>someone who has thousands of hours in a game tries to give a negative review
>someone who has less than a hour in a game tries to give a positive review
I hope you don't listen to these people user.
>someone who has thousands of hours in a game tries to give a negative review
>someone who has less than a hour in a game tries to give a positive review
I hope you don't listen to these people user.
I have 1,000+ hours in Left 4 Dead 2 and I'd still call it and the original giant pieces of shit.
>game comes out
>is good
>play a lot
>devs become jews
>add in tons of microtransactions
>ruins the game
>game is now bad
>leave bad review
>haha you played the game a lot you can't dislike anything about it
>less than 5 hours on record
>"lol try going past the tutorial the next time"
>~20 hours on record
>"no dude the trick is that it gets good 50 hours in"
>100+ hours on record
>"If you hate the game so much why did you spend so much time on it? :^)"
You just can't win with those people
>wasted a lot of time so it must be good
wrong retard
Literally my experience with Shadow Warrior 2. Game was decent at launch then they kept updating it to make it more and more like Borderlands and now it's unplayable trash.
The second person is unjustified but the first person is justified.
A game can be a Skinner box that tricks you into playing for thousands of hours, but that you don't actually enjoy your time playing.
OR it can be good and then get updated to be broken, unfun or literally unplayable.
In both those scenarios a high hourcount and negative review is 100% justified. Especially the one you posted where the game turned P2W.
>listening to steam reviews at all
i'd rather take my time and read one proper review that's trying to point out upsides and downsides than rely on thumbs up from thousands of twelve year olds who liked the game because it has lots of guns and very 'realistic' graphics, thank you very much
>buying games that you're not 100% sure they're going to be good
fucking kids these days. there's a reason why good gave us torrents
>one patch removes all strategy from the game and turns it into teamfight for 40 minutes
>7.0 turned it into HotS
no, ty
If you spend 1000 on a game you hate you're the retard, no two ways about it.
Who are the ones most qualified to give a negative review then? I mean, I agree spending 1000 hours only to end up bitter and jaded after it all is a horrible way to spend your time, but we are here on Yea Forums after all.
I had like 50 hours put into Payday 2. Then they fucked up the game so they could milk it to the point I stopped playing it. These things happen pretty often so I don't see a reason on why it shouldn't be allowed.
I'm more inclined to listen to the first one, considering it's entirely possible for a game to be fucked to hell and back because of a patch.
>is a patch note to patch up their mistake
Well no shit sherlock, thats what patches are for. Fixing mistakes.
Yeah exactly. With how prevalent "continuous development" is, a game can be good enough to be worth wasting time on, and suddenly become trash that you don't want to play anymore.
Also, it's totally possible to fall prey to underhanded time-wasting strategies, to play and even have fun in a shitty game with friends (and still not recommend it because it's still shit), or to like a game but eventually realize that another game does things so much better than the original game is kinda bad by comparison.
Oh I know I'll
>dumb down farming and health and mana management
>fuck up the xp power curve
>fuck up inventory management
>ruin map control
>apply bad hero changes
What do you mean you don't like the game anymore?!
>game is enjoyable but not noob-friendly
>game is enjoyable but new update breaks the game or makes it significantly worse
>game is bad but you wanted to get your money's worth
>game is enjoyable but devs become Jews and decide to be retards (see: Bethesda and paid mods)
Tons of reasons why someone would play a game for a long time and still not recommend it
Said no one ever.
>OR it can be good and then get updated to be broken, unfun or literally unplayable
how many games do you own that fit this Yea Forums?
>Wastes 1000s of hours on games he hates
Congratulations, you played yourself.
This is one of the few b8 threads I like.
>someone who has thousands of hours in a game tries to give a negative review
But those are the people you should hear, their opinion outweighs every other 20-hour fag. They spent a lot of time in a game so they know it's shit.
Awesomenauts had this problem for a while but it got ironed out by making almost everyone so grossly overpowered that they're balanced.
7.0 killed the game for me as well.
Sim racing is basically like what OP described.
>tons of people describing why the physics are fucked beyond recognition in a particular car
>some of these people have actual real world seat time in race cars, the exact car or something very similar
>nah bro you just gotta git gud and or buy $2000 worth of equipment to feel what the developers are doing with these cars man
>bro they are a _________ team how dare you give them grief
>so what if 10 years later they still can't code a tire worth a fuck they're just working towards something extremely innovative
>hey one paid shill real race car driver said he likes it so fuck the others who say it's ass
forgot to add all of that by people who just bought the game and can barely complete the first lap
>dude the game becomes good after x10
>want to buy game
>check reviews
>"Overwhelmingly Positive"
>none of the top reviewers have more than 10 hours
>most don't even have 1
>"Good game." - 0.9 hour(s) played
Who the fuck upvotes these reviews
too fucking many
said by literally OP
I hae 200+ hours of Path of Exile, from before it became a casualized piece of shit. I don't recommend it to anyone in the state it is today. You have no choice but to play with the current patches so why is this a hard concept to grasp?
