They say the bloody tears of a broken kindred are the most delicious.
Other urls found in this thread:
Malkavians suck anyways.
Best clan
Nossies and Lasombraps are equally retarded.
You know...we've been having VTMB threads for a while now, and the game has been popular on Yea Forums for years.
So how come none of you have ever recorded dialogue from the game on an acceptable quality?
Like seriously, if i look around for it the best i can find is something like
Anything else is terrible footage that looks like it was recorded on a semi functioning commondore 64, some obscure LP by some nerds 50 years ago with a terrible mic white noising into your ears until they bleed, or some annoying as fuck zoomer screaming "HEY THERE GUYS WELCOME TO EP 43 OF MY VTMB LP TIME TO HEAR ME COMMENT OVER ANYTHING WITH WHACKY SHITTY HUMOR".
Why the fuck did none of you just record interesting/memorable parts of the game for a quick, clean visual reference that can be linked around?
It's been years, stop being such lazy fucks, holy shit.
why would i record stuff when I remember it just fine
What happened? Last time I was here Yea Forums was sure that malks were in? What did I miss?
Vampires suck
david bowie
People grasping at straws and making fools of themselves for (you)s
We actually play the game regularly so there's no point in watching clips of it. I play it at least 3 times a year.
What do you want me to record?
So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?
Malkavian fags got anally raped by Toreador fags yesterday regarding poster boy, so their over-confidence kinda shattered after that.
Now you either have Malkfags who gave up and think they might not get in, or Malkfags that have damange control over mere suggestion that Nosferatu might get in instead.
Toreador fags gave them PTSD in short.
This is why you should be Ventreu fag, kids.
All the playable clans from the first game are obviously getting in.
Yea Forums is acting stupid and fabricating meaningless drama just to keep the threads going.
your moans
I hope both Nos and Malk are in
Nah, it's still the most sure bet. Anons are just really hoping their favorite clans to be in, that's it.
I'm a Nosfag by the way, don't know what this is all about, there are more cool clans and they lready said there agoing to be more than one dlc clan.
You keep saying this but the best is clearly Gangrel.
The denial is absolutely delicious
Yes, the debate is who is in at launch
Do the math
>All the playable clans from the first game are obviously getting in.
Why would they hide the others placeholders, brainlet-kun?
Basically any interesting dialogue, but the worst offender by far is dialogue with LaCroix.
For some reason 99% of the footage involving talking to LaCroix has been hit the hardest, with terrible quality for most videos involving interacting with him.
Uggos vs LOL so random. Who will win
Hello Yea Forums, whats keeping you up tonight?
I'm aware it's impossible at launch but maybe with DLC
Nossies can be innocent, I hate Trannymeres and maybe Malks more
Seconding LaCroix
I think user means the clan DLCs
Don't bully.
>"old" clan tzimisce think that not using vicissitude will save them from being controlled
>when koldun utilizes energy from a literal demon
I fucking can't stand the cringe of that radio broadcast and turn it off every time I hear it.
Playing as a dork, a sarcastic cunt, or an unironic sneering elitist are the only ways to play Bloodlines because most of the other options are pathetic late 90s-early 2000s edgelord ideas of cool.
Torries and Malks should unite with the Nossies to overthrow the Vent-dorks!
Then he's retarded since no one is arguing against that.
Can't wait for all the seething they'll do when they ultimately got BTFO in less than two weeks.
>Torries should unite with Nossies
Trip is nice he compliments you if you're a nossie
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
Need guns to prepare for that nasty upcoming sect war? We can smuggle them all! How about some spirits to spy on your enemies? It's better then Obfuscate!
Call us!
I'm still cheering for Tzimisce to get in.
>Torries and Malks should unite
Just get the fuck out
He must be into horror movies or monstergirls.
So does Andrei.
>I hate Trannymeres
Success begets jealousy.
Only Garry would be allowed. A man so handsome the curse of God couldn't curb his face.
They shame the same father after all :^)
Never ever
Though honestly, fleshcrafting would not work in vidya.
Tzimisce is best clan, but the Sabbat was a mistake.
Control your powergamers before I compare you to d&d m*ges
Doesn't count as much if he's also ugly
Eh a toned down light version of people erupting into flesh bombs in combat or give yourself hard skin and claws for defence and melee. Or people explode into geodudes to attack other enemies. Not too hard to implement.
The only cool parts about them are their discipline and edgelord who forced himself into the clan.
Night eating you?
Isn't fleshcraft just baleful polymorph? Cause N64 games had that.
He chooses to look like that.
He could Vicissitude himself into anything, and he chooses the reptile man aesthetic.
The opposite, actually
Poster guy is apparently crazy toreador prince and faggots now think that malks are forever screwed from being in at launch just because they got BTFO by toreadors regarding this case.
That's boring, just meat-themed mix of other disciplines.
Fleshcrafting is cool because it lets you permanently enhance stuff in creative ways, not because it lets you LARP The Thing.
i love you guys who post music, never stop.
>I fucking can't stand the cringe of that radio broadcast and turn it off every time I hear it.
tone it down kindred, you're gonna give us away
>when you get so bored with the human condition that you fleshcraft yourself three extra horse cocks, a cloaca and spines all over your body
the path of metamorphosis is based
Tzimisce find beauty in what is inherently terrifying to their ememies
>and faggots now think that malks are forever screwed from being in at launch just because they got BTFO by toreadors regarding this case.
No. It's Malkfags who were BTFO that think that. So-called "faggots" just find that hilarious because Malkfags were obnoxious regarding poster guy being a Malkavian.
Well yeah. Point was it could easily be done in a video game. Permenant enhancement would be even easier since it boils down to stat buffs.
It lets you:
>change cosmetic shit: face, skin, height etc.
>mold flesh to buff some stats
>make people look like other people
>give minions and self bone weapons and armor out of their own bones
>mold multiple creatures into one
>build stuff from living creatures
I just hope we get at least a questline where I can hang out with the shit eating grin kindred playing the piano in Mommy's shot of the trailer
Easily done in a way that doesn't work.
Does ghouling someone/getting your blood sucked feel good for vampires?
All but the last two would be easy to do in a video game. Especially if it has a character creator.
