Is it a smart move to move to LA to pursue voice acting in video games?

Is it a smart move to move to LA to pursue voice acting in video games?

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It's not a smart move to move to LA for literally anything


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I'm already here and I wouldn't do that.

I've had multiple friends that were professional voice actors.
I'm going to sum up this entire career for Yea Forums to understand.
These are the ONLY two ways you can get into this job:

1-You're so naturally talented you're literally in the top 1% worldwide, you have amazing range and can voice anything, a prodigy since birth, any training you do afterwards is just to hone what are you innate, natural vocal skills.

2-You're close to someone in the industry and get in because of connections, doesn't matter how shit you are as long as you can show up to work and do what they tell you to.

That's it.
If you're not 1, or 2, you're not getting in.
If you're just ok at this and don't have connections you WON'T climb your way to the top, forget about it.

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I'm a lazy fuck. is his voicework any good or not?

He's submediocre.
He's definitely using method no.2.

Not really.

If I ever need a voice for a character who bitches about everything, I know who to call.

Watch kojima put him in the game

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Kojima is just grooming him because once he becomes old enough he's going to transplant his brain into his younger body.
Every X amount of years he grooms a younger host that kinda looks like him and keeps repeating this process to live forever.

Is it smart to move to a heavily taxed city for a small chance at a voice acting job? I'd try and find a place that would hire you first before moving to that shithole and I mean literally and figuratively. I got the fuck out of that city as soon as I could.

There are two questions you need to ask if you want to voice act.
1. Are you Steve Blum?
2, Are you Tara Strong?
if the answer is no to either, good fucking luck VA'ing anything other than JRPG dubbing

Same. I live in a fucking nice place too. Cool little 2 bedroom is Pasadena with a pool. If I had the choice to be anywhere else, I fucking would be.

Los Angeles is fucking hell.

Moving to LA is literally linked to depression cases.

>some literally who from youtube is going to become a voice actor
>this somehow warrants 24/7 coverage on Yea Forums


He will commit suicide in a couple of months. Mark my words

He probably already has an offer. His youtube channel has a shit load of subs and he makes like 4 grand a month on patreon. Im sure someone has "noticed" him and has a job ready for him

Why would anyone wanna move to LA? For a job in an industry that’s heavily gated and probably doesn’t pay enough to afford LA housing.

I seriously hope LA implodes into its own ass someday.

There is no demand for good voice acting in the western world.

ProZD > this fag who just reads articles

Professional(ish) VA here. Here's my first post, more to follow because I don't understand his thought process and think his ego has been inflated by his yes-man audience.

I admire his hopefulness. He however made a really stupid leap to just go to LA in order to pursue voice acting without much work under his belt.

>moving to LA
Sure, there's gigs there but everyone lives there. Yes it's expensive and that's clearly a problem.

What's mind boggling is that he did it in his current position:
He is making thousands, if not tens a thousands per video on Youtube because he is covering current trends and controversies, doing minimal work by commenting on other people's articles with little to no input. On top of this, he is making 2k a month from patreon.

By pursuing voice acting, he is going to be pressed for time. When you are in acting, you are constantly looking for gigs. You are fighting tooth and nail for scraps hoping it will be your big break. With voice acting, you are dealing with people that even have great setups in their own rooms and get good roles.

Thus, YongYea won't be able to make as much content to cover the expenses. Whatever he has will dry up, fast on top of how much it costs to move. He won't be making money from acting.

He has the funds and clearly the space to make decent recordings. For some reason his videos have shitty audio levels, but this can easily be improved with better settings and if he must, better equipment(he can totally afford it).

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This. You can be an up and coming voice actor in fucking Alaska. There's nothing in LA for you.

He'd better not be VAing for video games with how much he's shit on every games company collectively

This. The cost of living is an absolute ripoff.

>hurr durr Califtobia
Sure, you move to where there are jobs available. Don't let the /pol/cucks on here try to meem you otherwise

Is "Youtuber trying to pursue voice acting career" the new "untalented hack can't cut it in hollywood and goes to gaming"?

