What's the most contrarian thing you've heard someone say on Yea Forums?
What's the most contrarian thing you've heard someone say on Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
i like videogames
Fortnite is a bad game
Breath of the wild and nu god of war are shit
>wahhh muh dadrock
breath of the wild is bad and there are no good games on nintendo switch
The best part is that Yea Forums is actually much worse than this now
> Overrated means everyone looks at the game and ignores the flaws it has because everyone else says it's "amazing" so millions of flies can't be wrong and they just go with the flow instead of creating their own opinions. I don't need to explain why it's overrated, because it's objectively obvious
What's Yea Forums like these days? I haven't used it since around 2011-12 when it was just creepy tripfags obsessed with Alice Glass.
>Xbox 360/PS3/Wii is objectively the worst generation
No, that honor belongs to the NES/Master System generation.
>botw is a good game
zoom zoom
Boom boom
What does that even mean? It just comes across as autistic ramblings
people there unironically listen to shit like this
NES is so fucking overrated. Hundreds of games but maybe 30 of them are actually playable.
Now SNES is a god-tier console.
"Vic is innocent! Dubs are good!"
I've never heard anyone on Yea Forums say anything, because this is a text and image based forum that doesn't include sound, you bumbling twat.
Atari 2600 / 5200 / Coleco / Intellivision generation was the worst. This is indisputable.
Nevermind I take it back, THIS is the most contrarian thing I've heard on Yea Forums
I could go with this as well. Atari 2600 is mobile-tier games.
Feels threads died and irony culture is all that's left. Hardly anyone cares about indie or rock now - it's mostly k-pop, trendy rap, and whatever female industry prop people are pathetically jerking off to like grimes or clairo. Generals are dead save for sporadic share threads. They let all the good traditions die yet kept the terrible ones like spamming about scaruffi and his pretentious lists. Some guy has been posting off-topic threads about his cat for years and they don't get deleted because the mods just stopped caring. It's sad at this point. Maybe not the worst on Yea Forums but it depresses me a lot.
cool blog post, faggot. maybe next time you can write one about the topic though
Led Zepplin is overrated.
Why are Yea Forums and Yea Forums such fucking dumpsterfires? Their tastes seems to get worse and worse every time I visit them. They are the litteral definitions of contrarians.
zoom zoom zoom
>you will never experience Yea Forums 2010 - 2013 ever again
Because shitposters from Yea Forums (like you) keep going to other boards and assuming that acting like a contrarian retard is what you're supposed to do on all of Yea Forums. It's painfully fucking obvious too, because it's all the same cookie cutter shitpost threads that get spammed here all the time.
>What did (s)he mean by this?
>Three lines of greentext followed by "What's her name, /[board]/?"
>What are some [board topic]s where the [relevant participants] [X]?
>*twitter screencap*
Seriously, it's like painting a huge fucking sign on your back that says "I'M FROM Yea Forums AND I'M HERE TO SHITPOST, PLEASE RESPOND TO ME SO I FEEL ACCOMPLISHED FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE!" and the only other people who respond to those threads are other Yea Forums crossboarders who, again, don't know that Yea Forums's board culture is not universal.
How can one post be so right and yet so very wrong?
What even is this garbage
I stopped going once people started spamming dumb shit like 6ix9ine. I don't even know if it was ironic. Sucks though, used to be one of the comfiest boards.
Don't forget "What 'media' does this famous/"attractive" person listen to?"
Such inspiring discussion
Or, much more likely, the culture changed but you didn't.
>Dungeons in Zelda suck and the games should be more like Dark Souls
>buy the "Yea Forums post DLC" to see what the response to this post is and continue the adventure! Only $9.99
These unironically
I trace the start of new Yea Forums to when the Jenny Death When era ended. DG was the last thing a lot of people were excited about, and when that subsided and outsiders started to fill up the place, I think a lot of older users just up and left. Feels like no one there now actually cares about music.
"the mods just stop caring" is a thing I hear about less popular boards a lot nowadays.
>Like you
Way to make assumptions there user. I have not posted anything on Yea Forums or Yea Forums in almost 4 years now. And the shitposter argument is complete shit when atleast 90% of these boards share the same fotm opinion.
Fuck sake, berserk whent from MOTYAY, to meme, to "lel, you like berserk unironically?" In the span of about 1 year once it entered fotm status on the board. And that was years ago now.
Dark Souls 2 is a good game
>Talking to NPCs in rpgs is autstic
Wish i was joking.
I remember someone saying that it was impossible to get the true ending in Persona 4, and when asked why it was hard he said that he meant it was literally impossible because no one would talk to an NPC twice
Complaining that something is overrated is just another way of saying you don’t like something because you care more about what other people think about it rather than the works actual quality.
that was on neogaf
I really almost don't get it
>You only like this game out of nostalgia. It’s not actually good at all. It doesn’t matter if you’re just playing it for the first time.
>Vic is innocent
>And the only good dubs are the ones he's involved in
Really activates the almonds
Nah man it happened to me and I spent like a good hour arguing with him, and when I brought up the Endurance Run he tried saying that they got it by accident and that it was still impossible.
Did someone on Neogaf really do the same thing?
yea just read the wiki... gotta read the wiki so i don't miss anything or play sub-optimally. why play blind when you could follow the best guides and therefore have the best experience
Zoomers were a mistake - God
That wouldnt surprise me. Shitposters usually spread their shit on more than 1 board/websites at a time.
don't experience product just read wiki then consume more product
oh you want me to actually experience the thing? that's gatekeeping
cringe and nostalgiapilled
And case in point.
boomer alert
Billie Eilish is good you contrarian faggot.
And case in point.
I'm 25 but nice rry.
The most depressing part of this post is that a large group of people actually play games like this and try to spread this meme to make sure that people don't play the "wrong" way.
I should know, I'm friends with one of them.
how convenient
>sordomusic died
>oink died
>what.cd died
>Yea Forums in critical condition
>I'm 25
Hi zoomer
how convenient
There's some cool stuff going on with the harmonies and pace. I like the short delivery of the vocals, but it just doesn't have any build. All that momentum goes to nothing but a lame, no energy "drop".
It's not shit, but god DAMN is it boring.
Not a wiki but a guide, but I ruined OoT forever by trying to do a 100% run my first time playing it
lmao nice try zoomer
>Vic is innocent, dubs are trash.
The actual truth.
What? I thought that zoomers were supposed to be born in the '00 at the earliest?
this shit ass "music" can only be hear with earphones, vocals too low.
i'm more of a gangster rap kill niggas shit know i mean?
Did you ever consider you are in a room full of normalfags who genuinely like Taylor Swift and don't like Led Zepplin because it's not popular in these times?
