Why is the anime artstyle so popular in video games nowadays?

Why is the anime artstyle so popular in video games nowadays?

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why is reposting the same topic over and over on Yea Forums popular these days?

The first time you make a thread Yea Forumsirgins might see it and contribute some insightful discussion but if you make the same thread over and over, the Yea Forumsirgins that have seen the thread previously will ignore it. On the other hand, newfags will shitpost just as much regardless of if a thread has been posted previously. So reposting the same topic is an effective way of filtering out the core Yea Forums posters and bringing down the overall quality of discussion on this board.

because the level of obsession people have with anime is astounding. it makes them think games like Persona 5 are actually good.

Weeab here. Left is better.

>modeled after an white woman
>modeled after a asian woman

Attached: A181C2E9-27C9-43A2-94C2-ADDDE82351E7.jpg (951x1109, 277K)

Gamers and weebs both have terrible tastes

Left is unironically much cuter

i dont get it
manga artstyle boxarts all look the same and look so fucking uninteresting.

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>modeled after asian women
>blonde hair and wide coloured eyes

cartoons and anime girls are all modelled after ayyliens
quit falling prey to xenopropaganda!

meanwhile someone like Lucy Liu has a sharply angled jawline and chin while someone like Miley Cyrus has a rounder softer face. weebs just like underage looking girls more, that's it.

Tay is by far the hottest piece there.

You realize that China, Japan, and Korea all fawn over white female facial features right? I don't know exactly what you're trying to prove by posting a picture in a language you probably can't even read kek

Attached: 1357935972.jpg (258x245, 12K)

>left is looking directly at you and giving a friendly smile
>right is staring blankly with mouth agape, probably suffering from a brain tumor.

One on the left has better tits.

AI spam bots. It's also why you occasionally see the same topic posted later with the first half being the same replies from a previous version of the topic.

>tiny pupil
>giant iris
Does she have a bright flashlight aimed directly at her or some shit?

Left is better. Bigger tits, more confidence, more competent at her job, thicker hair, actually has lips and teeth, eyes are proper proportions, inviting smile.

Most anime art is cringe worthy. Thats not to say there arent a few gems out there.

There are certain people that refuse to play anything that doesn't have anime style graphics or will defend to the death trash tier games because of my animuu art in it.

I guess a prime example of good anime art vs cringe anime art would be those random "then vs now" comparisons people have posted about anime.

Well, a few years ago, Japan was known for producing very complex and advanced RPGs such as RPGs in Final Fantasy (although for a more technical discussion, check out this great article). Most of Japanese video games and TV anime was produced with a high level of artifice which allows gamers to fully connect with the characters in the games by experiencing their feelings and emotions with the game mechanics. And, if you were like me and did not care for that artistic approach, you could get games like Dark Souls without it! But as more and more people start getting into Japanese video games, we start seeing the anime artstyle spread into a lot of other genres.

But why anime as opposed to anime for other games? One reason is because games like Final Fantasy tend to have more story content. And, we usually see those story and art elements in games. Another reason is that the anime is more of a Japanese style anime. Japanese art and animation were developed in Japan and that culture lends a very Japanese flavor to the medium of anime.

I lived in Japan till I was 19 and can tell you that you are wrong.

reminds me of this shitfest

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>China, Japan, and Korea all fawn over white female facial features right
These places are the most racist countries on Earth. Cope harder cumskin.

Attached: https _hypebeast.com_image_2017_08_wonder-woman-comic-sold-nearly-1-million-dollars-1.jpg (800x533, 137K)

Basically shits on any manga picture ever drawn.

It's been standard since the NES days. Because Japan makes the most games.

Anime is a medium, not an art style. There's "anime" which have the ugly realistic western style as well.

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right is cuter
has nice pits

why do chinks draw their cartoon characters with huge eyes and sharp jaws while they are arthropod insectoids with 2D faces and slanty bug eyes

Don't need to imply. It is.


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>Soul vs Soulless

Nice nose

>that creepy uncanny valley face looking directly towards the camera

no shit the anime one looks better

And the non-whites seething, as always.

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that anime art nauseates me so much

All women except Taytay here are ugly, including the drawings.

>why is the only cultural legacy nujapan has all over japanese media

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To understand why anime works, you basically have to understand art. The more you reduce something to it's basics, the more people it appeals to. This is called iconification. This is also why the original 2D Animated Disney movies resonate more with people than hyper realistic 3D models.

