Why was it forgotten?
Why was it forgotten?
Legit only 2 good parts in this game.
What's his name again?
Its literally being remembered as From Software's best game.
Even though combat was good anything else in this game was not memorable at all and dont forget the nonexistant replay value
This is the most dull trite shitposting style on Yea Forums, and that's saying something.
>post picture of single player game a couple months after it came out
>"why was I forgotten"
You stupid niggers need to come up with a new shitposting tactic, everybody knows that talks about linear single player games never last long.
It's literally the game of the year and if the DLC is good, will be the best Souls game. Keep crying.
It was to hard
>threads made about it every hour
solid game, but it has low replayability. i did something like 3-4 runs before i got bored. like it or not, souls is their golden egg.
>and if the DLC is good, will be the best Souls game
Exactly, which is why From need to go back to making action rpgs like soulsborne. Sekiro was a disappointment and one of the biggest reasons is no replay value due to it being a single player action game.
not enough soul or charm... now bloodborne on the other hand oozed soul and charm
Kill yourself retard.
Not even close
t. seething snoy BBcuck
game of the year lmao keep dreaming
NG+ on hardmode (no kuros charm) with four different endings with exclusive bosses isnt enough replay value?
Playing without the charm literally feels like a different game, who knew we were playing easy mode all along?
This. OP is fucking retarded as usual.
Unlike Nioh it doesn't have a substantial endgame.
>Sekiro isn't GOT-
>that feeling when emma finally got some good porn
Thanks sblack.
Nothing to say
>let me just reply with le funny image and generic response #62
yeah the first half and the 2nd half
They want a half assed remake to win goty. Don't give them a (You)
Its insane how much Sekiro shits on the souls series in terms of gameplay and bosses. Hopefully From titles from now on keep this combat system, also the last boss finally being actually difficult was a nice change from soulsborne.
And this is mainly why it didn't last as long, because there weren't one million waifus to "talk" about ( post the same pictures of thread after thread"
There was only Emma and she isn't TOO fleshed out and little porn. The are still some XBC2 threads about those two waifus in the story and some P5 threads that again all revolve around waifus, it's just fucking trash
>play sekiro
>become a parry god
>replay souls
>everything is braindead easy, just roll through every attack
never thought DS was a hard game but sekino made me steamroll all the games after I played it
Emma is more fleshed out than any character in the Souls game.
>sekiro made me roll thru bosses
lol what
>Beat game 4 times
>Low replayability
Sekiro's combat is on a whole different level. Going back to souls is difficult because it doesnt amount to much else besides rolling at the right time and spamming R1.
Absolute state of soulsfags who are still butthurt from lack of online.
>its remembered
no it's not lmao
Wish we got more dialogue and interactions between characters
All these threads are made by salty BBfags that can't stomach the fact that some people think that Sekiro is better than BB. Its just sad tbqh.
I just started playing it yesterday. I'm at Lady Butterfly and getting stomped pretty hard. About to go and try some more.
But Bloodborne is better than Sekiro.
Wow why is an iconic game with two DLCs that has a thriving online community beating a single player game that everyone has already beaten and acknowledged as being superior?
If you're getting stomped by Lady Butterfly, you're in for a rough time.
I know. I'm an old man now, I suck. It's still a fun game.
This, Bloodborne is great and has better art direction but the gameplay is too brain dead to be anywhere close to From's magnum opus.
Stop playing it like a Souls game and I try to master its mechanics. If you havent already progressed past the Giant and into Ashina Castle you should go do that before returning to Lady Butterfly.
>bottom 3 user scores
>acknowledged as superior
your game is dead
your shitty general is dead
your community disappeared
your game is being acknowledged as FOTM, no on will even remember it by the end of 2019.
Deal with it.
too many monkey fights
t. salty pclard
never ever lmao
It's not as replayable as From's more recent games, and while it was never going to be replayable in the way Souls games are due to the deliberate exclusion of character building, good action games are usually pretty replayable too. Sekiro just isn't, because there's exactly one optimal way to play the game and all it tests is your timing. The variety is low, as both an RPG and as an action game. Hopefully FromSoftware's next game won't be so blatantly built with the exact same structure their last five games were.
you beat it and then what?
yeah, go cope some more.
When I try to be more aggressive I get fucked by a counter shot, when I try to be more passive my posture meter gets fucked. I'm old as shit and I like to have a few beers while I play so my reaction time is not very good. I'll check out that alternative path though, thanks user.
