How do I make friends in online games?

How do I make friends in online games?

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By watching better shows

why is she so pure? is it her autism?

I make them by ERPing.

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Well for starters, you could stop posting anime.

how to make anime frends online ~_~

You don't. it's too late.
Also don't try your luck on discord, its full of trannies.

Yes, of course.


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I love her serious outfit

why do you want internet friends

Here's an example.

>Playing Final Fantasy Fourteen as a Summoner
>We make small quips here and there about the dungeon. Choice comment; "Why are we wading around in plant piss?"
>See healer die on final boss
>Cast two spells to instantly revive healer while spot healing the tank as best I can
>Give 20% of my mana to the healer so he can pump out heals once he's alive and active
>Clear boss because of that
>Get all sorts of praise, reply with a humble "no problem", add a smiley in for extra normie points
>Get friend request and player commendations from all three other players in the dungeon

Just be a good person. That's it.

Have you forgiven her?

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Is this the nightly friendship thread? Who wants to be my friend!

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By sucking my fucking cock you dumb fag


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Excellent, tell me a few reasons you think we'll be good friends.

I do shit like that all the time but people never fucking talk, never ever, all they do is sit in a town and RP

i can fit my thick cock into your tight asshole!

She did nothing wrong.

Be a cute boy like us

I want you and your faggot shit out of this thread by morning

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Maybe after we've got to know each other better, gone in a few dates and we're going steady. Anything else? We can still make this work, I'm optimistic!

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Bocchi is such a cute girl

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i want to stomp your skull into the pavement and violently rape your boy pussy!

Oh god I want that done to me

She's a huge bitch

delet this immediately

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Okay, perhaps this won't work out after all. If you'd like you can have one more chance. I'd recommend turning the topic towards video games you like!
I'll be gone before the sun is up, that's a promise!

You don't.
It's not 1999
It's not 2001
It's not 2004
Online games aren't social anymore.
This is what convenience gets you.

Can have a tranny friend?

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am i applying for a fucking job or something just give me ur discord

>the set goal turns Bocchi into an alpha autist with lots of friends by the start of her third year
She was a bitch only to make her friend improve

God I wish that pic was me

>Bocchi is just shitposting material now
Sad days ahead of us.

From my experience this seems to be true. People don't give a single fuck about social interaction ingame since nowadays almost everything that could generate one is automated and made convenient. Discord is literally cancer and god knows I tried many discord servers all are fucked up in some way or another complete with circlejerk elite and zoomer memes.
Even a fucking exclusive boomer server (30+ users) one was full of drama and bullshit.
eh I just wanted to find someone mature enough to play videogames with ;___;

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I just wanted to post about Bocchi I didn't want this tranny erp shit

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I tried to warn you OP.
Now they invaded the thread

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these threads make me nauseous.

i;d prefer shitposting or ANYTHING over this fake cutesy act.

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No, I just wanted to be sure we had anything in common. I am not interested in ERPing and likely not interested in seeing your dick either.

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At the expense of crippling their relationship. She was too harsh for no reason

Do you want to be my cock wash friend?

She was right.

i just wanted to play video games with like minded folks

Then go to Yea Forums you dummy.

>She was too harsh for no reason
>no reason
Come on, you see how bad Bocchi's lack of socialising had affected her


my dick big guy.
bigger than your asshole - believe me

Yes please, more than anything.
add me up losers

Well what kind of games do you like then? Talking about your wiener and my butt isn't a good way to start finding friends to play video games with.
That's not a game...

>Bocchi couldn't get into the same school as Kai because Bocchi was too shy to turn up for the interview
Kai knew that Bocchi couldn't keep living like this, so she forced Bocchi to improve herself even if it mean that Bocchi would hate her. Kai is a hero

Wait I was in this thread last night.

Don't turn it into degen loli stuff, instead can we have the cute girls(male) to the front please

shut the fuck up cocklet his boy pussy is mine

>That's not a game...
It's a mini game.

u play rainbow six guy


That doesn't mean she can just ignore her like in the last episode. Some acknowledgement from time to time can't hurt.

Well nice, I am gonna masturbate now, wanna suck my flaccid cock and get the remanent semen out from my urethra?

user, I'm not sure you should be saying those kinds of things about yourself like that. It's a bit degrading.
I haven't in a while but I'd love to. The last time I played was right when the dude with the UAV or whatever on attackers came out that showed you if you moved and I think the nanomachines person was recent then too.

Kai can't afford to soften up now because Bocchi has a long way to go. Also Kai is really cut up about what she did and can't really bring herself to face Bocchi

That sounds hot, I'll make sure to suck out anything left in that limp cock happily

>want FF14 friends
>they all want to ERP or won't shut up about anime
>switch to Gilgamesh
>still the same groups of people

I just want homies to shoot the shit and do dailies. God damn.

We can talk about penises and penis related activities.

the fuck that was like 3 years ago
fuck kind of games u play

I'm on the RP server and found exactly what you want so I don't know how you fucked it up.

