Remember guys, in the West Violence Good, Sex BAD

Remember guys, in the West Violence Good, Sex BAD.

And people have the nerve to criticize Japanese games. At least the people making them are mentally healthy, and not deranged psychos that love violence and crave death. Americans are literal fucking reptilians.

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Other urls found in this thread:

acquire intercourse

Violence is more valuable to gaming than sex.

Most games are about action and the sexual elements are purely superficial. Violence gives the player immediate feedback for their inputs.

that was the case for thousands of years though

In the old days IE people thought young soldiers would lose their masculinity and virility if they had sex.

>Most games are about action and the sexual elements are purely superficial. Violence gives the player immediate feedback for their inputs.

Yeah that's def what we want to do, get gamers to associate violence with a dopamine effect! Surely nothing could go wrong there!

Do you even know what you're advocating for you fucking retard?
Do you just love muh anime tiddies (in static images that you could just look up on the internet) that much that you want to ruin it for the rest of us?

What if I told you that I like both and that you're a pussy faggot

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Sex should only be used for making children. Violence is a tool that can solve many problems.

yeah Japanese don't crave violence and death right?
The reason they glory sex in their games is because they are incels while westerners aren't as much and we can't commit violence, they can't have sex, so we both glorify something we can't do, also project brutality is horse shit, post a proper wad next time thanks

Do YOU know what you are advocating for? I'd rather have sexy stuff in games than endless graphic violence, with gameplay systems set up to make us feel good the more violent we are. Look at Doom, the glory Kills are a perfect example, it just encourages you to be even MORE violent.

>weebs became the soccer moms of the 90s crying about violent video games like Mortal kombat

What happened?

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Gross HUD.

Project Brutality is fucking awesome you faggot

We did? Personally i like both quite a bit

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Agreed he should use HXRTC instead

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I fucking hate what Doom and Quake did to the gaming industry, it turn it into a place fill with stupid dudebro nerds that only care about stupid edgy shit.

Western games are shit BECAUSE they concentrate so much on a immature action. Zero creativity

>hurr durr brahhhh, that looks sick brahhhh hhuhu
Its fucking retarded. Doom is shit, fuck you.

Some retards are so spiteful and so tribalistic that they'd rather ruin everything for everyone else rather than have principles.

Those are some interesting "morals," user.

Violence creates vidya and gameplay, sex only creates porn. As long as the """"""censoring"""""" doesn't happen to violence nothing will be lost as far as vidya is concerned.

In the old days you die of an infection if you stub your toe. If like the "old days" so much then go to a forest and live like a retard. You are gonna end up with diarrhea and diseases.

This game was made by a neonazi and I think he watched gore to make the brutal kills

When did I say anything about morals? There are more efficient ways to get dopamine than sex and rape is just a subset of violence used for power. Tell me what other uses there are for sex that make it more useful than violence

Sex can create fun gameplay if you're creative and not deranged. Most game devs are fucked in the head so the only thing they can think of is having you kill shit while being showered in dopamine inducing rewards that make you associate violence and killing with pleasure.

absolutely based
reminder that the doom forums hate brutal doom not cuz its a bad mod, but because they're trying to peer pressure u into hating it cuz the creator is more based and more powerful than that group of troons

Project brutality was made by a nazi?

I want something other than stupid fucking violence. I dont like Yakuza but i appreciate it that you could interact with the world with not just fighting. We need games that explore more than retarded immature portrayals of violence like Doom. Its not about being an SJW, there wa s atime when the mainstream market had variety, we had adventure games and shit. Nowadays everything is LOOK AT MAH SICK K/D BRAHHHHHHH. Get fucked.

Fuck Doom
Fuck Quake
Fuck 90s fps
And fuck you

Are you one of those deeply autistic people who hate sex, or are you just making excuses for your lack of getting it?

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Its because of the success of 90s fps that we have this shit industry. The japs are different, look at Kojima, an action that constantly tries to avoid conflict.

>no expertly developed fighting game where fighting can lead to sex with specific "finish" animations depending on characters involved with a great deal of variation between them, straight, lesbian, gay, futa and anything in between
There's so much untapped potential for fun, but the prudes would rather kill people than let it happen.

Nigga you are sick in the head, get the fuck off your edgy high horse. You are a bitch.

I have three kids and don't hate sex but there's a time and a place for it. Over sexualizing society leads to degeneracy as you see with the rampant destruction of the family unit and increase in gays and trannies. Your weeb cartoons don't help either. Sex contributes nothing to society except for children it creates into loving homes.

