UNIST Thread

I sure hope the network isn't fucked

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Pass is vee
I wonder who won that uni tourney at the local convention.

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>decide to play during the day for once instead of on here
>play even worse than usual
Everytime i try to get somewhat decent at this game i fail everytime

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>thunderstorm outside
>power tends to go out if someone so much as sneezes too hard around here
please God I just want to play UNI unmolested is that really too much to ask?

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I ran into a bunch of Akat players over the weekend
All they did was mash 5A and then 6B even if they got a hit. Shit made me a bit sad.

I would assume Royal since he went. Also apparently clearlamp might actually join the 4v4 tourney, juushichi is trying to get him on the midwest team.

Oh yes, don't forget to sign up for the 2nd anniversary tourney. I mostly just need names to set up teams

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Get this night on the roll.

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He went to ACEN? All I saw there were scrubs but I only went Friday.
>Lamp with the midwest team
Is the team tourney on Friday or what?

Looks like I'll be able to get in at least an hour or so of time tonight, woo.

Definitely will get in on this after my good luck in the last online tourney I entered. I'll probably change my name to make things more recognizable.

yes and yes

>Friday team tourney
Well fuck, guess I ain't getting any action in that.

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the team cap was full anyway, someone had to drop to make room for lamp

Also since I said I would, Gord can't do his big BnB midscreen against Carmine, Orie, himself, Vat, Seth, Chaos, Enkidu, and Sion

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Who's even on the Midwest team?

I sure hope my connection doesn't explode as much as last week with clawz's

royalheart, guiseppe, and magnets, juushichi was but he's going to drop to try to get lamp to join that team apparently.

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I pray that you spelled guiseppe wrong and meant jasepi.
That's a solid-ass team anyway, Lamp just makes it 90% more closer to win against the rest.

where's the fucking jav

yeah my bad. Also no bully, our guiseppe puts in work.

Puts in work but I don't think he's ready to fill in those shoes if he can't beat the likes of me

Most days I can't beat you but I almost beat jasepi at Frosty's. I think your underestimating yourself

I beat her 4-2 yesterday Yea Forums. I'm coming for youuuuu.

Something was off with him when some other Hyde almost did him in that wasn't me or JDR.

Who is "her"? Also, looking forward to it!

Probably Yuzu since that's THE mission for her.

I'm guessing Orie or yuzu

Ah, it's the one with the hold practice right? Then It's likely Huo if that's the case.

Orie 4-2 is just THE go-to but it isn't necessarily hard.

He's not wrong. It seems so much easier than 4-1 though. I can do all the 3's in a fair amount of tries too.

apparently I just got my pool assignments changed so I can actually play in tourney, awesome.

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I just realized, I think seijaku is the only merk player I've seen break the stereotype of all merks subbing wald, i've only seen him also play vatista and hilda

Hope you get decently placed without my coaching in the back

Seems to be the case.


>that step forward before unleashing 214x following the 2 slashes

Was I seeing that right Lamp? Do you have to make adjustments depending on character or were my eyes just pulling tricks on me?

I can't say for sure since I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I don't think it's possible to readjust your position via walking for slash combos

Hmm maybe it was just part of the animation then, haha. I'll see if I catch it again and try and record it.

Overconfidence is a speedy and insidious killer.

I'm mashing tonight, don't mind me also
>That Merk corner combo
I'm gonna cry.

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your telling me, I was mashing air dash for dear life 20 seconds before the round ended and nothing came out.

>Double 66B

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I can only play for a little bit today but I want to at least get my Chaos some practice.

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Aye. He was locking me down pretty good too at the start of round 2.

Starting to see alot of improvements across the board from all the newer players.

Lobby 1 is full on PSN fyi

Yeah, just tried to join. Rip.

The perfect rotation so I just get Merked again. I love this lobby system.

kw: pclobby

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If you'd like I can setup a second lobby though I don't know how long I can keep it open as I'm gonna be gyming it up tonight with some bros again.

is this Razzy? you're playing a favorable matchup, I believe in you.

