Kill my father.
Kill my father
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nice boob
give me a good modding guide that is not /tesg/'s and I will
What's wrong with /tesg/'s guide?
I don't blame him for not wanting to take advice from literal faggots, but yeah their guide is just fine
Sure, but show your mod list first.
they dont teach me how to make cute girls
You mean japshit? Only wizards know how to do that
Just download a bunch of female NPC replacer mods and make a male character to dick them all down.
somewhat cluttered, not up to date, too many conflicting mods so it's less of a guide and more of a list of assorted recommendations and not all of the mods listed are that good or there are better alternatives available that they don't even mention because it's only updated once after 4 months, you pretty much have to use it together with a different guide.
Their waifu guide is good though.
I can't believe laura bailey singlehandedly redeemed skyrim for me
You literally just need one of the expanded character creators and a skin retexture, git gud
God you're pathetic.
Big brain tactics would be to just download every mod you think will help, scramble them all up with LOOT, and then hope for the best.
But mods like bounce and jiggles actually give a decent guide for waifus.
Follow the guide. Once you do that, you've learnt the basics and can do shit by your own.
Modding bethesda games is literally made for brainlets. People much smarter than you set up all these tools to handle mod libraries, downloads and load orders for you.
If you're still too retarded to mod this shit you don't deserve your waifu.
Whats the best mod loader for tesv and tesv:se respectively, I use both.
They do though, /tesg/'s wai-fu guide is literally the best part of the site, if only because they give you a few options that can't be found on the nexus
, he says as he mods skyrim to try and get some value out of its gameplay.
hows the fo4 porn scene going
I've been modding skyrim on and off since it came out so I'm familiar with all the tools.
But in this day and age with thousands upon thousands of mods available if you want an optimized experience for a type of playthrough you're almost forced to follow some kind of guide because you're bound to miss something if all you do is check what's in the nexus' frontpage or look at what /tesg/ thinks is decent when they barely even update these days.
not nearly as good as skyrim's
at this point i doubt even tes VI is going to surpass it
Absolutely terrible.
Normal skyrim or "Special edition" for porn
So hdt all in one is trash right, where can I find a proper 7B Oppai body with hand collisions?
Leyenda's all-in-one you mean? It's useful if you don't want to spend time sorting that part of the game out but if you want something more specific it's best to build your own preset with Bodyslide then install the rest separately. Setting up collisions is a bit easier these days as well.
Pretty sure Leyenda's already has a 7B Oppai with hand collisions though.
normal the special edition got butchered by skse because bethesda didnt allow it in the game and 99% porn mods needs skse
SKSE already works on SE actually, it's just that the Creation Club fucks it up whenever it's updated. You can technically get a decent porn Skyrim running with either version but even so, a lot of porn mods still haven't been ported over so you either have to do that yourself or stick to LE to get it up and running faster.
Excellent meme my friend, however I didn't make this thread.
What the fuck are you doing here user.
Yeah, the hdt is what I've been using, but it just seems to mess with the lighting of my game. I like the 7B Oppai body it comes with the most and it does come with all the collisions immediately available for hands, but don't want to reinstall the game for one change. Also I can't find the original file of 7B Oppai anymore
Todd broke fse every update.
>but it just seems to mess with the lighting of my game
That shouldn't be happening, that mod doesn't add anything to the lighting as far as I'm concerned so there shouldn't be any conflicts, you sure it isn't something else or just Skyrim being Skyrim?
My recommendation is to just learn how to use Bodyslide and build your own preset that suits your tastes, use the UNPB Special outfit when building it + a decent HDT to enable breast, butt and stomach collisions, also don't forget to install collision enabled SOS and MNC if you're into that.
Needless to say, use MO2 so you don't have to reinstall the game each time you fuck something up.
What compels authors to take down their work the moment drama breaks out over literally nothing?
Nexus sucks
/teslg/ on /aco/ has a better guide, even if it does read like it was written by an angry manlet
A lot of modders are over-sensitive faggots who developed a huge ego after their mod got endorsed a couple of times. That's just how it is, even outside of Skyrim's modding scene.
Thankfully sometimes someone has an archive of it and uploads it somewhere else so not everything is lost forever.
I'll check it out, I completely forgot /aco/ had TES threads.
Ah crap I worded it like a retard. Whenever I reinstall leyendas HDT files, I have to reinstall even the files I don't want, and the lighting of my character's body just seems too bright for the landscape and I think it has to do with the body gloss. So if I want to change the muscle texture or skin gloss, I go through the process in mod organizer of reinstalling everything to replace one option at a time basically. Also I apparently mucked up my race menu which I used over bodyslide to mess with features of my characters body on the fly with body morphs. Those don't show up anymore, even though they worked fine on my old toaster
>broke fse
It's not breaking. It's the shit structure of fse (and skse) to say "if the game version does not match exactly, do not run se" and require everything that uses it to also say "if installed se version is not exactly, do not run mod."
Every time Beth adds something to Creation Kit, even if nothing else changes, se won't run until the makers update the "" reference to the new "" And even if nothing else changes in the se except that reference and their own version number, none of the mods relying on it are allowed to work until they update their own se version reference to the new version.