I’d be able to take this more seriously if the people on here weren’t obsessed with drawing of small children having sex. What’s funnier is they are currently in this thread claiming it’s better than violence. Seek therapy. Beating up aliens and monsters is fun. Pretending to have sex is fucking sad

what the fuck is your problem retard, these games can co exist, ion Maiden for example and dusk/amid evil are releasing alongside shit like prey, you're a low IQ projector

>violence has shaped every aspect of humanity for tens of thousands of years
>sex has destroyed it all in the past 50
Sure, I'm on some edgy high horse. Do you wish a gay man in a dress had molested you as a child? That's what you're promoting with your pedophile cartoons

Agreed, Quake and Unreal perpetuated this violence culture in games. Just get a gun, blast people into gibs, and get that sweet dopamine release for your reptilian brain.

>I have three kids
I don't believe you. But if you do I worry for the safety of children of a man who touts the effectiveness of violence for getting what he wants. You sound like a fucking psychopath.

And like I already said, "interesting morals" because what you are describing is absolutely a moral standard. And a fucked up one to be sure.

>mfw people are ok with the sickening snuff film esque murders in MK 11
>but scorpion facially Kitana would cause a masive outrage

You do the same shit in Prey, you shoot shit. Its another fucking shooter you stupid stupid dumbass.

Dusk is a great example of what i mean. The best parts of that game where the quiet creepy ones, instead stupid 90s fps shit. I wish Dusk was exploration based and not action based.

Also I love both the Yakuza series and Doom/Quake/90s fps, doom is my fallback bevause it had endless content w all its wads, Yakuza is awesome for a playthrough, low IQ individuals are drawn to partisanship however and can't enjoy different genres usually

This is why fps games exist, don't like it don't play them, retard

>destruction of the family unit
Destruction of the family unit is the consequence of capitalism's endless need for expansion not being curtailed by strong government. All of these things are symptoms, not the cause. People are sexual beings. Sex and things pertaining to it is one of our key biological functions, denying it is the same as trying to deny that we need to eat and breathe. There is no such thing as "degeneracy" as long as mature and responsible people engage in whatever they want to do. The issues lie in ignorance and lack of knowledge due to society being obsessed with suppressing these things for so long, which only leads to further ignorance.
>one fictional deed is better than the other
They're all fictional you fucking idiot.

how did sex destroy humanity?

>retarded immature portrayals of violence like Doom
These kinds of games were never meant to be portrayals of elaborate thematics or anything, theyre just meant to be fun. As much as i love reading vns and deconstructing the complex themes or storytelling elements in them (or any other game of your choice for that matter), sometimes you just want to click mindlessly and circle strafe for an hour. The culture it spawned is unfortunate but thats the fault of the people who play it, not Doom or Quake or Blood or any game. You cant blame the games for faults within people.

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It's great, I'm glad that doom still has a lot of fucking awesome mods.

That's a sweet mod!

Also, I like sex AND violence.

What now, faggot?

>mah degeneracy
>mah war is everything
user you are an ignorant fuck if you actually believe this. You are a complete fucking brianlet, pick up a history book once in a while.

you never played prey, and with the 2nd statement you're just baiting, can you explain what's stopping you from enjoying ur gay journey games? why feel the need to rip on a beloved genre because you don't like it? absolutely Baffling, Dusk is just Quake and Blood's love child

>This is why fps games exist, don't like it don't play them, retard

My argument is they shouldn't exist because they're damaging to people's mental health.

Go fight in a war and claim how great it is that violence shapes humanity. You sound deluded as fuck. How does death shape humanity for the better? How does sex make it worse? I'd like to hear you explain this a bit.

You're a dark eldar then and likely what fucked up americans will turn into in the next century assuming drumpf doesn't start thermonuclear war and get everyone killed

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>drawing of small children having sex
Which games feature that?

Nigga fuck fun. 90s fps and the culture they have spawed are some of the most brainlet shit that western culture has created. Quake and Doom and like 90% of FPS are literary fucking empty, no soul, no passion, no wonder, no love, no life. Just stupid basic ass power fantasies. The consequences of this dumbass games are still felt today because instead of having interesting gameplay we still have stupid FPS games dominating the market.

user i been playing videogames for like 25 years of my life and i tell you it is a fucking shame that FPS games got as big as they did. A fucking shame, because they are for the most part an empty ass fucking genre.

do you have a single study to back that up? Most say the opposite, Google "violent video game violence study"
your retarded anecdotal observations don't beat actual studies sorry

The combat literary ruined Blood. Such great level design and all you do is just go around in boring FPS gameplay.

