This is the critically acclaimed "Classic" WoW I've heard about? lol for real?

This is the critically acclaimed "Classic" WoW I've heard about? lol for real?

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Other urls found in this thread:

t. Zoomer

>complaining about graphics of a game released in 2004

>there are people on Yea Forums right now that are younger than wow

That still to this day looks like it was released in the 2000s.

Not really. I've heard good stuff before.

>there are people on Yea Forums
Who you fooling bot?

Let the nostalgia people have their fun for a week until the entire game is beaten and there's nothing left.

Because it was? wtf are you on about

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it was, genius

>playing alliance

Attached: newOrcHD.jpg (295x180, 17K)

>zoomer get into the beta you get not in the beta with a vanilla account

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Our time will come brother

Not everyone wants to hang out in barren deserts and mudhuts

>vanilla moonbrook

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>not playing forsaken

>can't appreciate the wasteland
no wonder alliancebabbies are so soft

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have sex

you can smell the tears a mile a way

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Shut the FUCK up nigger. Did anyone ask you to speak? Do you recall ANYONE here stating "Hmmm, you know I have too many brain cell - I really need to kill them off by listening to the opinion of some big, dirty, unwashed, monkey-faced NIGGER"? No? Then keep your fucking fat-lipped mouth shut you great ape unless your superiors directly address you.

>a horde without elves

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Whats the fastest way to get a wand on a fresh server? I cant level my priest in style without one (Yes I know quivers wont work but its a pain in the ass without a wand and a breeze with one)

iktf, they got us

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Why are you autists so delusional?
People have been playing vanilla/BC private servers for 15 years, your false narrative will never come true

the FOMO for destroying retards who don't know vanilla is absolute pain

based hordechad

its astounding how quickly the horde population went to shit with the inclusion of belfs.

Gotta balance those server populations

Alliance is miles better in vanilla.

Stormwind/Ironforge actually feel like cities. Horde cities feel like they were made during crunch time. The Ally zones generally look better and have more interesting storylines. The nightelves bring a lot of “ancient times” lore to the table. Dwarves are the GOAT race, and humans have the best racials. Gnomes may be gay compared to Trolls, but they’re worth it for the tram alone, and in vanilla NO ONE rolled Troll anyway. The shaman class was a notorious afterthought in vanilla, meanwhile Paladin got a lot of love cause it was Metzen’s favorite.

In vanilla you rolled horde for Barrens chat, and cause Thrall is the man. Also the griffins look way better than the cat things. Everything about the Alliance just felt like it had more effort put into it.

>Vanilla Alliance

Mistakes were made

vanilla horde was chill and you didnt have to group with faggy nelfs.

this is:

No shit that the established faction feels more established, the Horde in vanilla is a collection of scrappy outcasts against the world. If you can't appreciate being an ugly freak with only your bros to rely on, then that's on you, because that feeling bleeds into the playerbase.

Attached: Kargath_Expeditionary_Force_Group.jpg (874x419, 74K)

Thunder Bluff is literally the PEAK of city design, shut your dumbass up.
Also Org is comfy as fuck, and UC is certainly more interesting than darnassus and stormwind.

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What the fuck how can the graphics still looks so fucking good?
Fucking I told them, artstyle > graphics

bloodelfs are actually the most popular race in the game now
out of the 50 fucking new races they have in that game they still made up something like 16% of the population in a recent census posted here while all the original horde races were something around 5% or less, same thing for alliance with humans and night elves too
fuck burning crusade

Horde community is so fucking good, alliance kiddos don't know what they are missing (but i do)

>Paladin got a lot of love cause it was Metzen’s favorite.
>Ret is one of the few specs that is uncomplete

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i really enjoyed tbc, but was it worth the cost?

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>Holy is goat tier for PvP and PvE
>Prot pallies are literally unkillable
Small price to pay, desu.

MMORPGs are shit.
Give me Warcraft IV.

I'm probably gonna play for a week or two max but man I can't wait to do the barrens. Even though I dont really like the barrens it is nostalgic af.

imagine being this much of a (((gaymer)))

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imagine posting facebook frogs

watching sony with his giant fucking whirlwind axe and tusken helm charge into asmons 50 man-lowbie shitter raids and mass fearing with his shouts then executing and thunderstomping them all while hes simultaneously being burned alive/healed to full hp from all the fireballs, dots, hots, and bubbles being thrown on him to stop asmongold from getting his whirlwind axe
im missing out on something special

Attached: 0922fd1f6c7f91aaf5f346afa0ce5ce0.webm (800x420, 1.75M)

>God tier:
>Top Tier:
Thunder Bluff
>Great Tier:
>Mid tier:

back to plebbit

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>projecting this fucking hard

you first

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Reminder that wow improved steadily until halfway through wrath and then only declined in quality. Vanilla was a broken buggy mess and blizzard was still learning wtf to do. Nostalgia will wear off because there is no mystery to vanilla, everything has been minmaxed and theory crafted and you cant go back to the days when everyone was learning and exploring. Your private servers dont matter because they never lived long enough to deal with what happens when everyone is max level and all the content has been cleared and the nostalgia wears off

Imagine playing alliance and playing with faggoy homosexual elfs, jesus alliance trannies always enjoy the gayest shit ever.

>Prot pallies are literally unkillable
and literally useless

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FFXI and City of Heroes looked better and they came out around the same time

>completely fucking irrelevant generic stock /pol/ image
I think we broke him guys

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amazing how in bfa this shit would be unplayable laagy HOW FUCK ARE BFA SERVERS?

I can suck it if you want

Try actually reading past the first sentence in the post you just replied to.

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>because they never lived long enough to deal with what happens when everyone is max level and all the content has been cleared
Yes they do, are you retarded?
Stop telling lies

Your false narrative isn't real

What classes are best for 1v1, 1vX and dps role in raiding and premade BG? In tier list please and why.

>having a dialogue with yourself

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mage all the way
>can gape any class except a good druid which doesn't exist

fuck off, zoomer XD

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horde zones are a rushed after thought
why would you cuck yourself out of the real game?

I'm not a boring faggot who subsists on generic castles and woods

>tfw ecelebs are turning against it for being too hard
I can't wait for Yea Forums to suddenly hate it after months of making threads that went to the full bump limit every time with people being hyped now that their heroes have spoken

This screenshot fucking enrages me. Activate your aspect of the hawk and control aggro with your pet you fucking huntard. Turn your brain back on and stop giving hunter players a bad name. WHY ARE YOU MISSING SO MUCH HEALTH? FUCK.