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Nah, that's me. I'm about to gun down every Merkava I see at this point.

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I can only play for like 30-40 minutes anyway.

Nah dude, I'm not that good.
I can leave if you want, there're no victories to be found here.

Cool. I'll do my best to keep it open for at least 20. Give me a minute to setup. Same kw.

Anyone else is free to join as well for however long it's up!

GGs for now Lobby 1! Maybe I'll make it back after gym, maybe I won't.

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Don't leave for me, just grind you teeth and record those loses to study later.

Winning rounds isn't the only kind of victory

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>drop from yellow to green
please end me

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I fucking suck at this game

So I finally signed up for my first irl fgc event. Hoping to surprise people with my byakuya

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So when is the tourney. since it doesn't seem like you guys are doing it right now despite what the challonge says

Good luck broski! I believe in ya.

it says july 20 not may 20

>July 20, 2019 at 11:30 PM CDT

You should be fine, but you should really practice offline because it feels pretty damn different.
Especially on a monitor you're not accustomed to.

I practice my combos at locals we good.

yeah what this guy said. make sure to get some practice on the monitors there before your pools. If you're not used to it, it's definitely enough to throw you off your first couple matches.

Oh dude, that was me last week. I'm NEVER coming back to yellow.

Finally got that 41236d out, I tried three times.

Did Merk die?

Damn, I may actually dip on you guys. It's full enough I rarely play and I'm so close to finishing Michiru's route. I'll comeback once it cools down a bit.
Also heh, nice one Cuts.

>Pyro Trooper
Name sounds familiar. Who does he play again? Does he have PS?

Sei, just kill him and get it over with

just do what i do and play whenever you're waiting for your next match. finished all of Makina's route by doing that.

It's me, Sai. It's my Steam handle, hahaha.

But I gotta get into it, you know? I can't just half-ass romancing these women!

Oh, well that's that then.
Sei, why don't you get in on this too?

thankfully for me makina isn't a woman


The desperation settled in quick in that round, hahaha.

I see seans picked up redblade's favorite byak meme

and what might that be>

You talking about the force function

That's it, maybe some other day i'll get to play more. Ggs lobby 2.

GGs m8. Thanks for dropping in. It's rare to be able to fight Chaos outside of atic's secondary/sub on PS lobbies.

Sha is taking us for a ride in Lobby 2, hahaha. Good stuff!

623C in neutral

I invented that.

Where is that 10 frames image when I need it? Haha

Ah, found it. Haven't played in swamp lag like this in awhile. Good times! Hahaha.

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I actually just picked him up a few days ago since it's one matchup that I have zero experience. So you guys might see me using him a lot in the next few days to get a feel of his normals and shit. He seems pretty fun though, like really really interesting stuff going on.

I'm going to have a hard time learning to move the dog with a button hold instead the stick like with Eddie tho.

I'm impressed that h8rs can still do combos in 9 frames of lag

>that IW does 3.9k raw
Is that universal or is Aka just that strong?

Aka's IW is specifically strong, people meme that he has the easiest 4k in the game.

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That's the exact damage from 214B > IW
I know because I fucking remember its obscenity

Seth had the coolest combos in the game for me for a long while.
Now I think top-end Chaos combos look the coolest

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I think I might cry.

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Nice comeback in Round 2 Lamp! Sure as heck impressed me being able to open up Spider Lad like that.

I did my best

Well turns out I have to go before I even get comfortable, but GG's PC lobby.

That last setup was crazy Sha, hahaha.

Also, I'll give you guys this last 1 battle since I've gotta go after this. GGs Lobby 2!

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Waiting makes my pee pee soft

GGs everyone. gonna head to bed early since i'm going for kbbq for lunch tomorrow

ggs Sai and Sha. Going to call it a night

Remember to only order the brisket and pork belly. And if it's any korean place worth its salt, get the cold noodles afterwards.

Good shit lolb. I even was thinking that I shouldn't shield with only 8 seconds left but I reflexively 1AD'd anyway.

