He makes some good points

he makes some good points...

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He sniffs his own farts and believes that's a let's play.

Shame they’re all thrown out the window when you see how retarded he is at actually playing it

>he makes some good points
every time someone says this they can never actually prove it and even when they do they get debunked immediately
unless you;re doing it for shitposting reasons, you need to admit Arin is a retard that didn't know shit about video games that wasn't immediately obvious (Mega Man X)

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Zelda becoming more linear, hand holding, easier, cinematic, puzzle over action, etc is something everyone has been noted by several people over the years, but Arin was too retarded to explain this properly.

He makes good points for the first five minutes, then it devolves into him screeching about Skyward Sword for no reason (it has nothing to do with comparing A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time) and making nonsensical points about there being SO MUCH GODDAMN WAITING. He just sucks at the game and doesn't understand its appeal because he refuses to become immersed in a game's story, characters, and atmosphere, which are all the best points of Ocarina of Time.

This, to this day there has never been a single argument against OOT being a masterpiece other than "POPULAR = BAD"

Fuck off

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Like how much of a hypocrite he is for saying you should abandon nostalgia for the sake of being critical, but then talks about how cool he thought the big chest in alttp was when he was 8? Yeah good point that one.

Check his Wind Waker Hd gameplay first.

It's simple as fuck and did almost nothing that hadn't been done before.

Why isn't there just like a drop button?

Watching him play is like watching DSP

Goddamn THIS. There's an interesting analysis in how OoT (and even LttP) traded player freedom for a more structured story narrative and visual set pieces, or how difficulty and player agency was traded for handholding.

And instead we got "Arin Hanson has no spacial awareness, GODDAMN SKYWARD SWORD SUCKS ASS, what if we had an underwater timed goron escort mission" video.

>He makes good points for the first five minutes
he really doesn't

Not an argument, clearly you haven't played it

>that shit about targeting an enemy causing a disconnect with your position in the room
How does this man even walk in real life.

Well, his points about combat going from simple in 2D to complicated in 3D is true. I mean, that doesn't make it bad like he seems to think, just different.

>got ocarina of time
>had a blast with it
>got stuck in the forest temple
>didn't have a computer yet, so ordered the prima strategy guide
>waited the longest 6 weeks of my life for it to come
>started a new save
>was enthralled by the game and the art in the guide from beginning to end
Best gaming experience of my life. I'll never be even remotely as immersed in and pleased by a game again.

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I like the part where he complains that there aren't any enemies that circle around platforms like in LTTP but then complains later on about the enemies that do exactly the thing he said didn't exist because he lacks any sort of spatial awareness and cannot keep a 3D space in his mind and gets hit by that enemy constantly.

>or how difficulty and player agency was traded for handholding
unfortunately this is the silver lining to early 3D games though, if something like a 3D adventure game with (at the time) a complex combat system didn't hold your hand even for a little bit it would've been considered frustrating
if OoT didn't do this I can guarantee you that Arin and several others would say how the game is cryptic and impossible because it didn't try to thoroughly teach you how things worked in a 3D space
true later Zelda games got worse in that regard but back when this was fresh and new, it was needed
>inb4 but muh mario 64 didn't need to hold your hand
that's a basic 3D platformer that requires a lot less on the players part to have fun. You just need to learn to how to properly jump and move and that's it and even then SM64 had signs and Toads that told you what to do

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his argument that OOT is full of dumb cutscenes that waste time and only exist as a desperate move by nintendo to wow audiences that were moving away to the playstation (sold over 3 times as much as the n64) by having COOL GRAPHICS instead of actual fun gameplay is very true

its a shame none of his other points are valid

He was right about castlevania IV

>more structured story narrative and visual set pieces
didn't A Link to the Past sort of have this too though? sure nothing like SHOULD I REPEAT MYSELF levels but there's plenty of backstory and cool set pieces like how some of the bosses fight

Zelda was always trash

>(and even LttP)

can you believe how many years have passed and people still discuss a video made by some school dropout that couldnt finish games like MGS and who only talent is to make poorly drawn animations? Jesus christ people, get over it

All the other sequelitis videos are pretty good, it's really only the OoT one that's awful

They couldn't have possibly made cutscenes wanted to use 3d space to tell a story like movies do. Yeah, good thing that cutscenes in video games thing never caught on.

hope you're not implying that LoZ or Alttp had fun gameplay

But wrong about the metroidvania games. Leveling is completely unneeded so his junk food comparison makes no sense.

and then he says how there should be an enemy that does exactly what enemies in the game already do that he hated
to this day I still don't know what the fuck he was trying to get across


Hard to take him seriously when you've seen how bad he is at these games.

