Boss is a larger version of a regular enemy

>Boss is a larger version of a regular enemy

Attached: DUVRg2MUQAAc9pa.jpg (1152x2048, 239K)

>boss later becomes a regular enemy

>Most bosses are just reskins of the same Orge model.

Attached: 310[1].png (310x353, 194K)

>not with the icing dip for the cinnastix
you had one job

It's those moments where you truly realize how much stronger you've gotten since then.

such is life in Tartarus

>game consists entirely of boss fights

That just means that the "bosses" are just regular enemies.

>boss later gets spammed to fucking bajesus as a regular enemy

Attached: taurus-demon-large.jpg (600x338, 60K)

how can they be regular enemies if they're all unique?

>bosses only come in two types
>larger version of a regular enemy
>palette swaps of each other

Attached: Castlevania_-_Harmony_of_Dissonance_-_(NA)_-_01.jpg (640x640, 102K)

>late and mid game enemies are just reskinned early game enemies

Attached: cancer.jpg (425x498, 31K)

Not every regular enemy is a reskin. How can they be bosses if there are no regular enemies to compare them too?

>How can they be bosses if there are no regular enemies to compare them too?

by being powerful masters of their domains

But that logic doesn't have anything to do with gameplay.

>tfw only drink keurig coffee
should I start making better coffee Yea Forums?

Attached: i need it.png (500x300, 97K)

Fresh ground is best but needs a decent machine.

Not him but there is a whole genre of games known as "boss rush" games, so other people seem to agree with him, there's a consensus

shut up

get a french press, and later start to grind your own beans

Get the cheapest coffee maker and get folders regular. Just like pops did.

coffee is for white bitches and homos

coffee's current popularity is directly thanks to men drinking it in the mornings during the industrial revolution
industrialization in specific areas is characterized by an increase in sugar, tobacco, and coffee consumption

Just drink tea like a normal human