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>Also since I said I would, Gord can't do his big BnB midscreen against Carmine, Orie, himself, Vat, Seth, Chaos, Enkidu, and Sion
What's the full route for the BnB you're talking about again? I know it's the one with that 22A > 5B link or something.

im not sure if that last setup is a crossup or not, but it does look visually confusing and thats all it takes

anyway ggs amigos

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i think mika has something pretty similar with her IW

Bulgogi > all desu

it's an eltnum kinda night, hope you guys don't mind, also dragging a friend along
beat his ass for me

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how do you wake up dp. someone convince me that its actually possible

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From big confirms like a straight 5C or raw 236A/B, for example
5C >236AA > 3C > 2C (1 hit) > 22A > 5B > jB > jC > 3C > 236AAA
Depends on the place, honestly. Some places just have nothing but stringy fat.

i meant 214b --> IW with mika

seconding this

When you know someone frequently mashes during peoples' wakeup.
It's a bit easier to see the more you play against someone

So I'm guessing wag's 214c is only good for getting past projectiles and nothing else, right?

Mash 623 motions in training until you begin to just start spamming it in real matches and get punished for it. That's how it was for me to learn it anyways.

Pretty much

It's isn't even that good at that. It's mad slow.

I fucking suck at this game

It takes time. Just keep at it.

Yeah, haven't had any real success with it. Can this thing get replaced or something in clr please?

Is it still worth trying to get into this game as a beginner?

Yes, very.

Very much so.

I don't see why not

anyone on pc want to play some matches
I don't really want to wait through 4 matches to play tonight

Shit, even a solid 4f connection is fucking my inputs up after coming back from locals the other day.

A fought a ton of people who still had no idea what they were doing online over the weekend, you'll be fine.

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Hope they don't completely fuck things up with cl-r then, that's probably my biggest worry
Any recommended characters for beginners?

Just play more lol
But seriously, this game definitely takes a lot of hand-on experience to Git Gud. Over time you’ll download how people play and your third eye will slowly open wider and wider

No sorry, the last new guy officially took the last spot in the UNIST community and now there's no more room.

This was my first fighting game and I would say I'm at an intermediate level now.

What do you mean fuck things up for cl-r?
>recommended characters
What characters do you usually play

only if you play waifus

4 frames is unplayable desu.

Yeah I expected to die after the goddamn 214C.
I fought this phonon player on Friday at a convention where he was learning combos on the fly off of YT and he looked strangely similar to the speedrunning guy who got shut up on stream when a dude said "I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet"

Just worried that since the game's balancing seems to be in a pretty good spot right, the next version might make things worse.

> play more than most days every week several hours a day
I'd love to quit my job but I can't. I've hit a wall and I can't get over it.

Wait what just happened
I wanted to play more

A reasonable fear to have.
I guess I'm slightly worried if they'll shoehorn in more mechanics.
At least FB isn't like Mori who wants to make things crazy instead of balanced first. I have some faith with how each iteration in UNI has technically balanced itself out in a way.

GGs PC bros. By the time it rolls around to me again it'll be past 2am so I'm gonna dip now. Fun times and I'm cooking up some new Vat setups so look forward to that.
Yeah. UNIST was my first serious attempt at playing a fighting game and it taught me a lot. I feel like my entire viewpoint on competitive games in general has changed.
Orie and Linne imo.

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End me and my trash connection

I usually get 5 or sometimes 6f with hippie so this is the best it gets. I actually played a Hyde player derusting from EL at locals for a while, and it was amazing to be able to CH poke him out of his [FF] attempts on reaction a third of the time.

I also played a Phonon in offline delay for the first time who was pretty good, we only played a few games but went even.

this but unironically
i can't block overheads in 4f

Incompatible internets.
Dash and Razzy do have some problematic connections to my experience

Dunno what happened to you, but I decided to pass since we can play. You won your last match after all.

Yeah, I'm seeing no connection whatsoever with Dash.

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Balance isn't really that important for a great fighting game, it can be a nice bonus but EL was amazing and it had literally 3 viable characters.


