Nintendo Cinematic universe

what if detective pikachu and the sonic movie are all actually signs of some kind of Avengers-esque smash bros movie?

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The first movie was decent, but Age of Taboo, not so much.

I don't think we're in Brooklyn anymore...

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a smash bros movie would actually be nut worthy

But how do you even set it up?

That Mega Man is cute

That furry mewtwo isn't right at all.

What type of nuts are we talking about here?

Attached: NCU.jpg (624x491, 35K)

Marvel really broke people's mind, studios can't seem to fathom the root of their success outside imitation of a "Cinematic Universe", failing to realize Marvel Studios was only repeating the convention their comics already accomplished.

Without the same pre-existing combined narrative background to reference it's just a recipe for failure, like Universal experienced first hand.