It wasn't? It's the best game of 2019 still.
Wrong, pretty much everything was good except only 1 thing, too high % of loot you find are just consumables. It has way more replay value than any Souls game or vast majority of non-FromSoft games especially.
Sekiro is the chad's choice of game.
I hope a new legitimate Souls game is on the way
I'm having that PvP shenanigans itch
no replayability
no customisation
soulless NPC's and MC
rejected DS3 bosses sandwiched between 50 shades of samurai general minibosses
boring, shallow combat mechanics that get old too fast
I wasn't a big fan. It reminded me of Punch-out on the NES, you basically have to die 4/5 times before you even know what all a boss can do. I think the revive-in-battle mechanic was a really neat way of facilitating this, but it's really just a way of artificially limiting your health bar, if you ask me. I'd much, much rather enemies dealt reasonable levels of damage and death is death, as opposed to this system where you have to be 100% perfect or else the boss kills you off of one mistake.
I imagine I would've loved this game a few years back, but playing it just in this past week, it stressed me the fuck out. Sword Saint in particular can get fucked, it's like From forgot how to make games.
>Have to skip the cutscene every time
>Have to auto-win against Genichiro every time
>Have to slog through Isshin's first phase every time.
>NOW you can get back to fighting the actual boss, which you're going to die to since you haven't been exposed to him enough to not die to chip damage
suckiro: trannies dilate twice
You mean a game that is notoriously controversial for having a difficulty even greater than souls has lower user scores? And on top of that there are thousands of salty bloodborne and noob souls 3 cucks brigading reviews?
Sekiro is literal trannie repellent.
fagiro: shitters die twice
Of course, the soulscuck in his seethe is afraid to post Steam reviews, the only reviews that matter. Metacritic ratings are literally rigged by pvp cucks like you who still seethe to this day that From actually made a masterpiece game this time instead of wasting dev time on garbage multiplayer.
The cutscenes bothered the fuck out of me, because this is the only From game where it's been an issue. DeS, DS1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne all simply have the boss waiting for you. Sekiro forces you into the cutscene each time you attempt the boss. It wasn't an issue before, and yet it's an issue now, six games into their action portfolio.
masterpieces don't get forgotten and dumped in the trash.
Was it kino?
Diminished replay value, no multiplayer component means people stop talking about it once they've finished. No metas to discuss, no new strategies worth looking at, not much in the way of novelty runs or builds.
Not forgotten but nobody really has anything to say about it anymore.
>Yea Forums unironically cites metacritic critic scores
>Yea Forums unironically cites metacritic user scores
what the fuck happened to this board?
it's a good game and probably the best game ive played all year, but it doesn't have the longevity of souls and i don't think that matters all that much since it's a single player action game
most forgotten game of 2019 is kingdom hearts 3, fucking forgot it came out a week after beating it
75 hours in sekiro vs something like 2.5k hours in souls. i wonder which has more variety?
huh? i played bloodborne entirely offline and still had a good time. try again, friend.
>Most successful and well received game of 2k19
pick one
>2.5k hours in Souls
Kingdom Hearts 3 is legitimately the worst game I have ever played.
I like how every boss has a move you can just endlessly exploit and punish by running in circles and baiting it out.
Real fuckin' masterpiece here.
Extremely kino.
>Most successful and well received game of 2k19
>those userscores
you're supposed to cast bait in the water, not in your own ass cuckirotranny.
It was better than sekiro and that says a lot
I like whoever was assblasted enough about Sekiro to make it the only game they rated in this
Why do I see this thread every day?
stop samefagging cuckirolet
>honorable showdown in a white field while shit is hitting the fan
pure innovation, how does fromsoft do it
Why does Yea Forums constantly shit on this game for literally no reason?
>its half baked
>its not good
>its abloo abloo abloo
Its the best From game right as of right now and even managed to topple Dark Souls and Bloodborne, they fixed everything and introduced great mechanics while also toning down the power level bullshit that plagued Dark Souls and it still managed to be the most challenging and difficult soulsgame.
All that tells me is you skipped a few kingdom hearts games before playing 3
based retard, yes.
It was the first and last Kingdom Hearts I'll ever play.
at least sekiro ignited the urge in me to play through bloodborne to completion and dabble a bit in dark souls 3. sekiro's combat is great though and i hope the sequel/spiritual successor/whatever the fuck is just as great, could do with being longer though
katana zero is a better samurai game
A wise decision.
