Why aren't you playing JRPGs Yea Forums
Why aren't you playing JRPGs Yea Forums
I'm gonna finish Zero no Kiseki and then take a break from them for a while. I enjoy the genre but I get burned out easily.
>Trails of Cold Steel
>Physical exam
>Receive an AP point if you can interrupt the enemy
>Yet you can pretty much two-shot them
>Resulting in obtaining nothing
>The game literally expects you to receive that 1 AP
I'll never understand the appreciation for Japanese RPGs that expect autistic behavior, with little reward.
Starting Tales of Vesperia definitive edition soon
>Video game has things you can do to complete it 100% if you want
Wow what a totally unique to JRPGs concept that is. Never seen before in any other genre.
I'm at the epilogue of the 2nd game and why did they feel the need to add a randomised final dungeon.
Also I need to play the older game, the detective seems to be more interesting than Rean
Cold Steel I looks so optimistic, joyful and happy compared to II's sombre and dark tone.
I'm playing DQ9 and Digital Devil Saga
If you're gonna play Crossbell, play sky first. (Significant plot threads from sky actually carry over directly to Zero&Ao, CS starts picking those up starting from CS3) Lloyd was when protagonists started going shit with harem bullshit.
>II's sombre and dark tone
You what? It's the same school life vibe except it's on an airship instead of at the school.
>he thinks II has sombre tone
Thanks will do. The order is sky, crosbell, cold steel ?
I've only finished CS1. Gonna play the Sky series while waiting for CS2 on PS4
Yes. And when you reach Sky 3rd, and wonder how it's relevant to the grand scheme of things, just know that it mostly isn't and basically just serves as a 50 hour lore dump/character backstory teller.
Sky(FC>SC>the 3rd)>Crossbell(Zero>Ao)>CS
Too busy playing superior WRPGs
I'm playing Wild Arms 3. Just got the eighth medium and now I'm stuck.
3rd is very much relevant to the grand scheme of things. It sets up a lot of the events that happens in the Crossbell/CS arcs as well as establishes some major plot points for lore.
My pc is shit so I can't play them.
>inb4 obscure 80s jrps
ignore this user
WA3 is kino
Watching my son around the clock. If his fever goes any higher we have to go to Children's Hospital.
Play Chaos World
does granblue count
no, fuck your gachashit and fuck your kind
Cute potato but no
Are there any games with a combat system like Rance X which rewards autistic theory-crafting and preparation for specific battles? Specifically, games where you're forced to plan for battles because you can't mindlessly grind exp until you're strong enough?
You mean like Yggdra Union and earlier fire emblem games?
What if i haven't spent a dime in gacha but just spent months and years of my life doing dailies and grinding?
I'm on the brink of wrapping up TitS the 3rd at some 63-64 hours, but I'm gonna delve into a few more VNs after this one. Also, fuck Estelle and rape her pregnant
Since this is a general JRPG thread I'm just gonna post about Death End ReQuest in some spoiler tags.
I enjoyed the game up until the end. All of the true endings were kinda just truncated bullshit except for Shina's and Lydia's ending doesn't even involve Lydia coming back. They did a whole bunch that was neat with some fourth-wall-breaking shit and had some cool ideas, but they dropped the ball hard in the final act. Props to them up until that point for making a genuinely kinda interesting mystery but I don't care for the end at all. I did see some plot twists coming, though there's some shit that never gets explained that bothers me. Also, Tokiwa a best girl followed by Clea and Lucil.
It was decent decent. What do I play now?
Because they're boring.
Atelier Meruru DX
Because the combat is usually very boring to me. I played Tokyo Xanadu ex+ a while back, that at least had decent combat if very basic. The stories are always cliché dogshit though
I don't really care for Atelier games. They're not bad, just not my cup of tea.
I tried playing Tales of Zestiria as the first JRPG I'd played in like 10 years and it was terrible so I'm done with the genre for another decade
Ar Tonelico maybe? imo Gust's finest
playing Wild Arms atm, the western setting is so comfy
I have been playing with the idea of going through Ar Tortellini 1 and 2, I've just been lazy about getting around to downloading an emulator and finding a properly patched version with a translation that doesn't suck or whatever. I remember some funk around those two titles.
Which ones? While BG is an excellent series, surely you aren't replaying for the 50th time right?
1 doesn't need a patch at all.
Personally I used a modded ps2. Don't really like pcsx2 myself.
def worth it. The series is a strong contender for greatest world building and OST ever
Tales is literally the lowest low of all jrpg. It‘s always filled with cliche‘s and bullshit. Played xillia once and decided to never touch that shit again.
Last time I used pcsx2 was to play P4 and it was...fine. I'm using a DS4 anyway. I suppose I'll give that a shot, then. Thanks user. Maybe someday I'll play Shining Resonance Refrain or whatever since I've been putting that off after starting it.
recommend some games where i can romance the loli
Finally modded my Vita, after leaving it in a drawer for years. What are the best JRPGs for it, apart from P4 Golden?
Infinite Space
I mean, it's not like the Tales series is particularly amazing in general, but it's pretty impressive how you managed to pick one of the worst mothership titles to date to gauge your interest in the genre.
I can believe it.
Ys: Memories of Celceta
Stella Glow.
