Reddit meme or kino?

Reddit meme or kino?

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Kino but also dead

I don't know, some people seem to like it but it's not popular enough for me to hate it on principle. Never played it.

Literally nothing wrong with reddit.

Always browse 4chin and reddit at the same time.

Reddit Kino

Good story good atmosphere good character builds bland combat. Nothing generation-defining.

it's just system shock 3, sounds good to you? play it.
But do turn off the objective markers, they can be a bit annoying

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Pretty great. Absolutely worth a playthrough or two as pure and typhon, and the Mooncrash DLC is amazingly fun once you get a hang of the characters, specific mechanics, and how to have the most fun milking each simulation to its maximum

>meme or meme
Faggotry aside it's a decent title. Not GoTY or anything but better than expected.

Mooncrash GOTY

Absolute kino. The closest thing we'll have to System Shock 3 for a while.

it's a single player game

I hated how they gave a generic RPG feel to the DLC. Absolutely butchered it right at the character screen.

Really good. My one issue is that you get too strong with powers. All arkane games seem to have that issue but it makes sense why, even if enemies do get easy.

this, game is awesome and feels like a system shock but as you get close to the ending there is a lot of backtracking, which can be annoying for someone too
game is surely worth it tho

Couldn’t get into it; thought the enemies were fucking gay. I will admit it sometimes asks me to reinstall it from time to time but I never do.

Gameplay and atmosphere perfected.
Only issue is that the ending feels a bit rushed and not very balanced. You get overpowered quickly (which might be a good thing).

>Reddit meme or kino?

My favorite game of the generation.

>object transforms into headcrab
>and again
>and again
>and again
Never uninstalled another game this fast

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So you played only the first ten minutes? Fucking pleb.

That doesn't even happen in the first ten minutes. user just watched the trailer.

More than that but yeah, if devs can't be assed to make a good introduction for their game I'm not gonna be assed to bother playing it.

Prey has one of the best intros of any game this gen, you absolute brainlet. The game doesn't drop the ball until the end.

>generic as fuck going to le space station premise
>one of the best intros of any game this gen
My fucking sides

>t. 50 IQ

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>did you hesitate... at all?
yeah im thinkin its kino

should i play this or Mankind Divided?

Prey is the best immersive sim style game since Thief II.

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What's stopping you from playing both?

It's great but the enemy variety is bit lackluster, especially considering the number of elemental recolors. I wish the game also had human enemies who used anti-Typhon gear that you yourself have access to, allowing you to game them and Typhons against each other with you also being vulnerable based on your own infection level. Maybe even give them neuromod powers. The merc invasion was the shittiest cucking since all you get is Operator recolors to fight.

it's probably not a bad game, but why settle for
>not bad
just play an actual good game instead. matter of fact, replay bioshock 1 and dead space 1 and you completely remove the need to play prey.

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Prey > Bioshock

Yeah, you have to starve yourself on upgrades or nothing is a threat anymore. Besides that I really enjoyed my time with it, 3 playthroughs so far.

Prey is significantly better than BioShock.

>lab where mimics got loose
>listen to recording, scientists are paranoid as shit
>almost every item in the room has a sticky note on it
>"not a mimic"
>coffee cup has no note, jumps at you

I had a good laugh, it is probably the most practical thing they could do.

I just wish you could fix the weapon models. I don't understand why developers have such a hard time with this. It seriously bothers me so much that I can't play a game with shit like this.

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Change the weapon FOV using the Cryengine console.

reddit is good for rounding up all the normies. certain subreddits are alright. there's been plenty of times i've gotten a question answered or problem solved from an archived reddit thread. i could never call it home, tho.

reddit meme

Play Prey because it's full game unlike Mankind Divided.

I feel the same way, a good resource to use for questions or theory crafting, but the hivemind and people obsessed about trivial shit makes it too frustrating outside of limited doses.