Two kino boss fights, but I gotta give it to Isshin because he was stronger, hit harder, and wasn't a puppet of some moon demon.
After Ng+2 you realize the world is empty.
What is this image supposed to convey?
From a gameplay standpoint, Isshin wipes the floor with Gehrman; but lore, boss arena, OST, design goes to Gehrman by a lot.
post niggero shitboxes
Sekiro is literally the A-team who moved over to it after finishing Bloodborne DLC.
If you had any brains at all you would notice by now that the A team is the one who designs new combat systems (bloodborne engine, Sekiro combat, underwater) and the B team capitalizes on it in the next game.
suckiro is a b-team actishillion testbed.
real A-team game is gonna be revealed in E3 while your game takes a place in he literallywho corner.
>Yea Forums hates Sekiro now
What the FUCK went wrong?
that one is rough
>was it hard?
Yeah. A lot of fights were complete bullshit, but the more story-relevant bosses like Genichiro and Corrupt Monk were pretty solid, they hit a nice balance between difficult and "teehee prepare™ to™ die™™™™"
>was it fun?
Eh. I finished it so I could justify having spent $60 on it. I can't imagine I'll ever replay it.
>no mp
>30-40 hours of gameplay
glad I'm not this level of retarded
even Sekirofags acknowledge this game is an experiment
it really isnt
t. ps4 owner since 2014
It's just nigger shitposting.
Easily best From game since Demon's Souls.
>brilliant singleplayer experience
>autistic buildfag treadmill
latter is obviously better because due to my autism I measure enjoyment using metrics like hours played.
what game is this, nioh?
>A Team
>B Team
>C Team
>D Team
Are you actually this naive?
No longer ps4 exclusive so it's no longer a "good game".
No replay value.
It’s contrarianism. Most people will recognize it as a great game, but the amount of people on this board that shill for it and think it’s an unparalleled masterpiece causes people to seethe and start shitting on it. This happens with every single FromSoft game and that’s why every Souls thread is just shitflinging and arguing
How can a single-player game be dead?
that one hurts but he got greedy
Pick one
discussion about it. i mean souls games get big threads every single day years after their release for comparison. sekiro noticeably was more flavor of the month
gehrman is the weakest final boss in soulsborne. He's just an NPC with a Scythe and gun literally anyone would beat him, even genichiro.
>blocking Ishimonji
>not sidestepping and slicing his ass up
But yeah that hitbox tho
Gehrman is not the final boss and the weakest final boss is True King Allant (literally speaking).
Why is it bad?
big threads populated by a handful of autists.
hahhaha he used all his items
even the divine grass
>run to boss
>watch cutscene
>fight miniboss
>kill him
>watch cutscene
>now you get to fight the real final boss
>if you die, you start over from the beginning
I love having 5+ minutes of my time wasted every single time I die.
It's one of my favorite games of all time.
Didnt play sekiro yet it looks so bad. It's like they took dark souls and made it into arcade game. Also no build variety put me off.
Garbage taste sekiro suits this list
you can skip them
>Didnt play sekiro yet it looks so bad.
what the fuck is the point with you guys
dark souls 3 players
they're utter retards
this past week i've been wasting about 4 hours a night on v, unless these sekiro threads are being made during the day central time, ive literally seen more dark souls 2 threads. ive seen more dark souls 2 threads all month. ive seen more dark souls 2 threads in the months leading up to sekiro than i ever saw sekiro threads.
i've never even played sekiro and i probably won't. i bought dmc5 instead. i don't want to play a From game that didn't feature an assload of customization and rp elements. they could have easily made souls nipon edition with a grappling hook and called it a day.
props to them i guess for trying something different.
This is probably the best post in the thread.
Sekiro is fucking great, and doesn't overstay its welcome like all the other souls games and ask me to play them for 500 hours each.
>four different endings
>exclusive bosses locked too different endings
>hardmode upon entering NG+ that completely changes gameplay and the way you approach it
it has 10x more replay value than DS3 for example, and all Bloodborne had was chalice dungeons
should l1+r1 even if it doesn‘t kill him at least be safe
>games with co op/pvp, various builds, and vague as fuck lore receives more discussion than a singleplayer game built around utilizing different tools and skills
wtf bros fromsoft is trying something slightly different for the first time in a million years this can't be happening
havent played gay mobile nintendo games, or fromsoft faggotry.
sekiro doesnt have PvP you mongoloid faggot
Moon Presence is even more pathetic, what's your point?
