>NPCs all share an idle animation
NPCs all share an idle animation
Other urls found in this thread:
Are women ever truly happy, other than when having children?
They're happy when they don't have to interact with you
when they take your money of course
I don't get it
>he says while filming on his phone
>go to public space with attractions
>people are taking pictures
gee i don't know man i don't know what they had in their hands in the 90s
this has to be fake
i refuse to believe this
That's not belle on the left. Do you have face blindness?
An ICEE and a ticket to the actual fucking ride.
Women don't have feelings. They're agents of the world that simulate/mimic shallow feelings only when in front of other people in order to provoke responses that serve the world.
If you want to verify this start monitoring women you know through hidden cameras. They don't even make facial expressions when men are not there to see them.
god I wanna rape this bitch. Did anyone doxx her yet?
They're taking pictures of themselves, not the place
Why? Pic 1 looks fine other than the skin, and that's easy to cover up. There are far more dramatic makeup transformations out there.
Her real name, birthday, street address etc. were known for years now. But she is a millionaire who lives in a gated community with private security now, so good luck with the rape.
Also here is a fun tidbit: for a good chunk of her "career" she was underage.
delusional, must be one of her faggy teen fapboys
you are talking like it was any different before
fucking. rekt.
OP is annoyed about the fact that human beings enjoy drowning themselves in vanity.
Also, is really her? If so, then godDAMN did she blossom. Makeup is really a godsend for some bitches.
>oh no people are posing for photos and having fun with others
fuck off with thinking you're some type of intellectual who sees the world for what it is
A master of women
Why is everyone acting like left is in anyway bad looking?
Looking at this makes me glad I'm still an Introvert. People suck. Dull and boring pieces of meat.
I don't think any of those people are having fun. There's nothing fun about obsessive vanity.
hello normalfaggie-kun!
I agree entirely. I think it's the skin quality, but that goes away with time / quick makeup. Other than that, left is perfectly attractive.
Any of the 3D GTA games
Because it is bad looking, though the ugly elements are more easily fixable, like skin issues rather than facial shape.
That's not true, my exes all cried and got cyberstalky when I left them.
It was, on the rare occasion you actually had a camera you'd have about 20-30 pictures to take for the whole day.
Nobody ever took pictures while on vacation before. Not ever. Remember when you wanted to go to the next ride but Dad keeps stopping the rest of the family and telling them to pose for the camera?
Fucking normalfags doing similar things. How DARE they look at a screen and not appreciate the beauty around them. Wasting their lives on the internet, just throwing away those precious moments like morons.
Everyone is a sheep but me.
t. roastie
Ouch. Yikes.
That is one defensive, exposed normalfag... yikeys. Oof.
They're not ecstatically raving but they're definitely enjoying their time doing what they are. It is vain and definitely not the scene for anyone in this thread but I guarantee you'd feel much better yourself by not seething over a whole bunch of forgettable dickweeds.
I hate Americans women
What a literal non-comment. Just a bunch of conciliatory half-statements that lead to nothing. I can almost envision an upvote/downvote thing next to your post.
>Half the people taking photos probably didn't even ride the wheel and just wanted some pics for shallow e-cred
>Even people who took those leaning tower of pizza pics actually went into the fucking building
>nothing fun about obsessive vanity
It's a lot of fun when it's validated. Otherwise, yeah- you're probably right.
Still, vanity is a guilty pleasure that drives all human beings alike, so for you to think that they aren't having fun while they are clearly capitalizing on their self-images is just plain ignorance.
There is a reason microtransactions are so popular in games, user, and it's because it gives people to express their personalities through appearances. They do this for the very same reason these chicks pose for pictures; to appeal to vanity.
are you really that surprised some ethot doesn't actually look as good irl? go outside
Don't we all?
if she has too much makeup you should wonder why would she need it in the first place
say it with me
why are zoomers trying to argue something they know nothing about, it was drastically different before everyone turned addicted to their shitty phones and politicians started to use fucking twitter of all things
have sex
>character idle animation in videogames
>character constantly swings arms back and forth, sways slightly, whole upper body moves in time with breathing like they were taking huge gulps of air
>real life
>people just stand still
Am I the only one bothered by this shit?
it was also expensive to develop pictures
no it wasn't, lol
my family was poor af and was always having pictures developed
It's hard to notice small details on a screen, so they are deliberately exaggerated. This is also the reason for all weapons being gigantic.
>send your daughter to college
>see her in one of these pics
On second thought, I imagine most parents of these chicks couldn't give a horse's ass if their daughter lives or dies.