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>burning crusade
>not s tier
fuck off zoomer

this is a screenshot from the classic demo months back isnt it?

nice I also have my retail box for wow and wow tbc (: good times

>blood elves

Why are zoomers so invested in seeing classic fail. If you love BFA so much then just go play the game.

>over 9 million online
lol lil zoom didnt even play vanilla

>just go play the game

>meanwhile Paladin got a lot of love cause it was Metzen’s favorite.
Paladins literally got ruined in one of the later alphas because Furor was asspained paladins were better tanks that guardians on EQ.

Really? A mass zerg where streamers are getting sucked off by zoomer fanbois is comfy? I feel so old

S tier: TBC
B tier: vanilla
F tier: WotLK

Poor b8, zoomer.

>vanilla wow returns
>streamers hit max lvl and basically only play the game like a shitty endless fortnite clone

Undercity has the best layout for sheer convenience out of all the vanilla cities imo

who gives a shit munchkin

>introduced flying, welfare epics, and belfs
>S tier
kys my man

You'll never get it, zoomer shitter, give up on your pointless life

>welfare epics
Yeah that fire resist gear was so fucking good right

Imagine playing with uncivilised niggers
Orcs are niggers
Trolls are jamaican niggers
Taurens are furry niggers
Undeads are meth addict niggers while nothing you wear will look good on you
Enjoy cucking yourself with your barren lands and mud huts while staring at an orange screen

This is so much better than the Warfront in Arath Highlands, go BFA sucks

humans have actual niggers

But its optional unlike with the horde races when you pick a horde race you automatically became a nigger no matter how you customize it

absolutely plebian

now this right here is based

Attached: 36.png (1920x1080, 3.33M)

Only plebs can't appreciate the Horde
Enjoy your normalfaggotry

still better than elves

>be a cool fantasy monster race
>be a human, a short bearded human, an even shorter human, or a long-eared human

Ironforge and Undercity have the same circular layout and are 2 tiers apart, what did he mean by this?

>mop not in B tier

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I've never thought about it but where do different human skin tones originate from. In the real world race being a thing occured because of geographic isolation but this doesn't seem to really be an issue for humans in Azeroth. You would think that over millenia of cohabitation and intermingling that significant skin pigmentation differences would eventually cease to exist.

>rolled troll shaman during vanilla
Trolls were the coolest!
The coolest!
Also, I thought that the shaman would eventually have the Witch doctor's spells.
Also, only fags played nelf - unless they were a druid or something.

Undercity is filled with gay green forsaken aids, shit layout of npcs, is a chore to get around

Ironforge is comfy with lots of points of interests deeprun tram,explorers hall, cool ass anvil in the middle, shitton of houses to visit, easy to get in-out i sure i missed some of the cool stuffs that ironforge can provide

Stop being such a bigot.

Attached: 19.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

>>be a cool fantasy monster race
a nigger

>he thinks race is only skin color

Humans in Azeroth are still mostly segregated by their regional nations. You just can't tell in WoW because the world is shrunk down to about 1/1000 of the size it should be and most of the "nations" consist of a single small town with two quest givers and a vendor.


>One WoW token has been added to your account

Azeroth is much bigger than the game world portrays it.
It takes a full day of gryphon flight to cross from southshore to wetlands.
It takes roughly a minute in-game.
I think somebody bullshitted some calculations once and figured azeroth was roughly the size of Mars or Titan

>over 9 million.
i still have my pre order slip from oct 2003

Well it's the most easily identifiable signifier of race. Racism doesn't seem to exist when it comes to white humans vs black humans or w/e in Azeroth so it would be fair to assume that interracial relationships are totally normal. In that case there should be no explanation as to how different human races exist for humans in Azeroth.

>Pre ordering games

>a blizzard shill would say anything bad about modern wow

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All vanilla epics outside of AQ40 and Naxx were welfare epics

>Streamers and their friends get priority in the classic beta to hype up the game
Tell me I’m wrong

Welfare epics aren’t a bad thing ONLY if you need to bust your ass questing for them

Right but from what we know Stormwind and Lorderon were primarily white. Where do black humans originate from? What area of the world were they geographically seperated from other humans for them to have become black.

you still had to apply yourself to obtain them in vanilla. you have to do fuck all to get epics in BC onwards

Humans in Azeroth have to deal with other intelligent species. When you are comparing a white human and a black human to a troll that is nine feet tall and has teeth longer than your fingers suddenly skin tone doesn't seem to be a very big difference.

The same thing happens in real life. Local neighboring ethnicities consider each other outsiders until they are faced with ethnicities from entirely different parts of the world.

t. Human Male Paladin

>Muh civic nationalism

Probably something to do with the fact that humans are vrykul fetal alcohol babies, they also have different skin tones

No, you're a boring faggot who auto walks through barren heightmaps

Yes i'm aware of that. My point was that in the absence of any racial tension among humans then it should come to reason that racial differences should have ceased to exist over thousands of years of cohabitation right?

They absolutely did. That doesn't mean everyone who's hyped for classic is a shill. Most of those streamers are, though.

>you log in to classic pumped to relive the good old days
>have fun at first
>slowly remember all the small quality of life features added after Vanilla that are missing
>finally run your first dungeons
>no one in the group actually talks except for when you are getting the group together
>they all have their own Discord friend groups that they talk to instead
>oh well, you continue leveling
>start wondering how some people are doing things significantly better and more efficient than you
>turns out they’re just using addons to make up for aforementioned missing quality of life changes
>finally get to 60
>end game is min-max central and only made worse by e-celeb worship
>turns out you didn’t pick a streamer server so it’s considered “dead”, good luck getting into any consistent raid groups
>you finally get into a raiding guild, turns out all the big names in the guild are psycho trannies
Yeah... home...

Attached: D9808E9D-AC75-4C5D-8257-F8CAD4780FD7.jpg (789x1024, 145K)

>night elf hunter with gun

No wonder you're not having fun

Everyone hyped for classic needs to be wary of blizzard and the activision holding their leash. I appreciate that most are, I only wish I could get through to those who cannot see anything going wrong

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Can't deal with it bros

Classic is just worse wow with less mechanics.

The only difficulty is gear scarcity not player skill.

this kills the allycuck

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The absolute state of gaming when people are excited to play through a 15 year old game again as if the experience is going to be the same. Especially when people are gathering old guildmates and friends, not realizing people's personalities can drastically change over that span of time. A trainwreck full of drama waiting to happen.

>they all have their own Discord friend groups that they talk to instead
This annoys me the most if only because no one has the courtesy to either add you as a friend to their discord or bother trying to coordinate outside of discord

yeah, capitalism kills
imagine if SWTOR innovated instead of making a copy paste template MMO
golden age of MMOs...