Sounds like that user just didn't like Prey. It's fun even if everything he says is true.

nothing, ill pirate both then

Without a doubt this is kino. Just wish it was its own thing. Zero reason to call it Prey

But you know that. You know it's not related to Prey 2006... so you can enjoy it as its own thing.

They needed to use the IP or else they risked losing it.

Uh no? That's now how that works.

The FOV isn't the problem.

It's the fact that developers think putting the barrel of a gun in the centre of the screen and touching the crosshair so is constantly feels like you're shooting sideways is a good idea because they're fucking retards.

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give me proof and maybe i'll actually play it.
otherwise, i'm content on never playing the fucking thing

How about no? You're a big boy, make that decision yourself.

But it's not even the same IP

It is.

>Dishonored 1: Unreal Engine
>Dishonored 2: In house "void" engine
>Prey: Cryengine
>Wolfenstein youngblood: ID tech 6

What the FUCK is up with arkane?

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It is the same IP (trademark, anyway, not the same series), but Bethesda isn't licensing the IP, they own it, so they can't even lose the rights to it.

Shut in player trash

It's not a sequel, it's not a prequel, and it's not a reboot. It just has the same name, for some strange reason.


Wolfenstein isn't by Arkane.

But if it was, Void engine is just idtech with some in-house tweaks.

Also, Dishonored and Prey are made by two totally separate development houses of Arkane, so... eh? Prey is better optimized.

It's still the same IP.

>NPC cant form own opinions

you really couldn't type out one thing you liked about the game?

never been able to recognize a retard this fast before

Dishonored 2's PC port was a disaster.

I don't give a fuck if you play the game or not.

Yeah. It runs alright now, I can get 120fps most of the time, but launch was garbage.

my current opinion is that i don't want to play it. this thread is mostly people saying it's good. two of you even said it's way better than one of my favorite games. y'all really can't give any reason to back that up? can't tell me one thing you liked about it better than bioshock, but call me an npc instead.

>someone on Yea Forums doesn't like a game I like
The trauma

>I don't give a fuck if you play the game or not.
i'm asking you what you liked about it, user. if i was trying to have a dumb debate, i'd be defending bioshock right now.

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Combat isn't baby's first FPS.
Exploration actually matters.
Better level design.
Fucking jetpack.

I don't specifically remember, but don't you already know you're in space well before this point?


*press to calibrate looking glass*

Don't know about it being better than Bioshock but it certainly felt like I was playing a Bioshock game. If you could try playing it just for the Bioshock feels. It really is up to you though

how long is it?
and thanks, man. i'll keep a look out next steam sale.

Can run out of resources, including ammo
Multiple ways to solve almost every puzzle/obstacle
Actually scary at first (before you get some upgrades)
Enemies go from a real threat to an annoyance
"Mini boss" enemy can be 1v1'd, but it's easier to hide until it fucks off

Absolute meme
Not even close.

Back to Fortnite.

15 - 20, maybe 30 hours? Depends on how long you screw around I guess.

I actually don't know if you're talking about Prey or Bioshock, because both fit those descriptions.

>mfw all those early streamers who would just run from objective marker to objective marker, not exploring the world and fighting everything wondering why they were low on resources

Then they complained about how short and unsatisfying the game was. In a sense Dishonored suffered from the same problem.

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I don't speak faggot but it's a really good game that's worth your time.

It has really good atmosphere, but I ended up just using the shotgun point blank near the end. None of the alien abilities really intrigued me that much so I never invested in any of them. Despite that there wasn't much of a challenge. The speed upgrades mean you can practically run or dodge through enemies. Despite that the story is pretty fun, although I'm very biased towards sci-fi.

Neither. It's a good game.

Reddit is angry that it inst Prey 2. Prey (2017) is kino and a casual filter

It is kino, but I also would want a Prey 2. The info that's come out about Prey 2 made it seem really great.

sounds like i could beat it in a couple weekends. the older i get, the less patience i have for games that drag on.