God I want that village nip chick as my wife
the god hand idle animations are fun, not just over exaggerated breathing
Themselves at the place. So you want everyone to take literally the same picture of the same thing?
I've deleted all social media in anything related to it simply because I feel like mobile phones are huge distraction i only really use it to shop online or come here that's about it
To younger people who think that things were not different they certainly were before mobile phones took over the world
It is a powerful piece of technology but in the wrong hands can be used as a tool to Dull the mind
that's a chink cunt
This is truer than you'd think.
I remember watching my girlfriend play witcher 3 once, she didn't notice me come into the room.
She sat there, blank faced as fuck while just playing. Sad/happy/funny dialogue etc stirred no emotion in her that I could see.
I announced my presence and stayed watching her, at that point she was super animated during emotional dialogue.
>all npcs have the same model with different colors
Nigga nothing changes these discussions have been had before substituting y with x. Shit there were probably ancient Romans arguing about Roman zoomers on a bathhouse wall somewhere
look at all these normies doing a thing. I do not do such mainstream things therefore I am superior.
Jesus Christ
Visualize a crowded ballroom and imagine that you are deaf. You can't hear the music to which these people are moving, and then take a look at their senseless progress, which leads nowhere. Aren't these people raving mad?
I can see a plot-relevant character in the back-left there.
>all these seething incels getting triggered by seeing people enjoying something and socialising
never change Yea Forums
someone said this youtube channel was chinese propaganda, is this true? i thought it was bullshit though, why on earth would the chinese overlords want to push a youtube channel of a cute girl in a rural area doing diy things?
Hello triggered redditfag. Having a nice first week? Here's your complimentary cunny. And remember: niggers are less intelligent than human beings.
What did they mean by this?
are young americans that interested in politics?
here it seems the average millennial would hang em all given the chance
They're literally only staring at their phones
holy shit man
>create a device to connect people from all over the world and be able to access any information you want in seconds
>boomers and wrong generation fags complain
Yes, if this thread has revealed anything it's that the incels are seething.
Try recording your face when you are playing a game for a long while. I can assure you that it probably is the same as hers.
Also, you guys really need to remember that most women are fucking tormented by the fear of being ugly. That's why they take extremely basic and "safe" pictures that don't depict anything besides them having a good time and looking cute at any given time/place.
dude videogame dialogue is mostly dull only game that makes me laugh is gta san andreas because samuel l jackson
fuck off belle
>gathering of men
>everyone wearing practical, comfortable clothing
>everyone discussing and planning ambitious projects
>positive, focused energy
>gathering of women
>everyone wearing retarded "fashion" bullshit
>everyone vainly absorbed in themselves and trying to pose to look like they're having fun
>neurotic, insecure energy
If it *is* Chinese propaganda, it's probably to try to hide the fact that the core of the country is an overcrowded, polluted, sociopathic hell hole.
>whinging about the right racial slur for people that all look the same anyway
Just call 'em fishheads you troglodytes
>t. hasn't been to a social event in the past 15 years
The redditor population of Yea Forums is having a seethe at this thread.
>Go to Leaning Tower of Pisa
>Everyone is doing the forced perspective shot
you absolute buffoon, how is anyone there socializing or having fun?LOL It's just groups of two shooting pointless pose photos that will be forgotten about the second they're posted
>getting emotional over Witcher shit
You're such a faggot
>overcrowded, polluted, sociopathic hell hole.
Sounds like USA to me
Not true, I went to my cousin's wedding a couple of years ago.
china thread?
>gathering of npcs
>every emasculated man has been convinced to wear neon shorts
>convinced to wear gay little slippers
it's cute desu
>why would propaganda lie?
My original point was completely serious. Women don't actually have emotions at all. They're not even conscious beings. All the pussy-worshipers here will take that as an insult against women when it's anything but that. It's an observation about their nature that most people are absolutely terrified to even consider because of the life-altering metaphysical implications of it being true.
Women are not even humans.
They're trying to lure people back out to the Rural areas to build them up and support the entire country instead of just it's epicenters.
you idiot
Gook = korean
Chink = chinese
Nip = japanese
once a peasant, always a peasant
these are the people that actually pay to take pictures with people dressed like centurions outside of the colosseum in rome
Beats interacting solely with npcs you hermit
why do incels ignoring this?
>omg, look at these stupid roasties staring at their smart phones
>wait, let me film these roasties with my smart phone and then share it with anonymous people on social media for upvotes and likes.
>fucking women, i swear
It's far, far worse than the US.
Probably even worse than Russia.
Who says OP was an "incel" who made the webm
Could just be your average man just taking a vid of what's going on and it got reused for shitposting purposes
Learn English, shitskin.