He has no pride. He was shitting all over konami during the whole kojima thing, but then immediately accepted their offer to fly him to l.a. to play the game early.

Only if you don't care to do casting couch

It's the new "Youtuber wants to make a video game but fails" which was sad, so this transition is more fun to watch fail.

It's going to be hard for him to make a career out of VA unless he has some connections in the industry. They mostly hire actual actors who have done actual acting in L.A.

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He lives in delaware right now

desperation leads to exploitation

>Have literal fuck you money by Delaware standards
>Move to LA to be poor


Read Yea Forums's rules. This is considered "video game culture" get the fuck out loser.

doesn't feel natural, feels over compensating, feels like he's just imitating metal gear voice actors.

>all those dick sucking comments
why do people love worshiping streamers and youtubers so much

This is as videogame related as the other guy cheating on his wife

Unironically based as fuck

it is, but at least most of pasadena is nice

They're rusing him into moving to LA to ruin his life. There's no other explanation. His voice sucks, he has no experience and expects to break into the industry with no connections

>he has no experience and expects to break into the industry with no connections

Holy shit. I honestly genuinely feel bad for this guy. I don't know if he's really going to make it. I wish him the best of luck though for him doing something this ballsy. Not just voice acting but trying to break in as an actor in general in L.A. is fucking brutal and a lot of competition. I hope he's aware of what he's doing. I'm going to assume he has a Plan B if it doesn't work out.

When I was a kid I bumped into Junior Seau at the local arcade, he signed my shirt and I actually got to play skeeball with him. I imagine the faggots in the comments are chasing that feeling

Not when you have a robotic and monotonous voice.

I don’t know about other states but California has a pretty good college system where you can take classes in a community college and transfer to UC schools, some of which are the best in the world. So I think the state has done well in providing opportunities for people with differing lives, not sure how other states handle this stuff though.

Calm down Orochi-sama

Living in the bumfuck flyover portions of the US sounds better than living in Los Angeles.

I'm grimacing

garbage, look how it's done by a real man

in his clip he isnt THAT bad, but he doesnt have much range

It's okay.

Having moved from San Diego to a flyover state. It's nice to live somewhere that you can really let your hair down and not everyone is trying to impress everyone else. People are also generally more friendly and caring.

That explains Rinachunk and Kirbofag

unless your company is paying for your rent and travel expense

memes aside he's unironically bretty good at it.

Just wanna take a minute to point out that drinking water from the tap in all parts of California is unsafe

Continued. Sorry I got caught up in something.

Secondly, his acting itself.

He has no range. He always sounds the same. It's not like a case of Steve Blum or Nolan North where you know the voice but they can get into character, YongYea always sounds the same, just some guy reading lines off of a piece of paper. You expect him to say YOOOOOONG OOOOOUT at any moment in the middle of these flat and monotone voice lines.

Everyone has to start somewhere. It's fine that he's bad at the moment, but you got to hone your craft, take some classes, get some work, built a portfolio of quality work.

Add this all together, it's a recipe for disaster.

He should have started something journalist related, built a security net.
He should move to Texas for VA work since it's cheaper to live there(despite so many people competing there) and take trips to LA if he got a gig.
But he doesn't have any talent. He needs to take some classes or something.

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Awww, did someone forget to dilate?

is this real? that dude has the most generic English-speaking asian voice. LA is fool of people that sound just like him. that nasaly asian voice of his a diamond a dozen.

I-I kinda want to start voice acting
can someone redpill me how to get good?

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Who and who?

>put all your money into la
>the place where it is most expensive
>in a job force where you need to already be established or know someone
yea really smart

if you have to start now youll never make it

>Plan B:

just be yourself

I wish I could help you user with some more tips. Just look at YongYea on what not to do. He is making every amateur mistake.

This is some starry eyed child that thinks he can just make it without any hard work.

You know that generic anime voice?
Just do it in a bunch of fan projects till you get recognized.

I guarantee you voice acting will be replaced by AI within 5 years

I myself really enjoy doing voices and such but I long ago accepted that it was pretty much a pipe dream.

Too unnatural

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What kind of connections?

