This single moment in majoras mask is more emotional than every other Zelda combined
This single moment in majoras mask is more emotional than every other Zelda combined
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Too bad none of that is official canon.
Link's Awakening beach scene
Mido and the Zora King sitting alone during the festival in OOT's credits
Most of this I get, but why would you assume he was still alive when he was masked? Why would he be sad and gloomy if he was randomly murdered? Probably committed suicide.
The fact that pretty much everyone important in OoT Link's life is destined to be a sage forever is pretty sad.
That's not the Kafei/Anju quest. They never get a good ending despite what outcome you get, unless you get them back together and stop the moon on the same night.
Zelda getting turned to stone in SS is objectively the saddest Zelda moment
>Too bad none of that is official canon.
they get married during the credits
You first.
>a father is sad because his son died
Wow, so deep. Great writing. Why can't America be more like Japan?
I don't know about you guys but I got pretty emotional hearing all the champions theme combined in the final trial of BOTW. Especially knowing Mipha is fucking dead.
This everyone gets the magic healing song closure except deku butler and his son.
His sons soul was also implanted into link and lunk needed it to save the world
It’s in the fucking game?
How much karma?
Show me the part where "Skullkid forcefully pulls the Deku Buttler Son's mask when they were still alive."
They should add a living Deku Butler's Son to Hyrule Warriors 2.
It would be max fanservice to finally see this character truly alive and Koei can flex their OC addiction to give him an original design and personality
lmao Link killed more deku than that in OoT, why would this one matter?
That's implied by everything else already there you retard.
which emulator should I use to play this game? I don't have much experience with n64 emulation
You IQ is too low to understand Majiras mask
If you're on windows I would unironically recommend using dolphin to play it on virtual console. n64 emulation is shit.
Official canon is that MM was all a dream. I'm assuming by "official canon" he means "not even remotely hinted at in the game and may in fact contradict established information, but it was in the artbook released over a decade after the fact so it's canon"
This, VC is the next best after an actual N64.
>MM was all a dream.
Thats gay as fuck
What implies that he was still alive when his mask was taken? The fact that his father hasn't seen him in a very very long time yet he still looks like a little kid? Genius.
>implying OOT is canon
>implying Breath of the Wild is canon
>implying Skyward Sword is canon
>implying Wind Waker is cannon is canon
>implying Twilight Princess is canon
>implying ALTTP is canon
>implying ALBW is canon
>implying Minish Cap is canon
>implying Adventure of Link is canon
>implying Oracle of Ages is canon
>implying Oracle of seasons is canon
>implying Phantom Hourglass is canon
>implying Spirit Tracks is canon
>implying Zelda 1 is canon
>implying Four Swords is canon
>muh DEEP and SOUL childrens video game from 20 years ago
let go
That was Hyrule Encyclopedia which has a bunch of other retcons and issues like Link from the Oracle games being different from ALTTP/LA when they're meant to be the same person
>Termina is a world created by Skull Kid using the power of Majora's Mask based on his own memories and wishful thinking/imagination (a la Koholint Island), hence the similarities between Hyrule and Termina. The Giants, also created by the mask, are the representations of the spirits that Skull Kid had a deep connection with, but left.
>The dawn of the new day is pretty much a reflection on Skull Kid's mental state when he accepted that people can still be friends even if they are far apart. Since Skull Kid is now happy and the mask is rid of all evil power, the moment Link leaves Termina the land ceases to exist.
>Also, it seems that Skull Kid learned Saria's Song directly from Saria, and the origin of the mask is still not specified (could be from Hyrule, at least not from Termina).
His carcass is still standing grotesquely deformed throughout the game.
Because there is no mask when link is turned into the deku. Which means the soul was somewhere else and dekus body is mangled and sad
The mummy dad moment from the same game? Twilight Princess & Midna?Ocarina of Time's gravedigger?
>The mummy dad moment
Happy ending
>Twilight Princess & Midna
Happy/bittersweet ending
>Ocarina of Time's gravedigger
He literally built a race track just to have fun when he died.
>hurr timelines
The only ones following a coherent timeline of events properly is LoZ 2&1, OOT&WW, OOT&TP and Oracle of Ages/Seasons and even then they have their own stories to tell, most people at nintendo most likely got tired of fans shit and cobbled it together despite every single game being a story of their own like a book adventure.
tl;dr niggers
Nah, everything fit together until TP or debatably WW.
Those are some awfully coincidential hints for being "non-canon".
>Source my ass
Niglets, Hyrule Historia lists MM as an alternate valid world. Hell, even the goddamn booklet
That granny was honestly the creepiest thing in the game. Even her noise when she talks is creepy.
how do you pull all this conjecture out of your asshole with a straight face
WW messed up everything with its timeline split. Like they couldn't make a game within the same timeline.
And "downfall what if" timeline is even more messed up.
Keep seething zoomer
WW could fit after MM as all the prologue states is that "the hero" left Hyrule and was separated from what made him a hero.