Let me out of the cage.
Let me out of the cage
>mudslime comes to your country
>he is hurt
>you feed him and tend to his wounds
>he kills you and your whole family
Nah fuck off you can starve in there you shitskin cunt
Please be patient he has autism
Despite all my rage I'm still stuck in Dragon Age
Did you even play the game? He specifically wants to STAY in the cage.
anyone who let him out is a fucking shit
Sorry my party is reserved for Leliana and my dog NIGGER
>save his life by letting him out
>he questions every decision you make
>is flat out ready to kill you for trying to find ash that can literally cure anything
>jump through hops to find the sword he lost (that lead to him sperging out and killing a family)
>he finally calls you a friend
>rock man joins the party
>him and rock man have one conversation
>he instantly calls him a friend
>rock man
you fucked up twice in a row, tom
>be polite to a child
>sten disapproves
>murder an innocent women
>sten approves
How did I mess it up the second time?
Shale was female.
>(OP) (OP)
I'll have you know that Rock Women is the best party member and any one would be happy to call her a friend. Unless you are a bird.
>rock man
Shit I didn't catch that part.
im feeling just fine
Hello no, you NIGGER
>rock woman with a man face and a fat ass
>a genderless rock face with two glowing stones for eyes is a man face
>disapproves your path
but he didn't ask to be let out, he was fine getting killed by the horde for his crimes.