Melee wins again, ulticucks

melee wins again, ulticucks

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Did hbox win again

He got 5th.

Fox fighting Fox is so riveting to watch. Maybe they'll throw in a Falco one day to shake things up.

You see that huge rise towards the end? That’s because HBox got knocked out. If that happens more then melee is still alive.
Also a lot of the top Ultimate players didn’t go to GOML.

seething ultibabby

That huge rise was when one of the people competing said "If I win, I'll take a shower!" and people turned in to see if he actually would do it.

I stopped watching Ultimate because I'm absolutely sick of Smashville. I refuse to watch if they continue using that stage. Just play on Omega and BF stages, you fucking autists.

>That’s because HBox got knocked out.
wrong, it because people like melee
same thing happened at G5, were hbox was in grands and won
samething happened at pound, were hbox won
cope tr4.5sh baby

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I don't play any of those party games, retard

rent free

*saves Melee without even winning*

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>Fox dittos bad
Melee top 8 featured 5 different characters, by the way. Pretty standard.

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>Fox fighting Fox is so riveting to watch
this but unironically

The most pathetic thing in the universe might just be people LARPing as fgc on a fucking chinese cartoon board

I think the most pathetic thing is grown men who don't know what proper hygiene is.

Luckily, Smash 4 wasn't present at GOML.

>too dumb to get new material
>still LARPing as FGC

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zero wasnt there

more people tune in in the evening, what a surprise!


>ult top 8 starts 23:00
>finals during GoT series finale

More people didnt tune in to tr4sh back when it came before melee you fucking faggot
Pic related shows as much

A lot of Euros will be going to bed at that point as well

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how much money does twitch viewership make?

oh right it doesn't make any haha


>all this obsession with charts & numbers for validation
>and they still claim they aren’t mad about EVO
I can’t wait for [cl-r] to get a reveal trailer at EVO and keep Fox v. Marth locked out of Vegas forever. Bonus points if Samsho performs well enough to make the smelly-smells seethe next year as well.

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Cool, glad you're happy. Melee, Ultimate, Brawl, whatever. "Competitive" Smash is still a joke, and all you're fighting for who's the biggest clown in the circus.

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