They already have voice banks they can manipulate for dubbing dead actors, soundalike voiceover work is becoming nonexistent.

All of these big-time names who made it in the VA industry were all originally people pursuing regular acting gigs. VA was just a side job until eventually they started to get more VA jobs. I can't recall anyone who went to do VA work just to do VA work.

yeah i'll hook you up if you suck my dick

He sounds like he is in a Newgrounds animation.

Most voice actors nowadays go for voice acting first. Hell, even Steve Blum just got into voice acting just because someone said he's got a good voice.

I didnt even recognize him when playing Lorelai

Wash your throat with lots of fresh semen to make your voice as smooth as possible

zoomers have no hobbies and no friends what did you expect

You need connections or at the very least be able to network.

He successfully fucked himself over with all the negative coverage of various devs and publishers. He will never get out of fan animations and shitty indie games.

He sounds fine to me. But I'm not a native english speaker.

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Nothing wrong with doing it on the side user.

LA will be his life lesson, fucker has probably lived at home all his life and now needs to know what failing hard feels like.

Take acting and improv classes to learn how to speak naturally and break away from just reading a script.
Have the money to invest in building your "home studio", which starting off is basically finding the best way to sound treat the area you're recording in and buying some decent recording equipment.
Get or make a demo reel. That's basically your resume. Don't bother making it yourself if you don't know shit about editing because the first few seconds are all it takes for someone to either ignore you or continue listening.
Make your own website to slap your demo reel on. This is essentially an extension of your resume. Obviously make it presentable and easy for someone to access your demo reel through.
Get some business cards, maybe even invest in your own logo that identifies your voice best. Put your website on that shit.

Go out and market yourself. Talking with someone at work who compliments your voice? Give them your card. People know people, and the grapevine can go a long way.
Start your own Youtube channel or make presence on Social Media without looking like a complete idiot.
Take ProZD for example, he has a huge following on youtube and actually has an IMDb going for him.

>Hell, even Steve Blum just got into voice acting just because someone said he's got a good voice.

Sorry to crush your dreams but you and the rest of the aspiring VA's out there will not be the next Steve Blum. He's one out of the thousands over the course of several years to be truly lucky and being that talented. If you're not pursuing acting in general you will not make it in the VA industry.

why would they need an Asian voice actor for industry with predominantly white characters, when black man can pretend to be a Japanese samurai?

Depending on if you have a job offer in LA that won't fuck you over. LA is a hotbed for this type of stuff but is also really fucking expensive to live in so flying out there to "pursue" something is probably the most retarded decision you could make, especially if you have no backup plan in case you fail spectacularly in a situation where you're competing with hundreds at a time. Also of course if you stay in LA too long you get a brain parasite that makes you want to apologize for things you didn't do because your skin color is wrong or you have a penis and moral police the rest of the world. San Fransisco is worse in this department though.

Start with small gigs like voice acting for a fallout mod or a flash animation or some shit like that, get a portfolio to show off you talent and your range.
The girl who voiced 2B from Nier Automata was an old Newgrounds user who did a bunch of voices for various cartoons before she went on to be a professional

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He has a radio tier voice. He could be great. In this vid he's imitating voice actors, big difference from voicing an original character.

Can Steve Blum even enjoy anime/video games since he has to voice so many and spoil it for himself?

How much do voice actors make?

LA is so insanely expensive, you need make a LOT to even live an average lifestyle

My therapist said I had a nice voice once.

Guy who did the english VA for 9S used to do radio shows on WoW Radio and OMFG, including putting on his own radio plays to build a portfolio

LA is a meme

>she went on to be a professional
and she's trash and the worst part of the dub

wow he sucks


I never knew Rina-chan did all this relevant voice acting until this post made me check wikipedia.

you mean this thing?

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sounded shit anyway so i just played with jap dubs

>What kind of connections?
Ass to mouth


>fucker has probably lived at home all his life and now needs to know what failing hard feels like.
AFAIK he has lived in Venezoeloe and Mexico

Transferring credits is not a uniquely Californian thing in the slightest

L.A. sucks so much money out of you and VAs get paid absolute dogshit. The VAs with decades of experience that actually do make enough to live get turned down for 99% of their auditions, even with all their connections. If you're in the top 100 voice actors in the entire world and roles just come to you, then you have nothing to worry about sure, but you have to be the absolute best. Yong ain't gunna make it.
But I don't know, maybe his weirdly supportive YouTube audience will keep him afloat with free money.