Is probably the only good point made.

No he's not because then he tried playing the game with only the whip, died and then never played again
while it's true once you get the cross you can just curb stomp bosses, he made the exact inverse argument in regards to combat because the whip can only do so much, you still have to be good
Also his argument about every level needing to use the whip in different ways is stupid too because then every level would just feel like gimmicky bullshit and not have any sort of identity and the game would feel a lot more repetitive. There's a reason you use the whip to navigate only a handful of times

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he did make a few good points, but they're all worthless since his own incompetence when it comes to playing the game make the points seem less accurate.

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Well, there's good parts of OoT teaching you and bad parts. The Spider Web in the Deku tree is a good teaching. Navi chiming at you and shouting "YOU CAN CLIMB ON VINES I BET" is where it gets on the player's nerves. The game using tactile learning techniques is great, it's when it hits you over the head is where it falters... and later games would manage to get worse about this. Navi especially feels like a holdover from sort of idea that they'd include an option to turn her off or on from the main menu, as her advice reads in the most blatantly talking to YOU the player style the game offers.

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literally all his points are invalidated by his points he made in the other Sequelitis videos

>combat is full of waiting
>items are useless in battle

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>They couldn't have possibly made cutscenes wanted to use 3d space to tell a story like movies do.
#1 video games shouldn't be like moves
#2 MGS came out the same year and blows OOT the fuck out when it comes to being like a movie
#3 the story segments are actually pretty good and not the issue. the issue is all the fucking mid game cutscenes for shit like playing the ocarina, opening a chest or hitting a switch that eat up to dozens of minutes over the course of a playthrough given how often you activate this stuff

>It's simple as fuck
like literally every Zelda game?

>did almost nothing that hadn't been done before.
objectively good gameplay was often a reason in the past to give a game high scores

>complains about spike trap that he has to avoid
>complains later that nintendo should have added a spike trap that you have to avoid

>plays the game normally
>gets to a hard part

DSP is easily better than him at this point.

Watching him play through Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, OoT and then watching his Sequelitis video reveals where his criticisms come from. Arin has mega ADHD and can't be bothered to take a moment and assess a situation before charging forward. He doesn't listen to anything the game tells him and he eventually gets stuck and blames the game for his mistakes. He calls Skyward Sword "too handholdy" yet he can't get anywhere in it without consulting a guide every few minutes. It's embarrassing to watch him make these criticisms while he plays the game because it's immediately revealed what he's doing wrong. I don't remember Arin being so hyper-critical when Jon was around. But now he seems to put on this "asshole" persona which he hides behind whenever people call him out on his criticisms which is very often if you look at the comments on their videos.

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>hides behind whenever people call him out on his criticisms which is very often if you look at the comments on their videos
He never reads the comments in the first place.

Everything makes sense when you consider that he has pretty severe ADHD. He hates waiting or having to read and just wants to run and gun.

Bad video but OoT is unironically a bad game. It's just completely brainless and shallow, there's nothing to offer anyone aside from nostalgia.

He refuses to acknowledge or take into account Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, which explains all of Nintendo's design decisions in the sequels.

How long before something comes out and Egoraptor gets the Projared treatment?

He's too much of a bitchboy to approach other women.

The compilation video someone made of his let's play is fucking great. It's basically just 4 hours of Arin failing to read in game text, then whining about him not being able to figure shit out. Also the underwater clam part where he nearly has an aneurysm is quite something.

>How long before something comes out and Egoraptor gets the Projared treatment?
Never, Arin is the type of guy that would let his wife go out and fuck everyone she saw and still stay faithful. If anything comes out about him it'll be his mismanagement of game grumps or he gets cancelled for saying nigger all those times in the past

You got that backwards Arin is the person who is gonna come out.

OoT wasn't even meant to be a direct sequel to LttP

That's how I was with ff7. The guide made a lot of things cooler due to the art

You're right, it's a direct prequel.

not him but I agree that there's a ton of downtime/wait time on things in OoT. I do like it more than ALttP still

You mean Suzy, right?

He actually makes no good points whatsoever, and have you seen his OoT playthrough? The guy can't even roll to cancel high fall damage.

The ocarina stuff is bullshit, I memorized all the songs at like 8, there was no time wasting

>Suzy broke up with Arin
>Arin sent her letters every fucking day until she felt sorry enough for him to get back together

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he's untouchable


So is James the only Yea Forums-approved e-celeb?