Let see what ToreChads did
>Arikel is the favorite and one of the oldest of Caine
>Her brother and sister Antediluvians SEETHE with jealousy because of her beauty and power
>Clan "curse" is boon to make her Kindred feel alive
>inspiration for the Path of Humanity
>still up and running without causing too much havoc; might be in Greece
>Toreadors are the leaders of culture
>so hedonistic, they can topple empires like Rome and Carthage
>Ventures and Brujah still SEETHE at Toreadors because they believe Toreadors caused their pet empires to fall which they did lol
>founded the Camarilla
>Started the Renaissance
>started many trends really
>can manipulate kine with just words or just a bit of Prencense
>guardians of Elysiums
>throw the grandest parties where if you're not invited, you're basically a nobody
>hide behind the facade of being airheads while manipulating you and others
When did you noticed Toreadors are the most powerful Clan, Yea Forums?
Also, they might have caused the Holocaust to get inspiration from the suffering of Jews.
I wish I could hope that ghouls will be useful and meaningful, but they'll probably be just as meaningless as in first Bloodlines.
He got dethroned by vampire Voldemort most likely.
I think the Antitribu mod balanced it by making the fleshcrafted enhancements removable and by forcing the PC to fight with bare hands while powered up
>mold multiple creatures into one
>mfw a bunch of Tzimisce fleshcraft a shit ton of ghouls into some kind of walking hulk flesh abomination
What wouldn't work?
Yes. Feeding is inherently pleasurable for both parties.
Any type of feeding is pleasurable except if you're a Giovanni. That shit hurts.
It's the lighting but his eyes looks fucked
I want a Fae encounter tbhqwty. I know they avoid Vampires, but I think a quest where you help one would be nice.
But of course.
>blocks your path
*activates Celerity and runs past you*
*fear boner*
LaCroix is
Ventrue dude from the trailer could also be the new prince that\s called Cross desu.
if this thing isn't the ultimate shit your pants monster and we're so fucked I don't know what is
a quest with the objective: survive against a HITmark would be neat
he has cocksucking lips
Not really, not without dropping the "crafting" part.
>cosmetic changes wouldn't have the effect they have in P&P because in vidya nobody cares about your character becoming a nigger
>imitating people would be at most a very specific use in a mission where you pretend to be someone, alternatively just Prototype disguise knockoff
>bone equipment would most likely just boil down to ghetto protean+fortitude rather than being a walking masquerade rape, because planning a masquerade-friendly route would be too much work
>tfw Toreador with Malk gf
If you get God and Dog to reconcile in Santa Monica, does it count as a threesome?
>times a punch as they're leaping at me, knocking them back and remaining unharmed
Do you think him and sheriff ever fuck?
What the fuck are these things even called
Doubt it, considering that his office is haven for Ventrue clan. Doubt that we're going to have some low gen mentor.
>got yappity ghoul mad at me and he wont give me his quest
whats the console command to make him my bitch
Well, with Malkavian lunacy and magic, Jeanette and Therese are effectively two people in one body.
I always called him "Randy"
Knox? Just suck up to him, say you're sorry and he'll give you a quest... if you want ti that badly.
man, Randy must have been kind of a dick in high school huh
>blocks the line at McDonald's
No, his eyes are probably actually fucked. There's no way that's just the lighting.
His pupils are white
Fuck WW and Fuck Swedcucks. The taxi driver was Caine.
Nah, Randy is the nice guy name I gave him to help me get through King's Way without dumping ass in my vampire bat underoos
It's just a vampiric ultralisk, shoot at it until it dies.
Maybe if it could learn celerity and dodge bullets while zipping around like a murderous Nigerian on meth and PCP
Yes, I'll have an uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
im pretty sure every time i see him know he gives me no prompts just tells me to fuck off lol
first playthrough i felt like telling him to fuck off and was pleasantly surprised he wont give me a quest because of it
but i want my points
this is
Everyone calls them geodudes
i always liked how its tits are its eyes
Nope. His pupils are truly fucked. Perhaps he's Tremere, or Lasombra.
>While they are self-aware, their thought processes are alien — even for one of the Wyrm's servants. Other minions are ill at ease around Nexus Crawlers, and they tend to avoid them under normal circumstances. When in combat, Nexus Crawlers rarely use tactics that make any kind of rational sense, and they do not often employ "logical" tactics.
How to not write cosmic horror:
Do exactly what was done here
Imagine being the user that posted that on May 30th. He's going to have dozens, DOZENS of screenshots to delete!
I see you're another smol brain who doesn't understand the Path of Metamorphosis
user, you were just assigned as the head developer for the VTMB remaster! You have a 10 million budget and not a penny more for it. What do you do?
Plot twist, he's a werewolf and those are his dog eyes
basically it's a coin flip to determine whether it's gonna fist you in the ass or stare at a wall for a minute
VV bb
Flesh golems are honestly not that scary from a combat perspective.
>10 million
>what do you do
not much
dump all the money into chainlink
this happens in like 2017 btw
Only if Theresea's personality comes forward in the middle of the act. And if Jeanette is capable of swapping at will, I bet she would just for the fun of it.
Not really possible. Wolfies naturally want to rip and tear Vamps.
but they're trapped in a different SM dude
>playing plus patch
>already have PTSD from being a a dumbass and legit gunning my way through the sewers
>do the museum mission that's been patched back in
>this fucker is waiting in the elevator for no goddamn reason when I open it to leave
Gave me a fucking heart attack
Nope. He's confirmed as the guy that's gonna grills us in the court at the start.
Are bruhjah and gangrel essentially the same fucking thing mechanically? I am not familiar with the setting. I don't think I would enjoy being any of the more social or "Frail" vampire clans in game.
in awe at the size of this lad
Nah, my sister would never fuck someone so bald, not even for all the drugs in the world.
remember project vaulderie
You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass (and deals aggravated damage) and says "Why haven't you met the sun yet?"
What do?
Both are fisty fighters
Brujahs are more politically motivated while the Gangrel are more animalistic oriented. Brujah have super fish while Grangel can transform into beasts.
