Is Tifa going to look like shit in the remake?

Is Tifa going to look like shit in the remake?

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That's the entire reason they didn't show the model. They teased with Aerith instead first to test the waters. Overall, it seems to have backfired because people hopped on the Aerith train and now instead of having just a Tifa model, they need to outdo the Aerith one.

> the japanese not making tifa a bimbo
lmao keep dreaming faglords & go back to retardera

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>that jaw
>cheekbones cheekbones cheekbones

western artists just cannot help themselves can they? Everything the west thinks of as "hot" in their heads comes out on the page looking like Sonya from MK9.

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They (and Squeenix) keep making the same mistake: they're trying to turn an anime character into a REAL WOMAN. Fuck that. FF7 was never "realistic", it was an anime style.


Anyone have the screenshot of the user insider who said something like, they going to fuck up tifa on purpose for pr

The post was made last year

I really feel like its a western artist thing though. Look at REmake. They LITERALLY scanned in the face of a girl KNOWN for her good jawline and STILL made her look really attractive. A weatern dev would have caked on a ton of eye shadow or mascara and still fucked this up somehow.

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She's going to look standard good, but not like a phenomenon from before. In addition she will not look like Tifa and instead like Rinoa or at best case scenario Martial Arts Female with a meager C/D cup..

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I'm wondering if resetera is actually Yea Forums trolls taking it to a new level.

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>Outdo the canon love interest

Dats a funneh joke

Fuck it, make em all ripped. Even Marlene. That would be some hiiarious shit.

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we've already seen Aerith, Tifa will almost look exactly like her, but black hair.
this is forced outrage panic you massive faggots fall for, because you needed another reason to browse tumblr and resetra all day.

>make it realistic!! :D
Stop this shit please.
The LESS realistic vidya looks, the better.

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>actual picture of what Metroid fans want Samus to look like

This is the most important gaming-related question of the year.
And the answer is going to be era-definingly important.

Tifa's "the vidya waifu" status might be extended for another 20 years, depending on what we get.

No, she'll look fine
What, do you think they make these models a week before the trailer?

Have sex

She looks like some generic capeshit bimbo.

totally legit and not made up

The third one is great

The time to bitch about this was 2006 with Advent Children. This fight has been over for a very long time.

>muh petite girlface
Secret pedo

that's a tranny lmao

I dont make the rules m8

god i hope so

>femininity is bad

found the homo

Make her buff, and give her huge tits as well. Everyone wins.

It's weird because none of the women I see on a daily basis has massive man-chins or huge strong cheekbones, and in the smartphone repair business I do see dozens on any given day.
I don't get why the SJW's fetishize this wholly unfeminine and weird look, when it absolutely has nothing to do with how real women look.

They should try talking to some actual women before they make suggestions as to how to "fix" a character,
Seems like they either don't get out much, or they're basing their ideals of femininity on man-jaw trannies, in which case isn't that insulting to actual women?

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>chincels are threated by women with better bone structure than them

Unfortunately, women with "good bone structure" i.e, male bone structure, are not attractive. Which is a shame because they need to be used to breed as fast, hard and much as possible because her sons will all be gorgeous chads. They're visibly carnying the male genetic makeup for handsomeness on their face and that shit needs to be used to make some 10/10 sons.

If she has daughters, well, it doesn't matter. They can be used for the same purpose or become bitter cat ladies.

I'd love if Tifa had her fat tits making them about as big as Honoka from DOA, maybe a bit of muscle just a bit less than in the colored pic, but it's only visible during fights when she's actually doing physical taxing stuff
The catch is she's wearing her Advent Children outfit when she's introduced, and she keeps it until the Don Corneo stuff
Afterwards she ditches the outfit she wore for the mansion and only has her tank top left
That way her tits are showed off after a while and there's a better payoff to seeing her like that

>OP asks a question that no one can possibly answer
I hate these kinds of threads

that's not even female anymore

>Yea Forums: Politics, E-celebs and random Resetera posts

Men are the only ones who can do anything correctly.
So when SJW designers attempt to create "competent" looking women, it's no coincidence that they always wind up giving them masculine features.