Suddenly, people start defending dubs when muh epic triggered SJWs man XD are involved. Otherwise they hate dubs and say to never use them over subs.
Who fucking knows? Every single show I've ever seen is shit on by Yea Forums to the point that I wonder what the fuck these people even watch.
imagine, in 10 years mainstream culture will be an order of magnitude more hedonistic, ugly and destructive (assuming the trend for the past fifty years continues)
Red is her best album by the way.
Don't listen to this type of stuff, but this honestly isn't that bad in my opinion. Anything worse?
i dont know what good music is
anything i hear is either just "ok" or bad
ive never heard something that i thought "wow"
The actual age range is "Younger than the person calling you a zoomer"
Like I said. I've had to watch a few dubs because of more casual friends wanting to watch with me and any time Vic is involved, they seem to be passable.
Both of these artists are good
It is possible to enjoy two different genres of music.
well he ain't no fkn boomer
if you're going to listen to some gay girly shit atleast have it be something good
breath of the wild is bad
They mostly seem to watch fotm "slice of life" shit. I'm not even kidding, they seem to love shit like "Sister X Sister" and "show with cute animu grill(s) #2864"
god of war is bad and there are no good games on sony playstation 4
it fucking sucks. I regged the board in 13/14 and recently came back to see it's all zoomer meme rap shitposting. fall from grace.
I've seen a lot of people there mouth off about Tezuka, Miyazaki, Kon and a lot of other established staples. What's the beef there? Is it just contrarianism because they made stuff that normal people enjoy?
Communist crying about shit gossip from social media and unironic industry plant shilling. There is not much of music discovery and discussion going on.
*cough* Moenie and Kitchi *cough*
>assuming the trend for the past fifty years continues
It won't. Some form of apocalypse will happen in the next 5 years.
>t./cgl/ roastie
Get ready for that ass fucking lawsuit you dumb thots.
>turn on radio
>dad rock starts playing
>change stations
overplayed garbage
you said that 5 years ago
I've always hated Berserk.
Yea Forums sounds based.
Dadrock is 100% soul
>he listens to the radio
No I didn't.
“The ace combat series has bad music.”
Yea Forums isn't contrarian
yes you did
System Shock 1 is better than System Shock 2
>"You only like this old game because you were a dumb kid and now you're a miserable adult."
>But I didn't play this game as a kid.
>"Yeah well, you still feel nostalgic for an era you weren't able to experience though!"
What's with zoomers and this 7 layers of ironic depression shit?
I don't think anyone with ears has had this opinion without doing it to get (you)s.
But god damn, does it work.
Obnoxious LOL TOTES IRONIC XD Twitch streamers have a lot to do with it.
>turn on radio
>nigger going ballistic into a microphone
>change stations
overplayed garbage
Is this just a hidden Yea Forums thread now?
>tfw koronba will never come back
The NES has a lot of junk but many of my favorite games are NES games.
>Chrono Cross is good!
>Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter is good!
>Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game!
I'm convinced all 3 opinions belong to the same group of shitty tasters
I don't even like Led Zep but I probably would rather listen to them than T swift
>Chrono Cross is good!
I don't know if I'd ever call it good but it's certainly a fucking trip
>ooh yea ooh yeah
Led Zepplin would be great if those 2 lines didn't make up 98% of their lyrics.
>maybe 30 of them are playable
That's more than this gen
Xbox 360/PS3/Wii is a pretty shitty generation but Xbox 360 defined the most solid console to date, tops XB1 and PS4 if it was for being incapable of playing nu games with better graphics.
>bitch hoe finna
Rap would be great if those 2 lines didn't make up 98% of their lyrics.
I think you're more likely to see contrarian opinions go uncontested on Yea Forums. I know I personally wouldn't bother taking up an argument with most of the shitposting faggots on here. I'd rather just find a thread where people are having discussions I want to have than bang my head against the walls that are other anons.
>it was just creepy tripfags obsessed with Alice Glass.
I miss those days.
Now I only post in /classical/, the rest of the place is garbage (and even then, /classical was better before), but it's kinda fun that there's no mods because you can make a thread with asian womens giving blowjobs/being cummed on their faces that keeps going on for over 100 replies, hell, some other porn thread not long ago got the bump limit. But yeah, it's shit.
>lazy arcade downgrade port box
Mostly just people saying "this sucks" and "that sucks" because saying something is shit is all Yea Forums really knows how to do anymore.
Everyone's got it in their heads that being cynical and abrasive is somehow intelligent, when it actually takes more brain power to see something for it's pros. Nitpicking is insanely easy.
It makes me think that Yea Forums is vastly overpopulated with people stuck with a highschool mentality of caring what people think about them and shaping their values to fit their peers who are also similarly afraid of being called a faggot for liking something.
Holy fuck this is good bait
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz I'd stick you in the face if I saw you on the street blasting this on your boombox
Shill get out
Go back to Yea Forums you massive faggot.
>not liking koronba
>using a boombox
>blasting music in public
nigger detected
>caring what people think about them and shaping their values to fit their peers who are also similarly afraid of being called a faggot for liking something.
>on an anonymous imagebaord where threads are ephemeral and regularly pruned so nobody remembers you
Every Smash thread has gotten absolutely horrible because everyone in them has become a complete contrarian that doesn't want any character that's even CLOSE to popular.
Sincerity is too much for these people.
You wouldn't do a God damn thing to anyone in the street.
>tfw in just a couple years bands like Sum41, Linkin Park, the Offspring, Muse, Fallout Boy, and Radiohead will be the new “dad rock.”
Fukken sux man.
he's not innocent. even if he was, he should still be raped in prison for being a fucking dubfag. unwarranted self importance out the ass, he sucks as his job and gets paid way too much to do so. a common street whore does more impressive things with her mouth and she only makes a one time payment of $20
I tried being positive once, it was too hard.
You wouldn't do a damn thing, and you know it. You'd probably just come to Yea Forums to shitpost about the whole thing.
I miss the days when ITAOTS memes were at their height. It was still insufferable to varying degrees back then, but the overall shape and color of the board felt healthier.
Any examples?
I don't really go there but if I had to guess
>Kanye and Death Grip dick sucking
>tertiary rap artists
>mumble rap ironically
>pop vomit like Ariana and Taylor Swift ironically
>MBV meme posting
>obligatory metal and kpop threads
Someone please let me know if I'm close
The Yellow Vaxx released the Homosexual Cyber-Kinetic Sub-specialized Physics Bug into the general populace on a particular date to much effect, inducing them with a great sense of programmed ennui and telecoded apathy to weaken their minds in preparations for the upcoming invasion, which has yet to happen, though it will.
This. After this last round of DLC I’m done with online Smash discussion unless it pertains to competitive play.
You won’t see me for the next roster speculation, regardless of the outcome of this one. I’m done.
