>party member is critically injured after a big battle
>"i think... I'll just rest here for a bit.."
Party member is critically injured after a big battle
>party member is critically injured after a big battle
>*panting* "I-I can... still fight"
>Getting ambushed by mob of monsters
>"I'll hold them off!"
>blocks off road between you and him so you can't help
>you can still hear him get slaughtred
>"I'll be back. I promise"
>doesn't come back
>>party member is critically injured after a big battle
>>"d-dont worry...its j-just a...minor...in..jury......"
>party member gets critically injured
>"'Tis nothing but a flesh wound!"
>character is critically injured after a battle
>refuses to accept it and fights to his last breath despite being hopelessly outclassed
>"FOR _______!"
>Party member falls in battle
>Is revived by the villain using EVIL.
>No longer has free will
>Party member comes back later but is corrupted
>Party member is (canonically) destined to die
For you, Dogmeat; I will kill every single Super Mutant in the base. Or, more realistically;
>Whole party is wiped out in one attack except you because mega death armor
>based party member: I'll hold them off! Get out of here! Go! *unsheathes sword and walks towards the enemy*
>You get to play his last stand
Is there is ever a game where you can you win the last stand?
Whether you win or lose:
>Exact same cutscene plays that shows him exhausted, then he gets cut down, has a few lines of dialogue with the villain before dying.
>party member that lasted through a whole campaign
>retreating with some artifact
>enemies are close
>he/she comes in
>Well done, user. You've done so much for us... NOW GO!
>in the background
>at evac point
>Enemies everywhere
>Only Logical assumption is that he/she's dead
>Party member gets severely injured
>"I Have Not...Come This Far...to Die Now."
>female party member is mortally injured
>i love you user...
>promise me we will see the firew...
>last stand with barbarian bro
>surrounded by enemies
>kill them all
>barb bro is injured
>"glad to have fought with you, brudda..."
Miss you Barbro.
>absolute bro party member fighting alongside me against a seemingly neverending horde of enemies
>Friend... It was good knowing you, but it is time for us to part ways. You have a destiny to fulfill. You go on ahead. I will hold them off. Don't forget me.
>bro lets out a howl and jumps into the sea of enemy troops
>see him slaughter the first few with ease as he slowly becomes overwhelmed the further you progress
>faint, bloodcurling death scream heard in the distance
>desperately try to hold back tears
>party member grievously injured in battle
>promises he'll be back
>actually is back 10 years later as a pre-promote
Everything went better than expected.
>tank pulls too many enemies
>"push obj"
>does fighting other team
>take objective and win game