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Is it smart? No.
Nobody who pursues acting is doing it because they think it's a smart, reasonable thing to do. They do it because they can't imagine themselves happy doing anything else with their life. either that or they were born into the industry and have parents also in the industry who basically set them up from birth to be successful

Most actors make their living off commercials. Movie stars and big names are a percentage of a percentage. You shouldn't expect to start your career just auditioning for games/animation, usually you have to work your way up to that kind of thing by knowing the right people and getting in the right rooms.

source: i am a professional voice actor in new york and am friends with several casting directors
This. He'll be fine cause he has a big Youtube channel and his celebrity will get him in some rooms.

I'd also add that it seems like a conflict of interest if he actually was to get hired on as a VA for big games while simultaneously continuing his Youtube channel, which 90 percent of his content is just bringing news to light about scummy AAA practices. Maybe I'm wrong about this but the industry seems really petty as it is and seems like it would have a problem with it.


Neither is him. He is from Venezuela.

average as fuck

>they do it because they can't imagine themselves happy doing anything else with their life
Wrong, 99% of people in acting are trying to get famous, have lived in LA for years and known alot of actors, 1 in 100 of them actually care about the craft

Everyone who bitches about California just wishes they lived here. Look at all the pissy sour grapes any time California gets mentioned on Yea Forums if you think otherwise. Typical contrarian children. The rest of the country is flyover bullshit and you know it.

people don't realise he has fans in the game industry and will be number 2 like mention by this user?

>Pursuing VA
>Moving to LA

Just a disaster waiting to happen, and personally I cant wait for the twitter screencaps to begin.

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I live in California and it fucking sucks

>He'll be fine cause he has a big Youtube channel and his celebrity will get him in some rooms.
You couldn't be more wrong at the moment. There has been a lot of youtubers and streamers that have done this, they usually don't succeed and those are the ones with spotless records.

Instead YongYea is just another hopeful that went balls deep into LA without any real plan.

LA will burn the money out of him.
He won't be able to make as much videos as before because of pursuing voice acting/auditioning out the ass.
More money will drain out because of his lack of content.
He has no connections.
What possible connections he would have, have been burned away because of his constant shit talking of various publishers and developers. He has been blacklisted before and it will be a black mark on him.

Add to the fact he currently has no talent. He desperately needs to take come classes and get a coach before even going to LA.

>Everyone who bitches about California just wishes they lived here.

Jesus christ no, I don't see how anyone can visit LA these days and really think "I wanna live here". That is some serious coping.

go to school (even if you didn't learn anything new you will have connections)
be fit as you can (seriously any kind of acting needs endurance)
and like any other things,
practice. practice. practice.
the only time you should stop talking is when you're asleep or have a dick in your mouth.
socialize the only time

California is a shithole, I have been trying to escape for years

>bing bing rahoo, so rong gay bowser

>criticizes developers out the ass
>criticizes publishers
>has a known history of just reading other people's works
>has been blacklisted
He doesn't have any contacts. If he did, he would have gotten a lot more roles outside of Hunt Down the Freeman.

This pathological behavior only belongs to Californians and New Yorkers. No, people who shit on your shit state don't want to live there. The second amendment is non existent, the first amendment is barely protected, your state income tax and sales tax is fucking ridiculous, the air is the most polluted of any state, the water isn't safe to drink, the highway patrol treat speeders like rapists, you have niggers and honeless everywhere. The only redeeming thing you have is Disneyland and six flags
>Muh beach
Which you aren't allowed to drink or smoke at

most boomer thing I've read all day

>The second amendment is non existent
Literally who cares?

Name 3 things unique to California that make it so retards are so high on your own fart supply that you think 115 degree summers and smog throughout the day constitutes "good weather"

Fuck no. California is a shit hole and I love in Jersey. If anything, I wish I lived in Texas. I would if it wasn't so fucking hot. Probably going to move to Pennsylvania.