>Feels threads died
Thank fucking god, i wish feelsposted were banned. No one cares if you're depressed and listen to American Football or Swans.
who the fuck are you?
i like it
this would be great if it weren't for the fact that whoever edited left the dig at moeshit in
>Is it just contrarianism because they made stuff that normal people enjoy?
Yeah, that is my take on it. There is too much of the same opinions too be mass shitposting.
A few changes are required:
>mumble rap *unironically
>pop vomit like Ariana and Taylor Swift *unironically
>obligatory metal and kpop threads
The mbv stuff is as dead as ITAOTS memes. Still present, but not really. /metal/ doesn't get as much replies as before, but /kpop/ is still going strong, much stronger than any other general/threads in fact.
>he's not innocent.
If you wanna know why most boards went to shit, this ^^^ is it. Women were allowed on Yea Forums. Everything women touch is eventually ruined.
All this new age music crap is just a ton of bass and hi hats, spending its entirety sounding like it's trying to get out of the intro and into a melody. It's fucking awful.
this song sucks but her copycat song is pretty catchy
I still don't understand kpop general. Are they mentally ill in some way?
You forgot the Yea Forums tracker died
true, true.
>Are they mentally ill in some way?
they're kpop fans so its a given
t. Zoomer
>kpop threads
Kpop threads were intermittently on Yea Forums for a long time, though. I remember several years ago for the most part they were relegated to fap boards like /hr/, but they still showed up on Yea Forums now and then.
>get what you deserve
>nothing can stop me now
Nine Inch Nails would be great if those 2 lines didn't make up 98% of their lyrics.
This except it's 100% mathematically accurate.
circle jerking over industry plants. 10 years ago Yea Forums would have been jerking off over justin bieber's music, if Yea Forums back then were the same as Yea Forums today.
no. all of her stuff is ok. it's about 2% more interesting than the average pop garbage and apparently that's enough to generate huge amounts of hype
I don't get it. it's fine, but juvenile and totally uninteresting
>he's not innocent
Yeah there is literrally GORRILLION of stories of incidents and the only thing that came close was some made up shit by ANN. It's not like the best defense of these being true is some thread on PULL thread of speculations by dumb whores.
Hey stop that the ironic image is supposed to look like mine.
I like mgs3 more than 2
I'm sure they are.
At first I thought they were bots, then I watched a 'documentary' on Korean netizens and the American kpop fans who model themselves after them because they have a korean fetish. It's like brainwashing on a mass scale.
It's shit. All these fucking mumble singers sound the same. Fiona Apple did the edgy shtick far better.
Not bad, the "duh" is annoying and I don't really enjoy the message of the lyrics, but this is so much fucking more enjoyable than trap or mumble rap. Her vocals are pretty refreshing.
Can you explain some of that shit? Or link the doc?
the fact that there's a gorillion of stories is practically proof in itself. occams razor. just because the dumb made up shit turned out fake doesnt mean the decades worth of real stories she took from are fake.
it probably would have if it was made 10 years ago and if Dark was replaced by Demon Souls and Rondo was replaced by Metroid Prime.
Disregard this autist, zoomer is literally derived from gen Z.
she looks like she's had a lobotomy
Heavy drug use most likely.
Someone posted the BLACKED collage
This. I went to /pol/ to spread the gospel of President Donald J. Trump outside of the /ptg/ and they told me to go back to Yea Forums and r/The_Donald.
you want to see my uncircumcised dick?
I love my wife Taylor Swift!
>if billie eilish had actual talent
>i like epic games store
Zoomer is a state of mind
go back to r/The_Donald.
fuck that fat faggot. his son is cute though
Taken as a product of its time, no. That was still very much in the formative years of gaming. We've gone on to bigger and better, and it had its own flaws outside of the limitations of its day, but by the standards of what had come out before, that shit was amazing. I'd say this gen has actually been the worst. It's been going since the WiiU launched in late 2012, six and a half fucking years now, and what do we have to show for it?
global 2
Imagine being this retarded.
girls who treat the kpop idols as a sports team, an inspiration for anorexia, a religion, etc. etc. since they don't fit in anywhere in the normal social world, they revolve their entire life around the artificial life kpop executives drip feed them, there's an obsession over videos having more views to "beat" other bands encouraging herd mentality, more mentally susceptible girls pick it up because kpop is so cool and ~inclusive~ or whatever, also everyone's extremely horny for them because the fans are 15-23 years old, coupled with korea's obsession over physical appearance, it's probably why the kpop threads are disjointed spams of pictures. all they do every day is view thousands of creepshots taken of the idols
oh my little sister listens to that
i've never seen any evidence that zoomers look for music, they just listen to whatever is featured on youtube and spotify.
>i've never seen any evidence that zoomers look for music, they just listen to whatever is featured on youtube and spotify.
That's literally 95% of all people
>appealing to the dead letter laws that are Yea Forums's rules outside of global 1
wew lad
Redpill me on t+pazolite.
Sounds like Kardashian obsession.
Oops, meant to reply to
based quotes the wrong guy poster
whenever says femoids deserve anything more than being incubators
Fun is a buzzword.
Been on Yea Forums since 2006. Yea Forums is my last bastion of a board but the 2016 elections have really killed it here actually. I ran from other boards when the traffic got too many kids or cancer posters. I have watched the following die...
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
They were all main boards at one point or another. The greatest lost was /x/. Honestly I should just leave here, not even Yea Forums is good anymore. I only really come here on my bus ride to work or before going to bed on my phone. I will never spend actual free time here when I'm at my computer anymore. Yes I value my free time so much I won't spend a second here with it.
It's depressing
its fun
This but unironically.
Alright Yea Forums, let's test your taste, what's Kanye's best album? Le wrong generation zoomers need not apply.
The only zoomer here is (you)
your favorite kanye album
>Hardly anyone cares about indie or rock now
as they shouldn't, go start your mower and listen to your acdc albums for the nth time this day.
The two forms of korean themed threads I've been exposed to on Yea Forums, specifically kpop threads on Yea Forums and /scg/ alone have been more psychotic than all the japanese culture themed shitposting i've been exposed to over a decade now here.
I will admit my newfaggotry here, but what happened to /x/? Was it all like old Yea Forums's spooky threads at one point? I heard they got invaded by schizos and people who cared obsessively about tulpas, but that's all I know.
yeah i feel you, man. don't worry, america is dying slowly. when the brain drain kicks in they wont have time for vidya.
lol are you trying to say I'm underage because I don't listen to led zep or underage because I'd prefer them over t swift?
I don't see the logic in either but sur
>Mother 3 fan has a shitty, libtard, tranny opinion
Whoa no way
His first is the epitome of soul
I miss when /x/ was good too.
