Yea Forums plays P4AU2

Hey Yea Forums, let's play a little fighting game called persona 4 arena ultimax. It's Free! For you guys, anyway. All you need to play is a program called parsec and to make a parsec account. After you've downloaded Parsec and have made an account, click this link to join:

>How does this work?
Parsec is a low latency streaming application, I am using it to stream my desktop running P4AU to you guys. Once you are in the group, you can ask to connect to my desktop.
>How many people can play at once?
P4AU is a 1v1 fighter. But I can fit 4 people in the room because it reads 4 controller slots. So the rules for this will be:

>First player to two match wins, winner stays
>After 2-3 games have been played, I will kick the loser from the room so another user can join. If no one else is joining feel free to reconnect.
That's it for the rules. You can use a controller or a keyboard. This will be played from RPCS3.

I'll also stream this on twitch but I will not plug a link if you want to watch the matches. I'll make it obvious.

Attached: p4u2.png (220x254, 156K)

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I feel like there would be terrible lag using this.

Why not just use netplay? I wouldn't mind joining in if we do this tomorrow.

I'll be around for awhile user, I'll try this a few times
It is P2P. So I'll give you that, it's not 100% but i'm running this off of a wire with around 70 upload and 40 download, so I'm ready to host shit.
RPCS3 doesn't have a dedicated netplay function? Pic related. And even if it did not everyone has a strong enough computer for RPCS3, even P4AU takes a bit more than what I assume most anons are using on this board. Parsec just makes life easier because it doesn't actually require everyone to be running the game locally.

Attached: Untitled.png (760x592, 9K)

I've seen some people do it and I'd rather prefer 1v1ing you through that than parsec. What's your discord?

Huh ok, it does have netplay. Sorry user, I don't have a discord.

p4au? you mean the turd that was worse than p4a which was already retarded? and on parsec? yikes

im in how do i play

Are you moose? If so, tell me if you have a controller or keyboard. It would of read it as a controller already if you have one.

If you're the other guy there should be an option to connect to my desktop because you joined the group


ok a keyboard is the most autistic shit ive ever played how do i set up a ps3 controller

just use whatever gamepad you have, if it works on your machine it'll work on mine. Parsec will read it as a 360 and it'll work in RPCS3 as an Xinput pad.

F33Kin do you need help connecting to my desktop? Do you not see the option to connect?

i got a game-cube controller lets try that

My internet's being retarded, I'll reconnect when I can

You'll need a program for a GC controller to work, forgot what it was called. I'll try finding it

Here it is:
Sorry for the tedium but you'll have to follow the website instructions to get the GC controller working.

How was it worse? The story mode was a clusterfuck but the additions to the core game seem fine

ok ill be on in a bit i think i got it

i got it installed but its not reading inputs how do i config it in parsec

Well shit.
Sorry user, the thing I gave you just let the GC controller be read. I'd say use x360ce but that won't go over parsec. I don't think I can get your controller to work, sorry.

I'm going to wrap this up for the night. Sorry for wasting people's time It'll work next time I swear

Attached: 1554131673298.png (513x468, 237K)

Yo what's going on. This sounds like a wack setup but P4UA2 in 2019 is hype as fuck.

Attached: tumblr_inline_nc8y5zXJm91s9vw2r.png (500x213, 72K)

why the fuck weren't these ported to the vita?

the dpad was made for fighters

Should I try if I've never played it before?

played before? user x360ce is just a way to make your controller emulatet xinput. It'll work on your pc but It won't work over parsec because it uses virtual drivers.

Also i'm saging this post, you guys might as well because there's no reason to keep this thread alive. I will try this again at another point. Once again, my apologies for the waste of time.

I'm a different user and I'm not sure whether I should try out this game and setup at all, my mistake for quoting the OP.

Oh alright, it's an arcsys 1v1 fighter and a pretty easy one at that, not hard to get into. Four buttons and autocombos that aren't amazing but are there for new players. When I run this tomorrow all you'll need to have is a parsec account and a working controller (or keyboard if you want/need to use that)