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LEGO games


ya mum

all of them

Civilization, awful telegraphed gameplay.

Quest 64

Shit OP, I can think of a bunch that I didn't like as a kid and now do but can't think of any in the reverse situation.

Maybe Aladdin on Genesis but that's more realising it was style over substance and the gameplay was actually a bit mediocre rather than outright hating it now.

Need for Speed

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drugs are bad.

I wouldn't say that I can't stand nfs carbon. It's definitely a down-grade from most wanted but I'd say it still holds up.

Any jump and run game I guess

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Modern warfare comes close to "now it's boring" but I still enjoy it with friends from time to time

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All of them

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Earthworm Jim

Hardest redpill to swallow

Posting MW2 as a childhood game used to be a danke maymay, now it's the reality we live in.

there it is


I played a lot of Rayman Rush on PS1 as a kid but I probably wouldn't like it at all if I played it now. The soundtrack has some bangers though.


It's been 10 years user...

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Jaws Unleashed for the Playstation 2

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Too old and slow for bullet hell games these days.

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Tony Hawk

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Minecraft and all kinds of crafting-survival shit.

i used to walk on 4 legs and pretend I was Domino

nowadays I think that's where my autism peaked

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Red Dead Revolver
Its not terrible but it has tons of really frustrating parts that make me wonder how I beat this game multiple times as a child

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>It's been 10 years
What the fuck

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NBA games

>10 years since MW2
Where the fuck did it all go?

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>demons souls will be 10 years old this year
>red dead redemption will be 10 years next year
>even skyrim is about to hit it's 10th anniversary
why don't time stop already

>It's been 9 years since the Halo 2 servers shut down.
>It's been 6 years since the current gen of consoles began.
>People born after 9/11 are now adults and going to college.
>Time keeps going by faster and you can't do anything to stop it

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super mario 64

Fun game, controls have been eviscerated by the passage of time.

Super godzilla on the snes

it was fun, not anymore

sonic 1 through 3 and knuckles

Breath of Fire 3.

Ocarina of Time.

So fucking grindy and clunky.
MMORPGs in general are a complete waste of time, even by video game standards.


Crash Bandicoot

Shitty cash grab movie games, especially for the Gameboy systems.


Devil May Cry 1
Played it through multiple times as a kid but now I can't really enjoy it.


>weapons feel like flat shit
>sound is fucking garbage
>you hear the sound right before you get damaged with no chance to react
>might as well glue a fucking S button
>Sam's VL are as fucking outdated as you get
>everyone is a bulletsponge
>trying the hardest difficulty? better bind quick save quick load on your mouse buttons
>gotta hit them high score numbers
>getting every secret is as boring as it fucking gets
Fuck this clunky boring mess, Painkiller is miles better

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RTS games.

Holy shit, I just fucking can't anymore. It was cool back when no other genre could render giant ass battles but now it feels like fucking everything is getting a musou, and action games are often full of such indulgence.

Soul Calibur II

>those annoying voices and music
>the lack of blood in a fighting game with weapons

Sonic the Hedgehog (classic but the new ones are shit so so cares)
Megaman (classic)
Castlevania (classic)
I don't have the reflexes. I don't hate these games at all, I just can't enjoy them like I used to.

Sonic in general

Zaxxon I guess.

Smash. I don’t know how grown men spend this much time on games. It’s nuts. It’s ok but really not as fun as it was when I was a kid

Lego movie franchise games. Completely brainless in a bad way.

wow and halo


Wanderers from Ys.

Devil may cry. It was fun and interesting as a tween edgelord but it aged awfully imo. Not only that most of the time I’m running around in circles pressing A on random shit hoping to advance but end up going online to find out how to beat the level. Not just this one but others like kingdom hearts made me wonder how the hell I beat games without the internet.

Quest 64
Duck Dodgers
Earthworm Jim 3D

All rentals, but I thought they were OK then.Not so much now.

Everquest. I think any mmo is a great answer to that question. Data mining, min-maxing your character and your activities, and lack of community killed mmos permanently.


And I remember making fun of MW2 12 year olds like it was yesterday.

I can't

I was really lucky

I bought some of my childhood games in GoG and damn I wonder why I played Caesar 3 so much. What a chore of a game. I hate it now.

4X strategy games.

I am convinced that all of them have broken AI.

>red dead redemption will be 10 years next year
That one hurts. In my memory that game's release is part of nu-Yea Forums. It's not so nu anymore.

there is one way to stop it

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Anything from Tim Schafer

Thomas the Tank Engine on SNES

Are we depressed?

Civ 4 with ai mods is the best by a mile, but yeah it's all checkers against a down syndrome who starts with twice the number of pieces. People who can write an ai good enough for 4x don't stay in the games industry for long.

The game itself gets worse and worse the longer you play. The vehicle sections are great though.

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Pokemon Red/Blue

Pit Fighter

This shit right here. I loved it so much as a kid, but when I tried playing it with some friends 2 years ago for nostalgia, I realized it only had a single stick for moving/aiming, which was a damned nightmare with all the ramps and levels.

N64 shooters are all abysmal. I don't understand how I loved them so much when I was younger.

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