Video games aren’t meant to be played for thousands of hours, you’re just impulsive and have to win and get everything, no self control.
You do realize all the items and achievements and accomplishments and rank in these games are nothing?
>You do realize all the items and achievements and accomplishments and rank in these games are nothing?
What is anything in life, really?
>t. incel
I mean would you be the retard who plays one game for 7000 hours or the guy who has played 500 different games for at least 10-20 hours, at least give your brain some form of entertainment that presents you with new information, playing the same shit over and over just means you were meant to be a factory worker
Fuck warframe.
Fuck DE.
and most importantly, Fuck tranny mods.
>Hey guys, content next week! Swere on memum!
*next week*
>Hey guys, here is the list of things you can do to prepare for content next week!
US should do what they did in Fallout universe. Hell, if won't even be a preemptive strike, but a retaliation.
>t. tranny
>incel is the new autism of insults
god i miss the days when everyone just called each other retards
You wouldn’t know because you haven’t experienced it
If I did, would I know though?
Excuse me but I prefer "faggot", the original blank insult
you just decribed Star Citizen players
I dropped it last year when they removed raids in favor of another gear check "boss" and nerfed chroma cause he was good at eidolons at the same time.That and all the other small shit over the years just killed it for me.
A fine choice as well
l4d2 is full of aimbotters now tho.
It's fucked up that in this day and age where people play video games for a living that you fuckers think that someone won't sink time into a game because it isn't fun
Well if you keep asking yourself that you’ll never know
Warframe is the perfect example of a game where you realize just how shit it is once you've already spent 1000 hours on it. Warframe is like if you hit max level in WoW and there was literally nothing to do, no raids, no pvp, no dungeons, no anything. How can DE just not give veteran players something fucking ANYTHING to do?
>dumb down farming and health and mana management
What the fuck are you talking about.
>fuck up the xp power curve
What the fuck are you talking about.
>fuck up inventory management
>Late game improvements
fuck off retard
>ruin map control
What the fuck are you talking about.
>apply bad hero changes
>things i don't like=bad
>>things i don't like=bad
The enjoyment of gameplay is subjective, so yes, this is true.
>I never played the game before 2019
you can fuck off right now, fag
If I stop, will I though?
i played since 2014
prove it
>How can DE just not give veteran players something fucking ANYTHING to do
gaydolonks and spooders
It's really strange to me that THERE is "endgame", but is sucks so much (or rather rewards suck) that I'd rather shitpost in region chat. Now that, avoiding zelous mods, is real fucking endgame.
DE should hire a gameplay director. Or I don't know, hit Steve in the head or somethin.
Extremely autistic people are likely to play games for over 1000 hours. Extremely autistic people are also more likely to dislike change even if it's minor and barely changes the game as a whole. Never trust anyone with over 1000 hours on any game
>What the fuck are you talking about.
How exactly is it not obvious that the 7.00 changes dumbed down farming, health and mana management, fucked up the power you get from leveling up (that one should be especially obvious ffs) and ruin map control (protip putting tp spots that also heal more than an alchemist ult in the jungle and that don't go away until whatever mid to late-game condition they eventually landed on makes map control a lot worse) .
Also giving you 9 items on your person doesn't improve the late game and neither does stupid talents that belong in dota imba, how much of a shit taste do you have.
And yeah the item and hero changes were almost universally shit.
do you guys ever write reviews?
Fuck no. If I wanted to spend my time enforcing my subjective opinions on strangers I'd apply for a job in gaming journalism.
maybe but at least he doesn't lie to get other people to play a game he thinks is shit
Fucking this times 1000.
Who gives a fuck if there is technically "endgame content" when all the new shit that comes out is either "sigh here we go with this shit again" or "not too grindy but boring/tedious as fuck". DE seems to have a special talent for making various tasks in the game as unrewarding as possible. Want this specific resource/blueprint/etc.? Hope you enjoy doing extremely specific things for very minimal and specific rewards. Obviously the grind is kinda just a part of the game but there is a disparity between the time spent playing the game and how much of even just basic resources a person actually acquires. If things were just balanced in such a way that one would effectively multitask while grinding certain things by providing more general use rewards as a person focuses on more specific rewards then I think the game would be in a much better place. Of course not making things mind numbingly tedious would be a plus too.
