Western gaming thread

>the current state of western gaming

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>lol imagine of marxist commies ran gaming haha never
damn I definitely remember everyone saying this, people in 2007 used to say this all the time

Oh look another shitty soiwojack thread
>the current state of Yea Forums threads
This thread is retarded just like you user, see you in the archive soon, nigger

>this is how trannies at the dilation station cope

When did resetera degenerancy started representing western gamers as a whole?
This seems silly
OP u silly

>dilation station

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>Meet up with friends Friday at the bar, getting absolutely smashed, trying to pull pussy.
>If successful, tell them all about it the next day.
>If not, we all go home drunk and play Halo and talk shit all night.

come home, white man

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Marxist commies gave us based Tetris though

Oh hey I remember this thread from a couple days ago. Yeah let's have it again that should be fun

Those guys would be considered fascists by today's standards

Yea Forums would have called you a shitter for liking any of those games in 2007

2007 was peak everything
From games to youtube videos
What happened?

If we could use /pol/'s autism to create energy, the earth would rival the sun.

Only by liberals and socdems

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How can someone be this fucking stupid?

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When the western game industry started taking notes from resetera posts.

>shitty dominos pizza and shit mountain dew
Wow, are my friends trying to poison me? Why didn't anyone order a real pizza and buy some Coca Cola?

2007 was the beginning of the end and an awful year for gaming. Obviously you're a zoomer.

>no pizza guy memes anymore

that'll be 12.99 plus tip

lmao you are even worse than what you listed
fucking go back to r3ddit

checkbook for corporations:
Pretend you're woke, inclusive and progressive so you have a smokescreen that you can use to deflect criticism. What followed the shitshow that was Star Wars Battlefront 2? BF 5 with steampunk WW2 ladies. Suddenly it's about sexism, not about lootboxes. Call everyone that criticizes EA a sexist troll that's mad about female characters in games. Easy as pie.

You americunts should be forbidden to think about politics. Libtards love the big fat corporate dick and aren't considered left anywhere else in the world. Except in america of course, the land of the dumb cunts who still fall for the commie scare.

>guitar hero came out 14 years ago

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Man, I hate how true it is. I usually just roll my eyes at the shit Yea Forums complains about, but this one hits right in the feels.

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Fuuka's english VA kinda sucks. How could you like someone who essentially is the "Hey, listen!" of the game?
Mitsuru's voice was so much better, but past the early game all I get to hear is "*gasp* The enemy!" every turn.
This is also ignoring just how derpy her art is. Her range of expressions just falls flat compared to the other characters, and that crosseyed one is just so obnoxious I get annoyed every time I see it. ( ')_(' )
Honestly Mitsuru's skillcheck for the social link should've been courage, not intelligence, since she has that whole ice queen persona about her.
Fuuka on the other hand seems like the kind of girl who would say yes to anyone who asks her out on a date. Imagine actually befriending the dumb slut who was bullying you - definitely would put up with you no matter how shit you may be.
Get some taste, user. I set up the MC with Yukari to be storyline correct.

digital distribution ruined gaming
>marxist commies
charging and paying for digital distribution is marxist, see Karl Marx' Labor theory of value.

man what happened? this is a nightmare we live in.

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Please don't post Fuuka in these kind of threads!

Fuuka befriended her bully put of compassion and nothinbg else!
She could see the genuine regret in her eyes and decided to forgive her and turn her into a decent person!
That's not a sign of weakness! It's the sign of a strong heart and powerful will to help those who wrong you, to help them see the light so that the world becomes a better place!

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>you will never experience a LAN party again


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But the servers cost so much!

where did this meme start?


It's gotta be that gaming has just gotten too big. No longer a niche hobby. Now it has "social responsibilities".

Daily reminder playstation white isn't coming

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Even in the 1950's George Lincoln Rockwell was commenting on the fact that Stalin had to enact Nationalist policies to keep the USSR afloat.

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AGDQ when tranny paused the game and rumors spread he needed to dilate

the current state of Yea Forumseddit

Only trannies play Japanese games. Enjoy another crossdressing story in your JRPGs, faggots.

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Actually 2000-2005 was the last good era. 2007 was too far gone and inching into modern times already, with the start of Web 2.0, social media, johnny test, icrappy, economic meltdown, and Gen Z/zoomer kid culture beginning.

>This isnt hot.
Die retard.

It's disgusting you mentally deficient anitranny


Stop posting this zoomer shit

Man, back when we were in school we had one day when everyone would crossdress and do the other gender shit. In Ukraine, one of the more conservative countries. Noone even knew what trannies are, and there was nothing sexual about it at all, so no stink was raised about it. It was fun. Oh tempora.

This here

Golden age of Gaming was 97-03 with one or two years plus minus and beginning and end.

This is the absolute truth of video games and all games that are reference today in "retro" kickstarters harken back to them.