Strange Journey is not a Nintendo game.
Then unironically git gud and kill the boss, also I guess I dont know what its like to be crippled with enough autism and ADHD to make skipping a cutscene feel like a chore.
agree with the goty part, but sekiro isnt souls
Absolutely not. Playing DaS3 with a Greathammer+Greatshield is a completely different game than dagger/parry build, while Sekiro has the benefit of nonlinearity, it gets old much faster.
>Top tier
Divine Dragon
Corrupted Monk
>High Tier
Vanilla Isshin
Headless Ape
Armored Warrior
>Mid Tier
Lady Butterfly
Guardian Ape
>Low Tier
Ashina Elite
Folding Screen Monkeys
Snake Eyes Sisters
Sword Saint Isshin
>Shit Tier
Blazing Bull
Demon of Hatred
Mist Noble(?)
There's a bunch of trash mook minibosses too, I just counted the ones you basically have to kill to progress.
Remember when Yea Forums was estimating how long Sekiro would take to beat because its optimized extremely well and only 14gb and suddenly started backpeddling when it was actually pretty long.
Brainlet take. Moon Presence is top kino.
>Folding Screen Monkeys
This would've been a cool fight, if it actually forced you to use the mechanics as the developers intended. Felt very Demon's Souls-esque.
>Guardian Ape
>Sword Saint Isshin
>Demon of Hared
>that low
Shit taste
This is the most tryhard 3x3 I've ever seen
I feel like some of those ashina outskirts shots shouldn't have been on there because that was probably the blandest looking area in the game.
yeah it is cool and kino if you are so easily impressed by lovecraft. But it is pathetic as a "final" boss in terms of difficulty. The last boss is supposed to be the sum of your journey and require all the skills you've mastered to defeat. Thats what make Isshin such a great final boss and very satisfying to defeat.
>Spend four hours fighting Demon of Hatred and dying over and over
>Literally just a bloodborne boss but you're stuck without useful iframes
>Get stuck in the corner blocking his spammy bullshit with the umbrella
>He randomly glitches through the floor and then slides off of a cliff
Wasn't as comfy as the other soulsborne games
Lack of builds and weapon variety really killed the game for me personally as well
>I didn't play Sekiro
>but its bad
Can we at least agree that people who unironically spout buzzwords like "kino" instead of articulating their critique are tryhard onions-slurping faggots?
>Corrupted Monk that high
for me it would be mid tier, didn't think it was original enough
not enoug offline gacha and anime tiddies with bad game bundled to spam Yea Forums
Yes, the word kino originated from Yea Forums so that explains alot.
It's a singleplayer only game. Most people beat it a month ago, the hardcore players have already probably platinumed it too by this point. Very good game but leaves almost nothing to discuss outside of the small dedicated Soulsbornekiro communities that keep playing the games over and over since there is no multiplayer to keep people invested. Still a great game and I'm hoping for DLC soon.
Still shorter than the games Fromsoft has been putting out over the last decade or so, I thought.
I remember when I was still a nub and saw pictures of this guy on Yea Forums, I thought that he was gonna give me hell like I've ever seen before.
user the true reason why there was and is such a heavy bias against Sekiro was because you had a specific group of sonyfags and Bloodborne fags trying to eradicate any hype building up to the game's release.
>Yea Forums spent over 10 years shitting on anything that emphasizes cinematics over mechanics and implementation
>nu-Yea Forums spends hours a day in endless shitflinging pissing contests over the german word for cinematography
Great fucking thread. Read a book.
>tfw accidentally bruteforced 3 of the monkeys during my first try
Another shitty shut in player game
People want multiplayer experiences, only losers play games by themselves
Took me 45 hours, which is about the same it took me to beat all their other games.
Well this guy was playing without the charm and with demon's bell so im sure it was much different than your experience.
Its not a ps4 exclusive so its terrible
>articulating their critiques
What do you bet this faggot uses the term 'gameplay loop'?
>500 EA bucks were deposited into your account
Put SSI in top tier, DoH in High tier, swap places of Guardian Ape and Headless Ape.
I kinda feel like they were hard for him so they're bad fights lmao.
