>dude humans are just like robots
>free will is a lie lol
>life is meaningless
>religion is evil!!1!
Is this the most pretentious game ever made?
>dude humans are just like robots
>free will is a lie lol
>life is meaningless
>religion is evil!!1!
Is this the most pretentious game ever made?
It's just an excuse for robot butt
>he missed the point
nice job idiot
That was your takeaway? No wonder you retards don't like it
No, that's The Witness
Don't forget the shallow combat, revisiting the same locations over and over, and monotonous fetch quests for side quests
Most overrated game of the generation for sure. If 2B wore pants nobody would care about it.
What was the point of this game?
What did I miss?
The music was at least nice to listen to
Nothing, that user is brainlet who is impressed too easily. Talos Principle had the same concept but done it properly with much better gameplay and visual direction.
>pseudo-intellectual philosophy
>half naked girls for no reason
>giant robots and mechs everywhere
This game is generic weeb garbage. I'm angry that I felt for this shit
>>free will is a lie lol
Not even a controversial opinion by anyone who is educated.
The original Nier is one of the greatest story-based games to ever grace the Earth
I hate the direction Auto Tomato took and especially the mainstream success causing the mass influx of "MUH WAIFUS" normalfags.
It was kinda meh, but I'm looking forward to the FFXIV raid.
Nice bait thread
Jesus Christ that's some nostalgia goggles.
Why the fuck is the cover art a direct spoiler for what happens in the game?
Is it still worth it to post Automata bait? Pretty sure everyone's tired of having the same arguments over and over and over again.
What are some good philosophical games
How is it bait?
It's a bunch of vague hyperbolic one-line statements with no examples or evidence behind them, made in order to illicit an emotional response from people who like the game. How is it not bait?
I'm currently playing it for the first time. The presentation is neat but the gameplay is surprisingly simplistic and janky for PlatinumGames. The open world structure is incredibly derivative and uninspired. It doesn't help that I hated the first Nier either.
I feel like I'm putting in more effort trying to enjoy it that the game is putting in trying to entertain me.
you must not have not heard about David Cage
Good yah but too depressing
>4M sales now
Neat. It must be pretty rare for games to have their sales spread out over such a long period like this right?
OMG is that Shinuki? You MUST stop posting Shinuki right now.
Did you even play automata?
It constantly throws themes at you all the time, things like what it means to be human and how people don't need a god to have meaning in the world.
Did you miss any of that in the game? You think I'm baiting and just making all that up?
This game is pretentious garbage designed to impress retards like you
It's pretty "pro religion" if anything.
Also aliens made robots, then Androids are made from dead robots.
This is the truth, you will play something unexpected for a platinum game, the combat is shallow because 90% of the time you're fighting the same robots models only with different t level, combat skill become pointless because of the rpg elements in it. However it's a damn good story, I was expecting weaboo garbage but it explore human legacy as a whole, religion, sex, curiosity, hope etc. That is the point of the game, what humans left behind them whether is good or bad it's their identity, something that artificial beings lack.
I think you're baiting because you made a shitty bait post. Unless you've been on Yea Forums for so long that you think that a format like
>this is bad
>i don't like this
was meant to do anything other than bait out people to defend the game so you could epicly own them with your FACTS and LOGIC
>robots and Androids are used as an analogy for humans, but they aren't being compared to each other, you fucking idiot
>the game literally never says this once
>nihilism is just one of the many philosophies it explores, but the true ending is explicitly against nihilism
>the game literally never says this once, and if you didn't realize the religious cult was just a tongue in cheek parody of Kierkegaard you're a brainlet
It touches on "life" within inanimated objects. And how the thought surrounding said "projection" could as well hold as much value as one's own legacy.
Do you think it stings Taro a bit that "his" most successful game ever relied on the help of a third party dev and the fact that the living god Yoshida graced his team with a character design that sold the game for him.
>religion is evil!!1!
And the butthurt Christcuck outs himself, once again. Also you're a retard.
Since he was pretty much remaking Nier he's probably just happy that it caught on this time.
It's not like Taro was making whole games by himself before, and also talked about how working with Platinum was better than Cavia because Platinum can actually make games competently.
what's being retarded like?
there's an end in Automata that is exactly like Soma though
Ah, now I see why it's made you so upset. Back to your designated LARP board.
>the game literally never says this once
But It constantly talked about how the robots were a product of their environment, how they would repeat the same mistakes over again,unable to make decisions free of their past
>nihilism is just one of the many philosophies it explores, but the true ending is explicitly against nihilism
The ending was nihilistic. The pods basically said that life has no objective meaning, it's something that you must make for yourself
>the game literally never says this once
Not explicitly, but the undertone was there
>>Free Will is a lie lol
The fuck do you think it is? Magic? Of course its nonsense.
Free will is 100% a lie. I'm not some robot that's just reacting to his surrounding's.
I'm a human, I have a conscious that I can make decisions and actually think
It's up there with Bioshock and those fuckwit "artistic" indie games
Even though there are several studies that show that your brain takes a decision seconds before you become aware of the choice taken.
>I'm not some robot that's just reacting to his surrounding's.
You really are. People are biological robots. Free Will exists as a concept because this is the blackest pill to swallow, and because religious sophistry is built on it.
I hate this shit
>I can make decisions and actually think
You make "decisions" that are informed by your environment and experiences and your mind if a part of the physical world and is subject to the same rules any other animal brain is.
Any news of her in the late years ?
This or any David Cage "game"
>secondary nigger missed the point
>secondary nigger plays Taro games for gameplay
>secondary nigger plays because he's horny