We blame the Negros for 50% of all crimes in America, despite them only makin up 13% of our great nation's population.
The poetry of it all Arthur, is that people will believe us! Throw in a little Jewish fodder for them as well....And the people, well....We'll be out of the Pinkerton's hair faster than a snake covered in oil!
Yes, Athur my boy, by secretly turning the American people against the Negro, we'll prevent them from realizing their most powerful form as the sad hybrid of Nordic afterbirth and the sub-saharan supergenius!
Nathaniel Lee
This game didn't even comment on racism (except with one single race realist in St. Denis that is just a minor side character you never have to meet). I didn't hear a single use of the word "nigger" in the whole game.
Nathan Reed
Only Charles and Lenny said nigger.
Henry Brooks
That's almost worse than nobody saying it at all.
Leo Green
This will get bogged down by the nature of a bait/meme thread but it has to be said: by avoiding this shit the way rdr2 does, it’s doing a disservice to the setting.
Jose James
I absolutely agree. I think the game is a decent game and all (though the main aspect of gameplay, the shooting, is ass and I can't wait for a PC port) but there's still so much room for improvement on making a true Western game.
Jonathan Johnson
I don't mind the game avoiding it, what I have a problem is that this game puts a 21st century leftists faggot progressive perspective on it all. Even their "race realist" character is a joke. I've read anthropology papers from the late 19th century and they sure didn't talk like that.
Gentlemen! Do not let those lunatics that call themselves "Social Justice Warriors" Distract you from what we need most! We need to turn America against itself! And while everyone else is busy fightin each other...We rob the Government right from underneath their lil noses!
Hell, Dutch. I don't know. Lettin' a black feller do yer wife? Well, if the old lady's havin' fun, who am I to deny her that? I reckon that feller's got a bigger one than me anyway. Besides, we gotta pay some back for that whole slavery bid'ness we did to them. Dutch raised me and I ain't his real son, so I'll raise my wife's son, whether he's black or white.
>play RDR 2 online >every server has a bunch of blinged out niggers in fancy outfits covered in gold all ganging up against white characters, hogtying them and murdering them
David Collins
How is that different from how they portray characters in the rest of the game? The climate change scientists in the mining town later starts raving about dentistry turning your pets homosexual.
It's a fictional location of America with fictional presidents, RDR never gave a fuck about being historically accurate in that way, only historically authentic.
Sebastian Taylor
>A runabout, I'LL STEAL IT! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW! >$50 bounty
Housers trying to eat their cowboy cake and have it too.
Jeremiah Bennett
>play as a dirty, fat hillbilly only wearing overalls >wait near home base in obj modes >flying tackle the chump rushing the obj and tie him up >thumbs up emote while he suicides You need to do the hog tying, cowpoke,