The two forms of korean themed threads I've been exposed to on Yea Forums, specifically kpop threads on Yea Forums and /scg/ alone have been more psychotic than all the japanese culture themed shitposting i've been exposed to over a decade now here. It's surreal.
PEAK autism
not really, lots of people were interested in music. when i was that age a lot of kids were part of some music subculture, within which there'd be a lot of independent music discovery. that died out pretty rapidly over the last 10 years.
>>turn on radio
/x/ got mutilated by Yea Forums over a decade ago back when there was a max exodus from the board during chanology.
But that's why Pre 2k rap is good and modern rap is shit.
zoom zoom
>go back to r/The_Donald.
I will, but we've made Yea Forums our new home
r/The_Donald and the Trumpkino Discord are taking over
Just wait and see as we get closer to the election
i once saw someone say that fun is a buzzword
i miss when Yea Forums was good. shit hit the fan when Yea Forums was created. all of the good posters left.
I've only been channing since 2010 or 2011 but /x/ used to have legitimate discussion about actual, plausible things. They'd have urbex threads where anons would meet up and go explore either 1. an abandoned ass building
or 2. a place rumored to have been haunted or have strange occurences. and the board was just a lot more realistic with their discussions and now it's filled with legitimate, actual schizos who think that all celebrities are currently being replaced with fake clones, reptilians/gangstalkers/aliens/etc walk among us, cellphone towers are sending brain signals to control our minds, the government is putting fluoride in our water supply to calcify our pineal glands so we can't open our 3rd eye, how to summon tulpa sex succubus etc and other completely retarded, unfathomably unrealistic conspiracy theories, and just general shitposting
Power move desu.
I think its the insistence that the menus supposedly are such a drawback in MGS3.
I think they detract nothing at all from the game.
>turn on the radio
>fuck it, turn it off
Modern rap typically deals with far more complex and interesting themes than 90s rap. Something like 80% of the discographies of the "greats" like 2pac, Biggie, and Wu-Tang are pretty much all about "me black, poor, and violent, where da women at".
>Samus should be a robot
>"me kill he"
>"me drug"
>"me pumpum white trap hoes"
>"me kill he"
>"me kill self"
achingly complex and hard-hitting, i give it a needledrop out of ten
ban this fuck
I like the super depressing rap I've heard, is that more popular now?
>the brain drain
Fun often is a buzzword, though. In pretty much any situation where this applies it's someone saying that a game can't be bad because it's fun for them. It's literally "just turn your brain off bro don't think about the flaws".
and what do they deal with now? only thing I've personally heard contemporary artists talk about are doing drugs.
post your favorite gorillaz song (please)
Samus should be a robot (female)
Ffvii is boring
feel good inc is literally their only good song
Being genuine means you're accountable for your thoughts and actions. Laughing at the holocaust in earnest gets you bad looks from most people, but if you do it "ironically" then nobody can effectively criticize you unless they target your ironic apathy, which just gets met with more ironic apathy. As far as depression, it's probably a mix of bad parenting and over exposure to an infinite stream of internet cynicism.
It is when it transforms into generic JRPG number 27 post midgar
That's not Speak Now
people with college degrees are going to start leaving the country, crippling the economy. it's what happened to east germany, and why the berlin wall was built.
wonder why japan just started opening up its visa program? they need workers, badly, and desirable "workers" are available.
Samus should be a cyborg who becomes gradually less human as you get more upgrades.
imagine actually believing this
That’s not what Occam’s Razor is for. Innocent until prove guilty you dumb thot. Rumors and stories made up on the internet are NOT proof, especially when they don’t even hold up to scrutiny. I’m so fucking glad Monica Rial and the rest of the SJWs are gonna get fucked the full extent of the law. It’s about fucking time someone put you witchhunting retards in your place and held you accountable for your bullshit. Showed you that there are CONSEQUENCES for lying on the internet.
Get fucked.
College Dropout
Every basic white boi ever opinion
Unironically Saturnz Barz. I just wish it were longer.
Then that makes you even more pathetic.
Sounds nice, I might just get in on it.
>have college degree
>moved to Finland with Finnish wife 5 years ago
So glad I'm gone from fucking hell hole America.
user, actual boomers were born in the late 40s into the 50s. Calling 80s kids boomers is the whole meme.
MBDTF, obviously.
>implying making up a gorillion stories
that's literally the thing they're the best at.
They are.
>the fact that there's a gorillion of stories is practically proof in itself.
LOL. It's proof that rumor mills are effective form of propaganda. I hope you are one of those dumbasses who think MJ molested kids too?
>occams razor.
Occams razor also dictates that sexual misconduct isn't likely either. Occams razor doesn't really apply here when the accusations are serious thenselves and needs to be seriously backed up.
>just because the dumb made up shit turned out fake doesnt mean the decades worth of real stories she took from are fake.
LMAO! THE REAL(tm) STORIES STRIKE AGAIN! It's alway is talked about but is never sited. There is no real stories or they would have been immediately sited in the counter suit. It's a nothing burg and will always be you dumb thot.
oh wait, i read that wrong. i thought i he meant best band kanye ripped off of, which was death grips. kanye is a no talent hack like jay z and beyonce.
I wish weeb rhythm game music was more popular desu
yet all the best authors are men
>it's why the berlin wall was built
Is Yea Forums really this fucking awful? holy shit.
you're fucking retarded, mate.
You're trying way too hard to fit in.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with nigger music? You'd think they'd transition with the rest of the website by now.
The mods stopped caring about this site altogether outside of Yea Forums. That's the only board with actual moderation, but they go full retard there and delete anything they don't like instead of shit that actually breaks the rules.
>two anecdotal posts on a chinese cartoon site prove my retarded theory is fact
because generals
anything good will get incessantly shit on because it's a tired and boring answer that doesn't say much about you, so it turns into a circlejerk over who can find some enjoyment in the lowest entries of the medium, and he gets crowned king shit eater because clearly that sad sack of shit must love the medium more than any of us, though 99% he's just a newfag and a reddit nigger with narrow and outright bad taste, and anyone who isn't promptly leaves
I remember when I thought RatM was woke. It’s really not.
quantity only interjects with quality by mere numeric probability of course
with who? not trying to prove shit. i saw DG with ministry, like industrial shit. that's why i even know who those fags are.
But WAR IS GOOD is literally the jew agenda
Maybe actually listen to a song and you'll change your mind.
okay. how about the fact that college students are leaving the states in droves, and those that haven't universally express the desire to do so? you wouldn't know, would you? you should go back and get that degree, user.
>killing the enemy is wrong
What? Snake kills at least 16 dudes in a pacifist playthrough
boys, too.
it's bait
>an actual retard who makes shit up and cites anecdotal evidence calling anyone else retarded
I graduated 6 years ago, sorry you never got an acceptance letter.
thats what the SJWs like to call "ludonarrative dissonance"
sure you did. then you'd know how to prjs work, right?
