Miss me? *wink*
Miss me? *wink*
Did she return in the sequel?
Not please not the boop
Why are people suddenly act like this was a good game
*do, not are.
I dunno. Maybe it looks good in contrast with the new sequel.
I remember playing it at some point in my life, but I can't remember anything about it besides some neat easter eggs, like if you idle with your rocket launcher for a time, the character starts playing the original doom game in the rocket launcher's aiming screen.
because the sequel needs shilling
are bethesda releases new to you or something?
Yeah but she's basically a 6/10 45 year old.
Rage 1 was one of the worst AAA games I've ever played and 2 looks like a garbage fire ubisoft game
Yes, but she got SJW'd.
Yes, and she looks really bad.
Niggers at avalanche fucked up her design completely so the only thing that's left is her name.
she turned into a milf
I can't wait for Rage 2 mods. Actually, I can't really play it until mods come out since the vehicle camera makes me incredibly nauseous with how much it moves around when you drive
Imagine if Bethesda games had this character art.
back then they didnt know it could get worse
its the 'at least its not raining' of video games
I'm enjoying rage 2 a lot, gameplay is fun and setting is enjoyable too. If I wanted to play a game for cute girls I'd mod skyrim or download an hgame.
You are just coping. Worthless post.
>gameplay is fun and setting is enjoyable
Neither of these are true
who are you?
sauce me. been trying to find this again.
What do I have to gain, lying about my enjoyment of the game?
either money for shilling or validation for your shit taste on AAA games in 2019
god forbid him for having fun
It's a crime that you talk to her literally once in the entire game
Rage 2 really is low budget trash. Rage 1 had a ton of good artists working on it.
Geez they fucked up her too?
Is the Scorchers DLC worth it?
It's pretty good.
no, the models are just randomly copy pasted trash
None of these meme images are actually of the same character.
she is 47 user
How long was Rage 2 in development for? That shit on the right is unacceptable
Is the right pic a screencap of a compressed YouTube vid? Or an actual in-game shot?
right, it just looked really good for consoles at its time but the game play was generic as hell
Wasn't every friendly character unique in RAGE 1? Or am I thinking of another game?
RAge 1 was a lot more darker and closer to quake/doom, Rage 2 is borderlands
Because it WAS a good game. Your zoomer is showing.
This. It's actually quite fun, good story, great world, great characters.
KYS zoomer. Your sense of taste is utter shit.
they look more detailed, thats it
Yes. The DLCs were a bit short, but still added some fresh content, quests, enemies, etc.
Yes, virtually all story and interactive NPCs were unique. Even the NPCs in towns.
it was a different time
Imagine being such a fag that you talk like this and think its normal.
I would unironically fuck RAGE 2 milf Loosum.
>no Monarch
>only Phoenix can be customized
Shit game 2/10
Also, Avalanche fucking sucks. Disappearing NPCs, broken audio, physics bugs, animation bugs. All this shit dragging from JC3. How the fuck did they do so well with JC2 and fucked one way or another after it... Maybe it's just my nostalgia.
At least shooting is fun, if not 2ez.
Ginny was a cute as well
>low budget
No, it's SJW budgeted.
its still a bad game but in comparison to rage 2, its good. which is pretty much what most people are saying.
*better time
Well no shit. It's not like most of us are getting laid anyway.
christ, more like Loosum Haggard
How exactly is it bad? You're just another zoomer with shit taste.
>dude calls a nu-age fps bad
>he’s a zoomer
Are you fucking mental my friend?
her mouth bothers me
that underbite really fucking bothers me when she speaks
Aged like fine wine
doesn't even look like the same character
Not talking about propaganda and SJW bullshit. Who's the target audience for the right pic?
29 yo single females that want to become a "cool wine aunt"
is that Zoe Quinn on the right
Too skinny
>first game has mad max inspired aesthetics
>second game has a old lady wearing a fucking blazer
now i'm fucking pissed
Christ what kind of aesthetic are they even going for here? It almost looks steampunk
and the outside full on bladerunner
>It almost looks steampunk
looks like a regular old lady
remove the leather shit and it's just blazer and brown pants
>first game has mad max inspired aesthetics with cute looking girl characters
>second game has trannies all over the place and it wants to have every aesthestic there is available
Fixed that for ya.
RAGE was a good game base, but an awful game. If it had been a serious of good, small levels, like id's known for doing well, rather than pseudo-open world garbage, it probably would have been considered a classic.
The game show section is actually really fun, and then nothing else in the game comes close to that and the game feels like it ends right as it's starting, what a shame.
>she's literally your trophy
it wasn't. nobody cared for it after a month
>muh trannies
rent free
Why are you posting here? Don't you have to dilate and join 40% club?
get new material
Will do once you'll do your duties.
Commit suicide freak
What a cutie.
Why must good things always be taken away?
Hopefully she got breeded in between Rage 1 & 2
She's still got some nice boobies there
Aging is an sjw ploy to normalize ugly boomer cunts
because new games are that fucking terrible
people are using it to shit on rage 2 though you retard
im gonna replay rage and have fun
have sex
fuck really? I'd say she looks about mid-late 30's
Yeah I'd still go rage 2 loosum she's just not as hot as she used to be