That's the problem
What good is a game if it doesn't have discussion or twitch views?
Shut in player games are killing the gaming industry AND the community
No one buys these games and no one talks about them
Our community becomes stronger when we can actually be one
How come Anthem and Fallout 76 still sold millions but Prey, and Hitman 2 sold like shit
I genuinely do fucking hate Bloodborne. When people talk about that game's art direction or music in any positive light I want to tear out my own eyes so I can never be subjected to such opinions again. Bloodborne is just watered-down souls without better combat to make up for it like Sekiro and I fucking hate the theme
Entire game is tailored to appeal the very brainlets on this board that get a kick out of such homogenized fedora shit.
Yea Forums was never good, you just realized that it was shit recently
>Why did niche games with no marketing not sell well
Here (You) go negro
>Dark Souls II
>metacritic MUST-PLAY
Dead games though. It will all sort itself out soon, no reason to continue pandering to double digit IQ mutts and zoomers.
It's a singleplayer game, it's expected that discussion on the game dies off after a few months.
Dark Souls II is one of the best games of all time.
It's not about cinematic experience though, but kino-like art form you pleb.
So Sekiro is the distant eastern land in Dark Souls and Bloodborne is a pocket dimension born from the Blood of the Dark Soul.
Does that mean Shiva made his way to Lordran?
Is Chester from Yharnam?
lmao it's only niche now cause no one wants to play as a loner
This garbage had 2 movies
I have hundreds of hours into Bloodborne but I can still acknowledge Sekiro is the superior game because im not a partisan idiot like 75% of Yea Forums seems to be.
From gives hints of what's gonna be their next game in the current game DLCs
>How come Anthem and Fallout 76 still sold millions
because bioware and bethesda fans are fucking faggots
Stop trying to get ideas for more videos Vaati..
the game had fucking zero marketing behind it as opposed to Sekiro with Activison going full force and it was the most successful game of 2019 as a result of that.
I'm not even trying to be partisan, I played Bloodborne through 3 times to try and get the appeal but it's just not for me. I didn't really like From games in general after Dark Souls 1 all the way up until Sekiro. It's the same thing with Mega Man 4, one of my least favorite Mega Man games but the absolute most popular entry right now and I just feel insane because I had such a vastly different experience replaying it than everyone else seemed to
>Why was it forgotten?
Everyone beat it already.
We are waiting for E3 Game of Thrones project announcement.
>the most successful game of 2019 as a result of that.
Upcoming games that will bomb this year
>The Sinking City
>Shenmue 3
>Cyberpunk 2077
Upcoming games that will sell millions
>Ghost Recon Breakpoint
>Borderlands 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The new Call of Duty
Notice a pattern here?
>DS2 scored higher than DS1
all those games suck
The single player ones at least
No shit it's going to bomb, looks boring.
Sekiro made more money, had the bigger launch week in terms of sales, and high peak playerbase in the order of tens of thousands.
Cyberpunk is going to sell millions.
>attempting to reason w/ homolust DMC fans
Every fucking modern videogame is forgotten a week or two after release because modern videogames are disposable garbage. STOP BUYING THEM YOU FUCKING DENSE SHITS AND LET THIS GARBAGE INDUSTRY DIE
Because people already played the game, just like any other games in the past. Your favorite games are not exception.
t. pc virgin
People tried telling you that it would be forgotten within a month.
no builds, pvp, or interesting story.
Gameplay is literally the only good part and it sometimes fall flat and becomes annoying.
Guess how much CoD will sell
Millions as well.
100 copies
>10 mins combo-wombo
Holy shit, are you 5yo?
It isn't talked about here because most of Yea Forums got filtered by chained ogre, lady butterfly, or another early miniboss or boss and they couldn't summon help nor overlevel the bosses. Additionally, most soulsborne players from Yea Forums are more concerned about playing dress-up instead of beating bosses without the aforementioned crutches.
What makes him such an effective casual filter?
What a shit game.
I didn't even bother to finish it, lost any interest before Virgil fight.
How is he even one?
The biggest complaint I saw was about the tracking of his leaping grab attack.
>The only game I've ever played in my life is Dark Souls II
>I am a fucking pleb
You can only choose one.
As I told 462815924
this same autismo will post this one webm over and over yet ignore any hitbox issues w/ the other soulsborne games.