She was fucking some other guy on the side while he did that.

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>this super white dude just dropping n-bombs
god what a faggot, even if you don't say it anymore why act like you have no idea why anyone would?

only he would consider this literal alien

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she said she was seeing another guy in the time they were broken up, yeah. It's in her 'draw my life' video or whatever.

It's actually amazing how he didn't make one single good point. OoT has its flaws like the empty field, the iron boots shit, a lot of misused content that was better implemented in MM, and maybe the outdated camera which has never been a problem to me but let's try to be pedantic for the sake of the argument.
But he literally goes for the route of "I'm incapable of understanding 3D spaces, the mechanics provided for me, I don't bother with the shield, and I have an extreme case of ADHD."

yea just check the draw my life vid she did.

The only reason there's downtime/wait is because you're not using all the tools the game gives you. Every enemy can be killed using one of your many weapons in a faster way. This is by far the dumbest thing I heard Arin claim in the video. He sits there waiting for openings instead of making his own. It's like he expects the game to play like DMC or NG. Depending on which direction you hold your control stick it changes up which slashes Link does as well giving you versatility if you care enough for something like that.
OoT tries a lot of new things and it's really ambitious for the starting steps of 3D gaming.

Does Arino count?

And to top it off, then he suggest the most fun thing in 3d gaming in the N64 era: Escort missions.

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>so his junk food comparison makes no sense.
Not really. Backtracking, getting lost, exploration and such is a time waster when old Castlevania games were to the point and for that had harder and better thought enemy positions. In Metroidvanias you just run around and kill enemies without much thought to travel thru the world.

He can't even follow guide properly. When the dude he's playing with pulls it up he reads about their current situation and what they should be doing after which Arin goes "Yeah, and then?!"
Then the dude reads the next section of the guide, and Arin attempts to do that, instead of whatever that was told him earlier.

> she says "she dated a crazy guy"
i.e. a black guy

damn she's ugly

Man, I was talking with some people earlier about how Jon fell off the deep end and got with bad crowd after GG started because all of his old friends and people he used to work with abandoned him after he said that Zoe wasn't as nice of a person as some people were making her out to seem.
I was told that Jon was bad from the start, and evidence was him saying n-word in few GameGrumps episodes. Same people are pretty big fans of Arin, funny how they forgot all of his old shit.

No, it's DSP

First I am someone who genuily enjoys Dan era, but Jon falling off was for the best. Jon get millions of views everytime he uploads. He can't be taken down because he's already been there & nothing really came from it. Arin has become so decentralized & bland he doesn't even hide his contempt anymore. The west coast is apparently a cancer.apperently the grumps knew about the jared situation months before holly and ross divorced & they just seem scummy. Its sad listening to dan long for getting out of it and moving into the midwest to live a normal life.

Jon literally said much worse things later after he left Grumps.
You could joke about the n-word during 2013 or so, but when Jontron gave his serious opinions on a podcast about how rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people, or how he implied that non-whites integrating into society means entering the gene pool like /pol/tard crying white genocide, he lost all respect.

>when Jontron gave his serious opinions on a podcast about how rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people
facts are not opinions, user.

funny how you say jon leaving was for the best and go on to complain about arin and dan being shit

um I have never been on /pol/ but that is true in what Jon was referencing, I don't know if the statics changed since then. & as for the gene pool nonsense well I thought it was horseshit but Europe has seen better days & its insane the difference between Europe now & Europe 10 years ago.

Again, my point is that he said those things because his old friends alienated him, which resulted in Altright idiots approaching him going "hey it's fine, we agree that Zoe is a nasty bitch, why don't you hang out with us?"
The podcast where he laid out all his new dumbass beliefs happened way after his fallout with NormalBoots people.

>um I have never been on /pol/
sure thing, Cletus

>funny how you say jon leaving was for the best and go on to complain about arin and dan being shit
Late Jontron era gamegrumps was already falling off though, his recent content has been a massive success and he was absolutely right to leave before it became stale

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It was the best for Jon & the Grumps for a while but now the Grumps are having a harder time keeping veiwership. As for Arin it is completly fair to complain about Arin because his attitude is why people are dropping. & Dan? That came from his mouth & I think everyone knows he wants out.

I haven't but kay

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Arin and Suzy hate black people. What non racist man shouts "NIGGER" 30 times because he had to drive a black man somewhere?