EL was shit, there was a reason no one played that version.
> t.person that played a top 3 character in EL

Pull my wifi trigger

I wasn't that big of a fan of EL

I can't imagine enjoying a game where Wald and Merkava are at the tip top.

Please FB/arc give us rollback for CLR. It doesn't fix everything in netplay but at least overheads remain reactable

ggs, hopefully we can get some more games tomorrow

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I played EL for around three weeks total spread out across a year. I think I've only fought
>1 other Hyde
>1 Yuzuriha
>1 Seth
>A bunch of Byaks
>A bunch of Gords
>A bunch of Merks
I vaguely remember a Hilda, Wald, and ofc the army of Sions and Akatsukis

I don't think leaving the lobby/resetting your ps4 will help razz. My connection with people is usually good or never-ever. Sometimes the host can effect it, though.

yeah nah im fucking done. ggs pc lobby

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A lot of great games, not just fighting games, ended up that way by accident rather than design. It's hard for me to have faith in developers anymore.
I don't want them to pull a Rev2.1.

Yeah so I keep disconnecting from the lobby when it loads in the next match. Guess I'm done for tonight? Is the PC lobby still up?

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UNICLR better add a foxgirl character.

Pc is up. Got 5 people counting me too

yessir, pclobby

There's literally no basis for one in the setting.

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Ggs lads in the ps lobby.

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Uniclr? More like everclear cause holy fuck does trying to input a command make me wanna down some

I'll be there and hopefully it'll be a longer session. I could have started the lobby earlier but I was lazy and waited for someone else to make it instead, so that's on me.

They could probably bullshit something together. If Orie can get a stand a girl could probably get a nine tailed fox demon too

Well I sure hope they don't

I believe the quote from Mori in that interview about game balance was something along the lines of balancing to make the game more fun, not more balanced. IMO, that kind of balance leads to pretty one-sided fun, but I have faith that FB will see the success that UNIST had and realize that the balance had something to do with it. I just want to play a fighting game where the top tier isn't some SS+ character and the next highest is like A-

A girl wears fake fox ears and tail but makes them move realistically with void powers.

maybe go make a granblu vs thread, that seems more your speed.

>Get to the porn part of the route
>VN crashes
Do I come back?

just skip the bullshit and get the CGs online

no worries man, I was trying to teach my buddy about checking throw os with staggered normals and shit/playing some games with him which is why I'm so late and not playing pho
just let the resident chuuni dork do it

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If they start buffing top tiers and nerfing Enkidu we'll know that we need to start worrying
Fighting game devs tend to have an odd concept of balance

VN crashes AND my headphones break.
I'm mildly tempted, but I played this for Michiru's sex noises in the first place.

Kamone has been playing Enkidu for the past two years so I have faith in his judgment after going from a Hilda player to an Enkidu guy.
Speaking of him, he hasn't streamed in a while so I'm sure he's busy with good news to share soon.

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oh cool, are we going to get a regular elt player who can teach me how to play this character?

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ggs pc lobby. I wanna stay but I gotta go eat

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>just let the resident chuuni dork do it
It would be pretty neat if they gave alternate costumes (I love the legwear options the girls get) but I doubt they'd be willing to shell out the cash to draw all the new sprites, even if it were to be paid DLC or something.

>all these red and dropped combos
Oh my God. I don't want to adjust back to netplay but adjust I must.

they almost always hate grapplers and the wakeup throw invuln in this game definetly points to that being true for FB. I can only hope wald doesn't get even more nerfs.
> play enkidu in netplay
> do well because netplay and also I'm the fucking dev and know how to do everything before everyone else
> nah guys he's fine, enkidu stays the same
I'm exaggerating but there's plenty of devs who have said, something along the lines of, low tier seems really strong when we/QA plays them their fine and not getting buffed.

I just want to hear muffled death grips when phonon takes off her headphones post round end

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>now back to 6f with hippie
>can't input a single DP
Yeah this is going to suck.