>Prey is like Bioshock
I just don't get it Anons. Are they retarded?

>Reddit is angry that it inst Prey 2.

Its funny because NO ONE cared about that until it became a point of controversy. What we saw of Prey 2 wasn't even gameplay.

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you think modern journos have actually played system shocks? had they they would've realized just how derivative bioshock was. then again it was the setting that blew most people away so what do I know.

It was all a d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ simulation bro

What the fuck were they thinking?

Mooncrash is the shit. Kinda surprised they never expanded on it with more characters and such.

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Some Prey 2 gameplay has been shown off. All post-cancellation, but it exists.

I love the base game but absolutely despise mooncrash. I bought it right after it was announced and was thoroughly disappointed

it wasn't a reality twist though, it was an identity one

I mean it kind of makes sense in the context of the story.
The Typhon are definitely powerful enough to take over Earth and run humanity to extinction.

I hated Mooncrash honestly. A procedurally generated roguelite DLC seems anathema to what actually made the game interesting in my opinion, which was the incredible attention to detail.

prey 2 had space bounty hunting. it was a teaser for the ages.

>dat feel when forced to take a fall after game under-performed
At least he's happy making pizza now.

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I'm cool with no john you are the demons, it's the invalidation of everything I've just achieved that I had an issue with.

that was kinda the point, though - dlc was something completely different. it's clear they didn't get much budget allocated for the game after launch and procedural generation is the solution then.

It's a shame because he made a good game while Harvey was fucking up Dishonored 2.

>which was the incredible attention to detail
That's almost something I'd give to Mooncrash once you get a decent grasp of its mechanics at the higher simulation versions. It's like a big puzzle to solve optimally, and the second you dodge the shark and check out the security station terminal in the center of the map, you can start planning out an optimal route for your next four characters.

There's also a lot of attention to detail in what little plot there is. It's been a while so I'm probably going to describe it poorly, but if you pay attention to GUI in your pod during some story segments, you'll see your assistant actually start siphoning off oxygen for you to use at the end to make your escape.

I would have preferred it if you only had 1 character with full customization options as a lot of the characters suck to play as

>at the higher simulation versions
Read: Play the roguelite a lot
>It's like a big puzzle to solve optimally
Read: Play the roguelite so much you figure out how to do it better
>you can start planning out an optimal route for your next four characters
See above.

I wanted a real expansion pack, not that low effort trash.

You got an expansion pack that took an interesting look at a competitor organization and its methods, while also providing another theory about how the Typhon arrived on Earth to begin with.

Boiling down playing the game naturally, unlocking harder content by advancing the plot, and working out your own solutions to brute force to
>bash head against roguelite
is brainlet nonsense that can be applied to quite literally every game ever made.

there is no reason you would have to fight human enemies
i can sort of agree about the operators but they were at least using q-beam weapons and repeatedly spawning from operator dispensers so it's not just a recolor

This game underperforming is one of the saddest happenings in the industry.

bioshock is one of my favorites and I think Prey is as good or better, depends on what you liked about bs
I probably enjoyed the 50s underwater city setting a bit more than the space station in Prey

either stupid or haven't actually ever played the first 5 minutes of the game

Nobody on the internet even remembered Prey 2006 until they saw an excuse to get mad about something when Nu-Prey came out.

Really enjoyed it but I had big problems with the loading times. Also wish they didn't say 'Don't use Typhon powers' as it made me avoid them in my first playthrough despite them being fun because I assumed I'd be punished.

Well, considering that Bioshock isn't even a good game, Prey could theoretically be better simply by not being an absolutely terrible game made for braindead retards like Bioshock. Whether or not that is the case, I don't know.

Which is a shame because first Prey really was something in terms of geometric level design. Generic FPS otherwise, though.

I love how they give you tools to sequence break if you are clever enough to figure it out.