Path C should be a divergent path from B cutting straight across the lake

TOR threw me through a loop when I realized it was just WoW with a Star Wars skin. Almost the same binds and everything from sitting to making your character walk

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Farming braindead easy MC for t1 requires objectively twenty times less effort than farming daily hc and weekly kara for TBC welfare epics. Especially since TBC hcs and kara are actually tough when you're undergeared as opposed to MC which is only tough if your tank is level 55.

Anyone have the clip of that one infamous TOR cinematic where the guy gets sedated and the animations are completely awkward?

why tf would you fly to ss and not to chillwind

All I said was you should work for your welfare epics, I consider welfare epics anything gotten outside of raids and heroics/mythic

you can 100% make it to tirisfal at lvl 30 from the WPL flight path

>He doesn’t know

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You can make them with enchanting can't you?

As any good MMORPG should be.

Imagine ever being this wrong about anything

you carrot on a stick motherfucker

Why play an RPG if gear and stats doesn't matter? Might as well just play a shooter or any non-rpg action game.

And Wow took all that from Everquest, so

> 40 vs 80 wpvp
> not a single event of sharding/layering
But...but, it was supposed to be terrible

Based and alliancepilled.

Don't matter how it looks, it was always busywork trash for retarded obsessive-compulsive people and not a real game

warcucks certainly can't

Its literally true. Its why Americans view themselves as white while Nordic people see themselves as Swedish or Norwegian.

>not having fear ward

Attached: 1546585199855.png (1000x1000, 439K)

that boomer that is dickriding tbc and bashing wotlk is still around lol

I hate discord so much

wrath was shit

*resists your stun*

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>wrath was THE shit

maybe but tbc introduced flying, cross faction cities, ally/horde sham/pally, arenas.. You might disagree and like those features, but its all about fun anyway, its a game. Wrath was fun as hell.

dumb wrathbabby can't self-reflect

only ulduar was fun
they even fucked up the dungeons and made heroics easy

Wrath was and is objectively inferior to bc what the hell are you talking about?
Only 1 raid tier content was truly good, and one above average one, the rest sucked, lfg was added, raid lockouts, unballanced DKs and rets, threat got significantly streamlined, I'm sure there a lot of other issues that I'm not remembring. The only thing I think wrath had over bc is that the zones and the general atmosphere, were overall better where bc's zones were mediocre and some completely bad.


psychologically it doesn't always work like that, being similar can actually be worse due to an embarrassment of influence, tutsi/hutu, irish/british, sunni/shiite, various christian flavors, etc

Get level 4
Grind humanoid mobs til you get 3 stacks linen cloth
Make 30x linen bolt
Make brown linen robes
Use dust for bracer enchant to get 10 enchanting
Make wand

Imagine being this gay

Attached: 1501646485136.jpg (600x481, 44K)

Aww, it’s upset.

Well hey, that’s why addons exist :)

>want to roll nelf priest but priestcials are shit

Attached: 1551649823177.jpg (540x729, 124K)

degenerate band of horde attacks peaceful alliance quest group
Horde Scum

>kara and dungeons are actually tough

The first real attempt at recreating the retail vanilla 1x rate experience was Nostalrius in 2015(no, fucking Feenix DOES NOT count) and ALL of them so far Elysium, LH, k2, k3, etc. experience a massive population drop after AQ where it becomes completely infeasible for new players to gear up because you have to go through the previous raid tier to get to the When this happens a Fresh Server(TM) is set up and the last one dies as new people swarm in to the fresh and the old players with geared characters cut their losses and reroll on the fresh. This has happened time and time again, there is literally NO vanilla pserver that has kept a consistent population mc through naxx.

Anyone witness Asmobald getting cucked of out of his axe by the hordechads? Can't wait for the glorious world PvP lads

>tfw you're all comfy leveling and suddenly remember you're playing with a bunch of other manchildren trying to relive their nostalgia and fun from their teenage years

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Yes, and it was glorious. Asmoncuck kept whining endlessly.

Light's hope is averaging 4 - 7k players everyday and Naxx was released just a week or so back

>t bloodelftranny salty about will never play in the true horde

Tried it in 2007ish, probably made it to maybe level 14, never played again. Paid subscriptions weren't something I could manage. (So I played a fair amount of Allods later on) But now that I'm a grown ass man I can't wait to try this again.

Isn’t lights hope chink central though because all other servers range ban them?

Imagine posting facebook frogs

Redpill me on alliance and horde stereotypes. I have only played vanilla through private servers, and every single time I regretted going alliance. Literally all the time, the chill non sperg people all rolled horde and alliance was terrible at absolutely everything
Was it like this back in the day?

Attached: Dwarf_male.jpg (640x853, 113K)

Horde was full of edgy dudebros


its always been this "virgin vs chad" meme where chads play horde and virgin plays alliance

im the alliance player btw

Attached: feels guts man.png (600x727, 488K)

>what is tremor totem

> windfury

Human Male - Either really chill dude (usually a tank) or a annoying faggot who plays alliance because of social obligations
Human Female - Someone who appreciates a good ass or girl (male or female) who is a complete slut for free shit (gold/loot/etc) usually a healer

Dwarf Male - Based
Dwarf Female - Based but rare.

Gnome Male - Based when they're a warrior tank, usually a whiny annoying kid who thinks he knows everything but doesn't. Causes fights for no reason.
Gnome Female - Degenerates, avoid contact at all costs

Night Elf Male - Children looking to be the next legolas Drizzt, plagues alliance with unoriginal names like Legolasx or Drizztx or a derivative thereof.
Night Elf Female - Sluts, all of them

Undead Male - Edgy fucks who rolled class because of PvPer videos, have unoriginal names like roguecraft/vurtnex/drakedoggy/reckfullz/etc.
Undead Female - Based

Troll Male - Based
Troll Female - Based

Orc Male - Boring dudes, but generally know what they're talking about. Tend to be the min/maxers of the horde faction when playing DPS. Always trust the Orc Hunter in your group.
Orc Female - Same as above

Tauren Male - Furfags
Tauren Female - Furfags

it's just hype, a week in this and you will forget about it

You lose all aggro when feared.
The goal is to PREVENT the fear, not remove it.

wowhobbs ... now THAT was a good eceleb *sips*


>Undead Male - Edgy fucks who rolled class because of PvPer videos, have unoriginal names like roguecraft/vurtnex/drakedoggy/reckfullz/etc.
Git shit on noob

no wonder you alliancebetas can't win any battle, you worry more about shitty storylines and "cities" than playing the game

At risk of sounding like a zoomer, Ul'dah is my favorite place in FFXIV, and this looks just as comfy. How's the music in the area?