Woke as in supports your tranny/commie shit?
i remember when everyone was pissed off at this
you clearly don't. should've stayed in school kid.
I raise you this
>Sekiro is not FromSoftwares best game
These ones are hilarious, of course no one takes these soulscucks seriously
Went to /wg/ earlier. Not even it has been spared from the newfaggotry.
>i told your momma id get you home, but you didnt say that i got no car, i saw a lion, he was standing alone, a tadpole in a jar
honestly "ooh yea ooh yeah" would have been better
t. millennial boomer whose favorite band isnt zeppelin but recognizes they were probably the greatest band ever
Smartphones and social media. It's not the web 1.0 no more. It's an integrated part of regular, everyday life now. It's their main means of socialization. It's been 12+ years of that shit. Most people here probably grew up with it. The internet really is serious business to them. They can't help but drag their egos into it.
hahaha way to out yourself, stay mad incel
I'm the 2006 poster
Yea Forums died in many forms. Around 2012 was maybe the final blow to Yea Forums. Yea Forums was getting so much traffic from somewhere and no one had any idea where at the time. K-on! Was the actual killing blow to Yea Forums. Even I liked K-on! But waifu shit was brought up to a whole other level of cancer. That and general threads with no discussion became super common.
I honestly don't believe Yea Forums discusses anime anymore and would say it's most likely all waifu shit by now. But this is by design of the industry itself to sell more figures and merchandise. I realized Yea Forums was dead when actual amazing anime got 404 due to every poster being in a waifu thread instead.
It doesn't help that mods are full blown retards on Yea Forums also. For years they have zero idea what they are fucking doing and just delete everything. Now the only thing left is waifu shit.
thanks for removing all doubt
yeah, battle of l.a. was kinda shitty and pretentious. their other stuff was good though
the best part is that males without college degrees are practically undateable. way less likely to get married. most mass shooters are males without college degrees. huge disadvantage in every sense.
Is it just me or has music not developed at all in the past decade? Has humanity run out of ideas or did the internet just ruin everything?
Yea Forums is dead as shit, one of the worst boards outside of the absolute cesspits like /vg/
fucking "temporary" naruto threads
>Yea Forums was getting so much traffic from somewhere and no one had any idea where at the time.
Everyone knew where it was coming from, Reddit. As well as the internet, Yea Forums, and anime, getting more popular generally. Yea Forums was mentioned constantly on reddit anime boards
>no generals are allowed
>opt threads nuked on sight
>the 30 other shounen generals are allowed even when they link to previous threads
i don't get why mods hate discovery threads
imo the thing that killed Yea Forums was when jacksonville got banned by that fucking mod for selling accelerator t-shirts
because the mod didn't know that accelerator was an anime character from one of the most popular anime at the time and thought it was the spammer's OC
I miss when Naruto was a bannable offense, but then moot got wind of that shit and told the mods to let the faggots discuss their shitty ninja show.
>MJ molested kids
yeah, because he had hard drives full of cp and gore dicovered upon his death
vic is guilty, anyone that likes him is a massive faggot regardless. fma's dub was shitty, as is everything that faggot works on
Probably the internet. It has ruined creativity for every single medium.
I'm married and already graduated but that's a cool story my dude.
Humanity has stagnated. It needs wiped.
I don't go on Yea Forums all that much, but there is some nice discussion here and there. /m/ seems a lot better, but people have still been complaining about newfag bait threads lately so I guess nowhere is safe. I just wish there were an alternative to what this site used to be.
fun is a buzzword
>yeah, because he had hard drives full of cp and gore dicovered upon his death
[citation needed]
cut the middleman, its almost like Yea Forums is full of highschoolers still in that mindset
huh, not bad
>im m-ma-married
lul, your dad work for nintendo too, faggot? nobody believes you.
It is literally commiecore.
Future funk is pretty good.
nice image
>Is it just me or has music not developed at all in the past decade? Has humanity run out of ideas or did the internet just ruin everything?
No, music develops all the time, it's just most people do not want to listen to new developments because almost all of them are in a sense defined by their rejection of traditional norms. It's new for the sake of being new
BOTW and nuGod of War aren't bad games but they sure as fuck aren't as good as Yea Forumstards like to make out.
Check /x/ for 5 minutes if you have any doubts.
"Games are fun."
Naruto was always Yea Forums...
Sasuke meme shit was amazing. Everyone followed Naruto and kept up with it every week. Manga only of course.
So I take it you only read headlines and not the updates which are actually borderline retractions?
>"I don't like this person's work so he deserves to rot in prison"
>No! You can't be married you must be an uneducated unwed loser or else that destroys my retarded narrative!
Stay mad retard.
No it wasn't. Literally kill yourself you fucking newfag, you clearly weren't here prior to 2013.
Wish You Were Gay is the only actually good song from this album and it sticks out like a sore thumb for it.
Oh you mean the evidence that had already been thrown out during the 2005 trial. Okay.
It was only good for a year or two then? How would so many people still remember it then?
no, i said he deserves to be raped because he's a shitty VA in a field of work that shouldn't exist. dubfags don't belong on Yea Forums.
God of War has and will always be shit.
no, i read the police report. google it.
I was like 14 and this was 2004. I’d just seen the Matrix. I don’t agree with RatM in the slightest now and find them super cringe.
this. hey mods, can we get a ban for liking naruto?
I'm going to watch Devil Lady in the english dub and you can't stop me
>In 2003, police raided Neverland Ranch while investigating charges of child molestation that had been brought against Michael Jackson. Jackson was acquitted in 2005—but now, seven years after the late pop star’s death, a newly surfaced police report details what Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department found during their raid:
>Jackson was acquitted in 2005—but now, seven years after the late pop star’s death, a newly surfaced police report details what Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department found during their raid:
That's exactly what it is. The exact same evidence that was used in the 2005 trial that was thrown out then.
Your irrational hate for dubs still doesn't justify wishing ill of another human being.
I legit cannot figure out what the fuck that post is supposed to mean. Is he even saying anything? Are those just random words?
yeah the thing is my hate for normalfag invaders like you does justify it.
>still no videogame exists that's better than the Cheap Trick debut album
Care to explain, Yea Forums?
Kate Bush is still the queen of Yea Forums it's all good.
huh. it's still cp and gore.
No it isn't. Post a link to the police report and not some fucking vanity fair article, then.
I see more Bork threads than Kate Bush threads.
>overrated because it's popular
I don't even like most dubs myself, but that doesn't mean I automatically asociate the people who make them with the product itself. It's retarded and fucking delusional at that point.
wtf, do people actually fucking say that?