>fans in the game industry
Fans of what? Fans of reading other people's articles? Jesus, this reads like something YongYea himself wrote.
People in the industry would cut out the middle man and check out what stuff he is reading from, not the hack that is reading tweets and tripping over his own words.

>user your getting ass fucked and it's bleeding!
>literally who caress?

>guy who made his name known by shitting on big name game devs now wants to work for game devs
Did Rootboxes and Downroadable Content and Farrout 76 break his mind or something? What AAA studio will hire "fuck AAA devs" man to work for them?

I wouldn't want to live in a place right under tectonic plates that could slip at any moment, causing me to fall into the abyss or be buried in rubble. I am not retarded.

This. 80% of America's locally caused problems are from California.15% New York. 3% DC and 2% the rest.

Only obese rednecks in the south give a shit about the 2nd

>Funimation tried to give Vic Mignogna the old Californian #metoo treatment
>the Texas courts told them that in Texas, you need evidence before you #metoo someone
Based Texas.

>Californians actually believe this
>Oregon the third bluest state is unwilling to budge on gun legislation
Californians literally have brain parasites

>Boomers are against CA and NY
>Boomers are pro-1st amendment
>Boomers are against pollution
>Boomers are against niggers
What the fuck? Boomers are why we have all these things fucking up.

I read you post but have no idea what the fuck it even means. Can you rewrite it without memes?

What happened with that Kick Vic stuff anyway? last I heard, the case all started because the guy rudely ate a jellybean or some shit like that

The entire country cares except for you, its why dems get fucked year after year on gun controll, no one wants it but you retards
what a cuck

Even if it's pretty common opinion, just downright saying FUCK KONAMI kind of puts you on a shitlist with publishers.

That and why would they hire someone who just doesn't make their own content? He just reads off of articles, providing minimum input for easy clicks, all videos 10 minutes+.

Casting directors will look up his name and see what he is. Provided they haven't already ignored him because of his pisspoor acting and strange habit of mispronouncing basic words.

the first mistake is thinking voice acting is only video games and anime

Cali is a third world shit hole, its literally hobo central and ridiculous expenses for even the most basic necessities.

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>six flags

Just go to Dallas.

didn't Yongyea get surgery to look more like Kojima?
i hear he's not even Asian

Fuck Konami.
Fuck Bethesda.
Fuck EA.
Etc. etc.

Bethesda said fuck you back and he got blacklisted. Jason Schreier even taunted him by dangling some industry contacts in front of his face from Bethesda, only to remind YongYea that he got blacklisted.

He can't think on his feet, nor can he act, what he can do is cleverly game youtube by reading articles that cover gaming news. He should stick to that, it has been working out.

The only gripe I have with Texas are the snakes and it slowly turning blue because faggot Californians wanna ruin it. You're absolutely right though

My ex-girlfriend lives in LA, she manages to live alone in a studio apartment off an admin job she got straight out of high school and frequently affords to travel. Everyone complains about the cost of living but if she can do it, I'm baffled what factors contribute to that.

I will say that LA is indeed a shithole though, first thing I saw upon visiting was seeing a homeless dude throw up on someone.

Funimation accused Vic of raping 100 women. In a liberal wonderland like California, you can get away with making accusations like that. The problem is, they are in Texas, and the court ordered them to produce 100 rape victims. They tried going "#metoo" and "think of the poor women oppressed by men", but the judge told them to actually get some evidence. They have none and now the person they were attacking is now suing them in turn. Their only rape victim as it turns out has on the receiving end of a goofy joke Vic made.

Vic is suing Monica and Funimation because they went on a defamation campaign against him.

>He'll be fine cause he has a big Youtube channel and his celebrity will get him in some rooms.
That's not how youtube works, or how publishers view him. Money will dry up fast because of LA. Because his real name is tied to his Youtube persona, he is known for going against them. He will not be casted in anything other than fan projects and some indie titles.

