This is my TF2 Thread
He was loud and ugly,
Now he's LOUD... and ugleh
This is my TF2 Thread
He was loud and ugly,
Now he's LOUD... and ugleh
Other urls found in this thread:
haha pootis
Remove Sniper
Remove Pyro
Remove random crits
>video originally used a bug with youtube to loop infinitely
>now all videos can loop infinitely
situational. the ragdoll of kill should be used when you want a ragdoll to flop or crash on the floor, but explode is also good for giblets
>12 years and people dont know how to act when I pull the Fist of Steel
And Im not even using the shotgun or the tomislav
anytime i see a fists of steel fag i immediately run up and instakill him with a random crit from my back scratcher
I bind both so I'm prepared for any occasion
>back scratcher
I like you, though I like any Pyro that isn't a fucking Powerjack crutcher
It's not a crutch. It isn't used to make up for any lack of skill.
It's just really useful.
>Inb4 someone asks what the house is
it's Homestuck
Back then it was a crutch now its just really useful for making escapes from real fucking shitty situations
>Heavy ubers around the corner
>immediately pull that shit out and on the hell away because the farther I get the better.
Back when it used to give overheal it was a crutch.
bind j explode
bind k kill
use your sense of comedy to determine which is best for any given situation
OK LISTEN UP! I have run out of ideas for guns and equipment I need you apes to give me an idea and before you say it, no, gluing two Miniguns together isn't a new idea. The guy with the best idea gets a free mannco key
Literally the only game I enjoy playing anymore.
It's hilarious how 5 years ago faggots were saying that it's dead, but I imagine it'll last another 10 even if we have like two updates within that time frame. The community is thriving on website all across the internet and people are constantly making new things out of it, whether that be custom gamemodes, maps, or videos. It's amazing. And the kiddos want it to die because "hurr durr, grampa game, move on already nostalgia fags".
Oh by the way, how's your safespace porn game doing, anons?
Sniper gets a Jar filled with Piranha fish causes the bleed status effect.
FoS heavy here. Cant be mad at you because I love doing the same shit to anyone who pulls my trick
Backscratcher is way better and you cant never trust casual meds nowdays
I’m glad I still have fun with TF2
you know this almost seems obvious but i guess the aoe bleed would be horrible unless it was something minor like 25 health overtime
weapon that fires out dead hippies, that can be ignited from flames.
Another PDA for the engie that lets him build way different buildings like a mini dispenser that would only spit out ammo, or a giant building that would grant nearby allies some sort of wallhack for just a few feet. Wouldn't be useable with the gunslinger too since that changes the regular PDA so mini-faggots can BTFO
>Dispenser Gun
It exists, too. Beg Valve to throw it in with the Heavy update.
4 sticky launcher glued together
I want a PDA that lets you build laser barriers. They replace teleporters and let you block doorways, but if you shoot at them enough they'll fail for a few seconds.
I'd even settle for something like the fucking Amplifier from VSH, I just want a new Engie build to make nests cooler. Everybody has a Rancho Relaxo solely for the fact that it's like a useless, fifth Engie build.
Do a Killing Floor 2 promotion and give Pyro a trench shotgun with dragon's-breath shells, functioning as a hybrid between shotgun and flare gun. Inflicts 3-second afterburn on successful hit with a pellet
Shillelagh walking-stick club, wielded like his bottle. Faster swing-speed, can be thrown with alt-fire and picked up from the ground, about 20% weaker than the bottle. Call it "the Fraudulent Flogger" or something since it's an Irish affiliation, not Scottish
Offense medigun patterned after the poorly-disguised satellite lasers attached to oil-rigs and windmills and shit in the stock maps. Poor healing and nonexistent overheal, high uber build-up, ubercharge hypercharges the patient's rate-of-fire
Backpack-mounted dispenser taking up the pistol slot, heals and supplies ammo/metal at the rate and efficiency of a level 1 dispenser, does not heal the Engineer.
thanks man
i already asked this once before and forgot
Man it's been ages since I've seen Homestuck talked about as though it was a problem-element. All the goblins in that particular fanbase moved on.
and I like your ideas but I only have ONE key. You guys will have to fight for it
I am saving this for later.
Thanks for helping me out but I got to run now, we have got a new gorilla SSAAAAAXXXXTTOOONNN HALLLLEE
Melee weapon for heavy: a chair made out of Force a Natures that all shoot at once on hit
>You guys will have to fight for it
Say no more
Hire this man!
An autocannon for the heavy
>single shot
>piercing bullets with knockback like the mvm upgrade
>landing consecutive hits gives it a higher rate of fire
>fucking a shot turns the weapon into Ambassador tier max spread system
So a D-fury in gun form
Spy gun, based upon the FP Liberator, which was a one-shot pistol airdropped into occupied France.
Does 25% more damage and causes bleeding, along with minicritting on debuffed targets.
But is single shot and has a 250% longer reload speed. Making it worse at longer ranges is also a possibility.
You have one shot, so you need to make it count.
go to Yea Forums then