

Attached: Reize.png (1327x762, 1.44M)


Does it have a dick? say yes

More like no wayze fag!

What game is this

so how did this turbo autist manage to get that much money to put his OC in everything?

Regalia of Kings and Monarchs

God bless this autist

I like the creator of this guy is so infamous that Kickstarters with a "put your OC in the game" patron reward will specifically mention that they won't accept Reize so they don't have to deal with his shit

Please post examples, that's hilarious.

Haven't gotten around to playing this yet but this chick is hot af

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bet my ass you're making that shit up.

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Is it true that the creator ERPs his OC getting buttfucked by dickgirls?

Hey i know that game

Oh shit, this game has got BASED Reize?

to be fair, the only place I heard about that was from Yea Forums. I remember there being a screenshot but I have no clue how to google it

How fucking rich is this guy that he can insert his donut steel is most a shitton of indie games?

All of them are great. Even the Afro niggress.

Is there porn of this dude? I need to know.

i know he ERPs at the very least. i remember one user talking about this time his OC got raped in a roleplay and how he tried to pretend he wanted it so he could come out on top.

He looks like a genderbent Yuffie

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Don't ever play indie games kids, they even got shovel knight...
Don't read all of it, just pick any sentence...

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what the fuck

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Read the red bullets, and then choose your fucking adventure, goddammit my EYES

>If you ONLY draw females, you are worthless to me. I will not hire you.
Now it makes me think games should only include female characters just to ruin him

So, whats the deal with the Reize dude?
How does he make the money to put his OC into wverything? Why not just pay a dev to make a game for that thing?

so why don't people just draw Reize getting btfo or something and send this guy into a frenzy?

thank God I never downloaded this crap
I didn't know that faggot was in it

Seems like drawing a tranny to piss someone off you don't like, so not worth it at all

I'm not sure about dickgirls, but he definitely ERPs, I've seen a profile. Sadly now deleted, though.

>Dislikes: Girls(they are icky)
Reize is pretty based guys, I don't know what you're complaining about.

If I remember correctly he just has a shitton of money from his family. He's like one of those rich furries that pay their fursonas way into kickstarters, they don't care about quality or anything like that. They just want their super special creation to be seen by as many people as possible.

>Dislking 2D girls
Reize is pretty cringe

Shovel Knight did that. In a DLC they had Reize actually be friends with his dad, or something.

>tfw Regalia 2 never

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I can only wonder how much money he gave to make reize the most important plot point of Specter Knight's campaign

Im pretty sure hes been making his own RPG maker game for a long time.
I think people have, which triggered the shit out of him. It'd be funny to draw but I'd rather draw shit that makes me money.

did we ever find out how he got so much money for all those different kickstarter games?

how old is regalia?
the game just came out on ps4

Good answers, think you're on to something.
I guess I was being a little immature.

How much money does this guy even have?
How does he keep doing it?

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What weirds me out the most about this guy is that the design isn't even that offensive, these types usually have way more obnoxious designs

Oh he fucking hated it, he didn't pay a dime.
They gave his special oc a dad and backstory.

>black sclera

>can't swim

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Yuffie is a dickass thief. Reize is a self-insert fantasy from some autist who keeps buying his way into games. Slight difference.

The way he phrases this makes it sound like he actually expects artists to beg him to draw his shitty OC. I'm sure all those cheesecake artists are heartbroken.

Knowing about this guy really decreased my enjoyment of Spectre of Torment.

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Dick status: MUH

One may think making your oc an important part of the plot would be great... well i guess autism does those thing to people.

If you ever read the his list in this thread, you'll see that is a control freak, on top of being terminally autistic.

Knowing how butthurt he got about it made it better for me, personally.

Wasn't his dad a doctor in Worst Korea?

>four porn images
>two have his boomerang stuck up his ass
>one is him as a girl getting double-teamed by futas
>one is getting fisted
>all four are poorly drawn

wait a fucking minute, they gave him the spotlight in a kickass story and fucker GOT PISSED?

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We need to commission the Man of Shad.

Reminder that Specter of Torment basically flipped the dude off by making his perfect little OC corrupted into evil AND making a father for him to tie into Specter Knight's backstory. They could've only mocked him more by giving Reize a genderbend potion


I heard this guy was in serious debt a few months ago. Can someone confirm this or was that just a pile of shit?
Please, I need my lolcow fix.

Kiwifarms ain't got shit in him, i doubt /cow/ has something

He got the spotlight, but read how he likes his OC portrayed and look at what Specter of Torment did.
Of course he was pissed.


I geuinely prefer cancer like So Sorry or that furry mafia that killed the kaiju game over constant Reize in every goddamn indie game on the market

I dunno knowing about his autism over it made watching that little faggot get BTFO and just generally jerked around a lot more enjoyable

He didn't, he's drowning in debt.

Post rule 63 Reize

The absolute madmen did the exact opposite of his instructions on how to portray his OC, bless their hearts.

I think you're referring to the edit that says abolutely no reize or other professional comissioner

2d boys prefer 1d girls, it's just better in every way.