Western art looks all the same

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We had a much better thread about that buff Tifa before

I really dont know why female chars gotta look like men for this sickfucks to be OK with the design

Now this is a Tifa for Americans.

>We don't want women in our games.
>Make the 3d women look good.

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add muscle
add more tit
its simple

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>muscle girl have to look like dykes with roids pumped with testosterone
How sexist of them

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Considering how secretive they've been about her and how the others are pretty darn faithful to the original, I'd say she'll be the same but with slightly smaller yet appreciative bust.

Why does she look like tranny?

this is what tifa should look like

Attached: tifa13.jpg (859x1177, 139K)

being cute is sexist

Posts with no cap

Nipples too small

This is what Tifa should look like: slightly embarrassed moments before she rapes Cloud

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Considering how fucking great Jessie and Aeris/Aerith looks, I highly doubt it. Also pic related.

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Like cockwork. Penis.

We did fight. We got Sephiroth's bangs reinstated in the movie before its release. That was all we could do.

I forgot they were honestly going to not have Sephiroth's bangs at first.

unghhh thiccer

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You deserve money

Remove the thighs and ass, color her hair dark brown, return her long frontal bang and we have a deal.

Actually, this is what she should look like

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I support this.

Not specifically this picture but why do people on Resetera tend to intentionally draw women to be more ugly in their "fixed" versions?

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>female character in current year SNOY console

Take a wild guess.

Her boobs and outfit are both forbidden by Sony.

need the coloured pic of tifa

It's what they do user.

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I see manface all the time here in the states. Most women have a very defined strong jawline and chiseled features. I miss Tokyo bros...

Americans can't imagine that hot women actually exist in real life.

Because traditionally and conventionally beautiful women aren't realistic, they all need to be no lighter than a cup of coffee, manjawed and have at least 1 skin condition and must be built like a fridge.

This redesign is worse than the original design to me and I like Pyra.

>vidya NEEDS to be realistic
Fuck these retards

Vidya is no longer "fun" user. It's a vehicle for political messages so of course it needs to be realistic! Unless it's about diversity. Needs to be majority lgbtqts+

because resetera

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I'm curious to see how the best girl will look.

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Lmao that's the same retard who wanted the internet to stop spoiling Aerith's death because it's unfair.

>wearing her Advent Children outfit when she's introduced

canonically wearing an outfit from the future? nah.

They're 3d scanning her from pic related

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Even if she doesn’t have huge meteors, the advent children model is a cutey


thats a man

I hope you like the new Tifa design.

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Tifa should've ended up with Rude anyway, since he appreciated and treated her better.

How many black dudes are even into the whole bbc thing anyway? Seems cucky.

t.low test betaboy

they want to make her a tranny don't they?

Seething jawlet

Daily reminder Tifa will not show cleavage because she has a scar left over from when Sephiroth went to town on her.

As far as I know, blank dudes just like to see women getting fucked and don't really care about who does the fucking. The BBC schtick is almost exclusively a white kink

I’ll never understand this meme.

How human is this guy? I don't remember much of VII but was the dude always an emo faggot? Or did he have some form of human interest before?

Leaks incoming

>tifa's design is based on her AC one


This is what peak performance look like.

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left over from when Sephiroth went to town on her.
Am I the only one that read this and imagined Sepiroth taking Tifa out shopping, but something bad happened and she hides her breasts out of embarrassment?

Good bone structure is considered attractive by most people in worthwhile countries. Do you want your kids to have weak chins and no cheek bones?

this art is terrible

>they went to a malt shop and Tifa accidentally dropped some ice cream down her cleavage, making a mess and causing her nipples to tent out from the cold

>tifa's design is based on her AC one
That's not what it says, user.
>The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit, her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western.

Are you ESL? Going to town on something is a common phrase.

it's MA'AM

The thread where the image on the right was posted 404'd before I managed to post my redesign
here goes

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The fact they didn't show the Tifa model scares me. They obviously know it's going to have a negative reaction with some people, hence why they chose not to show her. I can only hope they piss off my enemies and not me.

>They obviously know it's going to have a negative reaction with some people, hence why they chose not to show her.
are you an idiot? they intentionally didn't show her because they want people to be hyped and tune in for E3

you clod
you buffoon

Idealized beauty makes fat insecure uggos self-conscious.

