Gee user, do you really reset your save until you get a female starter?

>Gee user, do you really reset your save until you get a female starter?

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but I always pick grass.

delphox > braixen

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Nope, I just injected one.

nope I always want the male ones cause it's hotter

No you faggot, a hole is a hole

All Braixens are female, even the male ones.

This but unironically

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I guess I'm lucky as most of the time they appear like I want: male

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I did it for her.

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I love my Pokemon no matter their gender.

Why are there so many faggots on Yea Forums. This board is gayer than /lgbt/

A hole is a hole.

It's not my fault they deliberately make them less common

And a goal!

>LGPE finally made it so your starter has a 50/50 gender ratio
>and you can tell what gender your starter is within seconds of first booting up the game (the first prerendered cinematic actually has a version for both genders)

But knowing game freak they will probably go back to le 7 out of 8 meme in gen 8


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>Want male Popplio
>Get a female first try

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In nature if there's a shortage of females in most mammalian communities some males will settle with others. Video games and gaming culture has shunned women and now reap what we've sown.

2 holes>1 hole

lol gay

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>boys don't have two holes
Uncut cock and sweaty balls >>> Axe wound

I reset for male because women make me feel uncomfortable.

yeh cause then i can breed them and get the big boy movesets early

>using a starter

>the pokemon options for the first four hours of SuMo

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>Got a female torchic when I was a kid
>Didn't realize it until I reached the day care
>Was still at the age where I thought the starter was the best pokemon ever (Had beaten gen 1 and 2 with just the starter, only caught other pokemon to HM slave)
>Breed it
>ave to give it up for a while and try to train other pokemon
>End up liking them
>Got over my dumb starter only thing
>End up not using the second blaziken because it was redundant and I've discovered the power of type match ups

Gee OP using images from a porn artist are you?

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uncomfortable how?

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>He doesn't like Slowpoke, Drowzee, Cutiefly, Mankey, Magnemite, Zubat, Drifloon, Misdreavus, Roggenrola, or Sableye

that's how I get you

He's gay

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Pokemon in clothes is always so hot.

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>he doesn't reroll for female Nidoking

You have a board for this furry bullshit, man.

Yeah it's called Yea Forums

Unlike MLP,there is no rule against pokemon

You’re not wrong.

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>Be me
>Get Pokémon Y
>Chooses chespin cus chesnaught looks really good.
>Name it "Mr. Destructor"
>Train it into a killing machine what breaks through everyone like crazy.
>Almost end
>Accidentally find out "Mr. Destructor" was female because for 90% of game didn't cared about checking Pokemon's gender being sure it was male.

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That's a shame.

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>not getting based Wingull and turning it into Peligod because of the buffs

Of course. Egg moves are a fucking blast.

Certainly, why do you ask?

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>playing Pokemon
I've got better things to do than playing one of the most boring jrpg series

>being in a pubescent stage or older
>still playing pokemon

Like fapping to VN's, we know.

Why play when you can just fap to them?

For me, it's Zeraora

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You gave your fucking chesnaught an identity crisis.