Obviously, the principle works in reverse. The reason the girl on the left is less appealing is because she's actually too detailed. She fits into a very specific style. Which yes, there will be people who like it. But the amount of people is going to be very niche. Maybe just a few thousand. The girl on the right, people can project their own idealized details onto. This means it appeals to millions of people, not thousands. This is the irony of cartooning vs realism.

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This is true


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Both of these are peak perfection you shitty bot.

What game is this from?

Asian face here is clearly somewhat rotated and possibly tilted. She's cute but this comparison is slightly skewed

Unfortunately, the west is obsessed with moving away with appealing aesthetics and towards ugly shit because of tons of insecurities. Enjoying something cute is childish. Watching a movie that a child could enjoy, even if it was also made with adults in mind, is childish. Wide appeals are for the weak, you have to show your strength by eating garbage. An idealized woman will make poor ugly fatasses feel bad, we need to show all of the flaws of reality in our designs or it's insensitive.

Asian women don't look like that.


Western games have always had ugly women in them, though.

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I don't think the west, as in the general population, is doing this. The general population is increasingly turning off all this gritty realism and watching anime/cartoons/old movies. It's the establishment media who is trying to force the realism/ugly designs on everyone. In order to keep their monopoly. If anime/animation broke out and got popular in the mass market, it could destroy Hollywood, boring British dramas and Broadway.

This is why Hollywood destroyed the animation market in the west. But they still haven't killed Japan's....yet. They are buying up the distributors and trying to buy up the studios right now though.

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Both are cute. Left is for selling beer while the right ia for selling a bar maiden simulator in a fantasy geemanic pub.

Bideo juegos

Man can't we all just get along. I get can off to Jab-Comix AND hentai. Cant we just agree that titties are titties; that content is content?

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Because anime style is peak cuteness either you like or not. And cuteness sell especially in a market of thirsty men. Simple as that. mpbp tbqh

It's hard to be patrician like us, but somebody has to do it.

Common redditor practice

That's how they look under a foot of makeup and face prosthetics.

Attached: Asian) Magic.gif (261x210, 1.58M)

all comparisons of this dumb stupid meme are skewed, idiot
it is cherrypicking on top of cherrypicking for BOTH sides

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Gee, I wonder why...

Attached: Who could it be.png (452x523, 101K)

>Left is for selling beer while the right ia for selling a bar maiden simulator in a fantasy geemanic pub.
I think right could do both.

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Animefags have no standards and the only requirement for them to enjoy something is "it's anime". Honestly sometimes I'm jealous. It must be really nice to not have to worry about quality, or do any research on something. You can look at a single screenshot and say "Yup, there's an anime girl, I know I'll like this".

Based and bitter truthpilled

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Then why is Kpop industry filled with only Asians?

>Difference is 5-10 degrees, very small
>The line drawn over the anime girl visibly cuts through part of her lip to match the one the weeb wants it to
This image could not grasp at straws any harder.

Weebs have terrible taste in women. Pic related is what your average weeb beats their dick to.

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>Animefags have no standards and the only requirement for them to enjoy something is "it's anime".
Clearly you don't go to Yea Forums. Endless people bitching about how [x] style sucks or [y] show is better or [z] show sucks for being moe.

Wasn't the point of this excercise for the woman to make herself as beautiful as she could on one side of her face and as ugly as she could on the other using make up?
You can clearly see on the left side that she drew black stuff over one of her teeth, and drew in a lot of the black shadowy marks on her face with the most notable being the bag under her eye, and the crease to the side of her nose and mouth.

Because the k stands for korean and those countries are very homogeneous. Also, the main selling point of kpop is self insertion. That's why they're not allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend (at least not visibly) and if they are seen with one, their popularity goes down. Idols are literally designed from the ground up to generate money on the idea of "That could be me".

>comparing a white model with a random asian nobody
Get fucked.

>very small
Not at all. Especially not when viewed from the front.

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You can feel the filters and pound of make up.

>some gook was so asshurt about the original pic that he had to make his one

Soul vs. Soulless.

But the asian girl's noise isn't pointing upwards.

Yeah dude what a huge difference. I get that you need to believe all your waifus are pure asian waifs but seriously this is some of the worst postulating and cherry picking I've seen in a while.

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Left is waayy better.

Why didn't the anime girl based on the asian chick keep the realistic nose while the one based on the white chick did?

>comparing a white model with a random asian nobody
You mean what everyone in these threads does?
Fucking no one posts average girls because the average person is ugly as hell.
And lets not even talk about posting girls without makeup, almost no woman on this planet looks good without makeup.