Nah, Gangrel are the undisputed warrior clan for Kindred. Brujah are more faux-warrior poet shits.
rest in piss my girlfriend's ass
run like a mother fucker while urinating blood
probably drop to the floor shaking while foam comes out of my mouth
Excuse me, sir, but my charity work is decreasing poverty, fending off more evil monsters from preying on the people, and frankly, you will be damning them if you kill me.
Scratch that, barbarian would be better since Assamites do more of the pure warrior shtick.
When are we gonna get to have a real fight with a werewolf? I felt 200 IQ as fuck squishing him in the observatory but I wanted to have a real cross-species throwdown
>Brujah have super fish
u wot m8
He's your Sebastian at start of the game aka guy in the court that will try to have your head before fire starts, which will allow you escape.
It's quite possible that he's so-called Prince Cross as such. (Which is funny considering that Seattle's Prince was meant to be pic-related and devs are secretive about said original Prince. They did comment on question regarding poster guy being Anson in which they didn't even try to debunk it. They just said to wait and see.)
Meant to type fist.
Gangrel can be merpeople
you don't, especially not as a thinblood/gen 15 vamp lmao
Bald guy probably dethroned because he was envious of his hair. kek
>when you frenzy and your bottom half becomes a fish
never ever nigger, even elders struggle against these things
are there any clans that actually hate each other? Like if someone in the ventrue clan saw someone in the gangrel clan or brujah or whatever. What happens? I assume no clans really fight on sight but is the animosity there?
Are werewolves incredibly strong in this setting? If so, why?
Most of the animosity is on the down low. You don't want to publicly air your dirty laundry. Your other enemies might use it against you.
Everyone hates Tremere.
i know theyre coming and i still jump. little shits
>True Faith 5
Step aside, neonate.
for an ass slap to deal aggravated damage would mean it literally exploded her ass
i run
Is there a word for when you're angry and disgusted at something, but you laugh at it anyway because it's so goddamn typical and inevitable that the irony overrides your disgust?
Poster guy is their favorite character for some reason, that's for sure.
They also are using his image on official Discord while calling themselves "Prince of Discord"
they just have retarded physical stats and rip through vamps with ease. They can do bullshit like teleport and create weapons or wahtever other stupid shit. low tier vamps get pooped on by them
WW sucks them off and they're blessed by Gaia an Angel.
garou are built to facefuck kindred, youre gonna have a bad time
Werewolves heal every turn.
Werewolves don't feel pain.
Werewolves are in groups.
Werewolves have in-built Celerity like effect.
Werewolves can travel through some bullshit werewolf dimension, teleporting shit.
Hey lorefags, what does Computer 1 entails?
i always thought 1 is your avarage user. at which level do you start hacking stuff?
I feel that if 1 is your average user than most of Yea Forums is 2 and a small portion of /g/ would be 3 and all that is still very low.
Nuwolfs aren't the ass-destroying dominant tops they were in oWoD.
They're still somewhat strong, but not
>OwO my buldge deals aggravated damage ;3
I miss old 90's aesthetics.
They commune with spirits and can go to the spirit realm (Penumbra, a copy of our world where spirits chill and can delve "deeper" into weirder realms). In the Werewolf game you're a weird thing of "dying out and trying to keep traditions" mixed with Spirit Cops. For a Vampire game, what all that seems like is this giant ass regenerating Hulks who can appear out of nowhere and have weird ass powers (spirits helping them). They also deal Aggravated Damage, like the sun. Their claws hurt you as much or more than the sun.
>blocks your path
Let's fap to outstar together user
I think 1 is basic understanding like you know how to surf the internet, check emails, and maybe hack easy things.
and they're also total fucking retards
zero dots is grandma calling IT support tier
one dot is actually able to use a computer.
Like, zero means you can't even figure computers out and look for the any key.
You need three dots to use a command prompt.
>OwO my buldge deals aggravated damage ;3
why did I laugh
werewolves were literally designed to kill evil supernaturals and vampires are amongst weakest of them desu
Even Tremere hate Tremere ever since they lost the ability to blood bond each other.
They only ally with each other because they hate everyone else more than each other. Kinda like russians.
No way, jose. You get the "computers for grandma" book in the hospital and that insinuates that at levels 1-2 you'd have little to no computer knowledge at all
That's some funny shit. Literally, their worst enemy is themselves.
>mixed with Spirit Cops.
thats forsaken
apocalypse is the eco terrorist angle
>OwO my buldge deals aggravated damage ;3
I often miss this place. I shouldn't, but I do.
This guy got embraced into a wrong clan. Malkavians and Tzimisce would like to have a word with his Sire.
If you're fighting Pentex sure, but most of the games I played were about fighting the Wyrm's more direct minions rather than a Furry's First Captain Planet.
Toreadors tend to be naturally as deranged as Tzimisce and insane like Malkavians. Main differences are that they're more pleasing to look at and have working dicks.
this guy have a video or only screenshots?
What about a quest where we fight a Mummy or at get a team of kindred to flush a werewolf out of like a sewage treatment plant or something
Only two screenshots.
(by devs themselves)
Only screens. We know from the pcgamer article that he is the guy grilling you just after you wake up in the courtroom after being mass embraced.
could an owod wolf actually rape a vampire to death with his bulge of aggravated damage?
>Implying your average Tzimisce doesn't have a three foot multi headed hydra trouser python with fangs
>have working dicks.
a...all of them?
probably but why would he
>narration for the Toreador trailer
Serving this guy must've been fun. Something tells me that everybody had to give him literal blowjobs if they wished to live.
not sure about mummies, but from what ive read they can get pretty pants on retarded combat wise
In Crinos or Hispo form, probably
Not really
When they go SSJ4, they can only attack stuff in sperg rage.
Other forms aren't OwO enough.
If the game is meant to be in Seattle this time does that mean theres gonna be a shit Nirvana easter egg circulating my YouTube Reccomended for like 6 months after launch?
Reminder High Humanity also means you're in tune more with the evil only a human would do.
Such as?
>degenerate Toreador
>likes absuing his power
>have I mentioned degenerate Toreador part?
Every vampire in Seattle must've had ripped anus while he was in charge, and not just his blood-cum in their mouth.