I'm most of the way through the first Sakura Wars, I can totally see why this series is considered a classic. I can't believe it was never translated, I feel bad for EOPs.
Yeah, forgot to mention that. P4: Golden and Ys: Celceta are two of the very few games I actually own for the Vita.
Was there a loli in that?
Dungeon Travelers 2
Atelier series
Demon Gaze II
help me to find a good jrpg
As a starting point:
Jrpg i liked:
Chrono Trigger
Jrpg i thinkn it was absoulute trash:
Xenogames (Minus Gears and first half of Chronicles)
Final Fantasy (only enjoyed 12 from the ones i played)
Obviously i played more but it would take too long to list them all
Grandia II
Ah so you're a normalfag then, play skies of arcadia.
gonna try it out
>if you dont the crap i like you are normal fag!
thx for the input
The Genius of Sappheiros.
If you count dungeon crawlers/blobbers, then Dungeon Travelers 2. The Vita is actually somewhat lacking in "traditional" JRPGs. I really enjoyed Oreshika, but it's not for everyone.
Despite what that guy said, do play Skies of Arcadia though.
>Why aren't you playing JRPGs Yea Forums
Because I don't need an escapist fantasy where I imagine I am fucking 2D women.
gonna give it a shot too i guess, any reason to go with dreamcast version instead GC?
>The Vita is actually somewhat lacking in "traditional" JRPGs.
Pity, it's a decent machine for them. I'll give Oreshika a try, and I guess Dungeon Travelers 2, even if it looks way too fanservicey for me.
thanks anons do these emulate well?
Dreamcast has better audio quality and visual fidelity in general, but the GC version has more content and a lower encounter rate.
I need 60 dollars for xenoblade 2. You can blame team sonic racing, saints row 3, kirby 64, mario kart 8, watch dogs, and street fighter 4.
is there any good jrpg for switch if i thought xenoblade 2 was dog shit (how the fuck do people like this) and with Octo comming to pc? Gonna travel soon with train, want something on the go
For what it's worth, I'm not recommending DT2 because of the fanservice (though I don't have a problem with it, either.) It's legitimately an excellent game.
I'm a little disappointed that the Vita didn't end up becoming a tactical RPG paradise like the PSP. Tactics Ogre, Wild Arms XF, Yggdra Union, Growlanser 4, and Gungnir were all great, and there was a port of FFT as well.
The Switch is kinda hurting for JRPGs honestly. I enjoyed Xenoblade 2, but it still doesn't really feel like THE console defining JRPG to me. Most other JRPGs on it are multiplat, so it's hard to recommend getting what JRPGs there are on the Switch over some other platform. Maybe Tales of Vesperia or Ys VIII if you're into that.
Almost finished origins on ps4 damn its very simple yet elgant and kino story. Very focused.
I'm not sure how any you guys can play jrpgs back-to-back because I need to take a break because they are very heavy emotionally story-wise
I tend to take monthly brakes depending on how long the jrpg is but that doesn't necessarily mean I didn't have a good time.
I don't have the time for them but I'd like to as at least they aren't sjw termite infested.
because there's no modern magical girl jrpg
yes compile heart games are a thing but anything but those at the moment
this is jrpg, not wrpg. Japan hates SJWs
Well, I do love blobbers, so I'll give DT2 a try. I always wanted to replay Jeanne d'Arc, so I guess I'll get that too.
Don't worry, localization will add them in sooner or later.
thats what I meant bro
But I'm playing Akko's game
Because i'm holding back.
Maybe you don't want to see an escapist fantasy that discloses to you how shitty, meaningless and soulcrushing 3D women and reality are
Just finished Ys VIII, moving on to Ni No Kuni 2. Both were games I've had since launch, but only played maybe 4-5 hours of. Glad I've pushed through and finished Ys and I'm a good 10 hours into NNK2 and it's a lot better than I initially thought it was (hard mode helps a lot, too. It was way too easy and still kind of is)
I also finished FFIX for the 3rd (and probably final) time a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed the fuck out of it because the last times I finished it I was either too young to properly comprehend the plot, or weirdly ADHD and had no patience for story and skipped everything. Really liked it this time, paying attention to everything.
Am planning to do a FFXII IZJS run with OP characters to actually get all the achievements. I fucked up by not planning my characters' classes and abilities, didn't get the ones to make the secret bosses easy and I kept getting fucking smashed by them.
>Buy game at launch for full bux
>play it at a time where price is less than 75% of release price
sounds pretty dumb tbqh
It's not like I do it on purpose. I just lost interest.
>Ar tonelico
yes, absolutely a hidden gem of a series
I wish I could enjoy more JRPGs. I tried Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and X and played them for a while but the combat just isn't gripping. I got Atelier Rorona as well and tried the Octopath demo but turn based combat leaves me cold.
I don't think it counts as a JRPG in what people are talking about but Dragon's Dogma is fucking amazing, I want more JRPGs that are like that. Also Nier & Automata.
hellz yeah
>The Genius of Sappheiros.
also my nigga.
haha... thats our Rean-kun...
I need some JRPGs with good time management and with hopefully not too insufferable of characters.
CSIII PC announcement when?
Hopefully soon. I really don’t want to buy a basedstation
not fan of turn base rpg
Playing pic related with a romhack for better balance.
Currently in Chapter 2 Law, games pretty solid, if a bit easy right now.