I can't believe Yea Forums turned into a bunch of pansies that hate violent video games

This. Cyberpunk 2077 is already ruined because the idiots at cdpr decided to make it a goddamn generic fps.

.b-b-but muh choices muh rpg

Watch the best choice end up being shoot shit to death to get what you want. gotta have that dopamine!

ITS NOT FOR YOU, I don't go around telling poketards that I like the aesthetic but the shitty boring gameplay and "plot" ruin it, blood level design was built around the shooty and dynamite gameplay


People who fantasize about violence are muscular alpha males. People who Jack it to games are autistic beta males.

>not wanting both in your vidya
you niggers have no taste.

Those studies are done by scientists and doctors compromised by the reptilian agenda, it's useless. You heard of pavlov's experiment with the dogs right? It's the same here, games condition you to see violence as the best way to get a reward, and makes violence feel good. Notice anytime people describe games like Doom it's how "it feels so good to kill" and "the combat feels so good/addictive"? Look at recently, rage 2 released and is unanimously seen as a shit awful game, but the one thing every single person agrees on is how the combat "feels so good" and the violence is "so much fun and the only good part of the game". Meanwhile watch videos, it's you smashing people's heads open and gunning them down as tons of prizes fly out of them. It's literal pinatas, the game is conditioning you people for fuck sakes.

It's alright to be a faggot, don't worry.

Fucking atrocious tastes, kys

Nah, see I don't reckon they will.
For some reason, one of the core tenets of yank culture is dichotomy.
EVERYTHING needs to be polarised.
Republican /democrat

I'm not some >basedcentrist faggot.
I believe not in finding a mid ground, but accepting and indulging in elements of ALL of it as per your whims.
But at the same time being honest about the nature of things is super important. trannies are men. Faggots, furfags, futafags, loli fags and weebs are all degenerate fetishists. They can keep doing that shit, but nobody should be forced to celebrate it as normal, or be persecuted for not liking it.
Be as degenerate as you want. Enjoy sex and violence both.
But don't pretend you are anything BUT a degenerate.

And keep that shit away from kids.

>except for children it creates into loving homes.
It is hilarious that you talk about the importance of loving homes after bragging about how useful violence is. Astounding hypocrisy.

When you get older, have a family, and become woke seeing the shit around you, you realize what you are dealing with.

Damn nigga that looks like shit. I prefer doomvisor but they still put a lot of dumb shit in it.

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lmao Alex Jones ass nigga, are you aware that western men are today more feminized and pussified than ever before? Nice argument from a conspiracy theory sprouter

Have you, in your 25 years of video game experience, considered that maybe people have different tastes than you?
You can claim that 90% FPS are "literary fucking empty, no soul, no passion, no wonder, no love, no life" but you can dumb down every genre to a boring fundamental.
Classic RPGs are walking from one random encounter to another and reading dialogue in between.
Platforms are just obstacle courses in literal run-and-jump simulators.
Rhythm games are just reflex measurement games.
Fighting games is just a little combinatorics on the fly and reading your opponent.

>west vs japan thread #12521512616
>now with crying about pixel blood
go fuck yourself, scum, you are the same as SJWs who can't stand the sight of fictional women being attractive

>using 2D DOOM as an example of excessive violence
>using a fan mod at that
Imagine actually being a weeb sõy

>When you get older, have a family, and become woke seeing the shit around you, you realize what you are dealing with.
I'll reiterate:
I can't believe Yea Forums went home and became a bunch of family men
But let's not delude ourselves, if you're a family man, you are not on Yea Forums

Imagine being such a pedantic cum gargling sóyboy that you don't like having fun shooting things in fast paced fps.

I bet pic related is you

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How can OP try this hard and still end up this way?

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>considered that maybe people have different tastes than you?
No user, I have BETTER than the people other than me. You know why? for the simple fact that i can see that FPS for what they are, a brainlet exercise machine.

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your reason for hating FPS games is quite literally just "red pixels hurt my feelings", you have no right to call anybody a brainlet

Yes, FPS are 3D walking puzzles with mouse alignment trainers, I told you that you can simplify a genre to its boring fundamentals. What of it?
Your "good taste" came at the expanse of some reading comprehension, huh?