>self respecting "men" have convinced themselves that this is what they need to wear
>they actually think dressing like a fag is redpilled
Was this (((their))) ultimate plan?
They're all insects in the end. Why bother trying to differentiate between the different species?
it's no different from filming animals at the zoo
I have gone to at least 1 festival per year in the last 5 years, you would be surprised at the amount of people that clearly only go to take instagram pictures, lots of them dont even stay the full weekend
If youve actually ridden a feris wheel youd realize their boring af
Lol alright.
>missing my point
>trying educate me about the different types bamboo coons
fuck up you damn weaboo
Only the chinese deserve to be called insects.
I though gook was Vietnamese
they look like americans failing at dressing like europeans
Fucking hell, i don't display emotions when i'm alone in my room either why would you display emotions?
There is nobody around, you still feel them there is just no need to translate them.
You're a bloody idiot mate writting a stupid post like this.
they're all part of the Young Republicans Club I bet.
you got some serious issues there, retard
Go get a boyfriend and stop being so miserable.
>white guys
this. righties are not /fa/ like us progressives
>he thinks incels attend these events
> touch me and daddy will sue you
Nice legs
>Sounds like USA to me
I hope you don't genuinely think that the USA is worse than China
I know Yea Forums is full of retards but at least have some kind of intelligence dude
Seek intercourse
Is it time for a shitskin inferiority complex meltdown?
Nah man, you're just a raging dipshit. I never made the argument "women don't make facial expressions when alone and this means something". I made the argument "women literally DO NOT HAVE feelings". You've failed to even understand what is being asserted and thus it's impossible for you to refute it.
Have sex
>being surprised by this
Goddamn Yea Forums is so full of stupid, immature retards. Get a fucking life, dude. Who gives a horses ass if these people want to waste their trip to some shitty concert just to take pictures and brag to their equally useless, toolbox friends.
Fucking hell. What is this thread even about? People trying to act superior because "MUH AUTHENTIC FUN LOL!" You fucking losers wouldn't know fun if it raped you in the dick.
Fuck off and die.
seek reproduction
They look okay, what's the problem here
grrr they should be drinking water instead
Those look like swedish fuccboys we used to beat shit out of on cruises.
Where does this style come from and is it exclusively american?
I've seen this shit all over the internet but never here in aus
i have noticed something
why do the normalfaggiest posts always come with a completely unrelated reaction image, usually of some meme personality?
I can't tell if this is bait or serious.
How did (((they))) convince a generation of "men" to do this to themselves?
Don't skip leg day, they're alright by me.
Grrrr i fucking hate meatcunts. They need to be branded and treated as cattle.
homo spotted
Because it kills the crab, my non-normalfaggot dude.
Holy shit, you cracked the code. You figured it all out.
Girls with acne and no make-up look less appealing than when they have no acne and are covered in make-up.
Modern day Sherlock.
you could enjoy the moment and not post it on instagram..oh wait
Cute. She is cute
If you want proof that Yea Forums is dead, just look at the numerous "I-I see nothing wrong, I have done this myself, f-fuck off incels" replies from genuine 2014/2016 newfags.
>refuse to buy a smartphone
>still spend most of my time in front of a screen because i'm addicted to video games and shitposting
not sure i'm better off
at least on the rare occassions when i do meet people, i'm not staring at my phone
Now I know who was seething in those Arnold threads
Nothing wrong with being a homo t b h
Yea Forums is a LGBT friendly site
that guy seems cool. In comparison to that group of twinks.
>at least on the rare occassions when i do meet people, i'm not staring at my phone
You could be shitposting on your phone
Have sex with a consenting adult in the context of a loving and nurturing relationship
Bro if cunts dressed like this here they would get kinghit everytime they go outside
This, he is woke (which makes him better than ANY "manly male"!)
>have phone
>meet people
>put away phone
wow that was hard
>never in aus
Hopefully this degeneracy doesn't infect your country. It's some of the most pathetic sights you've ever seen. It's even worse in person.
Whenever I see a "male" wearing these, I am reminded why we need more gender categories because whatever this is clearly isn't male.
If you abstain from this kind of behaviour, if you refuse to be part of decaying society, you will find yourself alone, with nobody who understands you. You cannot win. Now be a good consumer and buy another digital product.
an hero pls
>Yea Forums is dead
>posting in a shitpost thread about NPCs at 4:39 AM CST
You are what killed this website you cocksucking cow. Eat shit.
Literal NPCs.
Do normalfags really spend so much time obsessing over what colors/shapes of fabrics and leathers they wear on their body?