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why can't she have a dollface?

What a babe.

Just make her look like Jennifer Connelly in that one movie with the white top.

I know what it is. I said it made me think of something else.


Beauty is ugly, ugly is beauty.

Nobody suffers this more than Samus.

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why dont "we" start a counter campaign to make tifa sexy and not a musclebound, man-jawed freak?

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Here’s your tifa bro.

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Because her model is already done and it won't amount to anything either way.

>unironically wanting to be objectified in the taboo degradation fantasies of ethno-masochistic cumskins

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I was thinking about having a mission later down the line with Tifa wanting to recover it
Only it's actually a trap because Corneo managed to get Shinra protection on order to capture the party
After the party is forced to split up Cloud is captured and forced into the trap outfit again and Don Corneo wants to rape him
Cloud manages to break free but Corneo escapes, setting further enemies on Cloud
Cloud regains his equipment in order to fight but not his clothes so there's an entire section where you fight as trap Cloud
There are however outfits from other FF girls
You finally confront Corneo and eliminate him for good and recover your clothes and Tifa's outfit
However when you hand it over to Tifa she discovers a note from Rude saying Corneo defiled it, at this point Tifa starts screaming a d stomping on it
Cloud reads the note and shreds up the outfit before promising Tifa to buy her a new one after all the Sephiroth stuff is over

Black, white, purple or blue, I think any man would want to get fug Nagatoro.


What does a news site have to do with black dudes?

I am okay with this.

have fun

kek. Some guys like to pay attention to the news. No idea why though, it's usually depressing shit.

More like Anavarith Gainzbro.

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>titty monster Tifa, but also toned
Literally all that I want.

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That look nothing like or

I actually have a hard time visualizing Tifa for the remake.
Whenever I try, she either looks silly as fuck, or just always looks like something is missing or off about it all.

yeah they do chinlet

Another possible reason for why they didn't show her is they wanted Aeris/th to be the focus of this trailer.

Like, revealing one new character at a time sort of thing.

>all this cope
/fit/ is that way

I think it would be fine if she looked like this. More realistic, still decently big boobs and faithful to the original clothing.

Maybe give her slightly more western features since Americans get triggered by slanted eyes so much, but that should be it.

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Reminder that people who conflate bodybuilding with functional strength are idiots.

Why are those people using anime avatars while they are complaining about how female characters are too sexy or pretty in games?

Me being ESL can't catch the whole scope of this trend.

Will someone explain this resetera thing to me please?

>How do we make women look realistically female?

>Give them the body of a boy and a chin of a man

>not just any regular defined female chin, it must look like the equivalent of a female bodybuilder that goes to the gym everyday to work on her neck and jaw

Dumbass western devs, tone that stupid shit down will you? Sheesh

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that's hot



Inauthentic """otakus""" always show their true colors whenever they experience culture shock in their own company.

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God bless this artist.

Actually lol’d. What the fuck

here's ur samus

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Thanks for the reply but why do they even need to be inauthentic by pretending to like something they really don't like?

fuck it she's still got a cute face and body

I find it funny how they do their fixed version, probably to irritate people. But when someone makes a fixed version making the character more sexual, they go apeshit.

If the design bothers a person too much, the product clearly wasn't aimed at you.

that costume is actually kickass

Ah, I remember this one. It was funny reading about it here in Sweden.

>grizzle up a male space admiral with cliche facial scarring, a ribbed space suit and some superfluous rob liefeld ammo pouches
>stuff a pair of apples down the front of his shirt
>"Here's your realistic Samus, bro."
Why does it always have to boil down to overcomplicating a simple, striking design until you have a protagonist that now looks like bland background filler?

Why do people back then in the 90's demanded nothing but 3D because ''woah so realistic, the future is here'' meme and now they get mad and cry because CGI humans characters look like actual humans at last.

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I am hopeful they will get Tifa right.
Pic related is the latest official pic of her from SE.

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>Yoji Shinkawa-ish pulp sci-fi Samus
Actually not bad.

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She just looks like a Fallout character