If you were on Primal we could've played together when Shadowbringers comes out.

>erp trannies

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I think that was like a year ago. I don't play a lot of multiplayer games because most of my friends don't like the same kinds of multiplayer games I do or they live in Europe and our pings would be awful. I think the only recent multiplayer games I have are RoR2 and MHW.

On Balmung? Bullshit, when I was on every area outside of the cities were utterly barren and dead. They were all erping. Literally all. The ones that weren't in the cities were in the mist at the slave auction or strip club. If you somehow find someone outside of the city and try to communicate they will switch to a crafting class and go invisible to signify they don't want to talk. Fuck off.

Fuck her.

>tfw when no full aru song

yeah i don’t have those what’s ur uplay name

Nowhere near "Everyone" is erping. Tons of people just playing there socially, like me.


I'm sure Bocchi will after she's done creating her chad autist harem

I leveled 2 characters to 70 and did my monster rank stuff on Balmung. I have seen maybe 10 people ever outside of the cities and mist.

I haven't been on it in so long I don't recall off the top of my head, do you have Discord or Steam? Also do you live in the US so our ping won't be awful?

I sign in daily and see them everywhere.

>Who wants to be my friend?

Post a pic of people in an open area right now.

>"anyone have mic?"

yeah i’m in the us, what’s ur steam

I'll FIX your FACE with the BACK OF MY HAND, cocksucker!

I would if I was at my PC, sorry.

Like I said last time, it's a statement, not a question!

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Like I said last time, you need to word it differently for it to be a statement.

>tranny spammer
ur on ur own homo

join the discord of a game and find friends there, then form your small circle of friends from there

I'm a man, not a tranny. You people gotta get this through your heads.
You're my friend now!

That's awfully specific.

Talk to any one of your 20 steam friends, stupid friend collector.

Now you're starting to understand! I'm not your friend though.

If it wasn’t for her Bocc would still be a friendless loser right now.

Oh. Why not?
Lots of them are people that add me and never speak to me but then readd me and yell at me for removing them.

You're not a faggot, you're just confused because you crave intimacy and everyone here is a dude. Also you watch too much anime.

>4,000 hours in WoW: Tranny edition
This shit writes itself

now she's just a loser with loser friends

Talking to you a bunch of times does not make me your friend. I've been fucked over too many times in the past to throw that word around so lightly.

How do I talk to people online? I just can't seem to do it.



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By fucking off to your containment board faggot

Summon a warriors sunlight in Dark Souls 3. random guy helped me fight off invaders in crucifixation woods, it was fun so we didnt progress in the game, we just continuously fucked invaders in that game. We've been friends for 4 years now, linked up in person and fucked some dumb white bitches lol

Damn I want to add you for siege but I bet you suck at it

I remember you from last night complaining about guys erping with you then not being good friends.
You seem pretty cute.

Don't most people on Yea Forums has like 150+?

But there are a fair few cute gay guys or girls(male) out there, who need plenty of love an attention

not the fag but im good at casual u down

Wouldn't it be funny if I punched Bocchi in the stomach and she started crying?


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damn shes cute is she from a new shitty flavor of the month anime

I wouldn't say it FAV, it's just cute girls doing cute things

heres hoping we get some doujins where she tries to make lots and lots of sexfriends

perfect for wannabe trannies and fags alike

>shitty flavor of the month
I wonder what the alternative would be

Don't be a weeaaboo

You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself.
You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life.
Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
You try to escape into your fantasies, but you imagine yourself as a weak anxious screwup. Even in your own fantasies, you're still a failure.
You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.

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Let's take this relationship to the next level user. Come visit me in real life and we'll go to karaoke together.
I don't think I'm too bad but do keep in mind I haven't played in over a year.
Why thank you user.

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H-how did you know I love karaoke? Sadly I'm way too far away to visit you.

Simply an educated guess. Rather a friend took me to it recently and despite making a fool of myself, I had a good time. I just went earlier today with friends but the place we went to kinda sucked.

I'm a terrible singer but singing and dancing around like a moron is one of my favorite activities whenever I'm alone at home.

Honestly these days it’s hard.
Most people go into games with their clique already made, and very few bother to have meaningful interactions with strangers anymore.
Why do you think all modern MMOs are shit and doa?
It’s not that old mmos were better - the people playing them had an actual sense of community which made the game’s flaws meaningless.

>tfw no cute boy in Aus/NZ to play siege with while bullying and teasing him

Why am I alive again?

I like to think I'm not awful but it's still a little embarrassing at first. My throat is always sore after I'm finished.
I apologise user, I live in Washington. I'm sure it can't be that hard to find though, don't give up on your dreams!

You need to practice some more then.

>red flags: the steam account

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Real talk are you all true homofaggots or is this just pretend game?

prison gay from never having a gf
not even joking

Maybe, but I sing loud and try to hit all the highs and lows right and my roommates like to pick silly songs that are kinda hard on my voice like Barbie Girl.
Maybe my avatar and comments, but what else is wrong there?