Why would she send assassins after thrall?
Why would she send assassins after thrall?
Did she actually think that 2 measly, shitty assassins were enough to take out the fucking green jesus that is Thrall?
not the first time thrall overthrowns a warcife. whats stopping him from doing it again?
Nothing really has to make sense anymore. It was 'cool' for a cinematic so they went with rule of cool.
Garbage writers.
She didn't, Saurfang lied.
It's a false flag.
does she have big pancake nipples or really tiny ones? it really bothers me
pancakes, for sure dude.
then again i just like them so my headcanon is all the girls do
thanks user now jacking off to her will be so easy
Because Retired Thanos Thrall was an easy to take out target with a penchant for overthrowing maniacal warchiefs.
Zulgin told her she was meant to be warchief. She hasn't been doing jack shit that makes her want to have reasons to target anybody but the traitor saurfanf.
blizzard aint that smart
Imagine they thought of it. What then?
To make him join the fight. It's all part of her plan you see.
Saurfang is just manipulating thrall to get him to join the alliance. Ultimately to overthrow the queen and place himself as warchief.
Why wouldn't she? She never actually gave a fuck about Thrall or the Horde.
I'm sure all of the bad decisions that Sylvanas has mad recently are due to Saurfang trying to drag her name in the mud to make his case for becoming Warchief seem more reasonable and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for this user.
>wow "lore"
the real question is what the fuck is baine doing
is he really that much dumber than his father or is there a lore reason?
also who tf is the current leader of the trolls, they never got a successor to voljin
Truthfully, I have NO fucking idea. He was completely out of the game. He wasn't even on the same fucking planet.
If the assassination attempt succeeded, she gains absolutely nothing. If it fails, it now draws Thrall into the fight as the ONLY thing he cares about now is taking care of his family.
It makes no god damn sense other than she's completely lost her mind. The raising of her own fallen soldiers at Undercity was evil as fuck...but at least it made strategic sense. And IF her plan to sacrifice her capital to kill Anduin, Jaina, Genn, and her sister...well fucking worth it! In fact, all of them together in the same place is literally the stupidest thing to ever happen in the game. If it worked, the Alliance is completely leaderless.
This biggest problem with the lore is they're not doing nearly enough to emphasize that whoever controls azerite controls the planet...which is the main reason Sylvanas is doing all this. And as far as Sylvanas herself, I have no idea what's even going on with her. There's nothing to explain why she's going off the deep end.
Reminder that everything would have been fine if Saurfang just finished off Malfurion
Reminder that Saurfang is a hypocrite
Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with burning teldrassil or war in a fucking game called WARCRAFT