What are the best rpgs ever made?

What are the best rpgs ever made?
I want to enjoy a single player video game again, it's been so long.

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Gothic 1&2, Neverwinter Nights, Baulder's Gate 2, Arcanum of Magic Obscura, and Planescape: Torment.

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Dark Souls.

All outdated hipster garbage, don’t listen to this faggot

This was kind of the shit I was looking for. Love me some D&D 3.0 mechanics.
Planecape: Torment was what I had in mind to try but I'm worried by brain doesn't have the attention span for it.

if you like that JRPG shit, accept no substitute
dragon quest is chemo to this cancerous fucked up world

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Planecape: Torment is a fucking visual novel, mate

Consider suicide.

worse, it has gameplay that's just fucking terrible
i loved that game but when my save file got corrupted 75% through i had lost any and all will to restart because the combat as just so awful
thieves are worthless and warriors are LITERALLY just auto attack. mage is the only class that has actual fucking game play and it just boils down to spamming crowd control and damaging spells

only jrpg series I have avidly enjoyed are most of SMT and the PSX-era Final Fantasy titles

Ultima IV

do any games on that list have engaging gameplay and a skippable amount of wordswordswords?

>making bait this obvious

dragon quest is basically the same turn based stuff but it's 2x as long as any FF title and doesn't give a fuck about real life modern politics

you're the hero and you fight the bad guys while meeting interesting people along the way

Gothic 2 NotR

they're old school RPGs
all of their combat sucks and they're all FULL of dialog
play a different genre, fag

I really like crunching numbers in rpgs and the comfy old school aesthetic.
Maybe I should be looking for roguelikes or dungeon crawlers instead.

then try Tales of Mag'Eyal
you can get the base game free on their website

Excuse me, good sir, but have you heard of this underrated indie gem the witcher 3?

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Wizardry 6
Wizardry 7
Wizardry 8
Ultima 7
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands
Gothic 1
Gothic 2



ah yes the rpg where you rp a vampire following a story that is more liniar than a line

Lets be real, it's Skyrim

No game released in the last 15 years came close to those masterpieces


Yea Forums's too cool to admit it though.

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I put hundreds and hundreds of ours into Skyrim but come on, it's not even an rpg.

decades will pass before we see an rpg that is better than Skyrim with proper mods

I believe that the illusion of choice in even the best computer RPGs is sickly and pales in comparison to tabletop RPGs. For that reason, I think abandoning any prospects of narrative agency and focusing in on what makes up 99% of the game, the combat, leads to the best "RPGs". The answer is...

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

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I do miss my rpg group, even if those shitters only played Pathfinder premades.
I prefer strategy and minmaxing builds with lots of options to real time combat though

>strategy and minmaxing builds
I can see why you don't have an RPG group.

I moved cities and haven't looked for a new one.
As a PC I'd minmax in unorthodox ways that made sure I was weaker than most of the party. I hate glory-hogging in combat, breaking 3.PF is not an accomplishment.

Why were you playing D&D if you clearly disliked the shitty combat of it?

Group of friends refused to ever try anything else.
Such is the rpg life.

Learn how to communicate.

did you miss morrowind in the op? it has almost no role playing mechanics.