You got cRPGs you got arena shooters you got community driven MMORPGs

The reason was: In those years capital and market reach hit such a sweetspot that companies could have proper production values, a solid technological basis and still produce for a "niche" market

Best examples are D&D games, Thief or Ultima Online.

We also had an event once where the guys wore women's clothes. Honestly, unless you're some closet homo or a soiboi, a late teenager guy in a dress is not a pretty sight. It's comical. There's nothing sexual in it. Gas the fags.

I was going to argue that Halo 3 and GH3 were inferior versions of the previous games and Oblivion just plain sucks so you're suffering from nostalgia, but the bottom half is just too grim.

Wasn't commies killing homos left and right back then?

>charging and paying for digital distribution is marxist

LAN parties were already dead by 2007. Try 2003.

push your (((((ironic))))) /pol/ shit elswhere
you're not (((((pretending))))) to be retarded, Poe's law is still real, and you're still a reddit tier ragecomics regurgitating newfag

sincerely kill yourself, user

No wonder you're russia's bitch

the only thing Marxist is modern gamers demanding every game be free / almost free

I never asked for this

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play some good fucking games instead of caring about this chickenshit bullshit fag

agreed even in the things posted only a few of them were actually mediocre even for their time

When "good" games are tranny fantasy xiv and shittier chivalry I don't want to play this shit

Yeah you definitely can't eat pizza drink dew and play halo 3 anymore, really sucks that those 3 things just disappeared off the earth.

Fuck, I used to play this out of every game on the top back in high school
Where did it all go so wrong?

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>tfw never ever experienced a LAN party
I have some 360's and contemplating modding them to pirate a fuckload of multiplayer and playing them with my friends but the soldering process looks a bit complicated.
I wish I was born a bit earlier in life to experience LAN parties

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I totally relate to this image. It sucks that they outlawed Pizza Hut and Mountain Dew 11 years ago. Damn snail-ruled new world order.

There's no way OP is born before 2000

So whos to Blame EA or Blizzard for the shit path gaming took?

Dressing up as a woman used to be the height of comedy. When I was a kid my neighbor paid me 20 dollars to go bowling in a dress. Everyone had a good laugh, we all went wild and everyone made fun of us. If you did that now they'd put you on hormones and tell you you're a tranny. Thank God I lived in a different time.

t. SEETHING /pol/incel
in fact, it's your own fault for being a jaded faggot who can't enjoy vidya anymore

I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

Why do you cry about this on Yea Forums, OP? It wont change a thing.

All the women are becoming gaming devs, meanwhile you got no education, no social life, no sex and cry about women&jows 24/7 on Yea Forums/pol/. Most people don't even know about your crying and the smart people of the 0,001% who do ignore it.

This is why all the 24/7 CAPS THREAD AND HAPPENING thread on /pol/ are also useless. Only action changes the status quo. Only by going out there and becoming a WOKE GAME DEV YOURSELF can you change anything!

Also seeing the reddit feelsguy make me instantly want to discard everything you say.

I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

>being this desperate for (you)s

I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

have sex

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I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

maybe if your faggot ass cried hard enough about developers putting faggot tranny politics into video games, none of this would be happening

I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.


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I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

Only retards stopped pirating. Digital licenses are a scam

Just this gen the games I enjoyed
>Gravity Rush 2
>Persona 5
>DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro
>Monster Hunter World
>Ace Combat
>Titanfall 2
>Nier Automata
>Spider man, GoW, Ratchet
and this is just on PS4. I still play Starcraft 2 every day and occasionally go back to Warframe and CSGO. Video games are fine, you are just miserable

>Imagine the soi

Came here to say this

>I want everyone who ascribes to idtenity politics to leave. If you have unironically called somebody a sjw/soi/incel/havesex/discordtranny/etc on Yea Forums on the past year: Leave and never return.

You're not supposed to enjoy games.

LAN's were amazing back in the days. Could easily spend an entire week with very little sleep just me and my 9 other friends. It was glorious.

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This. It's so retarded seeing these threads year after year about how much better everything was in the past. Even in 2007 they were posting these threads about how gaming had become so awful compared to 1998 or something.

It's just the same thing happening again: new games come out, many are great, some are shit, older people on Yea Forums are just more and more tired and depressed with their lives. So they associate the fact that they themselves have become worse with time by trying to say that video games have become worse with time, and THAT'S why they're sad. In reality we've never had more options in terms of gaming than ever before.

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Trust me logic and Yea Forums never go hand in hand.

I want to go back to playing dumb f2p shooters like Tribes and Dirty Bomb with a bunch of shittalkers that played. I hate this new identity politics bullshit Yea Forums and /pol/ push

What are you going to do when it's 2020?

Will you edit the image?

bullshit that happens in every western country

I want to go back

Edgelord level over 9000!!!