
Please tell me the development after SEKIRO. In the stage of June 2016 where we interviewed before, it was a story that 2.5 to 3.5 lines are moving.

Mr. Miyazaki:
Well, once you sort out and talk about the lines, there are 3.5 lines that have been in motion since that time. 0.5 is Déraciné, 1.0 is SEKIRO, and the remaining 2.0 is an unpublished title. About "DARK SOULS REMASTERED" and "METAL WOLF CHAOS XD", we ask outside companies, so they are not counted among 3.5.

We have three major projects for the future.

One is a dark fantasy action RPG that I have talked about now, with a setting/feeling similar but different to DARK SOULS.

The other one is a new game that will reboot a game that we have worked in the past.

The last one is something different from our past direction. It will probably be a bit strange.[3]

What are your hopes, dreams, nightmares for Not Souls IV?

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I would kill for a badass Planet of the Apes game.

Fuck off


As long as its fresh, I couldn't care. Sekrio far exceeded my expectations and was an absolute goddamn blast. So far it seems like Dark Souls 2 and 3 were the only shitty cashgrabs they've pumped out since their wild success with Dark Souls 1.

TL;DR- it had better not be another fucking Dark Souls game

That’s the official title though? I think devolver is handling it as well.

>The other one is a new game that will reboot a game that we have worked in the past.

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But the apes win. You'd have to lose or play an ape.

>shooting monkeys L4D style
damn it would be dope wouldnt it

Biomechanical souls

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I mean, I was sort of thinking I'd play as an ape the whole time.
Having wars against technologically advanced humans, or against other apes.


I'm pretty sure the reboot was Sekiro.

I'm really hoping that's what's next

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Koba did nothing wrong.

I refuse to play as a nigger.

The movie would've been a really great talking point for years to come if the writers didn't completely shit themselves and made Koba kill Rocket's son. Such a stupid fucking move.

>a reboot
Baka retard

Do we really want another body horror souls after bloodborne?
I would really want some sci fi.

>Do we really want another body horror souls after bloodborne?

There are still people who think it is another tenchu but under different name.

3.5 projects. .5 was Deracine, 1 is the dark fantasy RPG, 2 is the "weird" title Miyazaki has talked about since 2016, leaving 3 being Sekiro. Retard.

Sekiro is not a reboot of Tenchu or Otogi, so it doesn't fit. Also Miyazaki has said that a new Armored Core is on the way, so it's only natural that's it.

>0.5 is Déraciné, 1.0 is SEKIRO, and the remaining 2.0 is an unpublished title.
Holy fuck. Learn to read the OP.

>Giger style bosses
Even thinkin about what from's designers can make with that frightens me.

Miyazaki confirmed Sekiro started off as a Tenchu reboot but said it later developed into its own thing, so who knows

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A producer and Miyazaki talked about, months ago, that Sekiro started off as Tenchu.
Fug you.

I guess we'll find out this E3.

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>What are your hopes, dreams
Mesoamerican themed Souls-like. Exotic location and setting not often explored. The mythology of mesoamericans is full of fucked up shit that would make for perfect dark fantasy inspiration. You could have some surreal and nightmarish set pieces revolving around rituals where they'd use psychotropic drugs to commune with the gods.

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I hate to break it to you, but not this time around. I do love the idea though

i just want giant robots again

After their next title

Didn't they say that they are working on new AC game at AC anniversary or some shit?