Kiss me, user

Kiss me, user

Attached: 1558288200036.jpg (545x638, 139K)

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no way fag


*Unzips dick* Kiss this!

imagine the smell

I'd rather kiss Jessie as she doesn't have a manface.

Attached: 7 Crush.png (1912x1370, 2.49M)

Attached: D6ijHiBVUAEiMv7.jpg (1896x2151, 422K)


Jessie is just some random facescanned bitch now

Like that other user says, her face looks like the usual thot, Aeris looks more natural.

she looks like Ben Shapiro's sister wtf

I'd rather kiss the real woman here.

Attached: Cloudia.jpg (964x1243, 220K)

She fucks old men

*spoiler alert*
she dies!!

I like this more than the japanese one


Why is Aeris's eyes glowing on the right? Does that person think she's in SOLDIER?

she's not exactly human

I wanna kiss Tifa instead. t.Cloud

She probably smells really nice for a slum girl, like a sweet, natural feminine musk mixed with a cheap, but pleasant perfume with a hint of daffodil from her daily care of the flowerbed

Why is her face so bright? I don't think the slums would illuminate her face in such a way.

She is exactly human. Cetra aren't fucking mutants or bio-weapons; they're just a race of nomadic humans that can shoot the shit with the planet.

Attached: 1546886541236.png (1653x1742, 1.71M)

And those eyes are a side effect of shooting the shit

No, that's not a thing. Mako are specifically a trait of those that have been given a prolonged exposure to Mako energy, namely SOLDIERs and possibly those that suffered from Mako poisoning. Aeris has never had enough exposure to raw Mako energy to get the glowy eyes; if she did, she'd likely be dead.

and she's half-human anyways

y-you too

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Cetra aren't actually non-human. Both Shinra and Sephiroth were mistaken in that regard. The only thing that separates a Cetra and a human is some vaguely defined abilities in regards to interacting with the planet, and the understanding and ability to use magic without materia. Glowy eyes are not an trait intrinsic to the Cetra. Quite the opposite; they come from bathing a person in liquid lifestream, which actually damages the body and allows the cultured Jenova cells the average SOLDIER gets to repair the damage and rebuild them into superhuman combatants (which is why the average Joe Schmo that gets Mako poisoning doesn't turn into Captain Midgar if and when he gets better.)

The Mako eyes aren't a sign of someone that spiritually interacts with the Lifestream, they're a sign of someone that's been fucked up by the Lifestream (and unfucked in the case of SOLDIERs.)

*kisses you*
*hold hands*
*kisses neck*

That just means you don't need to worry about knocking her up.

Kiss this.

Attached: Masamune.jpg (459x634, 14K)