The reason for it is security and stability in case actual code changes in the updates, but you'd think after 5 years of CK shit the se makers would leave the version number mods reference as a static thing if the script itself isn't updating ( instead of so that the tiny CK updates don't influence it. At least then the only thing modders need to worry about is the latest se to match the latest game update.
But even that is too much to ask for.
You can just not install the parts that are already installed and set MO to merge the new installation isntead of replacing, that way it won't delete what's already in the folders and will only replace the conflicting files with the new ones you chose.
Not sure about what's causing that problem with Racemenu, but you can always just delete your mods and install them again to make sure there aren't any unwanted files in the folders. With that said you should really use Bodyslide as it is by far the most useful tool when working with body meshes and hdt, Racemenu's body morph sliders don't do a good enough job on their own, they serve more as a complement to what you've already built.
Does anybody remember that one fag who tried to get paid for that one huge mod by Bethesda themselves but got bitchslapped?
Do it.
It was actually his resumé and they didn't hire him. It was Falskaar.
>visit tesg
>their ugly man faced tranny waifus can't match literally any other creators
whats wrong with them
>try to have a civil tes thread on Yea Forums
>the mentally ill schizo from /tesg/ comes to shit it up
like clockwork
Is 64 bit Skyrim still a waste of time if you want to use mods?
Kinda. It's more stable than 32 bit but they will never port over ALL of the mods.
More stable? Yeah, as if that's going to make a difference. 32 bit Skyrim is very stable.
All of the most popular mods were ported over. Only the most niche mods never made it, and most of them you can port yourself by opening in the 64CK and saving.
>"What is RAM?" bit Skyrim is very stable.
>can't marry her
what's the point
thats fucking wrong. every time fallout or skyrim are updated bethesda updates the executable. which requires the fse and skse devs to update the memory hooks and layout. its not just a version change. dont be that guy.
theres a huge fucking post on nexus mods forums about what actually goes into updating the script extenders and how annoying it is to do it every time some shitty thing gets updated in the chashgrab stores for new bethesda games.
That IS the point. It adds a shitload of weight to her background.
if i can't marry or fuck i don't care tho
pretty much all mods are ported over and loverslab frameworks have been updated accordingly.
mostly the new skyrim runs smoother and you can use more mods at the same time.
It's not like you need more than 8 gigs to run Skyrim.
mods. theres even a whole story arc for her with amorous adventures.
the point that guy is trying to make is 32bit skyrim can only utilize about 2gb of ram at max. mods have to inhabit that space too.
the updated skyrim does not have that limitation.
isn't voice acting a problem
Search up nordic skyrim on nexus mods and take his recommendations and do exactly as he says. This is the best intro to modding collection out there IMO.
yes and no. most loverslab mods use the dynimaic voice thing where it patches words together from existing voice lines. it works great at times but not so much at other times.
/tesg/ are a bunch of reddit faggot normies who hate loli mods
Dawnguard has the worst writing of any RPG I've ever played.
Even vanilla Skyrim is better than it,
>Main eternal companion with daddy issues
>Becomes a companion even if you side against the vampires, despite the main vampire hunter having such a hateboner for vampires he would've killed her the second she showed up
>not one but TWO elder scrolls involved
>you kill the only memorable character regardless of the path you picked
the only good thing it did was reintroduce crossbows and even that was half baked
I didn't say -se didn't have to do anything, I said the -se build that the mods have to reference. 99.999% of the time a mod hasn't been updated to the new -se, it can be fixed by going into the settings and just editing the -se reference. The problem is needing to either wait or do it yourself for every single -se reliant mod each update. The -se team themselves are diligent on timely updates, but that's hardly the problem.
If they aren't doing major work on -se itself and just fixing references, leave a static build number so the mods referencing it are unaffected, and if there is any change at all, then update the build. SKSE v1.5.69, 70, 71, 72, 73, and 74 didn't require any changes on the modder's side except reference numbers, and they broke them every time. If they'd allow them to just reference v1.5, or even v1.5.A, a huge amount of hassle would be eliminated.
It's not so bad. Learning what happens to people you soul trap made role playing as a soul stealer much more fun.
>Learning what happens to people you soul trap
That was pretty much the only good thing that happens in that DLC.
It hasn't been updated since modding skyrim first began so it's an outdated piece of shit that doesn't work anymore.
Man, that gets me so much.
>Side with Dawnguard
>Can't kill Serana so just take her back to Fort Dawnguard to let Isran handle it.
>"You did the right thing by not killing her on thee spot. We need to know what the hell they're up to with an Elder Scroll before giving her the BOLT."
>Find out what they're up to.
>Later, "Tell me why this vampire just showed up here asking for you by name. I don't trust you anymore."
Fuck you, Isran, you're the one who said it was best to let her live for now. If you got a problem with her then kill her yourself.
That's hardly the DLC's greatest flaw either.
>Serana's mom: "If Harkon get's the bow, it will mean DOOM FOR HUMANITY."
>"Then you keep your scroll and we'll kill him before he gets the bow."