>the evil only a human would do.
Like eating the last cookie but putting the box back in the pantry
Hell yeah bro. Pregnancy titties.
>only a human would do
I literally can't think of one crime only humans would commit fag. You have to be 18+ to post here.
>tfw Dracula tortured a vampire to Embrace him
>tfw Dracula blood-bonded or ghouled Bram Stoker and made him write the novel
Sounds like my kind of prince then.
>blocks your path
nice long neck nigga lmao
He's a bretty based dude. A bit too smugly snarky sometimes but moments like that show you he cool.
So what are we in general? 3? Knowing basic stuff + how to download a bear and some other small language things?
>degenerate Toreador
Toreador Toreador?
Between 2 and 3. The majority would be 2, /g/ would be almost all 3
why are the people in the back diferent? also is that the christina hendricks and tremere girl
I like how he genuinely cares about your opinion of kindred if you talk to him at length in the museum. He's a nice fella.
>/g/ would be almost all 3
You greatly overrate /g/adget board.
It's not /g/entoo.
It's definitely Lou and the Tremere girl.
He's probably an important character, so this could be two different conversations. It could also be that characters in the background aren't just standing still. It could also ALSO be different builds of the game, which might explain the different lighting.
See. This image right there and character on it are main proof of why Ventrue should be the only ones to be allowed to take the Prince's seat. A Prince should have class and an air of untouchability to them, not be a degenerate that would burn the entire city if it made their dick hard. A Prince should both look and act like high-class aristocrat nobility, not a degenerate that abuses their own to please their own dick.
Toreadors are just disgusting.
The camera might be spinning to look at the entire crowd. Looks like he's in a pit-like area to address them.
t. perma limp dick Ventrue
>having a nice chat about kindred society and theorizing about our origins in a museum full of kine guards
>get a free point in research just for chatting with him
I just wish you could go on bro adventures with him after the game.
Isn't that the word for a Slavic dictator like a Russian version of Fuhrer or something?
Nah, the door he presumably came in through is centered in both shots.
Shut up lacroix
*unzips dick*
in vtm its that shit there
I mean, why wouldn't there be multiple doors into the speaking pit? The poses honestly look too close though so I'm not even sure.
Just use the blush of life, you jealous Ventrue faggot.
>not be a degenerate that would burn the entire city if it made their dick hard.
So what you are saying is that Toreadors are God tier Princes?
Was anyone else a little disappointed with how small your punishments were for failing "optional" instructions? Like you can get through fine with lacroix getting spotted on the Elizabeth Dane and in the Museum and VV only gives half a shit for half a second if you kill Chastity with your biggest, loudest guns. You'd think in a universe where using celerity in the street can get u Sheriffed it would punish you for your fuckups.
Imagine being a cute twink in Seattle
it would just be a never ending carnival of Toreador ass rape and blood drinking every time you left the apartment at night
you do get sheriffed if you fuck up 5 times with any redemptions tho. Ignoring instructions isn't a masquerade violation.
If this was the tabletop game, the Sheriff would have killed you already for your fuck-ups.
its the samefag posting that pic who is samefagging in every thread. Yea Forums is filled with schizos who just cling to one thing and spam it everywhere and samefag the post to make it seem like its a thing. its the reason why we have andy sixx threads on b.
If you have clan quest its game over if you hit 0 humanity as well but you'd think all these elders would be used to getting what they want
Malks are not getting in. The makers have already said they were too problematic for 2019.
isn't it 3 masquerade points and 0 manatees is a game over even in vanilla
is there a cutscene or something for that?
Yeah but they just reuse the animation for when your sire got axed
How did Jack open the coffin without the key?
The key was on the Dane with the Sarcophagus. That's literally the only time he could have swapped them out.
what if you get the 5th violation right before the last missions?
true faith so high and still fucked by god in the end. ha
>posts Dusk till Dawn soundtrack
Legit most based user I've met on this site
May i post one of my favorite ones too?
sounds op and stupid. teleportation? it wouldn't feel as retarded without that bullshit.
Yeah, wolfies are badly designed mechanically and lore wise.
A bunch of Auspex can detect ghost espionage nearby. This is why lesser Necromancy is useless against ancilae or above
what happened
So apparently the new main theme is out. Is this real? It's quite disappointing if it is. Sounds like something a fan would have made by mashing together a bunch of the first game's tracks in a really shit mixed way. It really does seem like they're just going to ride the wave of the first games legacy and hype instead of trying to actually do something interesting.
Good taste
>every clan getting btfo
>nothing but toreador love
eat shit all of you, best clans getting their time in the moonlight now
b-b-but user nirvana/grunge-core in general were already a major influence on the wod setting....
he was aloowed to prove he deserved a second chance and acted like the Metatron for god to gods chosen vampires.
bitch died along with them
I wish someone would DM a campaign
thats a gehenna scenario right
Look at your nearest game store and ask.
Not sure, sounds about right. Could be much worse.
What is the best Gehenna scenario? Most wikis just give a one sentence blurb setup for each without getting into the meat of it.
How did other clans got BTFO?
The easter egg will probably be nothing annoying. The youtube videos will absolutely be shit and recommended for months on in.
>What is the best Gehenna scenario?
The one where Lilith tries to kill Caine with the help of Malkav's sister, and can potentially succeed depending on player intervention.
nozzies and malkies are probably getting bumped from the game, at least at launch, gangrels almost definitely. everyone else is just buttmad that the toreadors are getting a spotlight at all since we're always getting reduced to "the venture but not"
Arikel tries to kill Caine?
Is Lilith vampire like or something else?
>can potentially succeed
Well don't stop there man. What happens if Caine actually dies?
>kill Caine
he literally can't die tho. he's awaiting God's judgement during armageddon
He isn't. God's waiting for an apology, that's all.
this Also, what's the worse scenario? Thte Tzimisce one? What happens?
He can die.
>since we're
Wait a minute.
God is gone in oWoD.
Toreador are artists and no one cares about art, but now we'll finally get a Toreador who makes memes.
Truly Jehovah is the most autistic of celestial beings in WoD.
Gehenna is Armageddon. His murder very well could be God's judgment.