I don't really are for excessively high number of hours, though. At least they have the experience on what they're talking about. It's when little shits who don't even have an hour in think they can review a game.
>buy a 50+ hours long RPG
>play for ten minutes
all of these things make me never want to advance further than gran turismo 6 ghost laptimes
Just wait.
>it's bad because it's bad
Give me an actual reason. Explanation. Anything.
I'd trust the first guy more than any other negative review. He obviously knows the game, he's obviously taking issue despite a standing bias in favour of it, and he's probably ready to articulate any problems that tricked him or that were introduced after he started playing.
Sim "genres" in general are extremely difficult to get a beat on because you either have dedicated hardcore fans who will bend backwards for their favorite games or casual dabbling in who are exceedingly negative because it's alien to them.
Nevermind. Fuck you steam.
Mostly. I just do it as a creative outlet, though. Don't care if anyone actually reads them.
>literally hacked by russians
>proper review
Same shit, equally unqualified retards' opinions on games are still absolutely worthless unless you're brain dead
The only utility of Steam reviews is to find out if the game's a broken buggy piece of shit or a poor port
>played a shit ton of shadowverse in nox when it released on mobile
>super excited for the steam release
>leave a positive review after around 100 hours with it
>reach 400 hours
>game goes to shit
>change my review to bad
There arent many people who play a ton of a game and leave a bad review unless the devs do something to piss them off or ruin their game. Id argue the people who put in a lot of time and then leave a negative review are the reviews you should pay attention to the most
I played Agarest. I sunk two months to complete it and I can tell you that the game is an utter grindfest+hot dogshit. The reason it took so long was because the game locked the true end behind a very specific karna alignment and specific tasks, in addition to six OP as fuck bosses, so you need to grind for items to craft god-tier equipment. My autism just wouldnt let me move on until I finished it. I must've sunk a 100 hours into it, and wouldnt wish it on anyone else. My only consolation is that I pirated it, so no loss of money
>look at game reviews
>full of people wit thousands of hours on record ranting about how the game is shit and the devs deserve to be shot
>"This game looks fun, I should start playing it."
Dota 2 was dead on arrival. What a terribly designed game. The entire design philosophy of carries and supports is pure cancer. You get heroes with abilities that are literally useless and don't do anything at the start, because when you buy items which are extremely expensive, it breaks the ability and turns it into a one shot kill. Shit like Medusa is pure cancer, it's not fun to play because she does no damage. The split shot does even less damage, then in the end game if you have your items you can instakill an entire team in a few seconds. 30 minutes of the round will not be fun at all, and then at the end you will have a little fun.
Supports have the opposite problem. You have powerful abilities that do a lot, but you have to manage your mana and be careful about how you use them. Barely any of these abilities scale into the late game, most of them get countered by black king bar, you can't buy any items because you have to babysit the carry and spend all your gold on wards.
No matter which role you play, this shit isn't fun.
You should always think about the reviews as a "state of the game right now" kind of thing, if someone who played the game 7k hours is complaining you know damn the game is going downhill
t. 1k mmr monkey
And /d2g/ still gonna defend this shit because "lol learn to adapt you scrub!!1"
I stopped playing around the time MMR got put in the game. My MMR was somewhere between 3300 and 3500.
as always OP is a fag
7.00 fucking destroyed this game.
So the today equivalent of 1k mmr
Thanks for your input
I don't recommend either of these games
>explains it
>"give an explanation r e t a r d"
your brainlet attitude is baffling
You know user, games change through updates. A game you love playing can become awful after an update and reviews are a good place to rant about this. I cant tell if you’re just pretending to be dumb or are intellectually dishonest
Are you ok?
This board and it's zoomer autists engage in review bombing. Of course they post bogus reviews.
Except sim racing there’s a blurry line on casual because a real race car driver can jump on and be like yeah this is garbage and their opinion is 100% valid
Thank God we don't give a shit about opinions and only make our own independent opinion on something, right fellas?
>"i hate this game"
>plays 7k hours
lmaoing @ his life
Let's see...
>How exactly is it not obvious that the 7.00 changes dumbed down farming, health and mana management
Epic explanation, faggot.
>fucked up the power you get from leveling up (that one should be especially obvious ffs)
Epic explanation, faggot.
>and ruin map control (protip putting tp spots that also heal more than an alchemist ult in the jungle and that don't go away until whatever mid to late-game condition they eventually landed on makes map control a lot worse)
It makes it harder, not worse and encourage more fights. Also tp on shrine is risky.
> Also giving you 9 items on your person doesn't improve the late game
You can buy more items for supports and rice farmers.
>and neither does stupid talents that belong in dota imba, how much of a shit taste do you have.
xp is now more relevant
and some of them are memes
>And yeah the item and hero changes were almost universally shit.
