What upcoming MMO do you want to be good, even if it might not be?

What upcoming MMO do you want to be good, even if it might not be?

Attached: Screenshot_190114_007.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

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FFXIV is all i need honestly, other than that, i hope Classic does well, i might play it
Korean mmos will never be good

*blocks your path*

Attached: BBQ.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

What is that from

looks like the project BBQ trailer, aka DFO2


blade and soul sucks fucking ass
look at those shit textures and pedobait outfits. digusting
The shading is trash and shades in layers? but you still see light peaking through the layers. Again, shit. Bad game, movement is bad, tank controls but they think letting you glide around at a pace slower than you run makes up for it. unforgivable weeb trash only played by retard weeb middle schoolers and highschoolers. People who play this wear my hero academia clothes unironically to school. if you play this game

kys faggot shitter

None anymore because I've finally recognized that I just cannot vibe with gamers at all. I've tried a lot of different games and anytime I try to join the social aspect eventually everyone just starts pissing me off. I'm not saying it's their fault, I just can't get along with them.

I also absolutely hate nerds in real life. They're just a bunch of pussy thirsty faggots. I still remember becoming disgusted with a couple people I know when I showed them a Boondocks clip and they were visibly uncomfortable until I had to explain the show was made by black people. A bunch of programmed faggots, every MTG fan every Smash fan all the same.

gamer's are generally insufferable jackoffs so dont feel too bad.
look at this cringe lord. Getting excited over a dancing game and just saying such nothing words. Nothing he says is useful.
>transition happens
>"wow look at the cool transition, whoa"
>character apears
>"whoa its [character]! bro cool, bro got swag! low key gay for him HOO HO WHOO!
Just fuck offfff, its so lame. who the FUCK cares. Why does anyone care about a dancing game this much? Its sooo lame.