No, Malkav's twin called Malakai. Even more crazy than him.
I don't believe so, but she's on the level of Caine. She's basically what she wants. She taught Caine a lot of what he knows.
In the scenario? She ends the world. The players get trapped in her abyss-like garden for the rest of forever.
He can very much so die.
There are plenty where everything dies. You'd need to be more specific for what you think is worse.
You know I've been reading more VTM lore and I find the connection between Toreadors and Malkavians interesting. Like Arikel and Malkav are said to be twins.
He is? I thought God was waiting for an apology, and all Caine has to do is just that, but Caine is stubborn - God, however, has eternal patience, and just wants his bro back.
Wormwood is unironically kino bait.
so what happens when someone underage gets embraced,or is that a no-no?
Depends on the embrace since some like Nossies or Giovanni might outright kill a kid, but regular ones just end up as kid vamps.
The "true prince" of Hollywood, or Los Angeles overall, is an underage English kid.
ever notice that right after inventing murder, caine invented sarcasm?
>yo im missing a man wheres abel, caine?
>"what am i? my brothers keeper?"
embezzle all the money and give the rights to wesp
If I recall, old WoD Demon God left and the throne in heaven is empty while angels carry on things hunting fallen angels.
Then new WoD or second ed didn't go into god.
Then I guess third ed God Machine mafr god an ancient machine that runs the universe with angels as programs of the machine and demons as rogue reality programs like the Matrix.
No idea what 4th ed even is. They could have skipped it for all I know.
V5 or 5th ed goes back to first ed lore but not everything is back or established.
How does that one go down?
Generally killed on sight, so unless the sire is really powerful it's not smart
If you want to look up the Lilith scenario on google I opened up the book to remember what it's called. "Fair is Foul". Sure you could find a pdf online.
youve noticed your last notice
toreadors appealed to me just because they have the least pants on head retarded of downsides, they kind of wax philosophic and can be sappy. im fine with that. brujah are just edgy jerkoffs and ventures are self imporant.
yeah i dont doubt that caine is going to get whats coming to him its just itll be God/an angel on his behalf that administers it, i would figure. not getting treated like a campaign raid boss. this is a guy who is now demonic-levels of superhuman. wod caine is a planet-killing monster
wasnt there some rule that youth-converts are killed and their sires are DEFFO given the 'final for being that stupid?
Anons are retarded
>tfw no Antediluvian daddy bf
extremely based
this objectively has better mixing than anything in the first game.
I'm sure I've seen him in walmart
Isn't that terrifying fucker 5th Generation?
>Hey dad what was Caine like?
>2 Gens later
>Hey dad what was our antediluvian like?
God sends down a miasma that covers the world and decays Kindreds (only Kindreds even notice anything) powers for 40 days and nights until all of them wither and die. Your crew is supposed to end up at a sanctuary made by and a thin-blood chick who were mandated by god to make a sanctuary and find/mark a few "chosen" Kindred to hide out in the sanctuary for those 40 days to see if they could redeem themselves to god. At the end, if you were a shitheel, you get dusted. Anyone with true redemptions becomes human again at the same age they were embraced.
>you must pass through me to acquire the chilled cow secretions, mortal
i imagine the Sabbat probably have no objections against that,any scenarios with doing shit like that?
The resemblance is uncanny.
friendly reminder that
Deb is Kindred and VV is a good-hearted vampire and is not manipulating you
>11th century
>only noble educated in anything important for miles around
>fuck sluts nonstop
>get embraced for your Statecraft
>amass a fortune and more knowledge than 20 lifetimes could hope for
>Final season of Scrubs makes you cry
>Feel bad
>Apologize to God
>Turn human again
>fuck sluts nonstop
>Nature: Child
>Demeanor: Visionary
>Generation: 5th
>Embrace: 1682 CE
>Apparent Age: 13
>Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5
>Social: Charisma 8, Manipulation 6, Appearance 6
>Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
>Talents: Acting 7, Alertness 6, Brawl 7, Intimidation 5, Subterfuge 5
>Skills: Etiquette 4, Painting 2, Sculpture 1, Stealth 4
>Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Finance 2, Politics 4, Art History 2, Movie History 4
>Disciplines: Auspex 6, Celerity 5, Dominate 7, Fortitude 3, Potence 4, Protean 5, Presence 8
>Backgrounds: Influence 5, Resources 5, Retainers 1
>Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 1, Courage 4
>Morality: Humanity 3
yeah no, fuck that
So all vampires die except a few that turn human? Pretty happy ending for World of Darkness.
>Brawl 7
Kids packin heat.
Aye, god says "fuck this shit, Caine's had enough time, vampire experiment is over" then just pulls the fucking plug. Being merciful though he still gives some a chance to prove him wrong about their kind.
I'd go become a mage.
>Agg Claws
>Celerity 4
>Potence 4
I am filled with hate and fear.
this, only way it could be good if they let become vampire hunter.
This is one of most retarded post I have ever read. The word lorelet does not do you justice. Second edition and the new world of darkness(also known as the chronicles of darkness) are two totally different settings and game lines. For Owod you had first edition, second edition, second edition revised, and 20th anniversary edition. They recently came out with V5 or fifth edition for vampire the masquerade. Vampire the Requiem is on 2nd edition, iirc, and has almost no setting build for it because it is more about strong mechanics and the players/story tellers make the setting.
Werewolves (and were-creatures in general) have access to one or more of the spirit world/dimensions. It enables more or less teleportation albeit they have to cover the distance in the spirit world.
Technically, they need to use a mirror and it takes a few moments and the spirit around vampires is populated with evil/corrupted spirits that feed on the misery vampires cause and in canon are quite dangerous to werewolves themselves so that werewolves are afraid to go near a group of vampires anyway.
In any LARP or tabletop, nobody actually bothers with that and werewolves just pop in and out and spy from the spirit world whenever they like.
Someone should host a vtm game
Tzimice hate the tremere more than anyone
Brujah hate Ventrue because of Carthage
Everybody hates the Bali
trying to organize anons here is tantamount to herding cats.
who was the fool that tried?
