Welcome home Big Bro!

Welcome home Big Bro!

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Ugh, Japan is sick

Bye Nanako, I'm leaving again.

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I wanna put you in a trance

Time for your daily cummies, nanako!

daily reminder incest kids are not guaranteed to have deformities, it's just more likely
fuck your sister

You can get away with it for one generation but if it keeps happening over subsequent generations, it's pretty much guaranteed to be disastrous. And if you do it once you're establishing a precedent for it to happen again. And incest is wrong for more reasons than just genetic deformities.

outside of genetic deformities there is nothing wrong with incest unless you're desperately trying to keep wealth within your own family

>Cousin says hello
>EwWwW JaPaN Is DiSgUsTiNg
Please Go elsewhere

Move your loose cunt, worthless whore. My clients are here to fuck you roughly all night.

Incest is gross

I forget, how did this guy get inside the TV? Did Adachi throw him in?

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>incest is wrong for more reasons
Name them.

Why did he do that?

>much guaranteed to be disastrous
the first people on earth had to fuck their family members and look how that turned out.

i want to smell nanakos feet.

sup kid, did you do your homework yet.

They eventually realized it was better to fuck someone not related to you and banned incest.

I'm in love with my cousin bros

>great grandparents said to be related my entire life
>turns out one of them was adopted
I feel so lied to

>very hard is the same as hard but gimps you on exp and money
>people just grind it proper levels anyway

literally whats the point of this mode?

To not grind and finish it on lower levels. Everyone who grinds is doing it wrong.

who the fuck is the last guy, he sounds like a fucking riot

Looks like one of the Habsburgs.

The "first people on earth" were at least several hundred hominids that didn't went to their immediate family for a mating partner.

can I fuck her?

Cousins is not real incest, that’s just a forced meme, there’s enough gene diversity to make it a non issue. It’s actually pretty common to marry your cousin in Japan.
It’s only first when blood siblings or parent/child shit happens that horrible deformities start popping up, especially if it’s continued over multiple generations.

Because it was obvious Mitsuo wasnt the original killer/kidnapper so Adachi had to get rid of him, he brought him in for questioning and throwed him in the tv in the hopes that Namatame would continue doing his shit.

Hi, killer.

Humans have an instinct to avoid sex with family, shit like that happens for a reason

Charles II of Spain I think

Shits and giggles, like the other two.

you could just not grind. i don't see the need of the gimp exp/gold

No just no.

You don’t grow up with your cousins, at least enough to form the reaction you’re talking about. It’s actually more likely that you’ll be attracted to them because of that sparse contact.

>Because it was obvious Mitsuo wasnt the original killer/kidnapper so Adachi had to get rid of him
I don't follow this logic. So what if Mitsuo didn't kill the first two? The police could just say he was a copycat, which he was, and that the real killer was still out there.

The prime minister of Japan is married to his first cousin.

Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing in my house?

>literally every member of my immediate family is a colossal piece of shit probably me included
>end up gravitating to surrogate family characters like Nanako
>don't even want anything sexual, just want to pretend I had a normal childhood with a normal family that actually cared about each other

Just don't have kids or have kids and don't let them have more incest kids resulting in problems multiple generations later.
>incest is wrong
No it isn't. Go be a moralfag somewhere else.

Keeping it in the family to keep those high ranking genes pure. nice.

I think you’re reading an old article, that was the previous PM Koizumi. Abe isn’t married to his cousin.

Alright, seems I made a bunch of shit up. This is from the wikia, which is a better source than my ass:
When a student named Mitsuo Kubo came to the police station to confess to the murders of Mayumi and Saki, Adachi's superiors were less than amused, and pawned Adachi off with the student. Since allowing Mitsuo to confess to the murders would effectively stop Namatame from continuing to kidnap the people appearing on TV, and Adachi couldn't bear to let his "game" of cat-and-mouse end so quickly, he formulated a plan to throw Mitsuo into the Midnight Channel. His plans were foiled by the Investigation Team, but because Adachi turned off the lights in the interrogation room Mitsuo had no idea that Adachi was the one who pushed him in.

>Humans have an instinct to avoid sex with family
>source my ass
if you were separated from your family since birth you wouldn't know who you're banging. your instincts won't help you

>the wikia
>a better source than my ass
Not really


Yes really

>tfw you will never be a loli
>tfw you will never welcome your onii-chan home

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Ah okay, this is better. If Namatame saw on the news that the killer was caught, he'd stop throwing people in. Except the IT still caught Mitsuo later, but at least it explains Adachi's reasoning.

Thanks, let's play video games and eat fudgicles.

You trying to game it just means that you acknowledge it

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>Abe isn’t married to his cousin.

Hey Nanako, how was your day

So let me get this straight, you are telling me Namatame kidnapped 4 teenagers and a kid, one of them knew she was being targeted and the other one explicitedly used herself as bait to confront him, and still none of them remembered the incident or the face of the one who kidnapped them?

Namatame himself was new to town so they wouldn't know his face. Best they would've been able to tell is that he was a delivery driver but he took steps to prevent even that. As Naoto described, the only thing she remembered was being put into a bag and moved a very short distance before waking up in the TV World. Nanako might have realized he was the delivery man, but she was kind of in a coma at the time.

It's possible that either the shock of being trapped in the TV world for so long degraded their memories, or that whatever Namatame did to subdue his victims affected their short-term memory.

Nah it’s just bad writing.

mating press


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