Say hello to the best R&C game in the whole series

Say hello to the best R&C game in the whole series.

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Hello, Going Commando.

2 is the most overrated

>I have nothing to actually say, but felt like being a contrarian faggots anyways

I'm saying 2 is the most overrated

Nope. 1,2,3,4, all better. PS3 trilogy is ass.

Best of the PS3 games? Yea, but still not better than 2 and the PS4 remake(even if it's story is shit, gameplaywise is the bes ever)

>most overrated
>not the unfinished, unpolished rushed 3.

Being the best Ratchet and Clank game is like being the worst Jake and Daxter game

I'm probably one of the few who doesn't mind the 2016 story. I know people don't like that Ratchet is less of an asshole and more of a generic hero compared to the original, but that 2016 personality is more in line with his later personalities. Ratchet being the kind of stubborn good guy who always wants to help out became his personality after maybe around the 3rd or 4th game. That's more in line with who he is instead of the very early persona where he was just an asshole and didn't want to save the planet.

What I do have a problem with, however, is how the game lazily Frankensteins cutscenes from the movie into the game. The movie was supposed to promote the game, but instead, the game comes across as a movie adaptation as if R&C wasn't a video game series primarily for 15 years. It's like how Sonic Boom game forgets that Sonic was always a video game.

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>When Tony Stark called Rocket "Ratchet" as a nick name

Bout fucking time they acknowledged the resemblance.

deadlock or up your arsenal

3 is my favorite

Actually the most overrated is acit, try replaying it and you'll see how bad it is when compared to the other titles, what it had going for it were the rocket boots sections (the big ones were cut too) and the space exploration that is worse than in 2. Now i think that even ToD is better.

it's the worst R&C of the two I played, those being 1 and CiT

it has the best clank sections I'll give you that

That’s a weird fuckin picture of up your arsenal, faggot.

That's not gladiator though?

and also the worst R&C game, your point?

Deadlock is the best. No contest.

2 is the best, the only weak part is the last boss being too easy

>What I do have a problem with, however, is how the game lazily Frankensteins cutscenes from the movie into the game
this is my exact problem with the 2016 story, that and also the change they did to Quark personality and the forced Nefarius presence that was compeltelly unnecessary.
Oh and fuck the whole space rangers thing, that is a fucking mess and exist only because they had to put more main characters for the movie guest stars to voice acting.

Actually based as all fuck.

Is Ratchet iconic now? Anyone else notice the autism in the YT space regarding this series?

Ratchet is a low key platform icon alongside Kirby and Bomberman

>low key

On Sony Ratchet is definitely the number two series behind Crash like Kirbys with Mario yes

Lmao are you mad
the bosses and OSts are trash and the planets being fractionned into missions kills any feeling of exploration

I really like gladiator

I think Ratchet is about to blow up soon. I can feel it.

Ratchet is more popular than crash though

It may be an unpolished mess that doesn't know what it wants to be but it still is very enjoyable, more than aCiT for sure

Just finished ACIT, it's definitely not the best in the series, but it was still pretty good, probably the last good Ratchet and Clank game imo, unless into the nexus was actually really good. I only remember the other two co op games being kinda lame

>OSts are trash
Stopped reading there. Call me back when nuRatchet reaches this amount unadulterated ludo again.

>is very enjoyable, more than aCiT for sure
Yea sure, i love playing multiplaye maps disguised as a single palyer campain with an ugly UI.
Both Gladiator and all the Ps3 gfames are better than 3.


Still far from the peak from R1-3

Ratchet and Clank is about the closest thing to a console Mascot on the PS2. Probably beaten by Kratos though.

Not really iconic but you should definitely recognize him as a sony mascot.

Still not trash as you said.

The PS3-4 games have trash OST, not Deadlock.


Acit is really the same but worse, the entire game consists on mini-arenas like 3 but with nearly zero platforming, the story is bad, the spaceship sections sucks and the music too, my gripe with 3 is like you said that uses too many times multiplayer maps using them as arenas but at least it still has an enjoyable story, good music and the platforming there. Not to mention that aCiT's extreme difficulty is just the default of the other games.

Yes, and forgettable.