>tfw you drop a $20 dono bomb for your favorite twitch streamer
is there a better feel bros?

>needs a crutch for raiding

> tfw went prot pally in vanilla
> party had to give me 5secs before doing anything or I couldn’t get agro back
AoE tanking was okay but that’s all I could do

>tauren male hunter with no name puns
>not a literal dad

the battle today proved that alliance players are a bunch of stupid cucks
remember to roll horde

t.never played WoW

easy to spot the seething belfs

Attached: 1418356908013.jpg (500x500, 29K)

This isn't a game for you, zoomer. Go back to your cat girls.

>streamers are ruining Classic
Anyone have the crying wojak with the cap?

my dad plays undead rogue

Alliance= kids who want to play as the pretty and good guys
Horde= kids who want to play as rough but not necessarily evil guys

No its showed that the (((Google))) streamer cults have infiltrated Yea Forums
Fuck off back to twitch chat

cute female trolls

Attached: trolls.jpg (1920x1080, 1.3M)

deep prot is useless, holy with some points in prot can tank better

>not necessarily evil guys

>game released in the early 2000s still looks like an early 2000s game


It was like Small Soldiers, bro.

based retard

Attached: nice.jpg (512x512, 50K)

>orcs and zombies
>not evil

>nelf gun skill 71
It hurts

It's an MMO though. You pay a subscription fee for them to continuously update the game. They should have overhauled the graphics several times over the course of a decade.

Everyone I knew used to shit on Zul'Drak back in the day, but I always thought it was pretty kino. Loved the theme, the color scheme, fucking trolls dancing and worshipping gods everywhere.

>Horde got cucked so hard in retail the only way to save face is to live in vanilla

>an entire faction of literal mutt retards
Blood Elves are literally all you have, imagine being so contrarian you intentionally play hideous races.

Elaborate? Never bothered to play after the Cataclysm expansion fiasco.

i'm rollin alliance after spending whole vanilla on horde, to try something new. Only fear I have that my faction wont be able to pvp and that i'll be stuck on a horribly disbalanced server. But in that case, i wouldent have fun on horde either. BROS please save me and make sure there is a 50%50% balanced pvp server with good players on both factions in EU. Bleeding Hollow was one such server in vanilla in US, that's where I played.

Attached: comfy rapelands.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

imagine liking Blood Elves, holy fucking yikes

>bad posture = hideous
dumb allicuck

All these low poly fucks are hideous, wtf you on about?


>ally players are scared so easily blizzard gave them fear ward
checks out

>hating Mr. T

Attached: 56106116.jpg (453x318, 83K)

Looks great, can't wait

Are you ACTUALLY playing Westfall though?
If you are it should answer your question.
The original Elwynn Forest > Westfall > Redridge > Duskwood quest progression was so much better than what is in the current updated game. None of that references to CSI and Rambo bullshit.
Did they bring back dark nights in Classic?

Mr. T was a night elf you double nigger

He's a dumbfuck, Alliance is a completely dead faction on retail for both pvp and pve, unless he's talking about lore bullshit then he's even worse of a retard because nobody gives a shit about wow lore

Sylvanas is now warchief and going insane with power, to the point where the old orc who should have rightfully been warchief runs to Thrall and begs him to come back.

Among the older players in vanilla you had more hardcore metalheads playing horde and more 9-5 just wanna have fun adults playing alliance

with the youngins in vanilla I'm not sure what to make of the demographics

Does city reputations drop the price of mount skill?
Also, what's the alternative path if I want to avoid the Barrens?

chinks always place alliance, without chinks on classic it will be horde dominated


The undead zones but they are sad and depressing


Attached: the gang.jpg (1024x768, 176K)

Going to the Barrens is a fact of life.

It's okay as long I can avoid the twitch cancerous chat from the barrens, but also the "get 5 raptors head" quest.

Silverpine and Hillsbrad Foothills are 10-30. I think Stonetalon starts at 25 but I don't remember if that was true in Vanilla as well.

>Also, what's the alternative path if I want to avoid the Barrens?

You can try Silverpine if you don't mind getting mauled by roaming elite worgen

The undead leveling path after Tirisfal Glades is to head East down the road past The Bulwark.

that is weird its where I keep my WoW boxes

>no playable goblins
big oof

mixed bag, some like trolls because of wc2/3 and their whole headhunter thing, i'm sure others like that but with wc3 orcs with thrall and such. While NELFs were legolas types. I got lucky that i've played wc2 on my playstation and that started my love of trolls.

Attached: by81yf3z9gn21.jpg (1920x1200, 191K)

That's beautiful.

Tips & another guy with tips got their whirlwind axes while asmon was in sfk ninjaing

I prefer the beefy trolls.

>going to play orc shaman
>wont be able to get comfy in darkshore or duskwood
it hurts bros

watch as people going to start bitching that "why can't it have stuff from the other expansions" after a week

>playable beefcake trolls never
it hurts

Attached: forest troll.jpg (360x599, 46K)

feelsbadman, i felt bait and switched but it is what it is. I've learned to go with the flow mon

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I've wanted to play for a really long time, but haven't went on with it. Should I try it Yea Forums?

go for it
WoW was never very difficult to get into

>asking autists for permission
Why do you want our approval? Go play if you want, retard

>Heard about
>Implying he didn't play it
Lol fucking zoomer

>Evade female Nelf/gnome
>Keep distance whit male nelf especially non healer druids /male gnome
>Wash your back whit male humans
Keep your feet on the ground whit dwarf especially female they already knows how to play the game

>Be carefull whit tauren you may have bad luck and find A furrfagot but they are like the 10% of the tauren players base the rest are good players
>Orc male are pvprs min maxers 40% of the time 30% average people who play wc3 at the time the rest is mixed whit gold farmers and the infamous devilsaur mafia
>Female orc are good players especially warrior dont talk about how manly it looks an Female orc
>male undead rogue pvp only warlocks aesthetic as fuck
Expect edgy teenagers
Warriors ar not common thought
Female undead just based

Darkspears are supposed to be slender and hunched to give them a prowling feel but dear god after seeing buff tromls in wc2/3 what a disappointment.
Also throwing class never

I was a youngin, but I had so many friends playing and I couldn't come up with a stereotypical reason why we played what we played.

I started a guild with 4 other friends which we planned together, as trolls. We considered going 5 dwarves, but we went with 5 trolls instead, since that was collective decision it's harder to make something out of it.
Had a lot of other friends on the same server playing horde and alliance as various races/classes. The chaddiest guy was a gymbro who loved playing female characters in video games so he rolled a pink pigtails female gnome mage.

