What does the X stand for?

What does the X stand for?

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Have sex

xbox 360

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X gonna give it to ya




"Mr. X" is just a nickname that caught on with the fans after popping up here and there.
It vaguely refers to his appareance resembling a "generic mysterious figure".

The correct model of this specific Tyrant is "T-103".
Multiple were deployed on Racoon City.
Out of all of them, the one you encounter in RE2, specifically, is numbered "T-00".

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Mr. No NXGGERS Allowed

It's pronounced "Key"

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I had this action figure as a kid that called him Mr X. Unfortunately my dog chewed it up, but I still have the G2 and Hunk figures intact

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for X chromosome
as in two

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it's short Xzibit

I didn't mean to say that the name was invented by fans, i meant that it's one from a long list of possible nicknames capcom provided, and out of all of them "Mr. X" was the most widely accepted and succesful, thus why fans call him that, plus why you find official merch naming him that way sometimes.

Came here to post this

Capcom also named him "Coated Bastard" or "Trenchy" in Darkside Chronicles, as possible nicknames.

He was the unintentional 4th powerpuff girl. He was made when the professor dumped 10 gallons of Chemical X accidentally into his project.

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is RE Degeneration's plot just a rip off of RE2? Because it sure looks like it from the blurb

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Probably couldn't put a toy with the word "bastard" on store shelves, though.

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Talk about some foreshadowing

>"Mr. X" is just a nickname that caught on with the fans after popping up here and there.
His literal model asset in the original RE2 is titled "Mrx". This has never been in dispute as his official name unless you count the disturbingly public creator dreamboarding Resident Evil has published on a consistent basis for some reason. But that even goes so far back it doesn't matter to the formation of the finished product.

A third of it is.



The number of times Chris wants leon to come in his sister

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