>I honestly don't believe Yea Forums discusses anime anymore
I've been there for Dororo threads, they really don't. It's literally nothing but Shonen tribalism and waifushit, while the mods delete anything that isn't either.
>popular because it's good
the people who like dubs are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums, fuck vic to death, i wish him the most horrible death possible
I posted a Dororo thread there back after the first episode of the new series came out and was promptly told to fuck off and that Tezuka is overrated and antiquated. Cool guys, aren't they?
why the fuck would I lurk reddit?
He is. I wish I could say the same.
>what happened to /x/?
The same that happened to a lot of boards here on Yea Forums. We had a containment breach from boards like Yea Forums, /pol/, (old) /r9k/ and the like. The mass influx of shitposters and actually retarded people flooded the board and destroyed whatever community that was already there. In the end, nothing but shitposters and schizos remained.
Again, you're delusional if you really think dubs are the main problem killing Yea Forums.
I've seen better threads and discussion about Tezuka's works on Yea Forums. FUCKING Yea Forums. That shithole had an entire YEAR of Tezuka storytimes while Yea Forums could care less.
huh, guess that shows that vic's support is a jewish plot
electronic music is the future
they are. dubfags are not real anime fans. they belong on Yea Forums, as does shit like rwby or whatever the fuck autistic kids like nowadays. a newfag like you wouldnt know that.
I've never liked modern pop shit but I can't deny this song is catchy as all fuck and more interesting than your basic pop.
I'd even go as far as to say pop is getting a lot better recently, especially if it's becoming more experimental like this. Pop shit from the mid 2000's-mid 2010's is fucking terrible and all designed to be nothing but catchy. If pop music starts getting more out there and becomes more interesting like this I could start getting behind it
It was enough for moot to disable them here
Nigger you play video games for a hobby, how the fuck could you think music's stagnated?
How do you even reach this level of cynical retardation?
Well, I can guarantee you that the main problem watches dubs.
post something that would not have existed in 2009 if you're so great
>dubfags are not real anime fans
>sub shonenfags are okay
>sub waifufags are okay
>avatarfags and shitposters are okay as long as they aren't dubfags
Are you even listening to yourself?
i want to blog too, i was banned for three days for asking for recommendations. /r/ is such a shit board, why is it so bad to "spoonfeed" on an interest board exactly? why cant you ask for suggestions, why cant you show INTEREST for a genre? ive even been banned for making an aria thread they told me to go to /c/ but i was only posting images to keep me from bumping off i cant discuss the series by myself
honestly, i think supporting vic on Yea Forums warrents a permaban.
I wish for that alternative as well.
I'm just tired. Tired of all the twitter OPs. Threads that devolve into race wars over a single drawing, edit, word. Gacha shills.
What do you mean?
Probably, but I feel like that's beside the point.
Yea Forums's alright if you stay away from shipping/MCU vs DCEU/industry Twitter shit/fotm tranny garbage/webcomic threads. Admittedly that's 90% of the board, but still.
This makes too much sense to not be true. What the actual fuck is wrong with these "people"?
You are the definition of a newfag. Lurk more or fuck off.
God where the fuck do you even go from this site, how is everywhere worse?
>implying i think sub shonenfags are okay
while boku no hero academia fans are still far more better than people who dub prisma illya, this doesnt make them tolerable, just not most unbearable
Kidz with guns
because you need to go back
they are
Japanese games suck.
>Shane Holmburg is in this thread
So because you got btfo by kiwifarms you came here to get btfo as well?
Look, I get what the problem with dubs is, but at the same time there are lots of other issues that are just as bad if not worse. Don't just prioritize one and use it as a scapegoat.
That's not contrarianism, just shit taste and normalfaggotry
ohhh, haha fuck you
People might have differing opinions on ACs anime cheese but I've literally never seen a single person say it has a bad OST
okay. vic should still take a rusty coathanger to the urethra
i DID fuck off, i dont use Yea Forums. i couldnt find anything that interested me by lurking
figure it out
>but muh starving africans
I've always wondered what drives people to make these ridiculous "arguments", fuck I feel filthy for calling them that. Be honest. Are you a dubfag? I really don't see any other possibility.
lol use the internet boomer, theres new songs coming out every fucking day. and if you dont like new shit, theres decades of old music to explore. kys
Top tier anglo humor right here.
piss off
No one wants you on this website.
>hitler did something wrong
I love small tits
Who's this?
kanye doesn't have a single good song
Most people who pretend to be a boomer here is just a faggot teenager who already hates his life.
There is no value on this entire board other than the specific game threads and by that I mean the threads where you can talk about the game, not autistically argue which DS is better
>how is everywhere worse?
Yea Forums used to be the asshole of the internet. Plenty of "shit" ended up here too be shitposted about. But then the internet decided that our shit (OC) looked good enough to eat.
So we became both the mouth and the ass of the internet at the same time, for a time atleast. In the end the internet decided that one ass was not enough, so it stappled another ass ontop of our ass until the internet was more ass then man.
And here we are today, more ass than man becuase we could not get enough of our own shit. I hope that helped you understand.
nu vegas > fallout 3
dark souls 2 > dark souls
persona 3 and 4 > persona 5
last of us is movie
>5 years of "was DS2 really that bad" with the same arguments, same posters and same gifs day in and day out
must've been thousands by now, a wonder it doesn't get its own spot on /vg/
That's ridiculous. Everybody knows that both are aged garbage.
Bioshock Infinite is much better.
There is dark souls general on /vg/, people just arent autistic enough to argue about the same shit for years on a daily basis
I meant "was DS2 really that bad" threads specifically.
People used to post cool original content on /x/. Now they don't. Skinwalkers, Ben Drowned, Books of Sand... Good times.
>lot of people there mouth off about Tezuka, Miyazaki, Kon and a lot of other established staples
Those are just faggots who thinks has to hate everything mainstream. Yea Forums does like Kon and Tezuka.
I'll never forget anti ghost jock even if I only ever read it in a screencap after the fact.
2016 elections killed /int/ aswell. /fit/ can be good and Yea Forums stays pretty much the same, but all my other boards got fucked.
shit fucking taste. Dadrock is kino.
1.3K according to the archive
/fit/ is the worst board on the entire site by far
>Imagine thinking corporate orange fights for the little guy
good post
Christ. Is that for the literal phrase?
/v and /sp master race
>Yea Forums dead
Yea Forums board culture is the only thing that's managed to actually somewhat survive for over a decade.
Yea Forums board culture is dead and killed by tranny jannies
Sakurafish, "kouma wake up" and other threads which were a part of board culture for years and years are fucking dead and mods gone completely rouge and they ban and delete shit they don't like
If only Moot was here, that would never happen
I keep finding new music all the time.