>can fire the gloop cannon at walls to make platforms to cross gaps with
>can use the nerf crossbow to activate touch screen monitors to open doors, activate machinery to make traps, etc.
>can use recycler grenades to remove obstacles if you dont have the strength upgrades or door key code yet
>can use gloop to stop fires, electrical surges, and other environmental hazards
>use recycler grenades on leaking radiation drums to get rid of the radiation entirely

They are co-developing wolfenstein atm

kino but also has bethesda influences

>use recycler grenades on leaking radiation drums to get rid of the radiation entirely

shit man

>can use recycler grenades to remove obstacles if you dont have the strength upgrades or door key code yet
>use recycler grenades on leaking radiation drums to get rid of the radiation entirely

I'm an actual moron

Reddit SJW meme.

Unironically my favorite game that came out 2017
(and yes, I've played BOTW, Nioh, and RE7)

The developers don't have autism so they dont care about shit like that.

good walking simulator


Prey is probably the only game that made me feel like complete retard multiple times

>that first time I realized a certain power could let you turn into objects
>I turned into one of these annoying flying bots
>could literally fly anywhere I wanted
>flew all the way to the escape pod just to see if the game would let me do that
>it fucking did and I got massively spoiled as to what the real ending would be about

I'm not even mad, Prey is honestly one of the best games of 2017. I absolutely love games that reward creativity

Fun game with good level design and freedom of choice. Far from great, but I wish there were more games in the same vein.

You just proved that you didn't played the game for real. Proof:
>no mention of "le epic plot twist"

I'm honestly still bothered by them calling this completely unrelated game Prey
The second they announced the game it triggered the fuck out of me, it's completely nonsensical
the brand doesn't have any weight and it's so bland/unfitting
that aside I love the game
just remember being super confused when they showed it off originally

kino ruined by absolute dogshit gameplay

you get an helmet that let you see the mimics early in the game

For your information, they pitched the game without wanting anything to do with Prey franchise. it's bethesda that essentially said yes okay we'll publish but only if you name it prey. It's fucking stupid but bethesda is fucking stupid.

I mean, Prey is honestly a solid game, and if it got advertized as a "shock" kind of game, it would've probably end up making a lot more sales than just slapping an existing franchise no one gives a fuck about on.

I've seen people suggest Neuroshock as a title and I kinda dig it

Watched a youtuber talk about Mooncrash, he was pretty hype. I think I'm starting to lean on the idea of buying this game. Talk me out of it.

kino but dear god someone please fix my audio mixing already, i'm dying

GOTY whatever year it came out on.

'tis 2017, then.

They would have attracted the old school System Shock as well as the zoomer Bioshock crowd.
But Bethesda fucked up. I want Arkane Studios to make more immersive sim kino but it's not looking good.

I don't want to say the I.S word but it's probably best in its genre for modern games compared to the likes of Bioshock and Deus Ex.

>that game was never going to be good- the open world was fucking EMP-TY and shit all to do, gameplay was pretty generic
Prey 2 must have been cancelled for more than just that, I mean Bethesda are the kings of empty generic open worlds, just look at Rage 2.

I started it a quit the first time I died to the humanoid creatures. I don't know, something just didn't feel enjoyable to me, seemed like it was going to be a chore to play

Maybe you are not intelligent enough.

Nah, it seemed the game had an emphasis on gathering resources, not sure if that was just the survival mode, but I didn't feel like putting up with that. I might go back to it, as maybe I just wasn't feeling any games that day, but it didn't seem like my kind of game from my first impressions.

>your cousin on Moon admires Yu and want to fuck you, even if you played as femYu
What kind of family is it?

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It's just bad. It's bioshock meets metroid prime but more sterile and boring with worse art direction and level design and enemy design than both.
this is probably the only good thing about it

The nigger couldn't even spell AND, of course hes to retarded to make the most of it. After getting called stupid, he immediately trys to sound smart too.

I stopped playing cause I was just so OP
picking the ability that gives you more materials was terrible fucking mistake