>Darkspears are supposed to be slender
Yeah I don't mind that they're generally more slender. I think it's good that they're not JUST palette swaps.
dem amani tho

Attached: Amani.jpg (550x646, 73K)

>The chaddiest guy was a gymbro who loved playing female characters in video games so he rolled a pink pigtails female gnome mage.
$5 says he's transitioned to a woman

Because sometimes when a game lasts for a very long time, it becomes not so nice to play it anymore, and occasionally people like to ask if it's still worth playing because of this.

There's your (You)

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>belfs on guild loosing their shit on core and gm leaving for classic

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Tbqh gonna miss PVPing as Demon Hunter, being angel of death and reaper of souls. Such an incredibly fun class to play. DKs as well.

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WoW has a better artstyle which makes it superior.

No Blood Elf no care

i liked the layered themes of the zone, at the bottom is completely scourged, a few outcroppings here and there of millitary action,
the middle layer is where it is clear there is a war goin on between the trolls and the undead, and then in the top layer the trolls are just going about their own business. thought that was super fucking cool.

>an unreleased game has already been out too long

diablo II javazon type build was never an option for troll hunters, it hurts bros.

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>alliance starting areas look like shit because it's all brown
>but I love the Barrens
Hordies are as dumb as the niggers they're based on.

I love old Warcraft art.

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Shadowbringers won.

>Horde cities feel like they were made during crunch time.

That fits with the lore though.
Ogrimmar was just a fresh city and had only been built and standing for maybe 5 to 10 years before Warcraft came out? So it was still by and large a shanty town of a city of sorts and each Orcish village in Kalimdor basically a frontier or pioneer village. Like wise Undercity was built largely improvised but with Undead utility in mind because everybody is just squatting in the old kingdom?
And the Island Trolls just arrived here/got shafted because Blizz didn't want to make them their own island starting zone. I will actually chalk up the Trolls lack of stuff to a lack of time/effort.

The only Horde ally that SHOULD have any sort of established Infrastructure or kingdoms is the Tauren: < Yeah, this guy gets it. The Tauren are the original inhabitants of Kalimdor and are just as technologically advanced as Humans- their only hangup is their cultural and religious caveats cowing (lel) them down to specific architectural choices and less-invasive resources.... Still, though, Taurens build those amazing lifts, they built a fucking trump wall blocking Mulgore, they know gun-smithing, and so on.

If anything it's weirder there weren't 'more' Tauren? But Warcraft 3 told us they suffered heavy losses under the Magram Centaur empire, so we may be dealing with post-genocide numbers.

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barrens is one of the comfiest and most iconic zones in the game

>hating a race for existing
>but we're the good guys
alliance logic

Warlock murders them though.

> addon confirmed for classic
the dream is over bros


oof, fistbrawling runemasters, and runes in general was really cool in the rpg books

shame they went for those 9+1+1 rigid classes, and kept giving the classes to more races rather then make more niche classes that were exclusive to races

>and are just as technologically advanced as Humans
seemed so high tech in wc3

>he didn't play TBC
Lil' Zoom, TBC heroics are harder than any content in vanilla.

Still mad to this day.

That game is so shit, it can't even compare to shittiest WoW expansions. It's so fucking slow and casul, art style is so bland and community are all gay RPers.

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UC was a fucking MESS to get lost in
i remember lots of noobs asking where shit was

Its sucks it took Blizzard so long to implement a proper hand-to-hand class.
I always gravitate towards using barehands or fist weapons on the rare off-chance they're viable in a game.

You even need to sheep mobs! And don't get me started on kara.

thats's where my alt will be parked, pic related

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It has better graphics than any switch game

Would you be ok with challenge mode dungeons after naxx? The rewards are tier 3 recolors.

what does it do exactly, why is it a problem?


You must have meant to say that Ironforge is the leak of city design and that Stormwind is comfy as fuck and that Darnasus is more interesting than orgrimar or undercity. We can all agree that Thunder Bluff is shit on a stick. Mud hut nigger with no shoes.

it filters shitters from your dungeons

TB was retarded, the lifts feel way too clean and the structures on top of the bluffs were really meh.
Org was pretty cool except it suffering from Cliffside City Syndrome to save on map space, but that's hardly unique to Orgrimmar, same as Stormwind really.
UC I have no complaints for.

i would want to see a review from 2004 saying the graphics are better than wow's, everquest 2 was wow's competition at the time and you can still find the reviews comparing their graphics

who the fuck wants to play alliance
literal disneyland faggots eating White Castle in their designated faggot White Castle huts in the middle of every zone (complete with some vendors, less quests then horde and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a boat or free transport thrown in) while running away from anything that moves alone only despite rolling for pve racials but actually always 1vNPCing to use them
then porting into their literal disneyland faggot White Castle city called "stormwind" more like fartwind lol blizzard literally took some german shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic faggot feel to the faction of le non monster races br0 check out these SHOES so mundane better name myself something lame like johnny to fit in btw get owned kid totally bubble hearthed out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:

- literal tree shithole with aids and bear feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded mine thing where you fall off into lava and die
- literal faggot White Castle german city







This was obvious to anyone thinking about it and only matters when you're looking for a PuG
If you're not in a comfy guild you're playing classic wrong anyway. :^)

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Imagine giving a shit about an RTS game in 2019.... Oh gods the irony....

post more troll art senpai
that's actually worrying, half the fun is carrying in such an easy game as vanilla. Wotlk became antisocial and autistic with raidgear or some point thing for gear. I stopped caring so i forgot name.

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giga based and ultra redpilled

Seems like a redpilled addon then

>Ranking anything Horde as good
Kill yourself

>Cliffside City Syndrome
I'd really prefer it if you would Piss Off Back To TVtropes or Wherever You Crawled Out Of, fag. only hurts people not willing to put in effort or with no friends

Alliance is miles better in vanilla.

Stormwind/Ironforge actually feel like cities. Horde cities feel like they were made during crunch time. The Ally zones generally look better and have more interesting storylines. The nightelves bring a lot of “ancient times” lore to the table. Dwarves are the GOAT race, and humans have the best racials. Gnomes may be gay compared to Trolls, but they’re worth it for the tram alone, and in vanilla NO ONE rolled Troll anyway. The shaman class was a notorious afterthought in vanilla, meanwhile Paladin got a lot of love cause it was Metzen’s favorite.

In vanilla you rolled horde for Barrens chat, and cause Thrall is the man. Also the griffins look way better than the cat things. Everything about the Alliance just felt like it had more effort put into it.

TB was fun to visit and look at, not fun to live in and be comfy in.