It just might not be your thing.
Haven't played nu god of war, but BotW is shockingly inept. It's all downhill after leaving the plateau. To be fair though, the plateau is amazing.
>sometimes get in the mood to visit my country's general on /int/
>it's always "cancer cancer cancer" and shitposting behind twenty layers of irony
Ironic shitposting was a mistake.
>You'd think they'd transition with the rest of the website by now
Yea Forums is still likes rap but most of it is from pre-2000.
jump force is good
The true answer? The old mass sticky.
By linking to every single irl "spooky" thing they killed discussion on the board and it came to be flooded by schizos, actual crazies, and low IQ users from shit boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/
>"cancer cancer cancer"
>I honestly don't believe Yea Forums discusses anime anymore and would say it's most likely all waifu shit by now
If it is something that airing right now then sure but if it is older than that it can have nice discussion.
>/fit/ can be good
>tfw only other boards I used to go to were Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>Yea Forums has become r/hiphopheads jr
>Yea Forums is nothing but /int/ jr with a football skin and american sport generals
Zoomers worshipping Industry plants and Jewish baboon beats.
/fph/ is still good. It used to get flooded with garbage and THICCposting but thankfully that's over now.
honestly this applies way more to Yea Forums than Yea Forums for some reason. Yea Forums's 3x3 threads were at least somewhat varied from what I remember.
>2016 elections killed /int/ aswell
Nah, /int/ died in 2015 when all those country X generals started to take over.
Yeah I checked it too a few times. It's pretty much just /nlpol/, or at least it was last time I checked it out like a year ago. I wonder if Baudet's rise changed anything.
>Yea Forums whining about contrarians while defending r*p
Zelda is overrated
>one general can be decent so the entire board is good
Nah and you fat ass niggers don't even need a general. Read the sticky and stop eating you fat pieces of garbage.
Yea Forums died during Gamergate. The elections were the nails in the coffin.
College Dropout. All of his pre Yeezus albums are amazing, but he hit it big with the first one imo
It's been a while since I saw someone misunderstand a post this hard.
It was pretty much constant ironic (I think) "FVD VOTERS ARE INCELS" "REAL CHADS VOTE GREEN" spam right before the election. Now that it's cooled down it's just the same old cancerposting and "tfw no gf" garbage, it's just embarrassing. It reminds me of when the dank memesters in high school would say Yea Forums memes out loud to each other.
I'm not fat :(
I for one am glad we can finally enjoy beep boops because it actually IS the near future of 2019
Moot demoted the retarded mod who banned loli and some dude posting the accelerator shirt and defused the sitiation
Moot cared about Yea Forums even if he gave no fuck about other boards
thank you for speaking truth, I fucking forgot what the pre K-on anime world was like, and hell, even pre Lucky Star. It felt different, but K-on came at the right time to ride the waifu wave.
I mean, FVD voters are fucking brainlets
>oil drilling in Groningen causes earthquakes
>everyone in Groningen mad
>Baudet: "I'm going to drill for oil even more"
>everyone in Groningen votes VFD
Not to mention the fact that Baudet doesn't even not care about the impending climate apocalypse, he's a flat-out denier. His entire voter base consist of idiots who're somehow convinced he cares about them, while understanding not a word of his purple prose speeches.
>pre lucky star/k-on
Oh god I actually remember what the internet was like before moeshit flooded the internet, that garbage was everywhere. Even as a kid I was baffled at its popularity.
I just wanna go back.
He and the PVV are still the only anti-EU parties unfortunately
So far this year, its just been a singe word: "demake"
So? EU isn't an inherently bad system. A lot of good could come from this form of government.
The problem isn't that EU-wide government exists, the problem is that it's gruesomely misused and mismanaged. Instead of focusing on actual issues that need addressing (climate change, to name one), they're just pumping high GBP countries' money into other countries' debt and the military, spend millions deciding how curved cucumbers can be, fuck over content creators and try to put membership on lockdown after Brexit.
Yeah but you already pointed out the problem behind the EU, all the good it *could* do doesn't amount to much when we're getting massively fucked by them. I think the Netherlands is one of the highest contributors to the EU while having little say to what happens in it or even in our own country. At that point, are you really surprised that any fucko could start up a successful party when all they have to say is "fuck the EU" when even our "right-wing" parties bend over for Merkel's Fourth Reich?
Also, video games are fun.
i should really check out taylor swifts albums, i need some new music on my phone and i always liked her stuff.
based oldfag Yea Forums poster
Fact is, I don't even want to vote FVD or PVV at all in the EU election, I'm kind of at a loss of what to vote, since all other parties seem to be at varying degrees of sucking Merkel's dick. Maybe I'll vote green again.
I fucking love video games. I wish The Sims 2 worked properly on windows 10, still have no idea what happened to my fucking ceilings.
Waifu threads aren't even fucking allowed on Yea Forums anymore.
It's fucked all around. That's what happens when even your conservative parties are liberal by American standards.
I love The Sims 2, man. I'm still sticking with Windows 7 until shit becomes too fucked, luckily. It's a shame that Maxis went entirely to shit, because I think they had a good idea with 3's open world and progression system. If they just didn't build it unto the world's most unstable engine it would've been fine. But hey, we finally got pools and toddlers months after launch!
>adhering to American standards
I'm thankful every single day that we aren't so politically fucked that basic healthcare is seen as communism.
Hey they were free though. You're right though, it's a shame to see how 4 is literally just a cashgrab at this point.
Help me out on my fucking ceilings though, I installed a no cd crack on apartment life and ceilings are fucking GONE.
Man I don't know. Even 2 is glitchy at parts.
As the authority on shit taste, being that board is swimming in it. Which board has the second shittiest taste, Yea Forums?
Yea Forums or /fa/?
I just want to look up and not see furniture floating above me, man.
/fa/ definitely has the worst taste out of those two.
Try reinstalling Apartment Life?
>Go to /fa/.
>It's just like here.
No. The AL install was fine, it's something about the crack. I already tried a different version. I may try and run an update patch and the matching no cde crack .exe, even though I've already installed mansion&garden stuff, which is the .exe (also no cd crack) I run from.
Jesus fucking christ... they all type like teenagers.
What the hell
Seething xbox fanboi
He's a retard. Any thread talking about an anime with girls and has an OP with a girl image is a "waifu" thread to him.
>be 2006 faggot
>got to work hours ago and didn't check thread
>there is actual retards that think dubbed anime is what is killing Yea Forums
Are people this fucking stupid? You are beyond retarded if you think dubbs killed Yea Forums. If anything it is you retards thinking this that is cancer. It is even more retarded if you think Yea Forums didn't die to traffic over 8 years ago. It's a fucking waifu board no one actually discusses anime or Manga.
