Was this a good end to a series?

Was this a good end to a series?

Or was it even needed?

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If nothing else, it was a definitive ending. 2's storytelling was a mess and left the ending far too open to give any sense of closure. At least now we know that Max has settled into retirement and will probably never fight again.

Pure kino. Max cleans his shit up and moves on with his life.
The lyrics to Tears are fucking perfect.

2 has an awful story. I think anyone who likes 2 for the story is literally retarded. 3 is an actual ending for Max

While Max's character development is redundant from 2 and repetitive even within only MP3, I do consider this a good conclusion to the series. I'd like to see more Max Payne style game, but no more Max Payne games.

Attached: max payne 3 swiss cheese.webm (960x540, 2.72M)

I wish it wasn't in Brazil and back home instead, but overall it was the best way to end it.

>I'd like to see more Max Payne style game
Never ever fag
Rockstar only makes games that they can sell currency in for money. The industry is fucked
Based. It's awful how neither GTA 5 or Red dead 2 have gameplay like max payne 3. The shooting in MP3 have me still coming back to it. They only had to copy paste it for GTA 5 or Red dead 2, but instead we got clunky garbage in both, especially Red dead 2.
No way Red dead 2 was worth the wait, ain't nobody replaying that slog of a story.

I had a very fun time killing niggers in this game.

Everything from the presentation to the physics were top notch. Story was pretty good too

what do you mean "end" my uncle works at rockstar east and says Max Payne 4 will be announced at e3

Only noirfags and shit skins who don't like shooting their own species hate on this game.

one of the single most satisfying game mechanics ever implemented

Yeah its pretty good, Ive played it through two or three times in one sitting since it came out.

It can be tough to get through sometimes because the first and last quarters of the game are so packed with unskippable cutscenes, and even if you could skip them you wouldn't want to really because thats where all the story is told i guess.

Great soundtrack, some good dialogue though nothing as memorable as the first game. Just some shitty pacing is all i can say.

God no, trash game

I think the way Rockstar made the game playable on Xbox 360 and PS3 was to put loading screens disgusted as cut scenes everywhere
Maybe the engine was just busted at the time? Red dead 1 had engines issues as well, it's why they can't remaster the game. Maybe it's the same for MP3

Not really. I thought it might be the case the first time I played it when all I had was a PC with an HDD. But recently replaying it with an NVME SSD shows that there are quite a lot of unskippable cutscenes. But otherwise the game was incredibly optimized and polished.

And spics, don’t forget about them

The cutscenes are unskippable to account for console loading times, it's not adjusted for your pc.

even on a modern pc, you can just maybe skip half a minute before the end of a cutscene.

I'm saying it's not a hardware, but an engine limitation of the game itself and can't be changed
Like this user says

This. 2 ended and it felt like you were in the middle of the story

>1 - nostalgia
>2 - trash
>3 - good game
Yes, it was. After "Muh pussy 2 - the faggoting"
3rd game is comprehensive TPS with mediocre story and good main character

I'm still mad

dumb burger

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>Was this a good end to a series?

Sort of

>Or was it even needed?

Not really.

>Was it a good game and well worth happening?


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Redpilled post desu
Altho 1 still has good gameplay and the setting is great
2 has the gameplay of 1 but the levels keep getting reused for some retarded reason

>2's storytelling was a mess and left the ending far too open to give any sense of closure
No? the ending was pretty simple and understandable. He managed to move on from the death of his family and we can assume he was gonna try to be happy

>can't use grenades or molotovs
>no melee weapons
>all that scripted shit
Seriously why does nuR* have such a raging boner for scripted shit?

Attached: Max Payne 3.jpg (918x1224, 296K)

All Max payne games are scripted fool