That's a great anecdote user. You got crime and poverty statistics you wanna read the class? I don't care if your girlfriend is doing well, it's not worth shit if I'm worried my crackhead neighbor is going to kidnap, rape, and murder my infant daughter

>slowly turning blue because faggot Californians

And the population of Hispanics flooding El Paso currently.

>traffic so bad a 10 minute trip to disneyland takes six hours
>most overpriced state in the country.
>a literal homeless epidemic
>everything being swallowed up by tech megacorps
You can make 6 figures with a comp-sci degree and still live in a cardboard box

California isn't a bad state, but get off your high horse holy moly.

>mention anecdote about cost of living

Cool your fucking jets.

he got too involved with the youtube reactionary community that he forgot that he's dissing companies he would ideally get to work for

even his last videos feel especially manipulative
so bad he actually deleted his video about dissing Rage 2 over stupid shit

For an SEAsian user with little knowledge of America, your description of California literally makes it sound like a Cyberpunk setting.

Didn't he shit on Bethesda AFTER Bethesda sent him a complimentary Farrout 76 special edition too? Or did he buy that himself?

Cali isn't a shithole. LA is.

>source: i am a professional voice actor in new york and am friends with several casting directors
How would one get into voice acting?
Especially how would one do it in NY?
I've been thinking of pursuing voice acting and YongYea's bad choices are making me think about what to do. However I didn't think NY was that good and I live here.

It's like when people say Vegas is a shithole. Vegas isn't a shithole. The strip is.

Cali is a shitholes because even the nicer not LA areas are being fucked rawdog by the retarded state legislature.

people kind of bitched about Cyberpunk 2077 being in California but it really is a good setting for it
it already is a setting where tech is advancing more than any place in the US, but is also one with the highest class dispargy, a place where corporations have all the power, and one disgustingly full of marketing
and transhumanism is kind of related to LGBT stuff

Fuck off LAfag, stop driving 100 on the fucking freeway and aggressively cutting people off.


What's the difference between his videos from earlier to now? How are they especially manipulative? I don't watch his content, more of an observer.

>so bad he actually deleted his video about dissing Rage 2 over stupid shit
He deleted his video? Why exactly?

Again, I don't know much. I really don't want to pollute my youtube recommendations to check this guy out.

people pay that much for his videos
just why?

Oh wow, did he? I didn't know that. That's a really stupid move.

This is absolutely true. If LA was nuked, very little of value would be lost
t. LA native

Not him, and I've never been to L.A, but San Francisco is terrible.

>What's the difference between his videos from earlier to now? How are they especially manipulative? I don't watch his content, more of an observer.
its not so much of a yong issue but a youtuber commentator issue
everyone gets views by being overly negative over things
people hated on Cleanprincegaming for what he does, but its what EVERYONE does

>He deleted his video? Why exactly?
because he realized he was so far in the wrong and also probably because Jason Schrier was demonizing Bethesda over stupid shit

He has such a boring, droning, monotone voice. I couldn't imagine him being any good at it

He actually sounds decent, and has some range

Attached: lumberfoots.jpg (500x500, 33K)

SF is also a shithole if you're not rich as fuck.

The most important thing about acting is connections and PR.
He has shittalked too many people and organizations. He is known throughout the internet for his bottom tier videos that game the algorithm. Deleted a ton of videos and tweets that make him look bad. He has ruined everything before it began.

Second, is acting talent. Which he has none at the moment as shown in I was a voice actor once in the early 2000s, seen a lot of people do similar things just not at such a degree or paper trail thanks to the internet.

>because he realized he was so far in the wrong and also probably because Jason Schrier was demonizing Bethesda over stupid shit
Christ, what was he saying?

he probably has a chance doing commercial work i would assume

True, if you use (((Google))) flights you can find retarded deals, I can go from Houston to San Diego for $105, like nigga there ain't no profit in that wtf are you doing lmao

This, LA should be wiped off the map

With his family

SF is the other shithole. Honestly if you remove those two cities everything else is fine. I live in San Diego and love it.
The politics are batshit insane far left here though, I just accept it.