You know what to do
Yea Forums for years in the past HOPED for good dubs at some point. For years all we had was baccano for a great dub better than the sub. Anime has become so mainstream now that there is actual legit good shows with better dubs than subs. I normally still prefer subs but good dubs exist and you are a fucking weeaboo moron to ignore them completely. I bet you faggots forgot or weren't even around for geass Sundays to watch the dub.
But I digress, if you still go to Yea Forums you probably are an inbreed moronic baboon. You csn get better anime discussion from fucking YouTube comments than fucking Yea Forums as a whole.
same people say that shit about Yea Forums and video games but I talk about video games here every day and I occasionally discuss anime on Yea Forums too
though if you wanna talk about jojo or dragonball you'll get better discussion here than you will over there
For me it has nothing to do with being a weeb, I just prefer the original language, and dubs always have to make compromises. You can pretty much immediately tell when something is dubbed, in all cases. With a couple really rare exceptions, all dubs are made cheaply, so they can't go back and change the animation (outside of bad looking edits). Video games are actually ahead of anime in this department, you have companies like Square-Enix that will go back and reanimate faces to fit the English voices.
To me watching dubbed anime is the same as watching dubbed foreign films. Worthless beyond the cheese factor.
>windows 7
>tfw new hardware is literally programmed to take a shit all over windows 7 so you have to install 10
at least ltsc is pretty good
>good dubs exist
A good dub. And it isn't Baccano.
This one youtube.com
I don't mind dubs so long as they are more or less what the original is. I don't care if the original is stilted sometimes, barring a couple moments (puns etc), that's what I'd prefer. And sometimes I still like dubs better. For instance, I fucking love Disney movies in my language and I think in some cases they managed to do as good or maybe even better job at it than the original. At the same time, I originally watched Digimon in German, which was significantly closer to the original, all the way to the music. I didn't get to experience the english dub until years after the fact and it was some horrifying shit.
>To me watching dubbed anime is the same as watching dubbed foreign films. Worthless beyond the cheese factor.
I guess this means I'm limited to about 2 movies per year.
>I guess this means I'm limited to about 2 movies per year.
grow a brian
I normally always start with a sub. But I noticed because my IQ isn't 70 that most voice actors in Japan are shit and also hired for fucking cheap. But morons won't notice this and just declare the sub will be better be default. As a more recent example I could not watch the overlord anime subbed. The Japanese women voice actors were so shit and so unprofessional I had to watch the dub just to get by.
You morons forget that they hire cheap ass voice actors in Japan also. Do you think every anime has high quality voice actors in Japan? No if you spoke to some japs they will probably tell you it's shit also. But since most people don't have a ear for Japanese voice acting quality they automatically assume sub is superior when they couldn't be more wrong.
So many anime have shit Japanese voice actors but most people will never know. Luckily in those cases if it gets a dub it is sometimes better.
My country produces roughly that much per year. If I stick to what you say, that means I'm only allowed that much, otherwise all my viewing experiences are worthless.
illiteracy would explain your stupid answer, I didn't consider that
>To me watching dubbed anime is the same as watching dubbed foreign films. Worthless beyond the cheese factor.
How am I supposed to interpret this then?
why can't the world be more like that album?
I'd assume what he meant by "dubbed" was dubbed.
Watch them with subs you fucking idiot.
I dont understand how can people really divide themself based on generations. It seems very forced and derived from media consumption
zoom zoom
>Not video games
But to answer question, I heard a person unironically say blacks are smarter than whites, just being forced to tick race before take iq tests or sat makes them subconsciously sabotage themselves. That someone was a professor with tenure at UC Berkeley....
fuck you. dubs are shitty and ethnocentric. there arent any good dubs, not even today, aside from mega budget dubs with people like billy bob thorton or christian bale. you know, real actors, not washed out z listers in texas.
oh, cool. it's "i have no opinion" the thread.
this is the most contrarian thing I've seen on Yea Forums, lul
>But I noticed because my IQ isn't 70 that most voice actors in Japan are shit and also hired for fucking cheap.
objectively wrong, VAs make more than anyone else and usually have singing and acting careers too. unlike american VAs.
i bet you frequent /lgbt/
Nah, my sister is only 5 years younger than me. Went to the same high school as me after I graduated and it was apparently a total different place. Trannies and gays proudly strutting around, nobody said "gay", "retarded", or "faggot" anymore, guys became cheerleaders, all the cool teachers left/retired. The "culture" completely flipped in only 5 years. In 10-15 more years the difference will be probably be crazy. Kids these days have totally changed upbringings and therefore grow into much different people than my class.
I don't have one because I don't listen to a lot of kanye, but there is a few songs I kinda like
Both of your dumb posts have been said years ago.
>le if you don't know the language(only I am exempt) you can't tell if it's bad meme
Imagine being this much of a no life cringy virgin to visit one fucking imageboard for 13 years and be proud of it.
>band merely influenced by early 70s rock: "DEY JUST ZEPPELIN CLONES. NO ORIGINALITY
>Led Zeppelin steals entire riffs, songs, and style: "best band ever, man!"
That's why rock sucks now. Old bands are idolized to god-hood. Like being influenced by them is like heresy or something. Like the old favorite bands didn't flat out steal riffs and songs.
>why're you trying to sound like the best era of rock we always go on about? Be fucking original and copy these newer, limp-wristed, unoriginal bands instead.
I swear rock fans and the media do everything in their power to keep rock faggy.
It's the price you pay for ironic shitposting.
Even though this place has its ups and downs, I still don't know where else I would go
Brain drain happens but not on an international scale. It's more like smart kid who grows up in white trash shithole gets a tech degree and moves to the Bay Area. It's small communities and poverty stricken areas of the country that suffer from this effect, but America as a whole is not going to lose their top minds to somewhere else. We are the ones actually brain draining other countries like china
It IS forced. But it's a two pronged attack. Went from forced in the 1950s, then people bought into it. Now because people buy into it, it's easier to force and silence criticism as being 'out of touch' or 'old man yelling at cloud'. It;s genius when you think about it.
And because of the natural arrogance of the human being, there's no way to defeat it.. Young, stupid kids will buy into it because that's the program they've been born into. And older people trying to hang on to their youth, or trying to fuck up society, will support it anyway. That way, if both old and young are saying it, it appears to be true. It's genius.
>>tfw new hardware is literally programmed to take a shit all over windows 7 so you have to install 10
At least Valve is unfucking Linux for games, r-right?
Aryans (Vedic period) came up with a religious/social system where you fuck off to the woods to die once you've done your job and made a bunch of kids who left the house so society can move on and continue to live.
Truly the most enlightened people
Based retard!
Super late but he's literally just talking about the tendency of anime protags to do so much absurd shit that their friends stop being surprised when they do the impossible.