Attached: Brought to you by troll gang.png (1204x768, 1.46M)

dilate your fronthole

Dun Morogh
Loch Modan

tb was my banking/AH city of choice after vanilla

Thanks for the reply. I went and tried it but lvl 4 is a bit hard to kill them at. I tried it again at 6 since you get smite rank 2 then. Managed to get my wand within 2 hours so I will be trying that on classic launch for sure if sharding is done well.

>tfw resubbed for beta invite
I'm blizzard's bitch and I don't even care anymore

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Grow up. No one cares about PvP. It's all about that comfy pve experience. Also wpvp is theft of time players pay for so corpse camping and ganking makes you a nigger by default. It's a crime

More like
>Tauren Male: Druid or someone who really overestimates that 5% Max Health racial
>Tauren Female: Furries

I plan on doing a lot of PvP, but also dipping my toes in some PvE up to early AQ40. I've settled on Horde Hunter, but not sure if I should go with Orc or Troll.

Help me decide, Yea Forums

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nande Koko ni Sensei ga - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.27_[2019.05.13_16.28.46].jpg (1280x720, 96K)


>he never spent all day chilling and fishing at the pond in front of the auction houses

Rogue/Spriests 1v1
Mage 1vX
Mage Raiding/BG

It's superb artwork.

Attached: Troll_Berserker.jpg (625x509, 194K)

>challenge mode giving loot
That’s the problem. If no loot awarded , sounds good

TB loses points for not having an engineering trainer. idc if it's lore friendly, engineering is far and away the best profession and every race/class benefits from it

Do you work at Starbucks?

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yeah, imagine, an era where games were so GOOD and EXCITING that people ordered them YEARS IN ADVANCE!

fuck you lil zoom!

It's a recolor with no stats, purely cosmetic


>Cliffside City Syndrome
I just made that expression up because it is good descriptor for what they are you auto-triggered newfag.

>>tfw resubbed for beta invite
don't work that way, son. people with beta option checked in their account, without an active sub, are still eligible for a beta invite. all you had to do was login and change your account settings to accept classic beta.


Trolls mon. You get to ride a raptor.

we're g-going home, bros?

Layer 5, home.

aight, you got me. I felt outta place since i'm a troll. Another problem I had is that only lowbies would fly by and beg for money. Org was always on edge with raiders coming home and new ones setting off to raids. Org had a comfy war, active feel. Captured Horde spirit perfectly.

Attached: boomshaka tribe of bleeding hollow.png (899x878, 114K)

it literally was?

good bitch knowing your fucking place
now slurp it all up with your asspussy

Who cares about some literal who streamer's opinion?

I don't play blizzcuck games

Yes, and trying to make every phrase imaginable into a thing, and Capitalizing Every Word For Some Pompous Fucking Reason are exactly why I'm telling you to go back.

>i live again

Attached: based guide.jpg (4032x3024, 3.77M)

It's okay I also enjoy running around nagrand.

TB got pretty convenient when they updated the flight path routes sometime after TBC, and added some airship docks there as well.

Why did mods delete that one post in pic related? He was just telling the redditors to fuck off. Hardly a reason to delete something.

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galaxy brain

PVE is boring when its all figured out, pvp is where it's at in classic. What the fuck are you doing bro?

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Wrath of the Lich King should be the best rank. Best. Expansion. Ever.

die in a fire furry faggot

aw shiet, you got an invite? I'm stuck in #3. Please hurry, this hunter is giving me the stinkeye.

0/10 troll

have fun

Cliffside cities are a problem when it makes no sense to build one there.
Stormwind, on the other hand, is next to the sea, a freshwater lake, arable farmlands, and even a mining town.
The only possibly better position would be around Westbrook Garrison but I'm not sure whether the river is freshwater because it goes sea to sea lol.

Let try to explain another way,


>except for sharding, layering, wow token, loot trading, right click report, instant mail
>please daddy blizz shit in my mouf

>wow token
stop making shit up

how is being unkillable useless in warsong gulch

Mists should have been aborted. Fucking panda trash.

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You're gonna get banned for rule 3 (posting anthropomorphic animals)

>loot trading
only in raids

WoW was never good

Some tvtroper fucked your girlfriend or something? I'm sure you'll work it out as long as you don't mind sharing her, it's really the best you could hope for anyway zoomer.


zoom zoom

I know not to stand in it unlike you

Why would it not make sense to build Orgrimmar where it is? It's in a canyon with only three easily defensible entrances, with fresh water access and only 100m from the sea

Still a change.

return to your womb you're not finish yet

I expect it would be to someone who. Writes. One. Word. “Sentences”.

iirc tanks in wsg came later, not vanilla

MoP objectively has the best art, music, and atmosphere of any post LK expansion. Since gameplay has been shit for a decade, that clearly makes it the third best xpac imo

>tfw 18 years old boomer and cant wait to play vanilla again

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It a brand from the light. It won't touch the nigger. Ever seen a black priest or paladin?

it's a worgen, chill

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Mist is easily the best modern day expansion.


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it's a post LK expansion which clearly makes it who gives a shit, what sort of retard still played after that shitshow

What was Warcraft lore before muh "noble savage" retcons of WC3? And even in that game undead were all clearly evil.

Will they balance classes after a while?

Because classes sure as fuck weren't very balanced in 1.12 and some classes were very OP (like rogue), so if they never balance, these classes will stay OP forever and shitty specs will stay shitty forever too.

Reminder that the 'World' of Warcraft was actually interesting and is in fact quite large, but Wow reduced it to a small theme park realm and is now going to retroactively base the old games on this flanderized information.

Like, pic related was at one point canon.

Attached: Map_Of_Warcraft.jpg (3259x4630, 3.39M)

Yes, it was confirmed by Ion and TipsOut. They're seeing how they will balance some specs to make them viable later on.

> the chad mage leading the charge
> vs the virgin warrior hiding behind the troops

Remember this Yea Forums?

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Next to the sea in a few expansions at least.
In vanilla wow I don't think stormwind is a lot better than orgrimmar in that regard, but I suppose there are more justifications for it.

I think it's a shame for Orgrimmar since the first look at it in the wc3 rexxar campaign you have entrances going in all directions making the world around it seem much larger. Instead the greater ashenvale forest is just on the other side of the cliff wall here.
WoW geography is just a bit fucked though.

mop gameplay is way better than vanilla-wotlk too. easily.
only thing not stellar about mop is the dungeons, and dungeons in wow have been meh thanks to TBC anyways.

>Will they balance classes after a while?
user, are you finally starting to understand why classic won't last long? it will be a nice sandbox for a few people, but it doesn't have the legs to go far.

