
Are we going home or not?

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Anything is better than retail at the moment so I'll take what I can get

>30 min flight paths
>someone leaves group, have to hearth back to city, find replacement, then get back to dungeon, minimum 20 min wait
>quests that take you from kalimdor to eastern to talk to a npc, then back to kalimdor to talk to someone, then BACK to eastern to talk to same npc again, equaling about 2.5 hours of run time
i cant fucking wait

Retail is two blocks down

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Yes and I can't wait

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>you dont like this garbage? well here play this other garbage instead
no thanks, ill stick to ultima online

I agree with the rest but if you aren't doing more than one quest at once you're a failure of a human being.

Me too unironically

well my example was specific to the water totem quest for shamans, so it was kind of a neccesary quest to do, even if there were no other quests to get on the way. cause you cant cast certain things without that fuckin totem in your bag

I thought I would but i dropped bfa 2 weeks ago and i feel more alive than ever playing all kinds of other actually fun games, im never touching any mmo from now on.

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>he's playing a Blizzard product in the current year

You deserve everything horrible, scum.

>had best friend ever on wow
>played vanilla and bc
>kept in touch for a while after, but after 10 years just stop since we lived states apart
>hear about classic
>look him up on facebook
>he has a wife, 3 kids and runs his own successful business
>im still living in my grandparents basement and have no job
at least im that much closer to killing myself, but im happy he has such a good life

please do

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go make another twitter screencap thread and try to bump us off

sorry about your mom

thanks for reminding me that it's mental health awareness month user, no more (you)s

Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....


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sharding wont exist, layering is only for a few weeks during launch, and arent there only going to be like 3-4 servers total?

No. RTS is the real home so shut up with an MMO whose shine faded away a long time ago.

>only for launch
>a few months
face it, sharding's here to stay

sharding wont be on classic at all, thats already been confirmed. layering is only during phase 1 out of the 6 phases, to make it so you dont have 10000 people trying to kill the same 4 boars, since shared tagging isnt a thing in classic

Yes, of course! I can't wait to farm 12 hours a day shit to give to my fav twitch content creator streamer and watch them react to my gifts feelsgoodman

He is a deranged xiv tranny, pay him no mind.

we will go home, across the mountains.....

cope, you will eat whatever blizzard feeds you


not while it has a roach problem
we must stamp out the streamers and give blizzard a swift kick in the ballz. yea remind them who's in charge bitch

>only during phase 1
That's hardly "just for launch". Could've had sharding for the first day or three. Months? That's a different story.