>Implying there's anything wrong with enjoying the mechanics for the sake of it
Do you like video games or what?
It's ok i guess, still childish as hell though.
the exact same arguement can be made for Sekiro. The combat mechanics is what makes it good. Theres nothing more satisfying than the back and forth parrying with bosses and defeating them after learning everything about their moveset. All I see is idiots harping on less important things like graphics and lack of stats.
>still childish as hell though.
So you don't like video games
Okay but Sekiro is one of my favorite games this year along with DMC5, I just wanted to post that webm because DMC threads are a cesspit and the other user gave me an excuse
>M-Muh build variety PvP!
DaS2 is fucking garbage.
The threads went to shit so I stopped posting in them. On my 5th playthrough right now.
you understand most people stop playing single player games when they beat it right?
>translation: the game is forgotten
Because it was fucking boring and had a worse combat system than sekiro
>dude the game is designed around the combat
Boy this turned out to be a big fucking meme to rationalize no replay value
the people are sick of the formula.
Frothing-At-The-Mouth Fatso
Sekiro is my favorite From game, and BB is next after that. The angry ones are DaS2cucks.
It was a mediocre game, if you look past the "kino" bullshit and flashy combat you will see that too.
No replayability and combat consisting of mashing either the 1 parry button or the 1 attack button.
The game was carried by the developer, the graphics and the shilling, just like RDR2 which has also been buried.
r1 r1 r1 r1 l1 repeat to win
no exploration
retarded plot and edgelord OC donut steal
terrible weapon/skill variety
grappling hook is jank incarnate
terrible stealth
literally no replay value (and a short game at that)
recycled bosses
no mook variety
no environment variety
easy game, but fromdrones insist it's supah dupah hard
worst fanbase since minecraft
>if it there isn't a 24/7 general then it's garbage
>implying all other games aren't r1 spam but slower
>I got casual filtered
It still hurts.
Too hard for 90% of players to finish
It's unironically better than dark souls
Dropping all forms of pvp was the smartest decision from has ever made. Pvp was mistake and never belonged in any of these games
Sekiro and DaSII are my favorites, fuck you
based but yikes
Is TF2, VTM and New Vegas the only games immune to the forgotten meme?
>all garbage games
Really makes u think
Broken clock
>mfw no Sekiro webms
I love how well animated this game is. I'd say it's arguable even better than DMC5 in that department. I just wish Sekiro's regular R1s didn't look so plain considering how slick Bloodborne's normal attacks are.
Because it's Japanese mythology shit which is boring. Katanas and Samurais and Ninjas are yawn-tier.
cuz medieval knights and dragons are so much better amirite?
Sekiro has some good animations but like all From games it's sluggish/janky as fuck in terms of gameplay.
Not in this case. Its fluid and shiny.
someone got trounced in muh tower of flame lmao
Ds3 is more fun to replay than Sekiro, even in offline mode. The problem is that Sekiro had one playstyle outside of some challenge runs. Doesn't help that combat arts and prosthetics are underwhelming except for a few specific cases. Most of the time you're better off just deflecting and slashing with the sword.
Because most bosses are 1-2 shotting fast anime-swordsmen
Owl1 actually used tools but Owl2 turned into fast one-two shotting animeswordsman.
The game is frustrating/repetitive in its core, you often die in 1-2 hits (unless you visit a place way later than you're supposed, eg Lady Butterfly,where you can take a few hits but then the fight is shiteasy). Many bosses go "this isn't my final form" and it usually takes several tries to defeat a boss unless you looked up cheese strats. Second revivals are basically useless, if you play very well and die twice in one phase, it doesn't help you at all. It's better to let yourself get properly killed before you initiate the next phase if you want to use it or heal yourself to 50% hp. By the time you defeated a boss, you feel like you're on your 20th consecutive playthrough.
Outside of bosses the game is boring. Enemies are pretty easy, especially thanks to stealth, you can easily outrun them, the game has new means to maneuver but doesn't use it in a meaningful way and all locations are very short. There isn't much to explore and the story is very simple. Locations look nice but the first time you enter them, there is nothing else to it.
Criticism is just deflected with "filtered by chained ogre", game journos being such faggots about it also made faggots put it in their top games list just to show how hardcore they are
It's not bad but once you're done there is nothing left to it unless for the Sura ending. I can definitely see some potential in the game but I think Activision asked From to make it so frustrating in order to maximize on "prepare to die xD" PR
I had way more fun with Nioh which kinda tried to add something to formula while Sekiro just got rid of the stamina bar/management.