Epic explanation, faggot.
50% of your post is
>it's shit
I feel like there's some nuance between playing a game for long enough to get a grip on whether you like it, and playing a game well after you've realised that you don't like it and should have stopped.
Goddammit I can't even find the time to put in more than 10 hours in games I love.
>>buy a 50+ hours long RPG
>>play for ten minutes
that's literally elex
> first minute the game punishes you with a very poorly animated intro video,
> after that it's an even more clumsily made cutscene with logic errors out of the ass
>then forced to listen to your characters exposition drop monologue (and the content are completely ignored by the game mechanics)
>then you go through a boring ass tutorial area (with more logical errors)
>finished by an even worse cutscene with even worse logical errors
>finally get to play the game, but the combat is shit
>then realize stats don't work properly
>then realize you will run around with crap items for the next 20 hours
no other game I know manages to fail on so many level within the first hour of the game
>>someone who has thousands of hours in a game tries to give a negative review
I mean, if anyone is informed it would be that guy.
What the shit
He surely idled since sven is free and use zero resources
how the fuck have so many people never been there and get confused by this?
tgis is a LOT of games, good at first, fun cause you dont know in depth thing, and the more knowledgeble and skillful you become tge less fun and more frustrating it is, cause the problems that you now see never get fixed
>7.0 turned it into HotS
oh fucking nice
i love hots and hate dota/lol
tganks for the headsup
versus is for faggots
Is Awesomanuts any good now?
I remember playing the gecko with tongue grab and invisibility that turned broken if he got a single kill pre-5minutes into the game.
After that the game turned into bot matches for the longest while..
Is the community alive again?
I'm still mad about Payday 2
Informed hatred is way more valid than uninformed hatred.
why did they add this stupid shit instead of just removing joke reviews
Retard, put yourself on permanent mute you embarrassing cunt
>Reading Steam reviews at all
I'll look up some gameplay if I'm interested in a game, not look at retarded logic "Reviews" on steam.
>removing joke reviews
its not a joke
I don't use Steam, looking forward to the Epic Games reviews though
>Playing against shit AI because you cant handle a challenge
Says it all
Let's not pretend you faggots don't do this with literally anything a dev does
>play game for 5k hours
>patch you don't like happens at 5001 hours
>all of those 5000 hours are suddenly wasted
Why so I bother arguing with you retards
wait a second, dota is like hots now? picked the fuck up
it literally says why he put a negative review in your fucking screenshot
Holy shit really? I remember playing it at launch, was bretty alright, 6/10 game with cool melee weapons, how did they end up ruining it?
fuck 7.0
What if the firest ~800 were fun?
bumping this because i'm curious too
i luckily have a gog release i never patched and it doesnt get auto-updated by the steam jew
What you don't understand in
>do not recommend
do not recommend
>you need to play it longer!!
>if you played it so much it means you loved it!
kill yourself shill
>hey man, I've bbeen doing hardcore drugs for years and trust me, that's not a path you'd want to go down
>well, surely it can't be so bad when you've stuck with it for so long
You SHOULD listen to someone who has a billion hours in a game and gives it a negative review dumbass. Would you discredit a guy who says that retail wow is shit just because he’s played it for over a decade?
The fuck are you talking about? If someone has lots of hours in the game I'd sooner trust their claim that the game is shit.
>make review as objective and informative as possible
>1 person found this review funny
Warframe is the only game to bring me to the edge of sleep while actively playing it because of how fucking thoughtless and boring the gameplay can get.
>he thinks games can't turn to shit with updates over the years due to incompetent devs who lose track of their vision
Just look at Overwatch
That's me man, don't take it personal because I just mark all reviews as funny without reading them.
If you leave comments open I'll also write "you just didn't understand the game"
This. OP is an idiot.
>RPG is 100 hours+
>Feels like all the grinding is getting somewhere interesting story wise
>Game ends
>Game takes a lot of hours to learn
>In the end of learning the game, you realise exactly how un-fun and fucked up the dev design is and how the grind wasn't worth the expected pay off
>>In the end of learning the game, you realise exactly how un-fun and fucked up the dev design is and how the grind wasn't worth the expected pay off
Exactly my experience with Nioh
For what purpose? By sowing the seeds of chaos and misinforming for the sake of it you make the games, that you yourself play, worse.
just roll the version back to one of the old versions you liked, my dude.
you can do that in steam
you can even prevent games from updating if you want
This 100% I Just fucking dropped this after like 1.8k hours...switch only....this game has so many fucking flaws and beyond dated design even by the standards of 2013 it's fucking insane. Never trust leafs to do anything at all.