>Jason Schrier was demonizing Bethesda over stupid shit
Schrieir's butthurt over Bethesda is so god damn fun.
>be friends with Bethesda insiders
>get confidential info from them that's supposed to be secret
>publicly leak it for article clicks

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With that voice? I don't see him getting past auditions. He's just another hopeful that moved to pursue his dream. I've seen so many in Texas here. It's LOADED with people with the same talent of YongYea and never go anywhere.

I love seeing journalists speaking outwardly about how self important they are

Rage 2 said "lol who the fuck are you" to Polygon or some other website
Yong made a video calling this act "childish" and another "WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT ASSHOLES BETHESDA IS AGAIN!!!!" just another one of his videos about attacking Bethesda
if you want to know what a reactionary he is, look at how many videos he's made on the Sonic movie (note this is not yong problem, its a problem with all youtube commentators, but he still does this)

then Jason comes along to bitch about how anti-media Bethesda is, and this puts a lot of thought that sites like Kotaku would purposely lower scores on Bethesda games for not sucking dick

Yongyea realizes his mistake because what a shitstorm he was apart of

So which is a bigger shithole?

California or New York?

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>Going to Cali
>One of the most crime ridden shitholes in the western US
>That insane taxation rate

That's like a surefire way to ask for a career killer

What's so bad about New York?

>in a post-GamerGate world

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>new york
It's mostly just country for miles outside of NYC and half of the island.

They're both shitty but at least New Yorkers have a sense of community. They have that whole WE ARE NEW YORK shit about them. Everyone in California hates eachother

Came here to make sure this was posted.

>if you want to know what a reactionary he is, look at how many videos he's made on the Sonic movie

Oh sweet fucking Christ. Millions of views of him just reading tweets?

Neither does steve blum. If his voice is generic enough for vidya characters then he could still find work.
Tony Jay didn't have range either but did have an amazing fucking voice

Literally Who?

>Live 20 minutes from LA
>Entire life people have told me that I have a great voice and should do radio
>Really interested in getting into voice acting, but I have no experience at all and know that it's an incredibly hard industry to break into and most VAs get paid shit
I still want to try, but I'm not sure where to start

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he learned to game youtube's system

pics doing things to me

The worst part is that he accused an innocent man of being "dangerous" purely because of his last name. Even worse that the man he's talking about has nothing to do with politics, he's a retiree that keeps to himself.

Huh, guess I underestimated the shit he's stirred up. I don't follow him super closely, my awareness of him begins and ends at the fact that he reads other people's vidya news articles and makes relatively popular seventeen minute videos out of it.

When you put it like that, he's screwed.


At least someone else will write a script, so he doesn't repeat himself in every fucking video about the same shit over and over again.

Take classes and meet people. If you're in the LA area, there should be a million.

Start the same way as everyone else, shitty anime dubs.

Same, dude. I'm in AZ but get told all the time from people online and IRL that I have a golden voice. I have absolutely no idea where to start but I know I really enjoy it.

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yongyea and legacykillahd are the worst channels on the entire platform . LAZY content...and yet they prolly make like, what, $500 a day? YIKES

cleanprincegaming and downwardthrust were the same but hated more than them
i don't get it

>Entire life people have told me that I have a great voice and should do radio
hate to tell you bro but that means that they think you are fucking ugly

Probably talking about Rina-Chan and Kirbopher respectively. I heard that the latter was involved in doing some nasty shit. Weird to see old Newgrounds personalities like him and Egoraptor are just plummeting, but that's a discussion for another day.

>stutter typing
Give up now

>Vic is suing Monica and Funimation because they went on a defamation campaign against him.
Good, fuck Jewnimation and those wet turds that dare live in Texas and pile onto false accusations no backborn to defend a friend.

I wish I had developed the idea before them. It's genious.
>Read out articles out loud
>Add some own comments
>Make each video at least 10 minutes
>Make a video each day
>Earn 500 dollar every day
>Don't have to work
>Lots of free time to play games

I have no idea who either of these people are. What sort of nasty shit?

Can they at least act?

not really, if you move to LA you instantly have access to acting jobs

Cucks keep leaving from Cali because it sucks. Which I personally welcome and I cannot wait for you to move over into my area since I make a lot of money from you idiots.