It's still good though and also >Playing without the charm literally feels like a different game
Not really
Why? It's still the same game and you'll still use the few tools you used before.
I guess but Isshins motive was pretty lackluster. Owl is a much better fight. If only Isshin had the motive he had in the Shura version, than it would be great. Now he's just fighting you because Genichiro summoned him and he has to obey his wish.
having different endings doesn't mean shit if the only difference is the final decision.
t.got the conditions for 3 endings in NG and only did NG+ for Shura
Because the game is shallow as shit, trading build diversity for a garbage stealth system and cinematic context kills means you have a game that's unbelievably repetitive by the 5 hour mark
Nothing more to it than being difficult. I regret hyping it up, should've listened to Yea Forums.
Why was it forgotten?
because it's limited. it was designed that way on purpose, but that doesn't change the reality of it.
It was too gay
You're utterly delusional
>hear all these horror stories about how hard Demon of Hatred is
>beat him in 2-3 tries
he's right, you're just a retard with no taste. probably got filtered lol.
Sekiro is literally pretty small combat centered game with really mediocre world and lore. Bloodborne is completely different scale.
Dmc shines when you "fight" against one enemy that doesn't attack you.
big ol yikes on this one
Don't mind me guys just using this thread to post my webm, enjoy!
wait, how
in QTE you have no choice
in sekiro you can't move on x y z axis, use special techniques and use your prothetic tools. How is it QTE?
Dark Souls 3 is constantly on discount and new players are getting into it.
We beat it multiple times already.
This. Sekiro is so much better than Bloodborne and that really triggers BB autists.
>Accidentally putting a Bloodborne boss in your game about timed blocking and defensive play
What did Fromsoft mean by this?
Only insightless nigger can say shit like that.
You can spot the never ever faggot when ever you hear them cry about DoH
Honestly first half of Guardian Ape's fight is built more around using the sprint since you no longer are limited by stamina, second half is about parrying
You just never think to use it because it's the only fucking time you need to outside of just speeding through the area
This is the correct opinion. Sekiro confirmed for most boring From game. Art direction was nice though.
Now imagine if it was exclusive. Oh how differently the song would have been sung, then it would have been non stop shilling about it being the masterpiece to finally topple Bloodborne with the best combat in Souls to date that only the very best of the A team could deliver exclusively to the most deserving on true games on PlayStation®. And of course the game that we will never ever get to experience.
I still play it.
As someone who spent like 3 hours on the fucker this is cathartic. Just beat the panel monkeys, how much gameplay have I got left?
What From game should I play after I beat this? Bloodborne or Dark Souls 1?
Probably bloodborne, going to dark souls after sekiro will feel soooo slooow.
>play suckiro
>Go back to souls
>get my ass beat ten ways to sunday because souls games rely on pacing and strategy while suckiro is just hack and slash button mash
None. Their older games are trash. Play Nioh.
Just don't play Nioh, it's absolute garbage.
Because it is boring. Alright combat, boring lore and story.
>over the german word for cinematography
Absolutely pleb tier идиoт.
Play Nioh. It's like Dark Souls but actually fun.
>playthrough 27
Doesn't NG+ only change things up to 7? Why not just start over?
We can do better.
What are you even trying to say with this picture?
The best thing about Sekiro is that it got me to replay Bloodborne. Worse combat (but even that is arguable due to how good L1 is in Sekiro) but better everything else.
That said, I hate the culture of "forgotten singeplayer game." People played it and then they moved on with their lives. They didn't need to spend 200 hours on it because the developers made everything a grind in order to make extra money or to impress investors with the oh-so high player retention rate.
PC and Nintendo only? You missed out on a lot of great console games like Burnout 3 and Ninja Gaiden 2. Try Bayonetta, it's available on Steam.
What an awful list.
Your eyes are up your ass.
No, it was Gehrman with an extremely dumb and pointless set-up.
>my grandson was so butthurt about being beaten by you twice he killed himself with his Mortal Blade, guess I'll fight you now
Then it goes up its own ass with the lightning stuff. So epic!
thats slightly better than "kino"
That's a horseshit meme. The best parts of DMCs are the bosses and the more menacing enemies. You can't even utilize all the mechanics on a pasive enemy.