Just post a discord or something, there's always people looking to do it
Contact creators, ask them what they were planning and had to cut off, implement everything.
make it on my own in unrealand hire some cheap patreon artbro to make assets after I'm done and keep the rest of the 9.9 million
>Deb is Kindred
>VV is a good-hearted vampire and is not manipulating you
She is very obviously playing you, just notice how she changes tone when she gives you an order
all supernatural creatures die user
I can't DM but I'd like to play, if you fags are just afraid to make the first move you can add/gather on me.
i didnt realize till my second play through that the woman on that poster is the cleopatra you meet in the warrens
no. God left and took all the angels except for gaia and 2 others who stayed behind. God is gone for all save cain who just has to say sorry to be taken by god but he is stubborn. Hell one ending has all the vampires die and cain somehow survive and scream to god to let him die only for god to laugh
I have dmed multiple times. But only new vampire which isn't what the games use.
*sigh* Malkavian will be DLC won't it?
it's too much to program in the game and way too extraordinary for normies who don't know about VTM
are there pnp games online via text
i'm not normie enough to not cringe when roleplaying in person
i've never played tabletops anyway so i would probably ruin anything anyway, vampire is the only one that interests me
You need to make better drinking buddies. There's nothing more kino than roleplaying some jersey shore dude teaching your tibetan monk buddy about friendship by marathoning Fast & Furious movies when you're supposed to be looking into something for your Primogen.
Online text rp is ass. At least use voice or video online rp. If I find an online group and see they only does text I immediately bail.
Text doesn't deserve the stigma
Yes it does faggot.
*nuzzles you*
I want a werewolf chase scene ala Volatiles from Dying Light, just a monster so unbelievably horrifying to fight against that the only option you have is to use the game's fast and vertical movement to get the fuck out.
Or better, a werewolf motorcycle chase sequence.
I wouldn't cringe but man I know I'd fuck something up or be out of character or that guy or something and I'm big dumb sissy faggot for being anxious this much all the time
Imagine having to be a Brujah or Gangrel that has to use violence to get something, or some faggot Ventrue that has to mind control people to get something. Meanwhile a Toreador can get people to do the thing for him plus fuck their wives while they do it.
Am I on a motorcycle being chased by a werewolf or am I being chased by a werewolf riding a motorcycle?
>Poster guy is apparently crazy toreador prince
There's nothing stopping members of any of those clans from being smooth talkers who can get what they want without deploying superpowers.
>Sabbat was a mistake.
The fuck you talking about user? Code of Milan is fucking based.
Tzimisce originate from eastern europe.
Crazy Toreador, user. Type that faps at his body counts and just thinks about how to please his own dick without giving a fuck for other person's consent and opinions.
Not pic-related type of Toreador aka "normal" Toreador.
Holy shit I hated that fag.
Would you say your opinion of him is... negative zero?
Ash was the most insufferable character in the 1st game if you ask me.
Characters like Vandal, Patty and Kiki are made with the intention to be annoying and unlikable.
Meanwhile, character as Ash is meant to be more sympathetic, yet they managed to create the most annoying whiny ass character in the entire game.
Think about Lestat vs. Louis. Lestat would be how poster guy is while Louis is your usual Toreador like Ash, Isaac, VV.
You should've done gangrel and grape.
Guys I can't charm anybody as Tremere because I put all my points into Thaumatergy and Hacking what do I do
What gen is this insane degenerate?
I mean, he constantly whined the whole time and amazingly got himself caught after helping him escape. It was literally all his doing. The dude is obviously a fool. I disagree with your assessment that he was clearly meant to be sympathized with. He was genuinely whiny and incompetent. Even if somebody were to pity him, he's a massive fuckup with only himself to blame. I don't think the authors actually wrote him for you to be fully sympathetic towards him. Your frustration with him should even be proof of that. I don't think they were unaware of what they were doing when they wrote Ash.
8th, originally. Unknown if this will be his gen in the game as well.
Tell me about the Kuei-Jin
I thought they were spirits possessing thier own bodies. Why did Ming Xiao transform into a tentacle monster? Was it just a pocket dimension trick instead of real transformation?
Is there a sheet that tells his stats?
No. Only thing known about him are:
>his first name; we don't even know his last name
>clan; Toreador
>title; that he's Prince of Seattle
>that he's insane
That's about it.
Why do most fandoms assume Jeanette/Therese is really Malkavian? None of them seem crazy at all, and their speech patterns and recognition is clear.
while they were still human it was first Therese who was the sole person before Jeanette surfaced as a split personality. They weren't demented or twitchy or whatever.
Even after they were embraced, the two of them still functioned properly. I think it has something to do with how they view themselves. Therese sees herself worthy of bumping elbows with the Camarilla elite, while Jeanette is more radical and displays typical Anarch behavior.
This leads me to determine that their bloodline clan has members on both Anarch and Camarilla side. As a child, they created a world for themselves to escape in which they played and existed in. She can seemingly be in two places at once which leads me to believe she has Celerity. When Jeanette arrives everyone can sense her and when Therese or Jeanette leave, no one seems to realize it which leads me to believe she has Presence. Or Obfuscate too, but I doubt she is some kind of assassin and definitely not Nosferatu.
Right now I think Therese and Jeanette are Brujah or Toreador, but because Toreadors don't care for politics I'm leaning towards Brujah.
>and their speech patterns and recognition is clear.
>he thinks only fishmalk exist
o ho nonononono
This has to be a bait.
woah sick
I see.
Inb4 his last name is Cross which is meant to be Prince of Seattle in VTMB2.
sauce me senpai
>Why do most fandoms assume Jeanette/Therese is really Malkavian?
Might have something to do with their insanity.
What is the best clan in bloodlines and why is it gangrel?
youre probably baiting in which case heres a free (you) but in case youre this retarded irl malkavians come in a variety of insanities, not just "speak weird and know things" behavior
>furry larpers
[Laughs in Tremere]
>magic fag
just LOL at your life kid
What gen is a thinblood?
All of you end yourselves. Especially Shitmere.
>has all their blood removed while they try to formulate a social check
get kek'd, son
Around 14 and higher.
Time to diablorize 6 mother fuckers.