>also the change they did to Quark personality a
But Qwark is the best part of that movie and basically carries the whole thing on his back.

Qwark stopped being a bad guy after the second game, anyway.

At least ACiT had grind boots.

How is the PS3 collection? Should I just emulate the trilogy?

I forgot they were removed in 3 but c'mon, the grind sections in acit may as well not be there for how easy and short they are

get some taste you retard

ps3 collection holds up. some minor graphical glitches and the game being played in fullscreen rather than widescreen, but exactly how you remember it from the ps2.
t. no-life who platnum'd all 3

The PS3 trilogy is kinda crappy if you're autistic. Like, in 1, the oxygen and morph bar doesn't fully disappear because of the widescreen hack. And in 3, Ratchet's helmet is fucking weird. I also experienced some shit long load times in 2 and 3 on my pirated copy but managed to fix them by transferring the game to the HDD.
The deadlocked port however, is fucking broken.

David Bergeaud has composed for a R&C game in over ten years. I don't have a reaction image for this feel.

I've been waiting years for this.
Soon the floodgates shall open.
Or probably not because the soft reboot for Ratchet was liquid shit and the movie bombed, so they'll probably just say nobody has interest in these kinda games and bury it.
I mean the third game in the PS3 series was like a rushed out half game, Insomniac clearly doesn't care about the franchise anymore.

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PS3 collection is perfectly good enough. It's pretty much perfect except for some minor graphical and UI bugs. I remember 2 had a kind of buggy pause screen (it's been a while and I don't remember why it was buggy, but that's like the only bug I remember from the entire trilogy) Apparently the Vita ports are good too but with considerably more graphical bugs.

Deadlocked is fucking busted though, don't buy the HD version.

Also I'm pretty sure all the PS2 games emulate extremely poorly because of how inefficiently the games were coded.

Insomniac has a shirt that references the easter egg. Wonder how long until the MCU begins taking pieces from the 'Gamerverse'

It's fine, for the most part. There's some minor issues, but nothing like Sly HD's Mz. Ruby fight, or the Deadlocked port.

Still, 3 had many things removed from the previous games that were reintroduced in the PS3 games, while also drop the pointless multiplayer mode and gain in exchange good polishing.

Fuck it then. I'll go for the collection. Have you guys played the Sly PS3 collection? I heard that was also kinda glitchy

You first.

>The deadlocked port however, is fucking broken.
how? i was looking forward to it.

Here's what the average Deadlocked cutscene looks like

Attached: Deadlocked cutscene.jpg (1243x665, 85K)

only played sly 1 and 2 from the collection tbhh but similar situation with the R&C collection with just some minor graphical bugs.

Well the Mz.Ruby fight is fucked in the hd collection, but other than that yeah it's fine.

But is the only part that the people care, the gamepaly, working?

Slowdowns, glitches and broken cutscenes
The game is so broken that I actually managed to unlock all planets in my second playthrough after completing some random mission

...Why is this giving me a boner?

I hate how so many of the best PS2 games got shitty souless ports on PS3.

At least you don't want to play the jak ports...

>R&C will never again get soundtracks on the level of the originals
>We'll be stuck with shitty orchestral pieces for the rest of time

Jak and Daxter on PS3 a near perfect ports, you pleb. PS4 Jak are the shitty, ass backwards ports.

>You'll never get fucked by Captain Qwark

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Get out

>We'll be stuck with shitty orchestral pieces for the rest of time
This is the bane of 90% of the PS3 and onward AAA games...

>t. someone so insecure with his own faggotry, it triggers him to see other people embrace theirs

Wait, how could the ports get worse from ps3 to 4?

PS3 ports are lazy remasters
PS4 ports are lazy emulations

Good. It's also the best, despite what shitposters may think.

They just are, don't ask. PS3 Jak runs in 1080p 60FPS throughout all the games. No graphical fuck ups, or glitches.

You are just being an attention seeking faggot as always.

still think the original ps2 game is best, but that's a close second.

>PS3 ports are lazy remasters
I'll take the Jak and Daxter Collection over those shitty PS2 emulations.

>as always
Your internal hatred for yourself manifesting into external anger, user?

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Absolutely. 60fps and plays beautifully