>"No, you FOOL. You must take my scroll and get the bow before you kill him!"
>"Why? Does the bow help me kill him? Isn't killing him immediately the best choice because he has no scrolls and no chance of ever finding it right now?"
>"No! Lead him to the bow first, then kill him!"
>Get the bow.
>Harkon fight.
>"This is your final chance. Give me the bow!"
>"Okay. Take it. I didn't want the damn thing anyways."
>"...Thanks. Fuck, I didn't expect this. We should fight anyways, right?"
>"If you want?"
>Kill Harkon, who already has the bow.
What the fuck was the point of getting the damn bow as Dawnguard? We'd have all the time in the universe to get it if he was dead first, and no chance of him finding it if we died fighting him first (and the Scrolls were left where they were).
Bethesda very clearly didn't want you actually siding with the Dawnguard.
The Vampire questline is passable but the Dawnguard side is just flat out retarded. It's like an intern wrote the whole thing.
Any mods to make her?
Amorous Adventures does a pretty good job at stitching voice lines together, it's just the dialogue that's shit
I can confirm that that guide is really good but it is fucking massive, requires a lot of work too so you won't get that done in a day, hell even two days isn't enough.
Why don't Skyrim modders ever make custom armor? always taking stuff from Tera or other mmorpgs.
>it's just the dialogue that's shit
This. I especially can't stand that huge static box that pauses the game to narrate a bunch of nonsense in-between actions.
>And so the dusky dunmer maiden was surprised as you sweep her into your arms. etc. etc. etc.
It's a shame because the voiced dialogue actually sounds alright.
>one of the most modded modern games
>no mods to make the combat good
How do you kill him without the bow? You need to pelt him with sun arrows to stop certain phases of the fight.
>stop certain phases
Wat? If you mean the invincibility shield, it goes away automatically once he heals to full.
>Gets low
>shields himself, summons gargoyle
>kill gargoyle
>once he heals, shield goes away and fight continues
He shields x3 times and then it's over. Does the bow remove the shield early or something? That isn't mentioned at all in the quests.
Any mod that makes Dawnguard story good?
Currently doing a vampire playthrough with better vampires
Yes it does, makes the fight a whole lot easier and faster.
Not really. There are still a lot of mods not ported over and you can do it yourself I heard but it sometimes doesn't work.
Oh. Explains why there was so much standing around then. Speaking of, was Isran supposed to help you fight? We were all running together killing vampires, and when we get to the final chamber, we all run in - and then it was only Serana and I inside. I couldn't tell if that was a bug or some stylistic drama thing.
Bear me a child first, so it'll be a 1 to 1 trade.
>side with dawnguard
>find a vampire (re: our mortal enemies) with a fucking ELDER SCROLL
>can't kill her
>have to take her back to her family with the fucking ELDER SCROLL
What's the point of joining the Deus Vult faction if you're not gonna let me kill the monsters? I know better than expect good writing from Bethesda, but it shouldn't be this aggressively awful either.
>years of modding
>not one to marry her mom
Pretty sure the end of AA's Serana route is a threesome with the pair of them.
it is.
The best mod I ever found for Oblivion was a mod that turned every single piece of armor into a sexy variation of itself. Having all of that variety made things fun, and made me want to seek out new armor. It's the only time I've ever gotten through the game.
>Side with the vampires
>Still railroaded into foiling their plot
Good DLC but only if you side with the Dawnguard. The plot if you side with the vampires is bullshit.
is there a mod that lets you skip that? Like a story rewrite where you kill her as soon as you find her since shes an abomination and it just goes ahead with the dawnguard story?
>the Dawnguard side is just flat out retarded.
>The plot if you side with the vampires is bullshit.
And there you have it.
>Still can't make a milf witch
Nah senpai
because if they were creative they wouldnt be doing mods for games other people made.
i know those are scars, but still, it looks like cum.
Siding with the vampires also made you go on kill quests that would have you end up killing essential NPCs as well.
How do I make the INIs in Skyrim Special Eiditon?
I dont know what the optimal settings are and what values to use with ENBs
Picked up. Game actually looks good now.
>Those fucking random ass vampire attacks that would happen in cities.
>After that I'd have to go and do a head count because majority of NPCs love pulling out their fucking Iron daggers and fight anything that looks at them funny.
>If one does die in the attack I'd have to revert back to a save from an hour ago or right before I get into the citie to make sure I kill the vampires before they kill my NPC shopkeepers.
Legit my only complaint about the DLC really.
>keep a bunch of bodies in my whiterun house as undead thrall candidates
>suddenly they all are alive murdering everything because of some bug
Tell me more
And what's more is that the bodies don't fucking disappear, ever. I had to either hide them under the bridge near the lower gate or make them undead and lure them into that homosexual redguard's house so they would be out of the way.
And lord help me if they become ash piles.
Did anyone else get the glitch that made a dead dragon spawn out of the ground anytime you went into Whiterun?
>theres a dead redguard under the whiterun bridge that the whole town comes to inspect every 2 minutes plus the trader guy randomly closed his storeforever so im guessing he died
and the whiterun house is so fucking convienent too