I heard he actually was OK with it despite it clearly not following the instructions. But I mean, it's still good they didn't let him reign them in.

Well, in the end the whole creative control of the character's backstory falls on Yatch Club, he has absolutely no control over it other than just providing the design and name of the character. Personally, I didn't feel Reize as intrusive in SoS other than turning him into the final boss (he gets his ass handed to him as soon as he appears), it at least worked nicely to give Spectre Knight a reason to stay with the Enchantress.

2 years old

He has a massive, autistic list of things you are and are not allowed to do when depicting him in any way.
Chief among those are him using ANY weapon outside of a boomerang, having him be a villain, giving him a backstory or showing his backstory and NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER show his father in any way.
Specter of Torment breaks all those rules because Yacht Club wasn't aware and didn't give a shit regardless.
He was furious because Shovel Knight is the most well known depiction of his character.

>He was furious because Shovel Knight is the most well known depiction of his character.

what did they do?

How do you turn a straight line into a girl?

>no porn

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Shovel Knight actually attempted to have him make sense within the story. Of course he was pissed because he gets off on being le out of place anime oc

I've heard he's actually a balding manlet black weeaboo.

>walls of text
>can be summed up in 3 words
>genric shounen protag

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Those fucking edgy sonic oc parodies have more personality than that trash

>If you ONLY draw females, you are worthless to me. I will not hire you.
That's almost kind of based to be fair, if you ignore literally everything else

>Voice Actor: JP: Mitsuki Saiga / US: Anthony Del Rio

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>hates girls with a burning passion
>wants a girl to voice him

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Is it good?

All of them

She's a big girl. Can you recruit her? Is she any good?

Nah, if you're autistic enough to do what he does, then that comes with MASSIVE control freak issues as well. Autists notoriously dislike change. Even something as minor as having the wrong colored socks to wear in the morning will send them into a meltdown. Imagine having this perfect OC that's been written with hundreds of rules and stipulations be used with complete creative freedom by another person. He must have been fuming. I heard he even tried to sue as well.

Anybody have a list of all the games he's in?

Spectre Knight is Reizes father.

Shit, I have money, maybe I should insert some smug blonde twintail loli into every Kickstarter I can find.

Never saw any evidence of this

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You're already begging on the internet there's no highground to stand in.

whats fucked is Ive actually worked with him before and he is actually pretty chill. dude has a bad rap but hes pretty chill.

>that terrible fucking OC who shows up in every single indie game even though he doesn't fit in at all for any of them

Attached: Shovel_Knight_Treasure_Trove.png (1200x1308, 610K)

is this cropped porn? tell me it is.


I love shovel Knight but I agree. He always without exception looks retarded in other games ESPECIALLY road redemption

if you were just below the line to get your game crowdfunded and you had to choose between Reize and a furry with an obvious fetish OC who's money would you take?

Depends if the furry design is actually good. I dont care about implications behind a thing I care if it actually makes sense in my game. A giant green kangaroo wearing a waistcoat does not make sense in a kaiju game, so you remove it, and then the person who it belongs to gets mad and starts a shitstorm, if its just a fucking dragon or something I dont care.

Include the furry whatever, include the fetish, whenever that character is on screen flash the creators first and last name and their billing address and email with a link to their most recent social media account

kek, pretty good.

No, it is K, rightful Switch tan. Do not believe /ctt/ lies.

No he's not, he was the friend of his father who died because of him retrieving the jewel which released the Enchantress so he feels guilty for leaving the kid fatherless.

>After you tell me where I can pay, I will pay immediately. All what I ask is that you give me the paypal e-mail and amount I have to pay.
Sounds good to me

isnt his creator a n*gger

A nagger? Yeah

>adept hunter
>unwilling to take another life
>"navigationally challenged"
>can't swim
What the fuck does he hunt?

>take original the character and turn him into edgy original the character



now THIS is autism

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>can't fuck your sisters
>can't fuck the loli
>can't fuck the hot girls
>can't fuck the hot guys either
>can't fuck the magical suit of armor
>can't fuck anybody

Thanks fuck it's not getting a sequel, you shouldn't make your artstyle appealing if you can't fuck anybody anyway, that should be a fucking crime.

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>when Spectre of Torment retcons him into being a good character by ignoring all of this shit

>muh dating sim
Have sex

Fuck off, Reize.

I am just honest to myself. I see cute girls and I wanna fuck them. I don't see a reason for a man to live denying his innermost desires. I would settle for holding hands as well, if the game wants to keep it that way.

>can't fuck the hot guys either
ur gei

I'm pretty sure the term you're looking for is bisexual.

>flat is justice


and the kicker is he's black

I genuinely don't know who's worse, this faggot or Duncan.

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i'm pretty sure the furry mafia serial rapist is worse

reize is just a cringelord

I don't know why people complain about Reize when literal fetish fuckers insert their personas in other games like Duncan or the Skullgirls guy.

post it

>Skullgirls guy
What'd he do

Some guy put his inflation OC in the background cameo characters. Apparently he wanted her to be pumping herself up as her idle animation but the devs said no.
>in before dobposting