Because it doesnt fit my narrative like that.

Uncanny valley

>k stands for korean
I'm guessing you're unaware but there's a bunch of Chinese, Japanese and even South East Asians in Kpop.

Anyone who prefers right over left needs to go and stay go

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That doesn't really change anything I said. It does stand for "korean pop" and all the rest of it is true too.

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>play on uneven field
>gets surprised when he gets corrected
Again, get fucked.

>You mean what everyone in these threads does?
Uhh, no. You see Taylor Swift here She's considered to be one of the prettiest singers in Hollywood. Yet look at her jaw. Different beauty ideals.

Attached: りの深い西洋人風.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

I think so.
The point is, they are extremely good at applying make up. Specifically make up that gives the appearance of white features.

Attached: Asian) Make up.jpg (640x429, 33K)

>Yet look at her jaw.
You mean the jaw every caucasian has?

>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>Astolfo/Gerudo Link thread (YOU ARE HERE)
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>E-celeb thread
>Buy my game

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>haha yeah, anime is totally modeled after my white/asian wome-

Attached: ayylmao.jpg (323x640, 67K)

>It does stand for "korean pop"
Sure but all the stars are Asian, not a single white. Be they from China, Japan or even Thailand. That does change a lot because despite them not knowing Korean they get picked to be stars. They never picked a pretty white chick or a pretty white dude living in Korea and knowing the language despite your delusions that they're being worshiped.

Taytay is a masterpiece of god.

I like how pictures such as this act like it's some huge difference, when the two on the ends have almost identical lines.

In fact, you'll find that plenty of japs hate white people and consider them a plague.

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Yes. Asians don't consider Caucasian features cute. Like that image states.

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Creativity and OC died during the normie invasions of the fappening and US elections. It's all just reactions to social media now.

Did you even read the rest? The point is self insertion, how is the >99% of the population that is Asian supposed to self insert as a white girl or guy?

Of course not, normal people are attracted to their own race.
The only people attracted to other races are outcasts who feel like they have been rejected by their own people.
That's why in all racemixing threads you can see racial tension that you don't see in normal waifufag threads.

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>The point is self insertion
You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about.

White people aren't trying to get into KPOP. They might pick some, if they had a large amount of them trying to get in. But white people don't want to jump through all the hoops of learning their language, cultural quirks and acting like a generic KPOP idol. And they don't need to, because a white singer can make it big in Korea just singling western music like country or hip-hop.

Korea and Japan fucking love country music for some reason, filling halls to capacity to hear singers that the US population no longer cares about.

>you betray god

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Yeah, I also remember Avril Lavigne being pretty huge there.
She even spent a few years doing tours around Japan.

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Anime characters look like me!!!

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>White people aren't trying to get into KPOP
Are you nuts?


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>normal people are attracted to their own race.
Glad I'm not normal.

>The only people attracted to other races are outcasts who feel like they have been rejected by their own people.
That's bull. People are just attracted to what they're familiar with. I'm a white guy who grew up with a lot of hispanic and black female friends. And I ended up becoming attracted to that as a result.

There's also plenty of Asian women who find foreign people exciting and exhilarating. They just don't have the option to interact with them, when the only people from that race are tourists.

She doesn't even compare with how huge BTS or Blackpink are in the west.

Male fans self insert into the boyfriend role. This is why if kpop idols are seen with a boyfriend, their popularity goes down and they can be fired. Their whole marketing towards the male audience is "I still have a chance with her".
Female fans self insert into the idol role. This is why you can go to plastic surgery places in south korea and are handed a book of women (many of them idols) and asked "who do you want to look like?"

>Japan says Darkstalkers looks like Disney
>America says Darkstalkers looks like anime

You're article is literally saying the opposite. A KPOP band trying to get into the western market.

>I'm a white guy who grew up with a lot of hispanic and black female friends
And chances are you behave like them.

>There's also plenty of Asian women who find foreign people exciting and exhilarating
And I will always reject them, because there must be something wrong with them to be that obsessed with race.

I will always be disgusted at race fetishists and mock them given the chance.


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Why do Americans feel the need to WEWUZ anime all of a sudden?

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Who the fuck did they base Goku's hair on.

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You faggots baffle me, why choose over another when you can just enjoy two types of flavors?

Attached: momotaroeizo-ymdd-039-chu-chu-chu-marika-and-mia_1539660923.png (640x360, 143K)

the alternative is hideous western gorilla women

Hi, you must be new. Welcome to Yea Forums. You are not allowed to like more than 1 thing here. In fact, you must hate and attack all other things except the 1 thing you have chosen to like.