I have never played Persona. You are fucking stupid brainlet, the birds chirping in the morning have more of an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics than you.

Back it up back it up, youre still stuck on the idea that video games are to fault for this and not people themselves.
People have been brainlets ever since one of them conceptualized logic and tried to explain it to the others, only to realize noone else understood it. You can think FPS games are empty or whatever, and to i degree i have to agree with you. However, it seems awfully contrarian to assume that FPS games are responsible for how recycled the video game industry has become. Its not the fault of FPS games but of the industry as a whole becoming mainstream. Video games are no longer the nerd's hobby, theyre accessible by all now. If you want to blame FPS games youll have to include all games ever suspect to the general public's attention, from frogger to pokemon to mario to halo to galaga.

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Have sex

>"rook, rook, vidya gaemz iz srs bisnesz!!"
>armchair psychiatry returns to the medium stronger than ever
>can't figure out if actually stupid or just pretending

Poe's Law intensifies.

They should both be allowed
pixels have no rights.

I do agree that breasts are probably more of a health obsession than violence, but first we have to have the discussion if Video Games make you violent. Of which there has been no research connecting the two definitively.
Much like how loving tits doesn't turn you into a misogynist.

So post tits. Make tits, not war.

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Sex is good, and violence in vidya can be used as a vent for stress, with Brutal Doom and the like being good examples of it. Can it affect your psyche, sure. But that's only if you have double digit IQ and don't recognize when it's time to take a break. This argument is retarded and everyone should just jack off to Koikatsu crap and go to bed.

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>get gamers to associate violence with a dopamine effect

You know there's a huge difference between real violence and vidya violence, right?

H-Doom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Doom and any Doom mod

>Violence is more valuable to gaming than sex.
That's where you're wrong.
Violence is only more 'valuable' if you look at it from pure gameplay mechanics, but sexual appeal is a healthy addition to a game, as well.
I'm not going to claim VNs or dating sims are less of a game than Doom is simply because you're not gunning down anyone. I think it would be hypocritical for anyone to do that simply on the basis that no one is dying.

For some people, VNs and virtual waifus are how they enjoy video games, and that's perfectly normal. Besides, if I don't defend them, I can't defend tipping hookers in Duke 3D so I can see their tits.

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>Just stupid basic ass power fantasies.
If you hate power fantasies in any form, you must have some seriously niche tastes. Name some genres you like. I'll tell you right now, you're going to reveal your utter hypocrisy, or have a startling realization about the games you like.

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A lot of video games now have realistic graphics and the violence is mere exaggerations of real violence. MK 11 is a good example of this. That shit looks like snuff now.

finally an actual logical person
lines of ink on paper and curvy pixel pngs dont need protection, real people do

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They have this misguided assumption that if they attack violence and use it as an example for why anime titties are healthy, then people will ease up on titties and clamp down on violence.
What they need to learn is that all of it is okay, and that trying to point this out will just make the problem worse for them because many, many more people like violence in their games than tits.

>I fucking hate what Doom and Quake did to the gaming industry, it turn it into a place fill with stupid dudebro nerds that only care about stupid edgy shit.
I can't tell if this is serious or not. Congrats.

user the brainlet culture around FPS games has been there since least from Quake's release. When videogames went mainstream that idiocy only grew, but it had been simmering there for years by that point. Nerds were not the gatekeepers of videogames, they only made an amazing medium worse. Mainstream didn't make FPS games the haven of idiocy, nerds did, every nerd that went "hehe wow fps bruhhhh". They help fester that stupidity and that same stupidity took over and expanded when games went mainstream.

Based OP calling out retarded mutts

They are basically the Urukhais of Isengard. Minions full of bloodlust fighting for the destruction of the world.

The issue is that violence has become almost an exclusive way of interactivity in mainstream western videogames. There was a time when the mainstream games were varied, now almost all mainstream games are purely about combat, we are seeing some movement away from this but nowhere near enough. Thankfully indies are filling in the gap with stuff like Obra Dinn, but again those are much smaller efforts.

>because many, many more people like violence in their games than tits.

yeah that's the problem. they're fucked up and dont even realize it. anime never hurt anyone, violence has.

Not him, but you think Quake is where that started?
Do you remember how mindless old hack and slashes used to be? Or dungeon crawlers? You could play those with a one-button joystick.

I think it's silly to conclude that Quake or Doom started this trend when you can go back to Wolfenstein or the dozens of sidescrollers where you just shot shit and watched it explode before that.