Exaggerate sure, but you forget he's frequently visited the Club Sega boys to fight offline and attend shit like KSB to compete.
Plus you've got every Japanese commentator lamenting Enkidu's fate anytime he's on screen too

I wonder if -clr is gonna throw some new system mechanics into the mix.

Sorry, you wont be learning anything from me tonight. My hands are made of literal spaghetti right now. Thank God that this semester is finally over so I can focus on getting gud.

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Yeah it went awful and calmed back down at the end again.

inb4 they add a Burst knockoff

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I wouldn't mind. I still feel the urge to try and burst during combos in this game. If they just actually added it I wouldn't have to unlearn the habit.

That'd be both frustrating and hilarious. UNI is already time out city and some characters are way too hard to lock down to give them get out of jail free cards.

even if it's just watching your matches I have faith that you being around will help me out with elt even if our 5f connection makes me sad
I have a somewhat early morning tomorrow, catch you all later. ggs

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I feel like UNIST is in such a good place that I fear change

Don't really trust the idea of any changes beyond character balance

don't worry, they'll give phonon a standing overhead and even more damage

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and make her 2A 4f

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let's not get ahead of ourselves, I think a command grab and legitimate 50/50's come before that

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I miss the times where if an updated version ends up being shit, people would just keep playing the old one. Now you have to move on even if the game becomes strictly worse.

Also mika's attacks can now only combo from the P1 side, if hit from the P2 side the opponent will always be given invincibility until hitstun ends

is everyone in pc lobby west coast? I'm getting 5 frames with you guys

>tfw EU

I live in Chicago

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I don't usually get tilted but I'm getting real close since I suddenly can't input shit. Usually it's not this bad transitioning between environments

I'd personally like it if guard thrust was easier to perform and a little stronger.

>easier to perform
Is there really an issue with its input?
>little stronger
No GRD break, I imagine?

I'm east.

Watching this makes me remember that aside from Akat, UNI has no lightning person

hyde has lightning effects kinda

uhhh ggs pc bros

PC Lobby?

He's got some nice effects but straight lightning is what we're missing. Hyde's effects are like a mix of fire and electricity

I really need to remember what my buttons are mapped to.

>Is there really an issue with its input?
I'd like a shorter input for a more immediate response. Maybe I've just gotten too used to CF counter assaults.
>No GRD break, I imagine?
Yeah, I think it's too much. I think it should just make you auto-lose the current cycle if you do it without vorpal and only break you if you do it twice in the same cycle.

I fucking wish.

bring in c-roa, what could go wrong?

We're missing plenty of elements. No lightning, no ice, no sand,

The shirtless guy spot is filled.
I-No's witch theme is also taken too

Ice is coming

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>press a single button
>get veil off
This happens with both of my controllers...

I thought he was a light user.

It's in the fine print

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I know for a fact I wasn't going to win with that life-difference.
>grabbing atic

So when the dark night ends will we get the sequel Over Dawn Out-Death?


>Soon be over
Let's over-analyze the other blurbs
>UNIB/UNIEL: Thousand Night Recurrence Night
>UNIST: Tonight the Deepest Night
>UNI-CLR: The dark ight will soon be over
So maybe one more expansion or they'll cut off the first story arc here.

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We typically get at least 2 characters per version update. I wonder who the other will be.

What does it mean?

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another guest

Well it kicked me from spectating the last match so ggs everyone.

Got to say it feels awful fucking up all the time at locals because I'm too used to netplay, and then coming back to lobbies and fucking up my stuff online too.

I hope it's Naruto.

GGs all

I think it'll be someone from Fight of Gods

Ah shit, I forgot all about Seth. Fun matches tonight in both PC and PS lobby. Shame about what happened with the connection earlier.

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Kaguya has files in [st] but no voice, no portrait, nada.
Uzuki has a voice and a portrait but has no leftover files
Joker basically got deconfirmed
Up in the air now.

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GGs everybody.
I'm sure the lobby kicked a couple people out as it usually does but at least it didn't completely blow up tonight.

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