If you remember that one old Mario RPG song animation from 15 years ago Kirbopher did that. I just know that Rina-chan was also the wife of Kirbopher or lover or something, I don't know the details that well cause I don't care TOO much. She should have a Twitter/Tumblr post out there if you bother to look into it.

I was thinking of looking into acting classes. I've seen some voice acting specific classes, but they're so expensive it seems like a scam even if it's from a reputable company
Might try this as well.
Best of luck to you man
Nah, I get told constantly online too. Random people in game ask if I'm streaming and what mic I use. I find it weird how many compliments I get on my mic quality when I'm only using a blue yeti

The best part of this is the content.
>Legendary super saiyan eats a bean and destroys Funimation

Don't worry man, I really don't either. I just see usually the shit storms the spring up and he's usually apart of it. Even to a observer, he has talked negatively about so many people and organizations people won't touch him.

Sounds fine to me. It's a skill you grow

more and more voice acting is turning to having a home studio and literally "phoning it in"

So... no? Can't act? English 2B is awful. Even if she was good, everyone gets overshadowed by 9S' actor.

It's also legal in California to infect someone with HIV

Remember a ton of major english VAs in the business right now got their start during their college years by going out for crappy anime dub roles. Anime and game dubs, especially the cheap ones, have started ignoring unionized actors and going for total unknown VAs as an alternative so it's probably a good time to get in.

Find classes done by casting directors. Look them up and see what they've worked on, if you can. Some of them are definitely scams, but even the non-scam ones won't be cheap, honestly.
Blue Yeti isn't a bad mic at all, it's definitely in the upper percentile of average online game mic quality.

Same to you, friend.

It's not legal, though it has been declassified from a felony to a misdemeanor. Which is still fucking disgusting. The reasoning behind it was so fucking retarded too
>We think people with HIV aren't getting tested so they can avoid being arrested for a felony if they spread it
>So instead of anything rational, we'll just make it less of a big deal to give someone a life changing disease lmao

Based Professor Jiggly

>more garbage JOISEE faggots coming to the greatest state of the union

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I'm Australian, I'd like to visit one day but fuck no I wouldn't live there, or any city, too fucking busy and expensive, no parking and all that shit, I couldn't deal with it
I'm happy here in my normal town

that's only for already established voice actors. if you live in california you can just hop on over to hollywood and get some IMDB credits as a background character to build up your resume.

Because it fucking is. I've driven coast to coast and spent time in those states, and it's really noticeable how bad the American coasts are compared to the heartlands. (Not from the US btw)

Is there a good place to be looking for roles?
Should I just be looking into beginning acting classes, or focus on voice acting specifically? I've gotten emails about voice acting classes from bang zoom, but jesus it's like $300 for a single days class, which is just too much

How is this garbage related to video games

Why is this chink trying to become a voice actor when he sounds like a sperg

ah true but still, you can do free voice credits in indie games as well, since hes already making a comfortable living by reading articles in monotone

>up and coming actor in Alaska is possible
Are you a travel agent? No one would lie about a place Like this for free

Feels like he's trying too hard instead of letting it flow naturally. I wish him luck though, it takes balls to follow your dreams.

isnt straya already buttfuckingly expensive to live in

literally who
are you trying to farm her clicks? i see you visited those links.

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t. state of Jefferson faggot who will ree for eternity

>mention california
>get free (you)s for day's
I floss on this saltiness and plan to mine from it in the future

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Bang Zoom are those guys that do that Adventures in Voice Acting shit right? I know a guy who tried to shill that to me at an >anime convention.
That aside most classes and coaching sessions, Bang Zoom included, will be trying to drill into you how to properly speak naturally and not just simply read off of a script.
While you will feel like you're getting ripped off for what you're paying them and what they're telling you to do, you still need guidance in order to reach a performance level.

If you're looking for Beginner acting classes and are straight up just starting fresh, I would recommend that you look into improv lessons or sessions around your area first.
Learning how to improv and the basics of "yes, and..." will help you tremendously.
After that you can start investing in doing some classes with a better foundation to work with.