Mindless games have always existed and were always pretty dumb.

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I think that requires you equating video game violence to RL violence, and that's a pretty big leap to make.
I wouldn't equate video game tits to RL tits, even if they were scanned from a real actor. So why would I do the same for violence?

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okay so we're obviously not going to be able to convince you beyond your current preconceptions, so lets move on to something else. What do you want to happen, no more fps games? Another video game industry crash? A group to popularize pen and paper rpgs with normies?

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I love Ikaruga!

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Europe is built off bloodshed stupid soicuck
t. European

Americans are pretty tame compared to us

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Taking the redpill means realizing that this mindset is peddled to the masses to stem the global population boom.

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And that's true, the shooter genre has become more and more streamlined as the years go on. This is mostly a problem that can be blamed for the West's massive problem with parenting. Most kids play 18+ games at 12 or even younger because of this problem. If people actually paid attention for the little box on the corner of the box this wouldn't happen.

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what if I do both at the same time?

read a fucking history book

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>game clearly rated M
>comes with a fucking bazooka peripheral
Well golly, what can a simple parent do about this?

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Pen and paper isnt videogames. Anyway i dont think we need to do anything, with the growth of A and AA market and as tech advances we will have more variety. If i had any recommendations is that we need a new culture of elitism around games as medium like literature and film. Elitist that will appreciate videogames as an art form in its variety and history. In short we need less conversations about things like COD and e-sports and more conversations about things The Silver Case.

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Imagine if movie makers were demonized in this way for making R-rated movies clearly not targeted at children.

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Post the one where it shows how kids are terrible for playing videogames instead of enlisting in the army

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More like no one cares about an almost 30 year old game

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water edit when

>spreads the blame to movies, books and sports too
Well that's rare.

i literally prefer gore over nakid lolis

and japanese aren't better they are just the opposite

Don't lump me in with that faggot for liking SMT and Persona in addition to DOOM and Duke Nukem. I'm not a retard who can't see the appeal in fighting your way through a literal labyrinth of monstrosities trying to kill you by nothing but your split-second decisionmaking skills and reflexes.

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I wonder how much the NRA pays for this kind of misdirection.

When is that lazy nigger updating hdoom?

user, you know this one is parody, right?

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I actually like Cabela's games (when they're not glitchy and unplayable)

Decently challenging arcade shooters or even somewhat involved nonlinear hunting sims are fun.

>no crying statue of liberty
Kelly no

Well the mention of pen and paper was just an example of making something more popular than video games so that normies go to that instead, but i digress.
Moving on, lets start now then. What did you think about the silver case. I loved it, though the harpoon gun being a murder weapon was kinda dumb. But its a minor nitpick

I'm too busy shitposting to think

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Really? It's completely indistinguishable.

I don't have a problem with Nip games

Any form of censorship or suppression of freedom of artistic expression is bad and evil.
Both east and west are guilty of this, therefore they're both open to criticism.
Americans go to absurd lengths to cover up any semblance of "suggestive" (in their opinion) content, while in Japan for example Mortal Kombat is straight up banned.
And don't get me started on Germany and Australia.

It's from the Onion. And yeah, it's really on the nose this time.

being in the army is like playing hardcore vidya - no respawns.

>liking cinematic experiences
Okay mister fatlus, go away now back to where you came from

last one, can't find any more without wasting effort I'd rather use to murder like in my video games

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>Violence is only more 'valuable' if you look at it from pure gameplay mechanics,
Looking at it any other way makes you a s0i drinking tranny nu Male. Games are gameplay. Nothing else.

>Double jumping and ledge grabbing
Yea Forums told me this was better than Brutal Doom...

I imagine that these are pretty easy to turn off
That butchered HUD is the real crime if you ask me

Shit the fuck up Japan censors nipples you weeaboo cuckold

New Doom has double jumping and ledge grabbing. Yea Forums loved it. Now what?

>game has a gameplay mechanic
okay but is it fun?

Attached: ywn cum inside doom guy.png (540x718, 293K)

i cant even verify if jap dick is indeed smaller cause they censor dick

imagine S T I L L caring about western games

well they dont censor nipples but sure

It looks like you're way too overpowered. There is no fun in that. The weapon balance is piss poor.

Why is Brutal Doom popular again when its buggy as fuck and has lower production values when othet Doom mods?

This is Project Brutality, not Brutal Doom

Why do people still say this when Steam has literal western porn games in it, and the US is the #1 producer of pornography?