I am defending myself. I have a valid reason to be here. I was attacked and I am defending myself. That is valid. You cannot blame this on me, no matter what.

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falseflag thread. It's not even your screencap

Literally have sex

I am not a retard, you are. I am defending myself. You attacked me. You cannot argue against this.

>what is Yea Forums x
fuck off, redditor

your filename is on this year while Yea Forums X randomizes based on last year.

you broke the rules.

What does having sex have to do with anything? I have a right to defend myself.

You have no proof of that.

We already went over this, and you lost.


nah i think your ban means you lost
sorry man

I'm sorry.

Shoot up a mosque or something.

Very well. You now concede the following:

1. You attacked me.
2. I am defending myself.
3. You are at fault.
4. You have lost the argument.

We are done here, then.

I wasn't OP, but that's good to know, thanks. guess I'm the redditor, gonna go kms

>Shoot up a mosque or something.
Projection. You are a violent incel. We've been over this and it's conclusive that you are a violent incel.

You saved this from a few days ago

It's funny how you Yea Forumsermin do some dumbass shit out of your cesspool and once you get your slap on the wrist you go back to your dump and just like a nig go "ooga booga I dindu nuffins lmao" with your chimp friends who respond with stuff akin to "fuck da poleece dey be tryna keep us down"

I'm glad you're getting cucked out of your video games. Gamers really are scum.

You have no proof of that.

You realize the those forums aren't managed by Valve right? You were banned by mods put in place by the developer.

Nigger, we have trannies, furries, and all kinds of degeneracy on this site. I don't see how being a violent incel could be any worse.

I just think it would help OP feel a little better if he got it out of his system.

That never happened. You are lying. We went over this already, and you lost.

Being a violent incel is much worse and more pathetic than being in any of those marginalized groups.

>I just think it would help OP feel a little better
False dilemma.

>if he got it out of his system.
I don't need to get anything out of my system. I am acting in self-defense.

>That never happened. You are lying. We went over this already, and you lost.
We haven't gone over this, I don't even know who you are. Is this a repeat thread? Are you just really butthurt you got btfo? Is this is a secret Epicuck thread?

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