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He left Normal Boots too before the whole ProJared thing. He's real good at avoiding sinking ships.

I know Grumps was really getting stale during the final episodes, but I just miss the dynamic so badly. To be honest, they were probably fighting by that point. The low energy happened very suddenly.
Chill Arin with Loud Jon was best, especially since Jon was so enthusiastic everytime they played something and called it one of his favorite games. He was also not afraid to question Arin.

Loud Arin is terrible, and it's not helped by the fact that Dan is 100% a yesman.

Wish she'd just sell some feet pics, I'd buy that at least

Holy shit, Suz

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That was legit very nasty. Dan is too pure for Arin.

Thats why when Dan dose call out Arin its glorious

i tried watching GGs twilight princess run even though i dropped them years ago and it was a cold reminder how bad Arin can be. He skips dialogue until Dan has to actually call him out for it, has been literally shouting about how he doesnt care and none of it matters and then proceeds to have no idea what to do next and blame the game even with a guide.

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Dan is a kike and you're a retard

>Ocarina of Time sucks!

>improve it by making the entire game a Goron escort mission where you have to find rocks which become increasingly rare
Not okay.

The others aren't even good, they're just so ridiculously simple that even Arin wasn't able to fuck them up. The Mega Man video is almost literally just him explaining what an antepiece is, for example.

>Arin gets called out for his past racism and people try to cancel him
>He brings up his crossdressing/trans phase and is forced to have a sex change in order to save his carrier

James originated fartsniffing and all these other fags try to outdo him. Only Arino and Gaijillionaire are Yea Forums-approved.

Woooooooooww you debunked his argument good duuuuuuuuude

For some reason cancel culture won't hit him. I'm not sure if it's all the ally dicksucking or what but he's genuinely avoided a lot of shit that other people are being fucked by.

Consider the context when that video came out
No one was talking about videogame design. Everyone was an AVGN clone. Sequelitis was baby steps for people to start analyzing mechanics, ideas and such. Without him, we wouldn't have Game Maker's Toolkit, among others.
You might say it's the equivalent of the first SMB game on the NES, but for videogame design analysis.

>The others aren't even good, they're just so ridiculously simple that even Arin wasn't able to fuck them up.
Compared to all the great stuff now, sure, it's nothing special. But no one back then was talking about that stuff back then, and Arin was doing it with solid production values and humor.

some other e celeb has to bring it up for it to be effective. NDA are common for youtuber silliness because they all have dirt on each other

>non-whites integrating into society means entering the gene pool
he's not wrong

all invalidated by how he plays the games

as trans?

not to mention he used to be very beloved even here

No. Arino is not an e-celeb, he's just a normal celeb that just happens to play games sometimes

I need to remind you?
He couldn't go anymore forward than stage 4 on SC4, so he can suck a fat dick

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He never mentioned the framerate and barren overworld. Also he's not 100% wrong about the waiting. I think OOT is an important game but it's not some flawless masterpiece.

It's actually funny since he literally didn't make a single good point. There are a quite a few things you could criticize about OoT but he just nitpicked nonsense and unironically complained abotu the high difficulty and getting hit.

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>teenage zoomers turning to young pre-boomers and realizing their ex beloved eceleb faggot is a faggot
every time

Can you say that again but with real words?

user most of us realized that years ago, 2014 at the latest

Almost all of his complaints stem from him being an impatient ADHD-riddled baby with an almost fascinating inability to comprehend a 3D space in video games. You would think that for a self-proclaimed Zelda "expert" he would be able to get the basic fucking story right for LttP and Z1 (games he considers the high point of the series) but he makes up his own headcanon stories instead because he button mashes through every fucking textbox.

>makes some good points
>about a game he is incapable of playing


Doesn't remove anything he said, it's still true.
>Source, I'm an eurofag

I don't think criticizing waiting as a prominent mechanic is just ADHD ranting, it's incredibly overused in OoT in the same way motion controls are overused in Skyward sword.
It's okay for the first few hours but when you get into the later parts of the game the whole waiting for obvious attack windows schtick gets boring, especially if you die and have to redo parts. Feels like I'm wasting my time.

I'll give that he sucks at comprehending 3D space, but as someone who CAN comprehend 3D space the big problem with older games like OoT is that the 3D space isn't used very well. it all cycles back to waiting because when an enemy is in a position and the environment hampers that, you just need to wait for them to move. In more modern games you'd have more influence on positioning and environmental combat but the technology just wasn't there in 1998.
Having to work around the environment and not with it is fucking boring at best.