It would be cool if you had o keep actual tabs on them. In the lore they're more prone to frenzying If they don't get a fix. They dumbed it down with that loud mouth bitch in the first one. In reality she would have been on a murderspree rampage and fuck the masquerade, and the sire would have been in huge shit.
>all looks like hunks
>Bishop Vick
I've seen bigger hunks with fucking Nosferatu than a Toreador.
>oh shit this dude who has had centuries to study the vampiring condition is asking for my opinion on them
>what do
>I know
>tell him we're like mutants out of a comic book
t. sub-human clans
they were insane before they were Embraced. What does that have to do with them being Malkavian?
If they spend some bp. In lore they can do this blush of life which makes them look and feel as if they were somewhat mortal again. Its mostly to get by and not look like a walking corpse, but they can fuck during this as well. Realistically every clan looks and sometimes even smells of death. Not enough to break the masquerade, but enough for every human looking at you to think you're really pale and ill looking.
>toreador dont care for politics
Toreador have the 2nd most princedoms after Ventrue. Isaac the Baron of hollywood in-game is Toreador
many of the kindred possessed characteristics of what would become their clan later on, its part of what causes their sire to select them for the embrace. brujahs choose people with anti-authority fixations, gangrels select kine possessing wild or beastial inclinations, venture select talented cocksmokers, its part of the underlying mystique of the setting
This has to be a bait... In case it's on off chance unironic:
Here, meet Jacob, a Malkavian with split-personality disorder who happens to be Therese's Sire aka man who turned her into a vampire.
You're welcome retard.
okay that makes sense. thanks.
Why not both?
>werewolf comes after you
>jump on motorcycle
>chase sequence trying to get away
>half way through it takes your motorcycle
>now werewolf is on motorcycle
Still wish he was something other than a fucking Toreador. They're the worst clan.
>Ash is meant to be more sympathetic
After you find him tortured almost to death and he lets out his heart about how he's going to dissapear your character (regardless of humanity) can utter a truly sympathetic line
>Have fun in Canada!
Ash is meant to be mocked for his melodrama even if you are suppose to feel bad for his shitty situation.
This is your Toreador for the night
I want to straight up fight a werewolf this game. Say it's a blind retarded inbred with a two broken legs and erectile dysfunction I don't care I want to fight one. I'm still pissed Nines got to and we didn't
Not all of them, though. From what I remember, the ones that are really good at Vicissitude choose to make themselves look like beautiful humans instead.
what would the vampire clans be like if they were in cyberpunk?
Pic related is a crazy Toreador.
Literally nothing different
You'd probably have more Brujah teaming up with Nosferatu but thats it
I honestly found it hilarious when that chick kept going on and on about how beeeeeautiful Vick is, yet this is how he looks.
Presence mothafucka
Clean him up. Give him proper clothes. Proper haircut and will be a hunk.
Also, he's Toreador. A Toreador that had the entire building brainwashed.
> A slave to the Inner Council
not anymore , and that's why it's going to be interesting in the new game
How did he went from looking like Cody Fern to looking like Thomas Wiseau?
Why the fuck do you people keep talking about VTMB1 characters being ugly or something
Do you fucking idiots not realize all the models except tourette/vv are just potato quality because they're 15 years old
the game practically has a cartoon art style and color scheme in general.
I'm willing to buy that the poster guy is Anton, that makes sense but people week ago saying it's not Vandal because the face has a different structure and hairstyle are still absolutely fucking retarded
Because he got CROSSED!
it could be this guy , he could add something to the blood he was selling , follow the vampire and diablerize him right ?or is it too far fetched ?
Based Brote.
>machima logo
Yes, user. It's too far fetched and too retarded. Also ... game is set in Seattle. You know, Toreador infested city and guy on the poster resembles the Prince of that place. Well ... "former prince" I guess since this guy Cross is Prince of Seattle now.
Cross could just be Anson's last name desu.
Nope. Vandal was a ghoul in Santa Monica who could never become a vampire without Therese instantly killing him for it. Even if he somehow became a vampire and Therese somehow allowed it, he wouldn't be in a fucking Seattle.
The guy on the poster is clearly (at least strongly alluded) to be Anson, the mad Prince of Seattle. He even has the rose on his suit aka trademark symbol for Toreadors. Devs even only responded to the guy who first assumed that Anson is poster guy. They just said to him to wait and see, never debunking it and they're keeping it very hush regarding whole Anson case since they claim that some guy named Cross is Prince of Seattle, which is weird considering that's Anson's title. (it could be his last name as some user suggested) They even named themselves as "Prince of Discord" while using his face as avatar, which can be seen as the play on his title (potential former title if Cross isn't him).
You're a big gay if Therese isn't dead for you
People were saying that he is not Vandal, that he can't be Vandal, because he clearly isn't Vandal is because it would make zero sense!
>Therese would never sire him.
>He himself has hateboner for vampires, so he probably wouldn't even want to be a vampire.
>Even if he got sired by someone else, his blood bond with Therese as his original master would stay and then he would just get fucked by said Therese.
>Why the fuck would he be in Seattle?
>Why the fuck would they feature non-Toreador for said Seattle that is Toreador-based instead of some character that is important for said setting (Anson)?
>WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE BE IN SEATTLE AGAIN? His main role is to be in Santa Monica as blood banker. It's the only reason why Therese keeps him alive despite him being extremely troublesome for her.
That's why people were always against Vandal=poster guy theory.
Because it's absolutely retarded and too far fetched.
how possible could it be that therese is dead ? after the first game events
This. Thankfully, that shit has been buried.
You and your choices never existed. The game is just semi-canon with some events happening (LaCroix dying for example), but you were no one and nowhere.
t. canon
Therese is 6th gen and has plot-armor called Jeanette, fan favorite character.
I'd say he's just bitter.
He got embraced against his will and was forced to abandon his career and his moviestar life.
Jeanette doesn't hate Vandal and she isn't dead
And who's to blame for that entire fiasco? Who was the dumbass that got overdosed like a moron? Exactly.
I never claimed either of the two. The entire discussion is about when would Therese send Vandal to his grave = if he became a vampire = stopped being useful to her for a purpose for which she ghoul'd him for in the first place.
