It's time to admit it

This thing kind of sucks

Attached: nes.jpg (400x362, 13K)

you kind of suck.

It saved the industry after Atari shit the bed

Explain why it sucks

t. american


Why do people actually do this, what the fuck does this actually add to your point or others?

a b&w television kinda sucks too... but when you go back to the era in which it arrived, it was the bees knees. but it's still pretty awesome in present day, so your whole post kinda sucks.

I agree.
The top-loader is vastly superior.

Attached: 1200px-NES-101-Console-Set.jpg (1200x649, 63K)

The hardware was already outdated by the time it started gaining traction in the US, around '88. We still had fun with it.

That thing has Shatterhand and Super Spy Hunter. It can't suck!