Because one is better than the other.

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Because in real life they end up doing it with each other and leave me out.

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why is not reporting blatant spam and shitposting on Yea Forums so popular these days?

Middle one on the right column is real uggo but other than that they're all cute

That implies the mods will do anything

Because hotpockets are trying to establish a record of uselessness.
I swear, mods have never been this fucking awful before, they literally only delete porn, and even then sometimes it stays up for hours.

Bottom right looks the most accurate.

>And chances are you behave like them.
No, I don't. What kind of dumb assumption is this?

>And I will always reject them, because there must be something wrong with them to be that obsessed with race.
You're the one who sounds obsessed with race...

>I will always be disgusted at race fetishists and mock them given the chance.
There's nothing wrong with liking certain features of another race. I like Brazilian and Polynesian girls because they tend to be thicker than others. I'm not going to force myself to only date white girls, hoping I meet that one in a million girl who has the dark skin and thick body I like.

>pink hair

Do your part and then bitch about mods.

r9k mode when

>never looks like the anime character no matter how much they try
See as to why.

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That thread got moved to /qa/

Reminder that plastic surgery is extremely common in South Korea and Japan, your based asian waifus are all fake

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>No, I don't. What kind of dumb assumption is this?
Because it's a cultural thing.
Just like how asians born in the US are raging feminists and bimbos.

>You're the one who sounds obsessed with race...
Not really. Advantages of not living in a multicultural shithole.
I have no interest in other races and i'd like for them to not have any interest in me and stay away from my country.

>There's nothing wrong with liking certain features of another race
There's barley any.
Jaws, slanted eyes, skin color.
All the rest vary from one individual to another.
I have no idea what's with people who generalize entire races, but I guess it's just the same thing millennials do of oversimplifying a complicated world.

Nooooooooooo my waifus are pure and as soon as I meet them they will fall in love with me like I have with them!


All women are whores.

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Even more common in America. Especially Hollywood.

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Why are westerners bad at imitating anime artstyle? This is an genuine question, I've seen many Chinese, Korean, and even SEA artists who can do the style fine but almost every time a western artist tries it always looks off

most asian women have square faces too

In South Korea? Yes.
In Japan no.


because it looks better
>(((yuuuge nose)))
>giant lips creepy smile
>man brows
>peak femininity
>very cute

It'd seem like you guys would agree that women are ugly if you weren't afraid of being seen as losing an argument

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>doesn't answer the question
you're not helping

>in America
Exactly, among non-whites.

suck my dick

did they lengthen her neck and lower her collarbones too? wtf

Attached: 1528834835930.jpg (768x576, 62K)

>marry cute plastic waifu
>have ugly daughteru because bad genes

Attached: okay.jpg (245x184, 36K)

>Looking to hollywood as an example of anything except the worst the US has to offer
Aesthetic plastic surgery may be more common in hollywood but is absolutely less common in the average person.

unironically like before more

Remember that asians hate americans.

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what a retarded fucking picture.
The overwhelming majority of white women have very round features.

>Just like how asians born in the US are raging feminists and bimbos.
Not the ones I've met. Maybe you just live in a shitty city like San Fransisco or New York. And in that case, it's not just limited to Asian women.

>Not really. Advantages of not living in a multicultural shithole.
>I have no interest in other races and i'd like for them to not have any interest in me and stay away from my country.
So you're admitting you just have no experience interacting with what you hate. You're just proving you're the racist.

>There's barley any.
>Jaws, slanted eyes, skin color.
Body thickness, dress, hairstyle, personality, height, language. All of these are cultural. We get it, you think foreign cultures are shit. But not all people do. Some guys (and girls) are attracted to foreign things. Especially the Japanese, who can't get enough of foreign products.

>Not the ones I've met
You are lucky, because america is a shithole full of people like that.

>So you're admitting you just have no experience interacting with what you hate.
Why would I interact with what I hate?
I simply avoid it.

>You're just proving you're the racist.
I am racist, I never covered that, i'm disgusted at those who are not.

>Body thickness, personality, height
All of these vary from one individual to another.

>Especially the Japanese, who can't get enough of foreign products.
Well yes, their previous, respectable culture was wiped out 80 years ago and replaced with what it is currently.

Literally every single thread

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She cursed me with yandere fetish by giving me my first boner during "Girlfriend" music video.
I blame her for me considering pic attached as cute instead of creepy.

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Another nuke will fix them

here you go weebs, now FUCKING BUY IT