You have 10 seconds to name the absolute worst addition to WoW ever.

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name one better expansion that came post LK you fucking moron

I wasn't making a point either way about Orgrimmar, because I have no idea where they get their food to begin with.
There kind of are farms in Durotar and Barrens but they just give off the image that nothing grows because of drought.

Mulgore seems like a nice place to grow stuff but there are no waterways to Orgrimmar.

vanilla wow isnt even a sandbox.
wow was always an on rails themepark.


now that's home

Attached: WoWMap.png (968x836, 1.57M)


Still have a thing for cowgirls to this day.

>actually uploading furry porn to their fanart page

That was memes.

You're right, I fucked up my reply chains a bit. There was that guy that was bitching about the defias zones and I got him all jumbled up with the other guy.


Honestly the real problem with a few specs is that there's no gear even remotely itemized for them in Vanilla.

Depends how long they hold out on NO CHANGES, or if they'll keep "True Vanilla" servers and then make other servers where they start doing the OSRS approach or some shit.

I bet you're a nostbaby who loved playing on a overpopulated cesspool. Most ''nochanges'' fags didn't even play retail vanilla

>literal reddit meme

remember when they posted vore to their fanart page?

tie between flying mounts and group finder

>not playing Ascension and stealing peoples gear

What is a sandbox anyway?

Can someone elaborate on the hate on Tipsout? The guy seems like a really nice person and is a good content creator, not to mention he knows a lot about the game.

LFG functions without question. Its astonishing how quickly internal server cultures and relations disintegrated in favour of pressing a button, face rolling a dungeon and logging off until tomorrow all without say a word.

a world where you create your own content

Wrath was the best expansion they have ever made. I played since Vanilla and wrath was the best point of the game since Vanilla. TBC sucked dick all the way through. It almost made me give up the game. Thank the gods Wrath came along. If it could have been kept in that spirit retail would still be alive today. Fuck anything other than vanilla and wrath.

It's only indefensible in WoW game constraints as it is now. You have looming heights night elves should realistically be able to siege from where it is situated right now. Park up there, fire down. Those heights aren't defended.

Also it wasn't located there earlier.

Eastern Kingdoms were better than Kalimdor to be honest.
Because you could actually visit locations from Warcraft 3.
Northrend is probably the second best island for the same reason.

Kalimdor was "alright", barrens chat was fun, but ultimately it sucked for the most part.
Southern kalimdor is especially boring, tanaris and silithus specifically. Feels like they were running out of ideas there.

i think every spec except prot paly is easily fixable, blizzard likes to change shit without updating the tooltips anyway, most people wouldn't even notice

Blood elfs

IMO that would be a good approach to the problem.

This is nice.
I mean, I don't know, what do you think about giving Paladins a taunt to make them viable tanks? Make hybrids not have the hybrid tax (which was always stupid desu)? Or at least lessen the tax.

linear dungeon design in tbc laid the framework for every expansion. it truly ruined that pve aspect.
arena also fucked with balance for over a decade.

fuck off tips

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>third nest xpac
Chose the second carefully

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Blizzard was better when they were degenerate like their players
Ice pick nipples as well

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Anyone have that webm of that pally reckbombing the rogue after getting ganked?

EVE is a sandbox, right? What kind of content do you create in EVE?

actually open games where you can influence your environment and arent locked into a specific playstyle.
every game has sandbox elements to a degree but they arent fleshed out in vanilla WoW at all.

I'm ready

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I think Prot would be a lot more workable if Plate with Int existed outside of the tier sets which are firmly geared for Holy Pally only.
And Bear would have been an amazing offtank if there was more gear with Defense skill that they could actually equip.

every fucking streamer is cancer go back to twich and your reddit shitty pagers please

>Southern kalimdor is especially boring, tanaris and silithus specifically. Feels like they were running out of ideas there.
Kalimdor should've just been basically Theramote+Barrens+Durotar+Parts of Ashenvale for wow vanilla.
Expanded those regions to make them bigger. Then add more of kalimdor in future expansions when they had time to work on them, because they were severely out of ideas there.
In eastern kingdoms, especially Lordaeron they had more ideas than they knew what to do with.

legit heretic here

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WoW in general, not the classic.

If only worgen looked like this in game

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He doesn't know a lot of about the game. That's the main problem. He's a total noob. Also he's supposedly a literal paid shill who's been bumping heads with the other "accepted" creators. Also he sperged out and reported another creator to the police for laughing at a meme video that took shots at him. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Also if this is you tips, fuck you.

It's so bad dude. I played told level 17 and couldn't take the instability and gold seller whispers. I ran Deadmines once with a 60 and said fuck it. I'll wait for classic so it's not so fucking janky.

Why does he pretend he played Vanilla? I played the last year of Vanilla and I don't even remember shit about it.

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He's hated because "he made it". From being a total nobody to being the face of Classic and making tons of dosh along the way. It's mostly redditors that hate him.

It's the "timeless" cartoon style.

>Needing strategy guide

Attached: 488.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

Name an MMO.
Runescape became new games when it got graphical overhauls.

top tier shiterature right there

Classic will be dead once the games open. All the casuals will lose interest immediately once it becomes apparent that they can't relive the experience of being in the top 3 guilds. Anyone who doesn't believe that is delusional.

>can't appreciate the wild, untamed landscapes of southern Kalimdor
It's like you lack a sense of excitement

druids don't benefit much from defense since they can't block/parry

numbers on a spreadsheet

Attached: your mom.jpg (1024x768, 112K)


Why would casuals care about being in a top guild or guilds at all?

>I don't like this thing
>therefore nobody will like this thing

If I recall correctly they couldn't even scrounge up enough to become uncrittable, and while they had enough HP to soak a stray crit it made healing them fucking heart attack central.

Not getting time I pay for stolen by some subhuman incel piece of shit Horde player. Wpvp should be removed from the game. Period. Keep that shit in instanced battleground settings where it belongs.

huns died

whole game is basically politics and pvp
recent chinese server drama was pretty entertaining


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Then don't play on a pvp server you brainless zilch

play on a pve server you fucking autist sperg

>i hate this because i'm a faggot, therefore the people who do like wpvp shouldn't be able to enjoy it!111!!

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He's very basic is the best way to put it I think.
Nice sure, but boring.
I'm not sure how best to describe his humor. He's a dork, but he doesn't look like one. So he'll jump on every big meme when it is 3 months out of date. Fame and attention can get to his head, but he wouldn't be able to do much with it.
He wants to be with it, but he don't be.

