrarily made shit harder because of the same fallacy.

still segragation is a different issue from making content worthless

>it's not the same horde
well, then we agree that it makes sense they'd join the horde, good

>speedrun meta
every hybrid spec is good in raids, prot paladins, moonkins, enh shammans etc

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The Horde has changed =/= it's not the same Horde.
See how dishonest you are and twisting words?

Every shitter lock did that back in the day. Of course it was mainly to fuel their crippling lifetap addiction but they still did it.

Nigga you're braindead retarded.

Hes a liar and even lies about playing classic at a high level, his entire audience is zoomer retards that will ruin classic.

if they changed they're automatically not the same, there's no word twisting, you're not the man you were yesterday, you've changed even if a little

>US elect a new president

>Everyone welcomed having the classes

one could argue that that didn't change squat shit because of all the rest of the politicians that will just keep the status quo going

now, if you're trying to use that to expose how decades apart horde that was beaten and changed drastically, man... you're so dumb

a more similar comparison would be Germany around 1987 versus Germany around 1997, if you're going to be honest


Point is that it's still the same entity. Indeed just like a person it can change. However to what degree? Do you think that the way Horde changed (btw they didn't really change at all, they needed to adapt because of being constantly btfo and once they had some freedom again..., well see ashenvale) is relevant for the Blood Elves? When did they apologize and felt ashamed for what Orgrim did if they fucking named their capital after him?
Which part of their culture did they abandon that could please the Blood Elves at a point where they would embrace the Horde after what they did to them only 20 years ago?

>people say they don't want paladin yet ever since BC Paladin has been the most played class on the Horde
literally tsundere