Also, why the fuck are we still discussing Vandal? Case regarding poster got closed and buried with Anson. The end.
Anyone got the deb site?
the devs have already stated that they'll release the rest of the class as free DLC in the future so they better not be lying about that.
here you go
He's an idiot for overdosing, yeah, but Isaac embraced him just because he couldn't let him go.
Ash even tells you he'd be fine with dying from overdose then
The sunset is as beautiful and as deadly as ever. If that fag wants to die so much, he just has to wait until the sunrise instead of leeching of Isaac and then bitching about him and his life like some faggy emo tween.
Because Ash is the equivalent of a girl bitching on the internet about depression and how she will kill herself
It's all faggot talk
She looks like she fucks black chicks.
Add new pronouns and shoehorn in painful metaphors for transexualism and Trump’s America. It’s legitimately what White Wolf would have wanted if the game was made today. Seriously - not even trolling.
It's sad cause it's true.
>everything I don't like is wyrm
See you on wednesday
if i got embraced i know 100% i would spend 90 years keeping to myself as much as possible, subsequently have a breakdown because i thrive on people and sunshine, try and diablerie some other vampire and get my absolute shit kicked in resulting in a final death.
I was playing 1 recently and got attacked by a redhaired lady with a torch after exiting the blood bank.
Was she a hunter?
This never happened to me before, what triggered it? Masquerade violations?
Yes and yes
Post yfw the last clan isn't malk or nos but the chance to play as a ghoul for a vampire mommy
I only ever saw hunters in their set locations (ie storming their hideout, the one stalking Ash Rivers etc) because I'm a huge masq high humanity good boy. First time I saw the lady hunter with a torch was also the last time. I got myself caught by using the torch while sneaking because it lit up where I was
Yeah, I don't usually break the Masquerade either, I just fucked up twice and didn't get a redemption opportunity.
It's nice to know the game could still surprise me tho
>cool wine aunt
are they serious with this fucking design?
Good god it's happened.
I'm nostalgic for 90's electro
no they're joking.
lmao just watch Youtube videos of the sun rising and talk to people at night loser
that would just make me sadder
>talk to people at night
well yeah man i've gotta get blood somehow to sustain my depressing unlife until i snap
that guitat rif at 2:08. Fucking sweet. it over for us?
>twitch overlay at 1:45
i'd click on her clickbait videos if you catch my drift
convince me to give this game a chance
Deus Ex meets a very unique setting about vampires.
Get a mind of your own you tool
No. You convince ME to give the game a chance.
I have seldom read a post this retarded
you’re a delusional retard lmao
>None of them seem crazy at all
>She can seemingly be in two places at once which leads me to believe she has Celerity.
Right now I think Therese and Jeanette are Brujah or Toreador
one hundred percent chance a malkavian posted this
The power is limited by the imagination of the user, so I guess you could handwave the player character being as dull as a doorknob but then it wouldn't do the power some justice, now would it?
i now know more about Reize than is healthy
Vamps can learn other disciplines and Jeanette/Therese are centuries old and 6th gen to boot.
There's also a Nosferatu in the sewers with celerity, for instance.
Vtmb mobile
They have unique paths that allow them to transform.
Good morning, Ghouls!
Did you even leave Santa Monica?
Other anons pointed it out already but clans doesn't restrict what discipline you can learn, merely which you have an affinity with.
I want a Tremere gf!
if you don't think therese and jeanette are crazy, you are fucking crazy
Jesus Christ...
No, I know they're crazy. I'm replying to the poster that claims they aren't.
Their insanity is confirmed before you get to leave Santa Monica and the fact that they're Malkavian is also confirmed in dialogue with other characters, like Bertram, Mercurio and Vandal.
Why do so many girls love VTM?
Because the rpg has always focused on the social/political aspect rather than dungeon crawling.
Also because vampires
Its vampires
Because it's overrated as fuck, filled with backstabbing and devoid of any real morality, has "nobles" and "unwashed masses" clearly separated, lacking in objective rules so you can always hope convince the ST to allow something stupid.
Also the whole idea of a princess getting rescued from boring life by being used by dark chad, then promoted to something more than human.
i wish bloodlines 2 had the style of 1 tbqh
He doesn't though. He's a fucking psychopath.
Interracial lesbians are patrician.
>combine two completely plebshit "fetishes"
>claim it's patrician now
Low humanity, has frenzied multiple times, only cares about people as tools for furthering his research
I really love how Lucita bitches at him for that in BJD
Nu-humanity is pretty shit
>lol convictions
>except for those select things that aren't all that evil
you do it then, faggot
Can you formulate that criticism in an understandable way?
Yes, see
>lol convictions
What's your problem with convictions, they're great character building stuff. Only problem can be anchoring them to a touchstone.
>except for those select things that aren't all that evil
You can murder and enslave if your conviction allows it, but blood bonding a mortal or seeing a touchstone damaged is haram.
It all depends on the chronocle tenets.
And convictions mitigate, not neccessarily completly negate stains. And of course they mitigate stains from blood bonding as well.
Honestly blood bonding doesn't give enough stains for how it's literally enslaving people and turning them into addicts.
>seeing a touchstone damaged is haram.
Touchstones are literally what lets you keep your convictions, of course them getting destroyed or hurt hurts your humanity
Only if a retarded ST allows it.
>2 days until next clan reveal
I just hate that it's predictable.
it's going to be venture__
5 and it's not ventrue
>liking tumblr the clan
It will be urfavclan!
I always hated Fair is Foul. It stank of someone just hating on Caine for being a guy and then they had Lilith hating on him even she realistically had nothing to hate him for. She was cursed by God to be abandoned by all those she loved. Caine leaving her was part of that curse.
But that's not why I hate on the scenario. I hate on it because it implies God wouldn't intervene at all in the scenario, as he tends to in every other Gehenna scenario. And God in oWoD doesn't strike me as someone who looks at technicalities and says "Eh, she didn't hit directly, therefore no sevenfold vengeance against her". He's very much likely to completely obliterate her from existence or maybe seal her up in some kind of Abyss-like from DtF realm to dwell in, forever alone, without a chance to feel anything or be with anyone.