He doesn't have perfect recall about vanilla, he's played a lot of private servers from what I've heard. People who hate private servers pretend he doesn't play vanilla because he gets things wrong.

Got the whirlwind axe pretty fast, so he's not total garbo.

Curse you WoW, you're partially responsible for the death of WAR and I hope you fail.

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damn well put, just reminded me of desolace and ungoro. based post. I hate desolace so much and it made me depressed, would always avoid it. Took me a while to figure that this emotional response made it so good. OH FUCK FERALAS

Attached: comfy berrens. home.jpg (1024x768, 127K)

please feed the stray troll to make him go away

>tanks with broken gear and complains the game is bugged because he keeps dying

Attached: 1557686711708.png (600x549, 288K)

>hurr durr he didnt play vanilla
Name of classic shill who actually played vanilla. And no, playing on a private server or leveling to 20 in vanilla does not count


Has everything been minmaxed?
Everything that was minmaxed was done on private servers that just approximated numbers and values. A look at the falsely submitted ""bugs"" on the beta alone is proof enough how much private servers got very wrong. The meta that was solved and minmaxed might not even exist on actual classic


I think Asmongold got to the 40s before TBC.

Alexensual I believe did raid pre-bc, but he's not a shill.

I don't think int helps that much. They need +holy damage because it has by far the biggest coefficient to threat.
Unfortunately, raw +holy wasn't a thing in vanilla, and the raw +spell damage/healing is always a much smaller value (and as you said, didn't really exist on plate outside of tier sets).


Soda I believe, and Quissy/Pasta but they're not popular enough to be actual shills.

>not necessarily evil guys

Attached: 98563532.jpg (785x1018, 306K)

What? Wrath was the peak of post-vanilla wow. It beat burning crusade to shit and was better than any expansion since. Cata? Fucked up the entire game. Mists? Fucking pandas. PANDAS. Legion? WoD? BfA? Pure shit through and through. Wrath was fucking based and you can shill against it all you want but we all know I'm right. Should have skipped bc and made wrath earlier. Shouldn't have moved past Wrath ever.

Tipsout is a confirmed vanilla veteran, he even showed is account payment info from back in 2004.

Prot Pallies had two big issues with gear that were fixed in later expansions
>Tanking gear doesn't have Int, and the talent where they get mana back from being healed didn't exist yet, so they run dry before most boss fights would even be over
>No spell damage plate means your threat is shit and you have to rely entirely on a spellpower sword you probably had to ninja from a Mage, and that was never enough
Other than that they're more or less mechanically sound, the gear for them just isn't there.

Mana is a problem imo, no way to gain it back unless you chug pots and even with hypothetical + holy plate I don't think SoR + consec + BoS + HS would cut it on long fights.

thought he started in 2005

They'd need a fuckton of int and mp5 because the mana costs are insane. And spellpower for threat/mana efficiency. And stamina/armor/parry/dodge. And defense. And agi for dodge/crit. And str/AP/crit for threat.

They're just not good. Even if they had the gear they plain don't scale.

nelf or troll, which makes for the more interesting warrior?

Not seeing any sort of counterargument because you know I'm right. You can't argue against my logic and it makes you seethe doesn't it? You know that players are going to realize I'm right and leave your precious PvP servers shut down due to no one wanting to get their hard earned money stolen by a bunch of poopsocking incels with zero life. Kill yourselves.

>even naysayers and streamers that shat on classic are trying it out and instantly falling in love with it and eating their words
But I'm sure that's just nostalgia.

blizzard fucked up hard

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nelf fem

Wrath was indeed the peak of wow.
Cataclysm injured the game
And then MOP killed it

fem gnome

Classic is a huge money maker for streamers, of course they now "love" classic.

Thanks for supporting retail by paying for old content.

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Troll regen is pretty funny when you massively outgear a dungeon

This. Fucking based.

Unless armor and resist values are extremely off (which they very well could be for some mobs and bosses) I'd still wager that Warriors are still top melee DPS while the one mage that gets to ignite roll is top range DPS.

I would honestly prefer that they retune the raids for 1.12 talents and gear, it isn't the vanilla experience if the content isn't as hard as it actually was for the time. Not that MC and BWL were too hard, but I think they'd be face roll easy now.

Kinda disagree, TBC gave them several things they needed
>baseline consec meaning you can spend points elsewhere
>improved divine shield stam bonus and expertise + stam + semi shieldwall
>more mage swords without crit and shit to steal for threat gear
>HS bonus threat and extra charges for being uncritable longer

Blizz will find out when their next expansion fails to even make back it's development budget. Classic will be the only thing to keep wow going. Fuck retailcucks and fuck retail. I'm going home and you can't stop it. Comfy pve server here I come.

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makes me wanna try a meme troll spirit warrior for battlegrounds, but that's way too high effort for a meme build that might not even have a noticeable effect

A lot of classes were really fucking borked early on
You ever look at 1.0-1.4 Hunters?

just like how all the money from pets, boots and mounts goes to retail """"content""""

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they just wont be able to make it hard, pvp is where it's at

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Based user, see you on Layer#4.

>it's popular now so it doesn't count
Every time.

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had me there till the end

>looks awful
>terrible boss mechanics
>some specs unusable

durr we're going home guys. I played WoW from open beta on but you can't seriously think playing a bad MMO from 2005 for nostalgic reasons is a good idea.

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Building spirit absolutely isn't worth it but, from a Healer's perspective, I've definitely noticed it helping with Troll offtanks who aren't always taking damage. Sometimes I wouldn't even bother to throw a Renew out if he was only taking occasional damage.

>Elf faction

Hey, thanks for linking my thread. Here's more pretty.

Attached: 57.png (1920x1080, 3.52M)

Tauren should say
>Tauren Male - Usually has a shitty cow pun

just check that preach licking on blizz asshole after he got banned he wasn't that "happy"

>I've definitely noticed it helping with Troll offtanks who aren't always taking damage. Sometimes I wouldn't even bother to throw a Renew out if he was only taking occasional damage.
That's pretty cool

Ideal scenario is Blizzard taking notes from Classic and introducing some massive overhaul expansion, purging cancerous features like sharding, LFR, titanforging and etc. I would also like a level squish and straight up removal of death content from previous expacs and making a new WHOLE world. Name it WoW Legacy or something and make it last expac before moving on to WoW2.

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what is the rarest race/class combo?

>purging sharding
>when they're adding it to classic because they just love it that much

>Ideal scenario is Blizzard taking notes from Classic
Or other mmo developers taking notes from classic, rather than wow in general.

female dwarf rogue?

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oh look it's one of those threads again

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no (You)

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youre based user. thank you.

fuck wotlk